Tuesday, July 2, 2024

State open to dialogue over Barotseland


President Banda with new Home Affairs minister Mkhondo Lungu at State House
President Banda with new Home Affairs minister Mkhondo Lungu at State House

MINISTER of Home Affairs Mkhondo Lungu says Government is open to dialogue over the controversy surrounding the Barotseland Agreement of 1964.

And Gallant Youths says the ploy by the Patriotic Front (PF) to use the Mongu fracas as a tool to incite Zambians to be violent is unfair for the people of Western province.

Mr Lungu said those championing the agreement must pursue the matter through dialogue and not anarchy.

He said Government will not tolerate anyone trying to cause chaos over the agreement, which some politicians are trying to use in an attempt to gain popularity in Western province.

“If anyone wants to fight for that (Barotseland Agreement) through dialogue, there is always room for dialogue. But if they want to, they will be arrested,” Mr Lungu said.

He was reacting to a story published in The Post on Saturday in which a former police officer, Maybin Sikwa, vowed to continue fighting for the Barotseland Agreement and urged people not to be intimidated by Government.

Mr Lungu said Government has a responsibility to maintain law and order and will not allow any illegality to threaten national peace and security.

“All those bent on causing trouble will be arrested because we want peace and not confusion,” he said.

Mr Sikwa’s pro-violence innuendos are contrary to the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE)’s position on the BA.

After the January 14, 2011 Mongu fracas, the Barotse Royal Establishment said Western province will remain part of Zambia and saluted President Banda for initiating dialogue on the Barotseland Agreement.

In February, Senior Chief Inyambo Yeta presented a report to Mr Banda on the meeting of the Barotse Royal National Council held to discuss issues and events relating to the BA.

Speaking for the Litunga, Senior Chief Inyambo, who was accompanied by about 15 indunas, said the agreement does not provide for separation or secession of Western Province from the rest of Zambia.

“Barotseland is part of Zambia and that is consonant with the spirit of the Barotseland Agreement. That document does not provide for separation or indeed secession, as has been sensationalised over a period of time,” he said.

The senior chief said the BA is about national integration and unity and that advocating its restoration is not synonymous with secession.

President Banda has since assured the BRE that the government will address the report with the seriousness it deserves.

And Western police division commanding officer Fabian Katiba has dismissed The Post’s story that police in Mongu pushed the family of former treason detainee Mwiya Sihope to refute the newspaper’s earlier report in which the deceased’s son condemned Government for not providing help during the funeral.

Mr Katiba said in a telephone interview from Mongu yesterday that no officer was given such an assignment and that the entire police service is not aware of any attempt to coerce the Sihopes to refute the story.

“I have already spoken to the IG (Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde) and we are not aware of that. Which family was pushed, and which officer did that? I don’t know about that,” Mr Katiba said.

He said Mr Sihope’s burial went well. He also said Maybin Sikwa is not a Mongu police officer as reported in The Post. Mr Sikwa was based in Lusaka before he was arrested over his involvement in the Mongu chaos.

Yesterday, Mr Kabonde said Mr Sikwa is no longer a police officer. He was dismissed from the service as soon as he engaged himself in the fracas over the Barotseland Agreement.

Mr Kabonde said Mr Sikwa was dismissed for breaching the republican Constitution, which every police officer is obliged to protect and uphold.

On inciting westerners, Gallant Youths of Zambia executive secretary Henry Mulenga said the PF was using The Post newspaper to incite violence by repeatedly bringing the Mongu fracas into the media spotlight so that the people of Western Province can react negatively to the authorities and the rest of the country.

Mr Mulenga said in the wake of the Mongu violence, it was incumbent upon all media houses to champion peace and unity.

“The noble profession of journalism should be used wisely to enhance the peace and unity that exists in the country,” he said.

And Mr Mulenga said it was clear that The Post was the official campaign newspaper for the PF.

“President Banda has repeatedly said the Zambian government is at peace with the Western Province and working tirelessly to bring development to the area, but The Post newspaper is the only media which is not seeing that,” he said.

He said in the interest of Zambia’s peace, it was not fair for the PF and The Post newspaper to champion the Mongu fracas to achieve their objective of turning the people of Western Province against Government and ultimately against the Zambian people.

“We as the Gallant Youths feel that The Post newspaper has an insatiable appetite to transform itself into the chief campaign manager for the PF,” he said.

Mr Mulenga said since 2008, The Post had worked tirelessly to create an impression that President Banda did not care for the Zambian people when in fact the President had been initiating development projects across all provinces.

He said the tabloid had used the Mongu fracas to discredit the government so that in the unlikely event that the PF wins this year’s elections, some editors would be given positions.

“We should not publish stories meant to incite violence in a specific section of the country,” he said.

He said the best thing to do in the interest of all peace-loving Zambians is to preach reconciliation and forgiveness so that the country continues to enjoy peace.

“Our humble appeal to the people of Zambia is that we must continue to advance the peace and tranquillity that has made Zambia one of the most admired states in the region.

Development comes about when the mindset changes and people begin to believe that they should work hard and live within the laws of the country.

Information plays a vital role in shaping the values of citizens, so all media organisations and the church should echo President Banda’s message that we should maintain peace and at the same time work hard to develop the country,” he said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. After you kill people without even apologizing and then you say dialogue.Dont take people for granted.I will be disappointed if our brothers and sisters from w/province will accept this inhuman circus.

  2. what is lungu trying to say. He wants to finish our relatives now? You dont win peoples’s votes through such cheap politics. Why diidnt you dialogue in the first instance b4 the Killings.

  3. Just wait for our time to come for you! Make circus while the sun shines ba Mumadia Mweka Daddy. Even that Li 2 nga Munadia Mweka Daddy forgeting ur people. As witnessed by the Kuomboka attendace, the Li 2 nga and all cops represent Mumadia Mweka Daddy! he doesnt represnt Barotseland. Period.

  4. Now we understand why they bought those hearses or manda mandas its because they are expecting to kill all divergent views
    where next?

  5. The Post is merely informing the world about what is happening in Zambia and not campaigning for PF as alleged these MMD cadres. What peace is Mr.Lungu talking about when MMD police officer can shoot and kill people at will and yet Gorge Kunda and MMD defend them.
    The other day police spokes person Siamana accused The Post of lying and said that no one was killed in Mansa,BUT The Post has produced evidence and has shown the bereaved families. Is that what you call campaigning for PF? Learn to be truthful police spokes person.


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