Thursday, March 13, 2025

Last wk/Weekend in Pictures



First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda recently celebrated his 87th birthday. Above, Dr Kaunda cuts his birthday cake during the launch of a book, ‘The Future Has Arrived’, which was written by author Grieve Sibale (right).


Communication and transport Minister Geoffrey Lungwangwa who was the guest of honor at this year's labour day celebrations in Mongu inspects the Civil Servant's on the parade


Civil Servants from different parts of Mongu District march during the Labour Day Celebrations in Mongu


A mangled car after an accident at the Church road and Nasser road traffic lights in Lusaka


An accident at the Church road and nasser road traffic lights in Lusaka


Police officers trying to control Andrew Kamanga supporters who were protesting after the vote of no confidence motion was tossed out of the agenda during the association’s annual general meeting in Kabwe recently


Confusion at the FAZ AGM as police try to restore order


Police officers trying to control Andrew Kamanga supporters who were protesting after the vote of no confidence motion was tossed out of the agenda


Burial of western province police chief Fabian Katiba


The widow of the late western province police chief Fabian Katiba


Indiscriminate selling of alcoholic beverages in public places in Lusaka has continued to be a source of concern for authorities seeking to curb underage beer drinking. Here, vendors sell Tot packs and opaque beer by the roadside on Freedom Way


Vendors selling Tot packs and opaque beer by the roadside on Freedom Way


Banana vendors sleeping along the corridor on Lumumba road in Lusaka


  1. # 4. AJB Vehicle. its from southern province and it seems traffic lights there are non existent. how ironic. # 9 Sad reading about the passing away of Fabian Katiba. MHSRIP

  2. Pic 1-Happy birthday super Ken.Pic 4 & 5,Oh my… i hope there were no heavy casualties in this accident.Pic 6-8 wow all this coz of great Galu awe sure.Pic 11 & 12 naikala ama guys awe chali kale shakers.Gat to try the jilis also…nice pics bane ba LT.It is the real Zed experience.

  3. Very good pictures LT. I aways look forward to seeing your pictures as I remember my country of birth-the beloved and only Zambia! Now I think Enock Percy Kavindele will be the next Vice President; and later President, after Rupiah Bwezani Banda. From the picutres, Lusaka still looks like a shanty compound, could the President please bring santity to Lusaka by: getting rid of illegal structures as he promised through his Land Task Force; building more trading places so that traders don’t have to sleep on the street as they sell their wares; and finally subjecting mayors to be elected by all residents so that towns and cities can be clean!

  4. Of all odds, to see a big lady sleeping on the floor fills my eyes with tears. Suffering in silence.
    It is much harder for our women forks to make a living in a country where there no jobs for them. This is a true testimony of prolonged suffering. These may be mothers. They have been on the move since 4/5 am to get to the source of bananas and later proceed to sell them all with no alternative food. It fulfills the biblical statement: The soul is willing but the body is weak. Even longevity has its end. The sadness of our Africa women/mothers. It’s a pity to see.

    • I agree with you there 100 %. These women really go through alot of hardship just to put a meal on the table or to pay for their kids’ school fees….Its really a sorry sight 

  5. Minister Lungwangwa is obes. Need for these guys to go to the gim. Most of these guys think prosperity is associated with how much flesh one has on his body. Look at obama and sarkozy. But ours like Rupiah, Daka, GBM, and most african leaders, ooh disaster

  6. RB is dancing with a topless teenager in the Post Newspaper front page. Thandi watch out you could be deposed

  7. Sorry even though people talk of alot of building going on in Lusaka from what i see in most of these photos in the papers is nonsence, the civil servants look very poor- it is not fair at all. You need change of leadership.

  8. Yap under age drinking is actually a social problem and i’m wondering why govt has’nt come out forcefully about this issue. that is actually Sad.

  9. That was an emotional week/end.

    pic #1 Happy Birthday KK! May you stay strong and celebrate many, many more.

    pics 4,5 I feel for the victims of that accident. Those traffic lights on Church Rd. have been a spot for many terrible accidents.

    pic 6-8 what a shame to bring politics in the only game that is capable of giving Zambian an honourable place in international sports.

    pics 11-13 what a hard knock life! #13 – that woman probably has a loving husband and kids waiting for her at home but circumstances force her to go out there and spend time on the streets like a destitute. I hope our politicians consider this whenever they talk about “development”.


  10. Pict 11.
    Selling alcoholic beverages without a licence is an offence. So, how cn people be allowed to break the law in broad daylight like this?

  11. Good morning everyone, it is such a pleasure to see a glorious people. Yes we are Africans, we built pyramids, probably even that crazy tower of babel hahaha, we civilized the world; even though some choose to belittle us. It’s ou heritage, it’s our history, we saved baby Jesus, we as a majority serve him even today, oh glorious motherland what more can I say. We to change our behavior with rigtheousness our savior Jehovah shall ever be. Blessed with all the world desires, but one we have more so than others always joyous we!.

  12. Happy birthday Dr. Kaunda though a dictator you helped liberate us from the UK and that atrocious wedding dress the new princess of the little island of England wore. Not till today did I know there was a wedding to make envious WOMEN with no historical espidiency go bonkers. Oh well back to reality, nice to see  Mongu bastling with activities again; beautiful city with waters of the Zambezi looking like an ocean on that beautiful Zambian sand. A mother asleep relaxing so her family has food to eat, just joy to know we still have strong women around. Football football football, gone are the days when it was played with uhhhh!!! feet, it’s all talk now. Blessings my brethren of glorious Zambezi land.

  13. Happy Birthday KK still looking good for your age

    I wish our leaders can actually serve the people that vote them into office instead of just looking after themselves.  That lady sleeping in the corridor is one of the many voters, shame on the politicians. 

  14. Pix 11 & 12. Isnt beer selling supposed to be licensed? I dont think these guys have licences. Those guys at FAZmeeting should have been patrolling the streets and not clamouring for the best Kodak moment withh the press.

  15. The junction of Church Rd and Nasser Rd is a very bad sport. My suggestion to the council is that, they should ban crossing of motor vehicles over Church road and instead turn left and create a trafiic light around the cell z area. The other light on Independence avenue is already in existance. I have not lived in Zambia for the past seven years , maybe , my suggestion has already been taken care of, but that spot is reaaly bad.

  16. Happy birthday Bashi Panji. Many more returns according to God’s wishes. and willingness….

    Tujili jiri nato twanyanya pa Zedi. Who is the manufacturer??? ehhh kachasu,,,, mu street, Cairo road???? ala mwandi…,

  17. Ba L.T. do not be dazed.

    Cutey, Just on vacation for a few days .. hence the flag change..

    will be back to base soon.

  18. Mwebuntu.. pic 13.zambia is a peacefull country kwena!.in south africa the poor woman would have been either raped or robbed.its quite sad to seen how people are strugling in our country.if i had the resourses i would have helped.God bless them

  19. Pic 13: Hopeless situation, our people need a man of action to see the benefits of their abundant natural resources. This is not normal!

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