MISSION Press director Father Miha Drevensek allegedly hijacked the World Press Freedom Awards yesterday after he gave MISA Zambia K5 million to award Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflections executive director Father Pete Henriot and former Change Life Zambia executive director Father Frank Bwalya.
The two priests were awarded the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA)-Zambia Excellence Recognition Awards.
Informed sources said in Lusaka yesterday that Father Miha gave MISA Zambia the money because the organisation failed to raise enough money for the event.
But World Press Freedom Day organising committee chairperson Amos Chanda said he was not aware of the awards presented by MISA Zambia during the Press Freedom Day celebrations until the moment they were presented.
He said MISA wanted to use the celebrations as a platform to award its own people.
“I was not aware of the awards and I only got to learn about them when they were being presented,” Mr Chanda said.
He said MISA Zambia has a relationship with Father Miha and he used the media body to award the two priests.
“It is MISA which has a relationship with FrMiha, so they should know more about the K5 million given to them,” Mr Chanda said.
Mr Chanda said MISA Zambia is better placed to explain why the awards were allegedly hijacked.
Mr Chanda said the organising committee had enough funds to host the celebrations as government provided K20 million through the ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services.
“Government gave us K 20 million and UNICEF gave us US$3,000 to award the deserving journalists, which went to Thomas Nsama from The Post,” Mr Chanda said.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
So? Is daily mail suggesting that the two don’t deserve to be recognised and awarded because they have been critical of rupiah? Who should have been awarded? Times, daily mail or ZNBC reporters? Of course they would if they work hard and professionally so. The nation at large has benefitted from the tireless efforts of Fr Henriot & Fr. Bwalya in championing the causes of the voiceless majority in Zambia. The awards are very well earned
Fr.Bwalya and Miha deserve the award as they ve been outstanding
Source of the story – Daily Mail. It’s a pitty that people are now resolving to always relate Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, ZNBC with the mmd. They have no faith in whatever they say.
We need Mushota to educate us on this one. Not Frightened senior citizen and Ndate whatever….
is there an issue here?
#3. A normal person with 5 senses cannot have faith in Daily mail, Times of MMD, Zambia National Broadcasting for MMD Cadres (ZNBC). Journalists in these media house have lost credibility such that even themselves have no faith in what they write. They are journalists of the belly. They can be compromised by MMD as long as their bellies are full.
Rb and Ndate sicaba boycotd kuomboka. Because the litutunga was Mubwato..
These funds are not from selling ZAMTEL or from Windfall Tax. The Church can do what it wants to do with its funds from its members. Journalists at the Daily mail are busy scratching their asses instead of working on why Zambians are this dirt poor while its leaders have heads with no necks like sharks!!
#6 would like to make us believe that the POST is objective? If that is the case, Chainama maybe the best place for the “DR”!
#9. If you don’t agree to what I have written its fine but I do not deserve the insults. I did not mention the Post in my post. Please lets avoid insults because they will not take us anywhere. God Bless You.
Let Miha go and clean up corruption in Italy. This Catholic nation has expotted many underwold figures. The so called fathers have created many conflicts in different nations. Let us have an eye on them.
This is an allegation , is the aim to tame the man’s reputation? I find it ironic that we are quick at condemning the whites in this country even after a clear minute allegation that cant be proved, has no source and is baseless. What is wrong with you Zambia? . Thanks
This article has upset me. I believe that racism and ethnic prejudice are execrable evils. I think too that I have an absolute responsibility to condemn any malign act perpetrated by xenophobes and to fight institutions which discriminate against people on grounds of their racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds.
Father Miha is being perpetrated to have bribed K5million,Such dereliction, such disregard could now have serious consequences unless people like you shape up.I believe that Truth is not merely what we are thinking, but also why, to whom and under what circumstances we say it. Our entire struggle, its moral and ethical foundation, stands to be discredited because we do not pay the attention we should to white victims of black people like father Miha here in Zambia. Thanks
What is an issue here. Are we that dull sure mwebanthu mwe. Why create mountains out of ant hills. Mushota is right after all; what is wrong with us. daily lies (mail) have run out of stories to please their masters. As at now they are busy cooking stories;just wait and see. I end here!
Did MISA need donations for Awards? If they did, then what is the issue here?
LT and other government mouth pieces, please, find some National building conversation to publish. Not this.
Rubbish awards, viva mobi…………
And who won the award?A post journalist!ha ha ha ha ha.Must have hurt to print that.
Any one watch ZNBC news yesterday?There was MMD’s firebrand and chief enforcer william banda threatening a tujilijili making company because they had a product on the market called “dont kubeba”.ati ni ba PF.Really cracked me up.
I wonder when the ‘vigilante’ era will finally rest. William Banda is realy insane. ZNBC is full of useless chaps at the top. How do you even televise such nonsense?
#13 .
The issue is aboutFr Miha using his money to dictate to the Press association as to who should be given that money/ward.THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT RACE AND COLOUR unless you are scared of seeing and pointing a wrong or evil showing its head.
But # 6 Dr XYZ, you started the insults. You labeled people who have faith in the public media as not being normal. So what did you expect? Everyone to agree with your shallow thinking? As a matter of fact, let me add to insulting you i.e. @#$%^&* The public media is not just about supporting the MMD just like the private media is not just about opposing government
Yiwe Mushota, there’s no racism exibted here. Truth is that these so called fathers have caused a lot of problems everywhere. Yet, they’re silent on corruption and child molestation in their churches.
No. 11 and 20, you are fool
This nonsense isnt even news. LT is being cunfused by MMD
Mushota you have inferiority complex. Whites are also corrupt. I have been in UK for sometime and I have seen corruption cases committed by the same whites you consider to be superior.
Award award no problem with that but the procedure is necessary at any given time. God is a God of orderliness. Next time father communicate your intentions timely. He awarded the clergy in that category, others should learn also. Vote RB I love you my dear president God bless you.
Actually there is nothing wrong in some priest using Sunday Arms collections to help the poor in our society. both Fr Pete heneriot and Fr Bwalya need the money more than any Times, Daily Mail or Post reporter. Miha had to find a way to assist these priests pay for their kids education fees ….after all schools are opening next week. Dint you know this?
#21 you should be ashamed for your insults. You failed to challenge what I wrote and came with insults because you’re a morally blind man following blind deceivers with no regard for truth.
#17 thats hilarious, jilijili called dont kubeba iliko bad. I also intend to open a brand of jilijili but hav problems whether to call it messi messi or osama bin lakata!!!! I shall consult VJ and Kissinger on this.
Koko #23 in zambia corruption is allowed. In uk its not allowed hence those whites in court.
Priests of a church that exhumes some dead body to pray to it. A church where the blood of a dead pope is consdered holy. Members of a church pray to dead human beings and get healed. What message of salvation do these priest preach.
Osama aka ‘Geronimo’, the media has it that you were shot above the eye and in the chest then burried at sea over the last weekend. How true is this? lol.
Whats 5m ZMk? Is this good money to raise the dust around. Kwena pa zed you still make me fail to understand.
Suffice to say we know what these so called priests and fathers most of whom are child molesters caused to Rwanda. They will try to put on sheep’s skin through self sponsored awards but we know what they are inside – blood thirst wolves.
LT is now full of petty news, why telling us who eat the last piece of chicken at the MISA awards? Did any LusakaTimes reporter receive any award by-the-way? Very disappointing LT & Zambia Dailymail.
Why LT never reported President SATA at Oxford university in UK? That was news.
#6, Dr XYZ. All journalists in Zambia are practicing journalism of the belly including the Post ones. They are fighting for their lives because they basically work for an insolvent company that can only be restored by unlawful means through Sata, if he assumes power. That is the game they are playing. All of them are fighting for means of livelihood. They have about K23billion in unremitted taxes to ZRA, as per revelations that you well know. We all know about passenger fees with National Airports which ultimately falls on the Post. You see the desperation Dr XYZ?
Geronimo you are out of touch with the debate! how did you reach your level of education if you can fail to understand the debate!
imwe ba fikala there is nothing wrong in what Father Miha did.
#10 Dr XYZ, you suggested that “A normal person with 5 senses cannot have faith in Daily mail, Times of MMD, Zambia National Broadcasting for MMD Cadres (ZNBC).” your words not ours, is that not also an insult to your colleagues who patronise these media? according to our incoming pf government, they are in the majority, and the majority cannot be insane.
#33 president Sata at Oxford University? oh my God, zambians present had to bury their faces i bet. i mean the president of our pf government doesn’t support education or building of schools here at home.
I gather that the input was worth listening to. One of those who attended said that she has never thought of joining PF but after Satas talk, she might consider doing just that. Oxford is no place for non delivering speakers, and they would not dream of inviting Sata if he had nothing to offer. Just a thought.
*11- Why should Miha go to Italy… Be informed of what you think you’re communicating…. Why should the people get mad on the article which bears in it’s headline “ALLEGEDELY”, then “Informed sources said in Lusaka yesterday that Father Miha gave MISA Zambia the money because the organisation failed to raise enough money for the event.” why affraid of saying that source if it’s the truth that set’s you free?????
aka ka father nyina ichineena ninshi kalwisha ka chi kala
# 40 zo ona uliwansele, is there anything to insult about this baseless article?
So one priest gave some of his money to two other priests… What’s the big deal about that?
#40 Insults will take you know where.Try to be objective at times.Lyonse ni nsele!
“Zambians are this dirt poor while its leaders have heads with no necks like sharks!!” LOL, #8 indeed they have no necks starting from RB himself to Liato, Daka, Lungwangwa, Shawa and many more….back to the topic, I have no issues with Fr Henriot, read his articles and you see he is extremely intelligent and fair minded. Fr Bwalya, mmmmmm, a pinch of salt is needed because of his bias to a political party but double thumbs up for his “Red Card” activism and promotion of free speech.
Learn to get wood out of a tree. MISSION Press director Father Miha Drevensek allegedly hijacked the World Press Freedom Awards yesterday after he gave MISA Zambia K5 million to award Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflections executive director Father Pete Henriot and former Change Life Zambia executive director Father Frank Bwalya. It is clear that Fr. Bwalya and Henriot were identified/chosen/hand picked and awarded by Miha using a wrong platform – MISA Zed. The question is: who received the money from Miha in the name of MISA Zed? Amos doesn’t seem to know the two hands involved. Did MISA consider Fr. Bwalya and Henriot in the category of deserving candidates? Seems not. Hence the dust.
Element of surprise!
our pf government in waiting advises that when hitler was campaigning for power, his supporters were blinded by his popularity. it did not take long before they realised that they had given power to the mother of all criminals, the mother of all sadists on earth but it was too late. so we beg you for your vote, when we get power we will hang everyone who threatens our brand of democracy, starting with the most obvious threat mr mmembe, ask father miha if you do not believe us.
Ba LT, tamwakwata ba reporter or are you a subsidiary of Times and Daily mail,because you as well keep on giving us useless,disgusting no substance news.Ngatwatasha ba post ati iyoo nimwe ba PF,nomba ninshi kabili they report facts not about ulupato.Honestly speaking the two men of God deserved those awards mwalefwaya mupele Mumbi,nangu Chimba or that pimp chap Lifwekelo fwenkufwenku…Congulates Fr.Mihah thats was good initiative,brilliant..marvellous,splendid.
News of Father Miha having funds as prizes for two Catholic Priests merely concirms a revelation broadcast in a documentary this week by Aljazeera to the effect that the Vatican administers secret bank accounts for executing subversive activities in many parts of the world. We wonder as to what professional journalist ethics has Fr. Bwalya displayed in Zambia. This is a clear sample of deception.