Sunday, March 9, 2025

‘We need to scrap failed politicians’


By Bwembya Mutale

Zambians had 10 years of unabated destruction under a matrix of Sata-Nawakwi-Chitala-Sondashi-Chongwe-Mulongoti Groupthink disdained by every Zambian patriot. It is now amusing that the same without apology for their sins are reconstituting themselves into an assembly of revisionism to continue from where Zambians stopped them. Sadly, the PF is emerging as a party of failed and frustrated politicians, who seem to believe that Zambia owes them more for plunder. To borrow from US President Bill Clinton’s most popular question for the sake of debate, ‘Is it ‘the economy, stupid’ Is Zambia to fall on this revisionism?

Maybe this Groupthink believes Zambians have “selective amnesia” to forget so soon years of impunity the same clique perpetuated with passion and callous arrogance against Zambians. And their regrouping is happening at a time when this country is recording unprecedented national development under incumbent President Rupiah Banda who is tenaciously undoing historic social-economic injustice the matrix inflicted.

This is why it will be interesting to hear their scripts on the campaign trail against a pro-development President armed with a record of innumerable gains in the 2 years of his Presidency. A comparative look at the last 2 years to their 10 from the point of overall living standards as measured by GDP per capita at purchasing power parity reveals a challenge for them.

Today’s economic factors indicate that hardworking citizens are on their way to some real economic breakthrough. Though high, there is evidence that the challenges of unemployment and poverty are being fought by a spirited leadership with pro-poor and growth socioeconomic policies. We are seeing price stabilization with incomes levels exponentially improving in the formal and informal sectors across the country. These gains have come with more political freedom and many uninhibited liberating force of modern communications tools democracy brings.

On this premise, many Zambian don’t know where this insinuation that Derrick Chitala could be a political factor and potential nightmare against MMD is coming from. It is simply evidence of incompetent political Groupthink. Some of us that know Chitala at a personal level laugh on reading this off balance view.

A factor in what way, and where? In all appointments Chitala was fired 100 percent on basis of his own natural incompetency, laziness and borderline disconnection with reality. At state house and Finance as deputy minister, his assignments were ever 6 months behind and incomplete until fired a fact the likes of Hon Muteteke can attest. He always solicited for help on his assignments even on sensitive Presidential ones. He may have clammed Marxist political theories for his thesis but he is an authentic incompetent idealist with shallow knowledge and zero sense of realism.

Chitala is just an overzealous self seeking Marxist without political influence other than some blind alley of utopia world theories. Do you know that the plunder of over 255 Zambian parastatals put in the privatization portfolio some of which were viable profit making entities left by UNIP were sold for songs on the scripts of Chitala, Penza, Nawakwi and Roger Chongwe? These revisionists were motivated by their utopia world economic theories they little understand. They left thousands of Zambians dead in abject poverty without benefits due to them. Families were broken and children thrown out of schools indiscreetly. They had no sense of responsibility or moral guide to say the least. I challenge any smart mind in the media to engage Chitala on public and economic policies, then you will understand his deficiency mooted with Marxist utopia he little understands.

This is a man that has moved from MMD to other parties before yet MMD has remained strong and in power. He joined Mung’omba’s defunct Zambian Democratic Congress-ZDC which failed with him as Secretary General then started reporting on every Zambia and friends to MMD. Late Dean Namulya Mung’ombaforced into his Graveyard is a victim of Chital. Since then the spirit of innocent Mung’omba has kept haunting and cursing Chitala hence all bad decisions.

It’s no surprise that wherever Chitala goes and touches, the spirit of innocent Mung’omba is crying loud on his head while the widow and orphans are asking why Dean Mung’omba was flamed into death. The man is unprincipled desperate politician, whose maneuvers are always immoral. In this vein many Zambians today concur with Mr Charles Chimumbwa and Edwin Lifwekelo when they say “Derick Chitala had plunged into political backwardness which was now making him jump from political party to another”.

Derrick Chitala’s desperation has prompted him to go back to his vomit by supporting the Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata whom on records he has always classified as a demented comedian too risky for state power to gamble with. He has called him all sorts of names.

Thank God for the technology of file management still hold testimonies such as the revelation of Mr Sata in the Times of Zambia of January30, 2004 when disclosed in the Lusaka High Court that Dr Chitala informed the State on the alleged involvement of politicians Dean Mung’omba and Princess Nakatindi Wina in the 1997 coup attempt. This testimony of Derrick Chitala betrayal habit against his friend, the late Mung’omba reveals about his character.

Zambians are saying no to any revisionism regardless of the hue in assemblies used. The Sata-Nawakwi-Chitala-Sondashi-Chongwe-Mulongoti Groupthink is a no choice for a progressive Zambia because enough lives have been lost from their plunder years.



  2. This article is written by desperate persons. Why are the not including Chiluba in the group of “falled politicians” since he was president at the time? LT sometimes you amuse me you like publishing liable articles yet you block those that talk agaist MMD

  3. LT mwalasa, we know this group, thats why this time around we are voting for a young vibrat generation, the UPND gen… Come join the winning team, its pipo’s choice. Viva HH

  4. This article is spot on. To me PF and its sympathisers is no different from MMD, except by name. All its DNA is basically MMD, and I do not see anything positive if they takeover govt this year because in all honest , aside Given Lubinda, it is basically a bunch of very frustrated uprincipled MMD chaps who feels they have to get back what is theirs. Sata, Guy Scott, Chitala, Mulongoti, Sondashi, Chongwe, Kapijimpanga, Nawakwi, Nsanda, GBM, etc. These are angry people who feel power should belong to them, and when you usher in a clique like this, brace yourself for disaster. Make no mistake I don;t mean to say MMD is any better with a bunch that practice daylight corruption, with a political consultant like Chiluba.
    I pray this country finds a good leader someday.

  5. Mmmm… seems a pure shushushu article to me, who is the chap? And who does he suggest we vote for, some apamwamba child?

    • PF Never!!! Never!!! Boma Oyee!! RB!!! Oyee!!! The regrouped failed politicians are hurt that things are going so well. Sata is a bitter man becoz he felt he was the one Mr Chiluba should have chosen. But it was not so and will never be so. Not so long as Jesus is on the throne who saw everything Sata has done to this nation.
      How many times does Mr Chitala want to be fired before he rests? As for Mr. Mulongoti, the explanation is simple; he made a mistake by saying RB should be grateful to him. That was very wrong.

      General Miyanda seems to be very vocal these days but when asked why he ignored and never even said ‘thank you’ to so many of his supporters after 2001, he gets annoyed. General should address that issue because many people were very hurt… RB for 2011.

  6. So maybe the point of this article is “don’t bother to vote so RB can just continue chewing”?

  7. which new politians will we vote for, HH is not new, he has just never won & probably will never win

  8. No 10. Do you vote for someone because they will win or you vote for someone because you agree with their idealogy? There are a lot of other fresh smart politicians, more organised and consistent, who have never plundered this country before. Obviously this is a democracy and you make your own choices which you are comfortable with, but i personally would never try someone who messed me up the last time.

    • so my dear, why vote for someone I know will never win, its total waste of a vote, i’d rather stay home & enjoy my soup

  9. Leadership comes from god. It’s like money; if it’s not your time, you can throw into your business millions, but still you find you are not going any where. But if there is God’s hands you can start your business with a ten thousand [10 pin] kwacha but your business will blossom at a rocket speed. After Sata had frustrated his colleagues: Gen. Miyanda, Lt. Gen. Tembo [late], Nawakwi, and many former faithfuls, Sata remained alone too sure that he had outwitted his colleagues. But the hand of God was on Mwanawasa. Then after the demise of Mwanawasa, Mpombo and Magande hoped to take over, But the hand of God was on RB. Tell you what? God’s hand has not left the head of RB.Tis still there.

  10. #12, wat if yu practice satanic rituals and amass harmmers, would you say God is on yo side. Its chaps like you who perpetuate conspiracy theories. You are like those fulish bishops who insinuate that every leadership comes from God ie BIGOCA fu.ckers. Did hitler come from God suntwe iwe????

  11. Friends, may the best is we ask ZNBC to play all the tapes from the archives so that Zambians know the truth about their leaders. Mr.Sata, Sondashi and the like may oppose this idea but we need to remind the people of the past to make the future. We simply cannot afford to go miles backwards.


  13. Even a dull person can tell that this article was written by senior Citizen using an alias name.You can not disguise yourself old man your language is so predictable ,when this same called clique was supporting your R n B in 2008 they were darlings,now that they have realised that the devil you know in Sata is better than the devil you do not know in R n B you call them names how convenient.Do not try to console yourselves guys your R n B is losing this year big time.No amount of lies and misinformation will save him,he only realised late that to be president you have to work,he spent all his two years on vacation flying from one country to another and now he is panicking trying to launch anything that he can lay his hands on even projects not financed by his government what a shame

  14. we call upon Chanda Chimba III to go tot the archives and pliz play all the tapes about the insults these mafias have pronounced b4..they are all failures..we need change..sata has betrayed alot of pipo..what happened to penza and Paul tembo..?

  15. Mutale walasa though your article was written in a hurry,but its 100% correct. Why are frustrated MMD losers finding solace in PF? the answer is obviuos,they are all frustrated.

  16. To be tested if you are a mental patient at Chainama, you will be given a leaking bucket and asked to fetch water from a tap. If by the time you return with the bucket, all the water has drained out and you keep going back to tap to try again, then the clinicians declare you a mental patient. The bad recycled politicians in Zambia have inflicted a lot of pain on Zambians again and again. But we keep voting them into office. They have tested us mentally and sadly, we have failed the test!

  17. the best is MMD….they have focus n our nation is going forward..i agree that ZNBC should play vids for these SATAns..they ll never rule Zed.Zed is for educated n not cameleons without papers wth terrible history. Sata was harsh to the poor zambians when he was in MMD thts y he is now surrounded by failures..umuntu ni pa nkoloko

  18. We need fresh blood in Zambian politics. I can’t believe that in the whole Zambia we can not find a suitable leader.  I am sure there is somebody who can improve our economy. It is a shame that everybody who gets in power always seem to be greedy and forget about the people that put them in power.  People please serve the people that put you in power.

  19. The article is on spot and the clique of these old politicians include RB. That leaves us with HH. All those people arround Sata think he is winning and they will get jobs, even when they know Sata cant perform. You are all in for a rude shock. We dont want a Bagbho in this country. All their evil schemes will not work.

    We know they are ready to shade bllod just to get it, masholi!!!!!! Ba kolokombwa imwe!!!!!!!!

  20. Ya, I think HH is de best now. He can do da job ooohh! And da people of Zambia cant see now, which bread of deya side, oh, sorry which side of deya bread is buttered oh!

    .HH have da vote from me oohho!

  21. The article hit the nail spot on the head, all past failures in UNIP, FDD, ZDC & MMD have gone to PF in ” SANGWAPO” styles. Its hard to belief people like Mushota can’t get it.

  22. Well done, Good article. ZNBC please play all the tapes from 1992, let these stupid Zambians remember Sata the man, the brutul lunatic in chawama, the greedy politician on the Merzaf housing project, MMD chief during the plunder of our country, closing down even a running Zambia Airways, etc. RB is good for Zambia now and 2016 HH will take over, actually wish UPND and MMD form a collition government, imagine a cabinet with Mutati, HH, etc. We have no time for re-cycling business, so please to hell with the boat, we are not flooding.

  23. # 21 Dragon, you are spot on!!! why can’t Zambians see that Sata is a wrong person?? This guy was in UNIP, MMD and now PF. PF is his personal party, if he dies so will the party!! Damn this recycled politician with no democratic principles!!!

  24. The problem with Sata is that he imposed himself as president after forming the Patriotic Front in 2001. You can never win elections this way if you have no blessings from the people you are leading. Had he convened a convention for his party,he could probably had been endorsed. But, 10 years later, he is still the self-imposed president of PF and nobody dares to question him. When you are endorsed by your own party, it becomes a blessing. Does Mr Sata not wonder why FTJ, the late Levy and Bwezani didnt take long to become presidents? It never took them 10 years to become presidents, but Mr Sata has been eyeing the presidency for 10 years now and still hasnt got it. Maybe the PF convention is the missing link to his presidential ambitions. Let members endorse (bless) him. Its not too late.

  25. SANGWAPO, this is the new name for these failed politicians, PF is no different from MMD. Open your eyes zambians, vote HH. its the only sure way. HH 2011

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