A CHURCH elder in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church (SDA) in Nakonde district in Northern Province says exposure to internet and pornography has contributed greatly to the moral decay among the youths in the border town.
Isaac Musukwa said this yesterday at SDA Nakonde main church in his special Family Life sermon.
Elder Musukwa said the continued exposure of the youths to the internet and pornography has contributed to the unbecoming behaviour of the youths who always want to experiment what they see on internet and pornographic materials.
Elder Musukwa said there is need to regulate what information or material is exposed to the youths so as to have decent youths who would grow up into responsible citizens of the country.
He also charged that some parents have also contributed to the diminishing moral fiber in society because of their failure to promote decent dressing among their children.
Elder Musukwa said a good parent ensures that a child is well dressed before leaving home adding that poor dressing that exposes essential parts of the body has resulted into a number of rape and defilement cases.
And Elder Musukwa also said broken homes are a source of social problems affecting the community.
He said there is need to promote strong marriages that will be responsible for the good upbringing of the children.
Elder Musukwa said there is need for couples to be faithful to each other saying there should be no sex outside marriage as it is a recipe for social ills in the community.
The church elder called on the Christian community to be prayerful in order for them not to be tempted into sinning saying Zambia is a Christian nation and therefore, there is need to promote good morals among its citizens.
Stop blaming the internet please. Pornography has always been there even before the internet. Morality has always been in decay ba Pastor , since the time Eve made a apple as a salad for her husband Adam.
Oh and this dressing issue of contributing to rape and defilements cases, well I wont go there. Sounds like a mini Skirt , short skirt, tight jean trousers and all. maybe our women should dress like Talibans, then there will be no lust. Really?
Porno in internet cafes in Nakonde? That is too much of pastoral imagination. Sounds like the elder is saying these stuff from personal experience.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us not be quick to dismiss the Pastor. Many parents who subscribe to Dstv do not put security measures to block some channels that show pornography late night and children who sleep late might watch these. I think all parents including me should try their level best to bring up their children in a morally upright way and this is possible despite modernity. These days for reasons given by the Pastor, sexual debut among children is early, leading to many unwanted pregnancies.
Porn is good for your health. I dont know what’s wrong with primitive backward African nations. In my country we set up Sex shops. Can you set up a Sex video store in Zambia? These elders are fake, meanwhile they rape and sodomize young church members
Rumor Monger, you are living in sodome. a people without morals is as good as dead. why do you think God decided to destroy sodome and gomora those days? its because there were people who were unwilling to change like you. if sex shops are fine with you and your country, dont mislead others. i pray that you realise there’s someone responsible for your life and he needs to feared, and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. may God deliver you..
Mhmmm ok chigelo ichi paliba intanta. oh you are talking about porno. its really bad yes the government should do something. LMFAO
Poverty is the root cause of promiscuity among the youth. What do you expect if you take education away from them? Nothing wrong with Internet and porn! Improve the economy and all these problems disappear. Solve the root cause of the problem and not the symptoms. Viva Internet, Viva porn.
How is the picture connected to the story? Am I to suppose that the picture shown is an example of moral decay?
You cannot blame the internet for moral decay. This blame is on people that choose to do evil. There are so many people who use internet for right reasons, and life has been made easy by internet. Believe me, even before internet people still misbehaved. Was the story of Sodom and Gomorrah also influenced by internet? Certainly not. It is the mind of man/woman that is wicked. Even before internet, people still watched porno and still did what pleased them.
Human beings are intelligent enough to tell what is wrong and right. It is for this reason why sex workers do not line up the streets during day time and why people do wrong things in hiding. Just blame yourself if you choose to do wrong things. The problem is with you.
People were misbehaving way before internet porn existed.The issue is why society as a whole no longer looks at promiscuous behavior as a taboo, in fact you are looked at as strange if you do not indulge in it. Porn is just a scapegoat for the real issues in Zambia. In all honesty people that like to watch porn are probably living lives where sex is rare. I doubt it’s a poverty issue as it seems the moral decay has reached all quarters of society
its true that the internet is the main source of porn..but pornography has many outlet, e.g. movies, explict dressing by many women etc
its the signs of the times Elder Musukwa..however,keep on preaching and the LORD will reward each one at the end..
#8 i agree with you whole heartedly.immorality existed before internet. if you take a look at the rate of defilement in this country and which age group is being defiled, you will find that its from as young as a two year old and in most cases are defiled within the home.
Ba Pastor so bale benefitor mu internet cafe, mwaliunfwa bwini daddy how did you know about it? Internet I think it depends with the way you use it, but porn has been there even b4 the internet was inveted. Dressing yama gals these day I will accept, taiweme palast bakamba ukwenda notuputula abakashana . . . .
pipos choices. used to go down xse!
It is shameful for the pastor to cite the way (girls) dress as a reason for rape and defilement. They are the victims of these crimes not the perpetrators! Do we really accept that men/boys have perfect right and no more control but to jump a girl and rape her if she wears something that is a little tight or low-cut? Shame!
NO# 6 i don’t entirely agree with your observation,there girls from well to do families who have gone into prostitution,please lets just pray for our generation GOD may forgive us.
It is not what goes IN to a man whether through ‘oral gate’, ‘eye gate’ or ‘ear gate’ that defiles a person, but what comes from inside. It is amazing how thousands of years of human existence on earth, people still believe that morality comes from dress or what people see! We used to walk half naked in primitive days but there were none or fewer r a p e s! When is Religion going to stop misdirecting people. I feel lust not because I see a beautiful thigh of a woman but I see a beautiful thigh because I feel lust! People watch porn because of s e x u a l desire. If there was no porn, they would do something else, which may even be worse. Purify the HEART first, and then all things will be pure.
Please dont be silly Mr. church elder. Un-wanted teenage pregnancies, priests going with other people’s wives, yakumbuyo in prisons, child-abuse, and all these things have been going on way before the internet arrived. And to make it appear like it is only young people who are promiscuous is to be totally unfair. Adultery is not a teenage issue, for example, teachers abusing schoolgirls… I would think the real problem is when elders before an “exemplary” manner.
Please dont be silly Mr. Elder. And dont make it appear like promiscuity is a young people thing. We know about church elders and politicians…etc participating in adultery. Teachers abusing school girls. Even when you were young yourself there were teenage pregnancies and such, waaaay before the internet.Young people learn more from what elders DO than what they SAY. And this dress thing, not long ago we were running around 95% naked, so dont even go there. Even today you see our beautiful women welcoming President Banda publicly with breasts showing all over the place. It is called culture.
By the way, in society there are all these things like s.ex, crime,alcoholism, drug abuse, and the like, which can not be stopped from happening, so it is more about how you teach your young ones to navigate through a world filled with these things. This nonsense of having tabboo subjects is what makes young people un-prepared for what is ahead. Discuss these things with young ones in an intellectual, research oriented manner, not in a moralistic patronising sort of way. In Holland for example, where marihuana is legalised, it turns out that most of those people dont even smoke. It is the tourists from countries where there are restrictions who are abusing the privilege.
Only a fool will not agree with what the elder said. Continue watching the dirty while your amagidon awaits. As usual sin and evil are popular and have following from the perishing souls.Most of the bloggers above who are against the elders message need repentance.Please dont make yourself comfortable with sin/evil, the end is death. stay well