Monday, March 10, 2025

Let’s talk about Mbita Chitala…


Mbita Chitala
Dr Mbita Chitala

By Daimone Siulapwa


IN the next few articles to come, I will break it down as to how our politicians are playing games with us, be it the defectors from MMD to PF or PF to MMD, including the so called Rebel MPs. On the expense of development, they have decided to play games moving from party to another just to secure a position of power for personal gain. Are these the kind of leaders we want? The choice is yours. We will be voting soon.

BEFORE the ruling Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) national convention, former party deputy national secretary Mbita Chitala seemingly saw nothing wrong with the ruling party.

Let us put it this way. Mbita Chitala was interested in the position of MMD national secretary, but unfortunately he did not get the backing that he wanted from President Rupiah, despite his pronouncements in a private tabloid that party organs across the country were clamouring for him to take over the position from Katele Kalumba.

The interpretation, at least going by the interest that Dr Chitala had shown in the position of national secretary, which would have made him the chief executive of the party, is that the man still believed in the MMD vision.

Had he won the position of national secretary, Dr Chitala would today have been appearing in the so-called government owned and State-controlled media not only defending the policies of President Banda and the MMD, but also attacking the opposition, particularly Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata, who is the main challenger in this year’s elections.

By the way, Dr Chitala was President Banda’s campaign manager in the 2008 presidential elections and went about his work to ensure that he trounces Mr Sata.
But matters have seemingly changed now.

Dr Chitala, who thinks he has so much influence in Mbala is on a campaign trail trashing RB and the MMD while heaping all sorts of praise on Mr Michael Sata.

Question to ask is at what point did Dr Chitala, who together with Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika are the two founder members of the MMD, come to realise that the PF was the best thing that can happen to Zambia.

Maybe, who is this same Mbita Chintundya Chitala other than the fact that the late Levy Mwanawasa fired him as Ambassador to Libya after failing to play by the rules of international diplomacy?

After spearheading the formation of the MMD, he was elected party deputy national secretary and appointed deputy minister of finance in Frederick Chiluba’s first government. He was later relieved of the post and expelled from the party in 1995.

Together with the late Dean Mung’omba and Chulu Kalima, they formed the Zambia Democratic Congress (ZADECO), which against the advice of other opposition parties unsuccessfully contested the 1996 elections. After that dismal failure, he left ZADECO and active politics only to resurface towards the 2001 elections.
But before that, and just after the formation of the MMD national interim committee, which had the likes of Arthur Wina, Vernon Mwaanga, Chiluba, Ephraim Chibwe, Levy Mwanawasa, Andrew Kashita, Aka and Keli Walubita in it, Mbita Chitala was left disappointed at the fact that he was left out.

With that, he wrote a letter to the chairman Arthur Wina in which he pleaded his case. Thereafter, Arthur Wina was left with no choice but to convince other members of the committee to co-opt Chitala as deputy national secretary.

When Chitala was appointed finance deputy minister, he became one of the biggest defenders of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), which we know left most of our citizens in dire straits.

Responding to two articles that appeared in the Sunday Times (October 30, 19 94) titled “SAP makes Rich Richer, Poor Poorer” by Josias Mbuzi and another by Nason Banda in the Times of Zambia (November 12, 1994) under the headline “Is SAP in the interest of the majority”, Chitala said “the two are some utopian critics of the government’s reform programme that continue to appear in our media”.

“A quick response to these articles is that they were arrant nonsense and the authors would be well-advised to go back to school and catch up with the recent work in development studies,” Chitala wrote in a response letter.

So, with the support of Chitala, under SAP, about 12 companies were wound up and liquidated, 13 handed back to the owners for almost nothing, 59 mostly run-down farms and companies were sold to non-indigenous Zambians, mostly Asians and Greeks while 51 companies, the very best and profitable of the parastatals, were sold to foreign interests. This last batch included Northern Breweries, Zambia Breweries, Zambia Sugar Company, Daily Produce Board, Mpongwe Development Company, Chilanga Cement, BP Zambia, ZAMEFA, ROP Ltd and Pamodzi Hotel among others. As for the nerve centre of Zambia, the mines, the story is well documented.

Later of course, Mbita was fired, for what he terms opposing corruption and drug dealing in government although it is widely believed that those who truly opposed these traits are Dean Mung’omba, Dr Boniface Kawimbe, Dr Matthias Mpande, Katele Kalumba and Aka.

In his book, Not Yet Democracy, Mbita Chitala accuses Michael Sata, Enock Kavindele, Sikota Wina and his wife Nakatindi as well as the late Kangwa Nsuluka of orchestrating his dismissal from the MMD.

When ZADECO lost the elections, and following the shooting of opposition leaders like Dr Kaunda and Roger Chongwe in Kabwe, Mbita Chitala announced his retirement from active politics on September 11, 1997.

A few years later, he rejoined the MMD after being convinced to do so by Michael Sata who argued that with the death of Ronald Penza, he had remained a lone voice from the Northern Province in the party.

But also, it seems the other motivation for rejoining the MMD was the opportunity to allow him sort out his financial positions. In his book, he admits that he suffered immensely including being denied to supply paper and other office equipment to the bank of Zambia and almost getting killed in Angola where he had gone to look for diamonds.

“While all this was happening, my personal economy was also going down. Bills of all manners were accumulating. I could not pay school fees for my children which forced me to re-locate them from private schools to government schools.

“This caused enormous street on them, but I explained my situation to them. My electricity and water bill was regularly disconnected as was my telephone. The rates of the council remained unpaid and I was a victim of harassment by bailiffs.

“At the same time, I had several court cases. My life was real hell, it was because of all these trials that finally, I made a decision to re-enter active party politics.

With respect to what party it was obvious that my former party, the MMD would be the only sanctuary,” he writes.
Clearly, Mbita Chitala has demonstrated that the decisions he makes in politics are driven more by the stomach than any principles. If his personal economy was doing well, he would not have re-joined the MMD.

With that, one would wonder whether the decision to support Michael Chilufya Sata for the Presidency in this year’s election, is driven by genuine reasons or its because he see’s an opportunity to be rewarded with a job which will eventually improve his personal economy.

Michael Sata should be careful with people like Mbita Chintundya Chitala.


  1. DIAMONE you are breath of fresh air!!!
    No matter your political affiliation I can see some genuine love for truth and facts in you unlike some of our leaders and bloggers that tend to jump on the band wagon of self preservation and supporting everything wrong in society as long as it feeds them or agrees with their own agenda!!!

    PF supporters and the POST were against these guys, infact POST was against PF but what is the truth kanshi, are we ready to sacrifice virtues and truth just to eat and get rid of people that we dont like for secret reasons???

  2. Its good the author is saying MMD policies then and now are wrong in regard to privatization. Im not PF but i dont just like the notion that a person should remain glued to a single ideology even when times change. For instance FTJ was a hardcore Marxist, who later championed capitalism. Even now every individual has a right to change position as long as they are ready to fully explain their sudden change of behavior and tactics. Is it not true that most of us were hard core Unipists pre 1991, did anyone blame us for going with the wind of change. Take the issue of Egypyt, most of those chaps who were on the dotcom revolution were part and parcel of the Mubarak system. Can we crucify them now for abandoning Mubarak. Iwe Siluapwa what makes you think Mbiata is a superhuman who can change?

  3. “but unfortunately he did not get the backing that he wanted from President Rupiah”
    Why should anyone get the backing of the president in order to contest a position in the party.If you claim to be an organization with democratic principles,there shouldn’t be any arm twisting by the president to have his preferred candidates to contest certain positions.It is common knowledge that the president has people he wants in certain positions and if you don’t agree with it you are a goner.Do these articles change the mindset of the Zambian voter? I don’t think so,Sata has been bullied left right and center,but lo,his popularity hasn’t gone down.I think we need to change the way we do politics.Character assassination doesn’t work,people have realized

  4. Mbita Chitala is a living emblem and definition of what ‘Politics of Poverty’ means. Principles do not count a bit to such a character, but his belly. To such, the electorate are an opportunity for legalizing fraud not that he cares what he says.

  5. The fake posture of high sounding words he uses and ‘genuine sincerity’ when he undertakes to defend a position not only convincing to others but to himself as well. That is how far he has dipped into ‘fakery’, a con artist who eludes even his own mind.


  7. The look on Chitala even on the above photo clearly catches his everyday mood, wary of exposing his heart’s real intent. Politics to him is a career and all things must be done in order to stay in it, even if it means betraying a fellow colleague to the gallows.

    There is no room for shame, for such, as it never occurs that there is anything to be ashamed about. To Chitala, it is business as usual.

  8. Terrible written article. What happened to the old good grammar, what sort of teachers do you get in Zambia. When i was 14 I started refusing at Lusaka International School to be taught by someone black because I was sure I would learn more from English descendants of the language ie whites. Results are there to be seen now. Thanks

  9. Mushota,

    Very likely, but not so sure, that you are not Zambian, neither are you black, but using this avenue to guage and weigh …… eh

  10. At one he was called Derrick Chitala. The name Derrick has disappeared now. He is a Doctor why can’t he go and teach at UNZA and forget about politics. He is just embarancing himself by jumping from one party to another. His mind seem to be influenced by hunger and not any political ideology.

  11. While this article appears genuine and balanced, I would love to read something that argues that leaders in the current MMD govt from Rupiah down are not driven by politic of poverty. Politics of the stomach are not exclusive to Chitala alone. Look at the likes of Rupiah, Mwaanga, shikapwasha, siliya etc. What principles do they exhibit in their political decisions? ZERO!!
    Besides if Siulapwa will write articles that highlight credible and pertinent issues on leaders in both the ruling MMD and opposition parties, then he will be doing the nation a great service. I personally welcome that. I enthusiastically wait to read something critical on senior MMD leaders.

  12. Unfortunately, the aspect of this ‘fakery’ in Chitala by and large saw it’s entrance into the Zambian political scene with the emergence of the mult-party system in Zambia in the late eighties and early nineties.

    The wind of change that swept through Zambia during that period gave rise to ‘opportunists’ of every hue and shade, amongst which were the likes of Chitala, who took advantage of the prospect.

  13. nice insight into how these politicians and what really motivates them. This, I’m certain, goes for most of them.

  14. Like his fellow he has now embraced, Sata, words do not mean anything to him. To Mbita and Sata, the words they say do not mean anything. To them words are simply words, nothing more and nothing less. And that is why they don’t bother to revisit what they might have said on a particular matter, previously.

    The electorate to such un-principled men are just a field of play, a market of opportunity to enrich themselves.

  15. Gentlemen, What the MMD ministers were doing the past three weeks( Campaigning using tax payers money), they will pay back. We are compiling the figures and ZNBC will replay the pictures of campaign . Secondly, ZNBC must start totalling the K3000s that people are paying including those deduected through ZESCO etc. This money will be recovered from MMD. We have seen the highest abuse of office , unprecedented in Zambian history. Because of desperation, serious crimes are being committed by MMD. They will have to be taught a lesson for others to learn.

  16. AS for Liato, we know what he has done to NAPSA and what he is doing at Workers compensation fund control board. He might spend the rest of his life in jail. The scandals are serious

  17. Mbita has decided to conveniently team up with Sata despite the obvious suspicions that will ever exist between the two and this disregarding whatever anyone would say. In oder to achieve balance, by necessity Chitala must meditate himself into an un-conscious self deception mode that results into a convincing outward performance, which the sheep (electorate) have no chance of questioning but accept as sincerity. At what point, he ‘comes back’, I have yet to examine.

  18. For Mbita, the term ‘Political chancer/opportunist’, are synonymous with entrepreneurship and he has every reason to be proud about it and back-it-up with tangible evidence of what he has achieved out of it.

  19. The sad thing out this is that this ‘political entrepreneur’ Mbita and obviously many others have burdened the electorate with a huge flurry of lies and tricks, over the years, to the extent that they have psyched the public to accept what they do without a bother.

  20. i have noticed, not a day goes by without the mention of Chitala on television, news papers or electronic media, he must be a real factor or threat to some individuals out there, and don’t forget he was campaign manager for Mr. Mwanawasa on two ocasions if am correct and he was also campaign manger for Mr. Banda. if he had nothing to offer do you think Mr. Banda and Mr. Mwanawasa would have used him to run their campaigns.

  21. Such are the cobra’s strategists, just how do you win an election if you listen to such people? RB identified junk politicians and rid himself, but for the cobra rejected junk is cream.

  22. Good article let it be know in peoples heads that voting PF is as good as voting MMD except one MMD is full of jokers being lead by an under five, I mean under form five.

  23. Basically that is what Zambian politics is about, poverty and survival. The fact that the PF would openly embrace people like him is reason enough to be afraid. Very afraid. Derrick Chitala has to be the most arrogant (or cheeky I hope) guy I ever came across. He once stopped traffic in Wusikili during a Devils football match for a presidential entrance. The queue to the Red stands had to shifted whilst he made his grand entrance. No marks for guessing what’s in store for this poor chap.

  24. Mushota take your insanity somewhere else. There are whites who are not English and there are Blacks who are English. I have ‘White’ English friends who make grammatical mistakes/errors when communicating in their mother tongue and they don’t lose sleep over that. So what’s all the fuss about learning English from descendants of the English. I was taught English from Grades 1 to 4 by an English Teacher (not just a teacher of English) but I don’t regard myself to be superior to others just based on that fact. You say results are there to see in reference to yourself. What results. In any case i would have said ‘Terribly written article’ as opposed to ‘Terrible written article’  Are you Mpombo’s daughter????

  25. The term ‘Political Prostitute’ certainly does not aptly define what Mbita is but the term ‘Professional thief’ perfectly does.

  26. The consolation is that both Sata and Mbita are very arrogant.In the unlikely event that Sata becomes President of ZED,Mbita Chitala will be the first dismissal victim by the Cobra.Incidentally,Cobra will be announcing the dismissal of his Ministers at Rallies and not Press Conferences.We have witnessed many a time when Sata parades his councilors and MPs at rallies and publicly rebukes them.SO TAKE NOT OF THINGS TO COME.

  27. I think this Mushota is an imbecile. Her postings have a lot of grammatical errors and yet she is still boasting. I feel sorry for this girl. I think she needs a lot of help. Don’t we have any Zambians nearby who can help her because the whites that she is living with are not doing a good job?     

  28. The author is right here throughout. Mbita Chikala should really not be our Champion this year. He is too much of a turn coat. People like him and Mulongoti should be relegated to the Zambian political dustbin.

  29. If the author is genuine about writing about “who is who” it would be interesting if he also wrote about people in MMD, say Munkombwe, VJ, and of course RB ( former UNIP ).

  30. insightful piece of writing and must agree that zambian politics have been reduced to the belly. unfortunately this problem is not only contagious to politicians but also to the general citizenry as whole in our daily way of life. must say it only takes a select few of us to remain principled in the midst of poverty…. hardly surprising of Chitala’s personal failings in his quest to fill his belly.

  31. Citizen @33 are you conveniently forgetting that Sata is also a former UNIP member. This nonsense of portraying  RB as UNIP is ridiculous to say the least. RB has many faults you can point out but if it is being UNIP then Sata is equally guilty. If once UNIP always UNIP is true of RB then it is true of Sata as well. We may also refer to Comrade Sata as former UNIP and former MMD, two parties he seems to forget he was a staunch member. Sata has a past as well. I would rather we focus on the future because the two, RB and Sata all have skeletons in their closets. The question is who is best for the future and not the past.

  32. #5 Smoothcriminal.
    To your question, Why should anyone get the backing of the president in order to contest a position in the party? Because these people will end up working with the president to deliver on his agenda. Why should he not have a say in the process of selecting the people he thinks beleive in him and will push his agenda with all their hearts. This happens the world over in politics. It is strange you are exhbiting such ignorance. On the your question, Do these articles change the mindset of the Zambian voter? These articles change the minds of those who read to get informed, digest and make a decision. You are definately not in this category. I wonder why you even care to read them.

    • The agenda that should be delivered is that of the party and NOT the president of the party. We need to change from multiperson politics to multiparty politics. The agenda should be implementing the party manifesto and not what a party president thinks. This notion of making a president bigger than the party he heads is quite retrogressive.

  33. Sata has put PF and its base in a dangerous and complicated political quagmire too hard to come out from before Zambians. Zambians see nothing good in the reconstitution of worst economic saboteurs in record history. Just how does PF reconcile before highly inflicted and damaged Zambians at the hand of this legion who sold out and ruined this country when RB was no closer to politics?

    ICASA health Funds Scammer Nkandu Luo

    Judas Iscariot SAP Derrick Chitala

    Sangola Sondashi

    Fanatic Mulongoti

    US $10million compensation claim scammer Roger Chongwe

    National Fuel Crisis Mpombo

    Arms Smuggler Panji

    Merzf Scammer Sata

    No wonder Mpombo calls Sata suicide Bomber.

    How do you reconcile or resale such garbage?

  34. ” Clearly, Mbita Chitala has demonstrated that the decisions he makes in politics are driven more by the stomach than any principles. If his personal economy was doing well, he would not have re-joined the MMD. ”

    So what? This is nothing but an article length ad hominem attack. So what WHY he says what he says.

    Conspicuously, the writer does not address WHAT dr. Mbita Chitala has said, only WHY he would have said it.

    Why talk about Mbita Chitala, and not about what he has said about MMD policy?

  35. boring article as usual. I wish u are a sincere Zambian whose interest is to see the good for this country.But are not.U ar always attacking those in Sata’s camp and not in Rupiah’s. Coz of that every well meaning Zambian will take your article to be politically mortivated.Why now about Chitala and not when he was in MMD? If u know so much about some of these guys, bring it out in the open now when they are in MMD and not wait when they switch camp.U ar not be fair both to yourself as well as to these u keep on condemning.If u ar a really smart guy i challenge u in yo next article tok abt GK,or Dora or Ronnie or William banda or RB himself we want to know them now and not when they defect.if do u that then i will start taking your articles serious but for now 2 me u ar like Chanda Chimba

  36. Daimone Siulapwa, we need to talk about you as well….whats your motives?…..the politicians are all recycled too

  37. Dr Chitala, is he really a doctor? If indeed has a PhD, surely can still find something to do. Really accadmics with PhD can never fail to find something to do besides politics. Can do part time teaching in Private University, can do consultance with outside agencies etc.
    Also politicians should learn to save and invest while in position of power and not live high life.

  38. this man is a traitor..the moment he gets hold of all the data about Pf he will defect to MMD again before sata be careful..hahahaha..these are hungry mafias..

  39. “Maybe, who is this same Mbita Chintundya Chitala other than the fact that the late Levy Mwanawasa fired him as Ambassador to Libya after failing to play by the rules of international diplomacy?” Lying MMD imposter, Chitala was fired because he wrote an article on african leaders which did not please Gaddafi and Chitala has been vindicated going by the happenings in the north, tell your sponsors to announce the election day and dissolve parliamnet.

  40. Chitala is cursed and daily haunted by the spirit of betrayed Dean Mung’omba. he has blood on his hands. The cry of Mung’omba’s innocent young orphaned children and widow are availing much on this mercenary.

  41. It’s a case of monkeys laughing at their back sides.Daimone is just like Chitala,this article he has writen is not done out of principle but out of a desire to fill the same stomach that he keeps referring to regarding Chitala.We can’t allow a situation whereby one thief calls the other a bad thief,bonse nibakabwalala.In our generation,guys like Daimone should be discarded and trashed in the social garbage bins.Daimone himself is a failed social misfit who ran away from South Africa.He cannot even be trusted with one ngwee,imagine!Thats the level of his moral decay!We are watching you all and when our time comes,we shall fully expose you,deal with you and make sure who are caged and have no access to the Zed resources.Na mbuzi iyi Daimone can write articles.

  42. Leave the hard working Doctor alone. Is it not because of the policies that Chitala championed the reason why RB says Chiluba was a damn good president? You want to start with Chitala why not start with RB himself who has not resigned from UNIP? And why should Chitala remain in an organization where in order to contest a position you need the support of the president? Infact most politicians in Zambia are worse than Chitala, because why Chitala publicly declares the reason for his change of political position, other like RB hypocritically keep quiet. In the article you have never pointed out any scams conducted by Chitala in office, but look at the unipist RB who is busy commiting crimes. Who is the worse evil between the two? Go to hell with your analysis

  43. Unfortunately, the Zambian political landscape is littered with characters like Mbita Chitala, so we seem stuck with them for a while yet. This lot is not worth listening to, let alone voting for irrespective of which party they claim to belong to. They are the epitome of nonsense and we have a situation where every party President will admit them for personal reasons – ours are politics of the belly alright.

  44. # 47 Kafupi Bwipi, that name is not doing you justice for a critical, serious and intelligent mind! These MMD propagandists like Chanda Chimba III, Daimone Siulapwa, Dora Siliya, Moses Muteteka are really underating our intelligence and I am getting more and more pissed! RB is busy practicing nepotism, favouritism and corruption at a grand scale with his cronies like Siliya and all these f00ls concern themselves with is propaganda! We are voting MMD OUT because of selling ZAMTEL corruptly, US$15 million for meanwood, scheming of US$100 million attempted grand larceny at MOD, RBish flying around aimlessly, etc. Chitala has been politically victimised and manipulated, because he feared they will not stop until he breaks he rejoined the corrupt MMD! STOP wasting our time with BOGUS articles!

  45. Well researched piece of work, i hope the next one will be on HH because we need to be refreshed on what happened at Lima Bank.

  46. It seems MMD cadres are having a feast on nothing. Who said that once you are in one party you cannot change to another party? Take a look at the all entire MMD executive today. Starting form their so called President. He was in UNIP (Probably still a UNIP member). Politics is about choice. Just because one had a stint in another party, that does not box them to remain in that party forever. Silaupwa mentions convenience, who wants to be in a relationship full of inconveniences anyways? Probably MMD cadres only. Politics is like marriage, once you see it is not working out, you leave, so did Chitala and others that have been pushed out of MMD. Some people don’t even know how MMD was formed, but to say that Chitala is a whore, is utter nonsense. Did you want him to bury himself? 

  47. Through his own conviction and will, Chitala went into politics and as such, he still holds that will whether to continue in politics or not. About Chitala wanting support from Banda, I do believe Banda is the user. He used Chitala for the last elections and since he has go dictatorial, he sees and thinks he does not need support of someone who told him the truth when he lost the last elections which all of you know RB lost. Until now, no one has raised a voice about Chitala being a whore, why? Until now, no one called Mulongoti all the names being used on him by MMD, Why? It is MMD who looks at how convenient it is for them to say what they say. Immediately Kunda will leave MMD, this very blog will turn into a wolf pack hounding Kunda. Why? Convenience. 

  48. Let us inconveniently, since that is what you MMD cadres cherish, discuss the issue of Katele Kalumba. Sometime back when Katele fail out of favor from FTJ, the same you called Katele millions of names. Today Katele, in a clever way has eluded your verbal attacks by staying quiet and on the day Katele will say, I support PF or Sata, that will be the day Katele’s case file will go on top of the cases to be worked on. Why? That very day, some of you who have not even dined or even sat down to discuss even a soccer game, will know more about Katele and will say things that have just heard someone who heard someone say about what they heard about Katele. This same Silaupwa who seems to be your hero, to some of you still seeking heroes, will think what he will say about Katele is the gospel

  49. Ba Mushota. Evn ur blogging has grammaticle errors yet u claim to have been well taught!!!!!!!! I suggest u ask for a refund because ur white teacher certainly did not do a good job. bana kugong’a.

  50. Whoever reacts to Mushota’s hallucinations is a fo.ol. Any person with at least half a brain would by now have known that our dear lady needs compassion and understanding from all decent human beings and mostly she needs professional help. Enough said.

  51. Chitala is just a finished utopian who thought he knew Pan Africanism. He has no clue about anything except his horse drunken voice devoid of shame. Even crazy Jackal MCS is smarter than Chitala and finished ka Mulongoti – very ignorant. Chitala does not have a PhD but has a huge complex that is why he always a political mercenary. he betrayed Dean, he betrayed his Zambia Research Intellectuals when Kafupi brought him closer, he betrayed Sata two years ago when he supported RB and today he is trying to betray RB for Sata – what kind of prostitute is this man? Has he any principles and if so what does he stand for? He was NEVER the author of the MMD manifesto but the likes of Sichinga, late Dr. Chipungu, Akashambatwa to name but a few who had genuine brains – what does Chitala know?

  52. Good evening

    This is a very interesting article told with such eloquence. I bet there are a whole lot of frustrated job seekers masquerading as authentic leaders in Zambian politics.

    Coming to think of it again, I wonder if the ordinary, low budget people in Zambia – the majority of who dwell in the rural areas even bother to analyse such candidates before they vote? Are they able to seperate the avaricious, incompetent leaders from the genuinely motivated ones?

  53. Ba Mushota could not have gone beyond Grade 5 – her writing and reasoning is below that of a 10 year old. Coming to my “big man” Mbita, son of former MP Abram Chitala, what he is doing is normal the world over. Who is in politics to serve the people? All politicians are there for themselves. Don’t be naive, bane. All politicians love themselves and power!

  54. Well done Daimone. It is high time we exposed these foxes one by one so that we extinguish their living day lights from the political landscape of Zambia once and for all. RB has refused to be corrupted into dishing out confetti and that is why they are all ganged up against him and accusing HIM of corruption instead. RB refused to bail out The Post and Zambian Airways, The Post turned against him and launched vitrioloic attacks ever since. RB refused to favour Mulongoti and Chitala after they had helped him rise to President. RB refused to be used by Mpombo to appoint him VP. RB is his own man and that is the reason why he has acquired so many enemies in a short time. May Zambians know a true patriot in RB!

  55. @53 Kalos
    You are wrong Kalos. RB left UNIP to serve MMD at provincial level. He helped in campaigning for the MMD in Eastern Province very quietly and without ever calling a press conference or giving an interview to the press. The only person who recognised his worth was Levy. RB never intended to return to mainstream politics. As a farmer, he was impressed with the MMD New deal program on farming. He is not power hungry. Mr Sata and others on the other hand have been salivating for State House for decades! To me, such people are dangerous. RB was given the Presidency by Divine Providence. We do well to thank God for this.

    • Are you suggesting that all despots, crooks, murderers, thieves, etc who have been political leaders became so by divine providence?

  56. I decree and declare that Zambia shall be led by men or women of integrity.
    I decree and declare that all the foxes who are hungry for power, waiting to pounce on our national resources shall wither and die in their ambitions. I decree and declare that only those who have the heart for the poor in our society and champion the cause of justice without fear or favour shall rule. I decree and decalre that it is those who have real concern for the suffering of our people while not living in luxury themeselves and driving big 4×4 gas guzzlers that pollute the environment shall have a voice in our nation. I decree and declare that leaders shall lead by example. I decree and declare the separation of powers. I decree and declare that righteousness shall prevail.

  57. Just an observation, maybe Chitala is after all still MMD but being sent to spy on Sata’s strategy and report back to MMD and RB. Just mix up things, confuse everyone a little bit so that MMD wins the elections. Ever thought about that?

  58. # 61, RB did not resign from UNIP and has never on any day declared having left UNIP. When LPM was looking for someone to help him carry Eastern Province, LPM, he tried Panji, and Panji refused. Then he pounced on the struggling RB. Not that RB had left UNIP to join MMD. Anyway, this also is immaterial knowing that you are a supporter of RB. What can someone tell you about RB?

    I just like your statement that “RB is his own man and that is the reason why he has acquired so many enemies in a short time”. NO, he created the enemies because of the criminal syndicate he has created on Zambian. He is running a very corrupt government. You don’t expect people to like such a person. Only those that are criminally inclined would embrace such a person.

  59. i wonder which fool made him a doctor. because of his dishonest, he even changed his name from derrick to mbita.

  60. Voting for Sata will be a dangerous situation, Sata was expelled from Kantenshya Minor Seminary for beating his friend. So even where voted as president people will be beaten the same way he used to beat his fellow seminareans.

  61. LATEST pf president michael sata was quoted this evening on znbc tv news saying that the likes of mulongoti and mbita chitala had ganged up against him in 2001. another flip flop? get your copy of the post or times of zambia or daily tomorrow for more information. obviously readers will be confused by this turn of events, but don’t worry this if pf, you have to be pf in order to understand, speak or practise the science of nonsense.

  62. Chitala is no different from Chanda Chimba 1000. They are both political prostitutes. What makes Mbita think he can now advise us who to vote for. We know he is hungry, but he thinks his tummy is more important than the moral fabric of the nation. SHAME ON YOU. SATA will screw you the same way KAZOLO KAFUPI screwed him!!

  63. Derrick Mbita Chitala was my geography teacher when he just completed his studies at UNZA He has grown old so fast compaired to the old techers he found at the school Amatontonkanyo mu politics yalakoteka wangu

  64. Iwe ka Siulapwa stop bringing down your ka newspaper in this way, it will lose popularity and hence go down. Dont report on personalities. Free advise!

  65. I just saw Silaupwa’s education credentials. “Quite impressive”.

    1993 – Accounting Technician Diploma 31993 – Association of Accounting Technician (AAT 3) 
    1990 – Kenneth Kaunda Secondary School – Grade 121985 – Lusaka Boys Primary School – Grade 7
    Professional Development
    1999 – Diploma in Marketing 2004 – Diploma in project Management 2010 – Mini MBA

    Went to DK but failed to get into UNZA. (He calls DK prestigious schools). Alefukuta fye nama Diploma. He is a good Diploma guy. What has happened with getting real degrees?
    What is MINI MBA again? Is that another diploma AKA certificate in begging from RB?


  67. Bloggers please stop demeaning yourselves by commenting on this maggot Mushota’s postings. She’s ever annoyingly off- the-mark. She needs shunning into irrelevance. Issues such as this need serious minded contributers or worthy comments. Our interests on this subject cut cross party affilliations and believe it or this debate will penetrate into plot one. It is so sensitive that even the wise man of this forum, Senior Citizen will not bring himself to courageously drop a sentence or two. It is simply indefensible.

  68. We should all know that within the crop of our politicians some are really businessmen. We all need money but the extent to which others go to make it is what makes the difference. Mbita Chitala has demonstrated this trait very clearly. Whereas he should be grateful to the party (MMD) that weaned him from selling second hand typewriters to become Deputy minister of finance and later an ambassador of Zambia to Libya. The biggest loosers in this all deception by some of our politicians are the electorate.

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