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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

State steps into Ikelenge Boma wrangle


Government has initiated efforts aimed at resolving a wrangle involving four chiefs in the new Ikelenge district of North-Western Province.

Each of the chiefs wants the administrative offices to be located in his chiefdom.

The district has four chiefs namely Nyakaseya, Ikelenge, Kanongesha and Mwinilamba.

Provincial permanent secretary Fabian Mumba said in an interview in Solwezi yesterday he has summoned the four chiefs for an urgent meeting in the neighbouring Mwinilunga district to try and resolve the matter.

“I have asked them to come for a meeting so that they can discuss and agree among themselves where the Boma will be situated,” Mr Mumba said.

He said he has also invited Senior Chief Mujimanjovu and Chief Mumena of the Kaonde people in Solwezi to the meeting.

Mr Mumba said he has asked the two chiefs to help provide leadership in trying to resolve the matter.

Technical officers from the provincial planning unit and Ministry of Lands are also expected to attend the meeting.

Mr Mumba said a number of issues will have to be considered when selecting the site for the district administrative offices, which will include townships and other infrastructure.

He said the district is a sensitive ecological area, and that the environment must be taken into consideration before any development takes place.

The source of the mighty Zambezi River is in Ikelenge district.

Mr Mumba regretted an incident last week in which villagers in Chieftnainess Ikelenge disrupted a meeting of technical officers from the provincial administration, and nearly rioted over their alleged failure to put the Boma in their chiefdom.
[ Zambia Daily mail ]


  1. boma ni boma !!!!
    this is what we should be discussing, development coming and deciding where it goes!
    not refusing everything, mobile hospitals no, hearses no, district hospitals no….
    mwachilamo ba born against!!!!!

  2. Though I am from Mwinilunga I would have thought Ikelengi  should be where it is in chief Ikelengi, which is on the East and Kanongesha which  is in the  West should be still part of Mwinilunga and does in no way diminish the power of my senior chief as I happen to be from chief Chibwikas area and Kanongesha is our senior chief and Iam just looking at it from a practical point of view. We are and will remain the same people we need purpose of unity rather than division.

    • You are right #2. If the district is called Ikelenge, then why take the town in another cheifdom? Give the town and all that come with it to chief Ikelenge please

  3. what they forgot chiefs is that where offices will be the area will develop fast and soon lost power like chiefs in lusaka because the power shift in hands of city council

  4. Our students have travelled all over the nation and believe that the administrative offices should still be the same place where the real Ikelenge centre is. The clinic and post office have been there for ages. How can Ikelege distric go to Kanongesha? That is under Mwinilunga. Nyakaseya is under Kalene Hills Hospital. Mwinimilamba is on the other side and it is off the main route to Angola. So, you can’t take the administrative offices there. What is wrong with these chiefs? They should learn from their cousins the Tongas who are not fighting over where Choma should be. Let them learn from their other cousins the Kaondes who are not fighting over Boma names. Kanongesha will still be senior chief although his name is connected to a Boma.  

  5. One worthy point which Mwana ka Kalunda has mentioned is that Chief Kanongesha is in Mwinilunga district. Kanongesha should therefore remain in Mwinilunga. The wrangles have come about because of this. MMD should have done its research properly or should have involved our research school and we would have given them good advice from the start. Drop our original boundary and let Ikelenge District remain within the 3 chiefs with the administrative offices where Ikelenge has always been. That is the gateway to DR Congo and Angola. 

  6. If the GRZ were smart, they would register all the local people and hold local elections on the selection of where the boma must be located. This would be the most democratic way than getting people together to outshout each other. This is why we believe that the MMD have no brains to run the affairs of this country in a dignified way.

  7. Boma should be located at the centre of the district so that any body has equal access to it…

  8. How can Chief Kanongesha want the administrative center to be close to him when his Chiefdom is so far away from Ikelen`gi? Good luck!!!!

  9. Allow me to add my humble contribution/though of this beautiful subject.
    Am a 100% lunda boy from chief mwinilamba and 100% related to her royal highness ahh mama ah mwanta ikeleng’i.
    Though I have never been to my village and mwinilunga district per say,i feel the admin offices should be on the centre of the district for easier access of my people of this beautiful land of my great ancestors.
    Let’s not talk sh•t but respect everyone’s opinion and be mindful that it’s chiefs here who are in demand of the location of the central business district.I know we are great people,God fearing,very intelligent,rude but humble and understanding.All will be well and let’s unit as one and embrece love always..

    I thank you all

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