The Kabwe High Court has convicted former Health Deputy Minister Dr. Solomon Musonda for causing bodily harm with intent to maim a Serenje man.
Delivering the judgment in Kabwe On Tuesday, Judge Mugeni Mulenga set Friday, June 3, 2011 as date for mitigation by the defence lawyers and sentencing.
Judge Mulenga said that she was convinced that Dr. Musonda was guilty of the charge.
Dr. Musonda’s bail has meanwhile been extended.
Particulars of the offence were that Dr Musonda, a 34-year-old medical doctor and politician, and a resident of Nsumbu road in Lusaka’s Woodlands area, on June 1, 2010 with intent to maim, disfigured and caused grievous harm to Jackson Musaka of Serenje.
In another case, the Lusaka high court has granted a 5 million kwacha bail to two youths of Kafue pending appeal to the Supreme Court after being convicted for malicious damage to property.
Mike Chongo 19 and James Silwamba 18 were sentenced to 7 years simple imprisonment after being found guilty of the offence earlier this year.
In a ruling by high court judge Agness Banda- Bobo, the duo was granted bail on account that the two are school boys in grades 9 and 12.
The court agreed with the defence that since appeals in the high court take long to determine there incarcerations would mean they miss examinations and will have to drop out of school by the time their appeal was being heard.
The duo is alleged to have caused damage to property worth 17 million kwacha belonging to Marry Musonda of Kafue whom they accused of being a witch.
Too bad for my friend Doc. Any way that is what it means when cadres demand for beer, money or food with force.
Am only interested in the sentence!! more than 5 years will be very fair considering the intentions he had.
Justice delayed is Justice denied. so RB was waiting for musonda to come out ministerial post in order to be judged or what? this Jury and the governement are so useless. anyway, in bemba they say; umulandu taubola. wapya munzi manje, nayonayo. nkani yalula.
dude there is no jury in Zambia
DOCS belong to hospitals and other related noble postings. This is what happens when a DOC becomes a cadre.RB to the rescue.
If he did for FTJ he can surely do it for the good ol DOC
What a shame. All that education ba Dr will go down the drain. He should have handled the situation better given your status and not behave like the PF cadres who he alleges were trying to attack. The law has caught up with Dr Musonda.
He asked for it
Shame on you little Doc. Leave ranks of Cadres to MMD thugs.
Doctors take oath to save lives. But here was a doctor taking away life for no reason. I wonder if the medical counsel does not cancel the title doc when one becomes rouge. He should be called Mr Musons, not Doctor
You don’t see intelligent, successful, good looking people with with this behaviour …which go to make my point that Dr Solomon Musonda is a badge for the moronic, follow the heard down to Ibiza, binge drinking scum-bags that make life hell for everyone else at 3am on a Sunday morning …and they don’t even know it. They haven’t got a brain just a few grunts and they think they are god’s gift to RULE. I say round up all those with Dr Muzo’s and cull the lot. If I ever decide to end my life then I will be taking as many of those morons with me as I can, especially MORON Dr Muzo
With the experience I have with a relative accused of murder, I see this doctor saving a suspended sentence after mitigation. His lawyers already know the vedict, and they should be telling him not to worry. Lawyers and judges have a special relationship and meet outside court to share notes. I feel for the poor cadre, save he survived.
LT you gave me a wrong flag. Am in Zambia not America or Liberia. I have never even been to America in any case.
Nizoona wapya munzi !!!
Another testimony of the independence of our judiciary.If the findings were to the contrary, mmembe would have had a screaming headline in his toilet tisseue.
#12, do you have an issue with toilet paper…? When did it start? Childhood?
the Lawyer needs an adjornment to get instructions for mitigation?is this not something he could have just asked the court to stand down the matter?Or is it a strategy?
This is one seriosly corrupt country. If criminals like FJT walked out free, there ain’t no way this doc chap is going to jail
#13 – a PF psycho lesbian I presume?
Whatever the sentence, the best is to appeal to the supreme court. the doc was defending himself from the pf thugs. I maen you cant shoot where there is no danger, comrade judge mulenga
No 12 I agree with you
@3, you seem to be ashamed of all past pf rantings about our judiciary, what has this to do with rb? on the other hand, what has happened can be termed as injustice, how come mr sata was not taken to court or even questioned over that abduction case when the evidence is clear? according to the judicial code of pf, justice is only served when it favours pf. when mr sata was “cleared” of that money laundering case at finance bank, pf screamed that justice had been served. what a bundle of contradictions, this pf so called party!!!
I would love to see you analyzing issues consistently. my concern has nothing to do with PF. it is a question which demands a well reflected upon-answer, of which you have failed. instead you have seduced yourself to mediocrity and useless maters. Follow the argument consistently. Zambian Jury is in a mess, unless you are not object, you cannot object that. Tell me now, why is Lucy changwe not tried while Mpombo has been tried already over the bounced cheque?
anyway, dr musonda, i encourage you to appeal, your case has merit for dismissal or acquittal. just point out to the judge who will preside over the appeal that pf leader should have been arraigned for abduction.
It’s only the poor people who are always convicted even for stealing a chicken. The poor man would go in 10 years for stealing a chicken costing 20 pin. The rich are always given bail and in the end the case just disapears in the thin air. Doctor Musonda is a free citizen despite an attempt to kill a person.
Not attempted Manslaughter? Â The D.P.P needs his head read by a shrink
I only want to know if he is going to jail and for how long?
@19 (pf government) am not a PFor MMD or HH or any party. Attack the arguement not the person first. My concern is that why musonda was not tried or convicted when he was a minister? And you have failed to answer that! the issues you are bringing I cannot answer because am not PF cadre or supporter. if you want another mile; why is Lucy changwe not tried of the cheque issue while Mpombo has been tried already? Don’t dupe me into cheap thoughts and all political issues. Zambian Jury is controlled by the President, if you want prove me wrong by bringing out facts.
@19 further, I invite you to sustain contradictions without being contradicted. that is pure logic! Don’t pollute the web with lunatic and unreflected thoughts. am not dealing with politics, am dealing with human rights and justice issues. so no your limit, any game demands a limited play ground. Don’t think that all are either mmd or Pf, some of us we are not interested in those insults and useless issues. we leave that for you non humane characters.
#2 and others, wait a minute! What about the Chinese, is it not the same offence? Why are they out, and Muzo should go in?
We also want the Chinese in at the time Muzo goes in.
he should be sent to mukobeko CHI KA LA CHAKWE
Dr. Muzo won’t be put behind bars and this is why we want change. Our current Judicial system is rotten from the head up to the tail. Twalishama sana fwebenaZambia! Wake up & vote 4 change.
May be Muzo was supposed to be given some chance to medically treat his victim!
We want by-election
Politics an Opium of the Proffessionals.Next time Dr take care.
I want doctor Mr.Musonda to be given a light sentence of cleaning wounds in hospital day and night plus compansate the victim handsomely.
Do the same to the Chinese who shot their workers in Sinazongwe. Am sure if that same case happened in China, a Zambian shooting his Chinese workers would face the same wrath.
pipo,pipo, cant u see wats happenin! Some 1 is usin the case in question 2 solite 4 votes in that area, that why it has taken 4eva.
Given an opportunity to pass judgment on this young Doc surely I would give him a second chance considering that the chap he shot at indeed was also to blame. I pray that he may be given a second chance and utilize his much needed skills to the many dying Zambians.
We will be very lucky to have a doc in the prison. We will appreciate if he can be caged with us at mukobeko.May he be given more than five years so that prisoners at mukobeko can be treated by him. As soon as the doc is in at mukobeko,the mobile clinic should also be in, twachula pafula
As much as we appreciate that the doc has finally succumbed to justice, it is unfair that he only had to be tried in the courts after being dropped as a minister. This proves to show that a minister in the MMD government cannot be prosecuted as long he is still a minister. A good example is Lucy Changwe, while others are being prosecuted for the same offence she too committed, she is still on the loose since she is a minister. It is a pity that the law is so selective on whom to visit or whom not to. This is a good lesson to all of us, especially as we head towards the elections. Time to scrutinize them very well, we cannot have a judicial system that is controlled by the elite and not independent!
Comments @ 1 – 38 are fairly objective depending on which camp one is is. Consider letting the court pass judgement before judging the court and system. This can only be prejudicial.
Miko zulu was found with dagger or Chamba he was given a light sense of community work and teach youngs onces the dangers of drugs. So Musonda can as well be given a light sencence of cleaning wounds in hospitals. Its very bad to spoil someone’s education just like that.
he will most likely appeal and apply for bail pending appeal, then he will be acquitted