Friday, October 18, 2024

ZESCO to distribute free energy saving bulbs


Zesco LTD  Managing director Ernest Mupwaya addressing a press briefing in Lusaka
Zesco LTD Managing director Ernest Mupwaya addressing a press briefing in Lusaka

The Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) Limited and Electrometer Zambia today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the supply contract of two million Compact Florescent Light bulbs to be distributed to customers at no cost.

The bulbs will be manufactured locally by Electrometer Zambia at total cost of US$ 4.6 million over a period of two years.

ZESCO Managing Director Ernest Mupwaya signed on behalf of his company and Electrometer Zambia Managing Director Magdy Abdelhakim signed on behalf of his organisation.

Speaking at the signing ceremony in Lusaka today, ZESCO Board Chairperson Kwalela Lamaswala said the MoU represents yet another significant investment on the part of the power utility company in ensuring delivery of its mission aimed at encouraging a culture of energy efficiency among its customers.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Lamaswala said in a speech read on his behalf by ZESCO Board member Professor Jorry Mwenechanya that such initiatives complement numerous projects that the company recently commissioned with a view to reducing demand on domestic electricity.

He added that this will be carried out through the deployment of strategic energy efficient appliances in order to support the growing customer base and ultimately reduce load shedding.

Mr Lamaswala said the florescent light bulbs will be distributed through ZESCO’s customer service centres around the country and via operational teams on the ground who will conduct door to door operations.

He pointed out that this will ensure that conventional bulbs are replaced with energy efficient bulbs in order to support the drive for new connections.

Speaking at the same occasion, ZESCO Managing Director Ernest Mupwaya noted that connecting customers and keeping them on supply was the primary objective of the company.

Mr. Mupwaya added that this was why ZESCO decided to sign the MOU with Electrometer Zambia to connect more people across the country.

And Electrometer Zambia Managing Director Magdy Abdelhakim said the bulbs will go a long way in saving electricity consumption.

Mr. Abdelhakim expressed happiness that the MOU between the two companies has finally been signed.

Witnessing the Signing of the MOU between ZESCO and Electrometer Zambia was Egyptian Ambassador to Zambia Salah Eldin Abdel-Sadek who called on the two companies to continue being cooperating partners.

Mr. Abdel-Sadek said this is very vital as the two are partners in the economic development of Zambia.



  1. ZESCO was abused by Chiluba during 2001 elections and RB has continued the same trend. We should have these public companies privatised as soon as possible. RB is targeting voters from towns where he did not get a lot of votes in 2008. No one is interested in geysers or bulbs in the villages. Our politics is very dirty, buying votes with bulbs, where on earth has it happened before?

  2. The cost of 14 watts energy saver is K 14,000,000 and each house needs an average of 6 bulbs. It is a disaster next year

  3. This is not free we are already paying for them through the high tariff we are being charged. And its high time zesco give back to the community. But i also have to commend then with the timing.

  4. People sorry to be off topic but where is abena red card father frank bwalya?! long time no hear in the news has he been assassinated quietly!

  5. i can not wait to receive free Mealie – meal. its like everything is going to be free this year.i wish election could be held every year

  6. ZESCO should just reduce their high tarriffs instead! And also charge the mines more for power instead of poor households!!

  7. All of a sudden ZESCO has a lot of excess money such that they are able to provide free services to selected people. Yet ZESCO keeps crying for billions of Kwacha it is owed in unpaid bills!!

  8. When poverty eats our bones, we look for all opportunities to get into power and hold to it as long as we can – how else can we care for our swollen family size if we don’t hold to the power and use the country’s money for our relatives’ feeding! Backstabbing becomes an option to pull down one and push up yet another hungry man, it becomes a means to hide out your secrets and remain in power. Zambia will NEVER change.
    Where are the leaders similar to the David Cameron, young energetic pure as a whistle?
    The so-called “Democracy” in Zambia is imported, not deeply-rooted, this is why things are the way they are. There is a lot of backstabbing that takes place in the western world but at the end of the day, our DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES always prevail.

  9. The majority of people not advocating for change are people, desperate on protecting their self interest, in ensuring they have a job and the easy option is supporting the regime in power.
    Do not be afraid of change, and I think HH is a solution to your terrible perception here. Thanks

  10. This is a lot bull shit. The energy saving bulbs will be produced at a cost of USD4.6 million. These will be manufactured and supplied to ZESCO customers free of charge. What’s the catch to the zambian tax payer? Or what is in it for Electrometer Zambia? In business there is no such thing as a free lunch, so who are they kidding? ZESCO should concentrate on electrifying the entire country in order to broaden their customer base, build capacity, replace all aged & defunct machinery and identify areas where they can take advantage of hydro-electric generation. In Luapula we have Musonda falls, Kalambo falls in Northern Province and indeed other places. By the 1990s these should have been expanded to supply more power to the national grid. What’s wrong with people in our country?

  11. This is beyond comedy now! Fellow bloggers this is perplexing. If I may ask: Are we still of the mindset of the 70s and late 80s when we could be bought by free things? Is that still the state of affairs in this country????? I doubt very much that those who don’t get these free geysers and bulbs will have any after elections with this government… I am sure we will be told the stock has run out and the dodging, weaving and bobbing will start until the next elections! This is not funny; it is disgusting.

  12. This is really a season of “good will” ( elections ). Just wonder what other “developments” are on the way !

  13. It is like these people cheating themselves. Wait the change of govt. these people will be charged with corruption. Just imagine when Zesco is borrowing $600 million and is able to spend foolishly. Even in developed countries like UK, Germany, France and USA, I have not heard of free energy serving bulbs what happens is buy one get one free. Zesco board of Directors and managing director are staring fire hat will land them into Jail. I wish them good luck.

  14. This is totally wrong. i agree with the PF Manifesto which stipulates that the borrowing of money by government will be passed through parliament. these people are busy borrowing and using money on irrelevant things. Fellow Zambians, we will have to pay these huge loans, Ambulances (tetamashimbas), mobile hospitals, and many other useless loans. we need accountability and its high time parliament was involved in borrowing of resources


  16. There is nothing wrong with the distribution energy saving bulbs. The use of these bulbs will result in energy saving and therefore cutting down on the rolling blackouts. The company that will manufacture these bulbs is a 50-50 joint venture between ZESCO and El Sewedy cables of Egypt. It is based in Ndola and also produces the Prepaid meters that are in use today. Stop complaining this is long overdue. Everywhere in the world today countries and companies are encouraging energy saving programs. Zambians you complain too much. Some of you I suspect you also complain when sitted on the toilet-sit doing number 2. What a nagging nation! Learn to shut up sometimes! Why is it that for a lot of you every contribution is a complaint or conspiracy! You are very sad people! Get a life!

  17. It is said that ‘bad habits die hard, Well, 20 years down the road, looks like RB Govt is resurrecting UNIP style of buying votes from people. What next, a frog on ballot papers all over again?

  18. My brothers and sisters,let’s have any one being of the people being apponted to such positons go to CHAHINAMA HOSPITAL first.Even a dead person can do better than some of our chief executives.My father is in the 90’s and he is asking what ZESCO Managing Director Ernest Mupwaya is talking about.Let’s go back to the old days,Chahinama hospital first and then get appointment of MD.Even chiefs you can get spme one who is mad.

  19. Good evening

    Ho ho ho! Looks like Santa.. oh sorry, Zesco is in a time of optimism… or is it sacrifice?

    Free geysers and light bulbs in the name of energy efficiency? I’m beginning to smell a rat. Unless they’have boosted their earnings, reduced their labour costs or rigorously cut all expenditures, I don’t see how they can afford to give away such packages. Or is it because they’re the sole suppliers of electricity on the market and such alms will not affect their competitiveness?

  20. Fellow Zambians, there is nothing wrong with this move. Ultimately ZESCO is promoting a culture of conserving energy in Zambia something we are not used to and hence we pay high electricity bills. Eskom the electricity utility parastatal in South Africa did the same to save energy. ZESCO is just following a trend that most energy utility companies are doing to save energy in many parts of the world including England. Campaigns may differ but the goal is to save. If you have been affected by blackouts which is far too common in Zambia you need to appreciate this. Having said that, it’s a pity such a good initiative can has been hijacked by MMD to gain political mileage in an election year. These crooks know wont have an outright win. This is what makes a good initiative by ZESCO dodgy.

    • For ****s sake!!! Why isn’t the grid complete yet to supply electricity to my village? Yet these fools keep overcharging us on electric bills while Congo who import electricty from us pay for it at a much cheaper rate. Get your head out of your ass. Forgive the french but this is very upseting. Sha!

    • But Lazo are you going to blame Congo or your Govt for lacking a serious energy policy that should benefit ordinary Zambians. Stop blaming Congo they are not running GRZ. Blame RB’s Govt & ministers.

  21. Oooh!!! This is animal farm scenario. After 2011 election, its mostly likely that RB will bull doze and change the name MMD to UNIP. Thereafter, he will introduce the vigilante (Don’t ask) those who were there in 1990’s will recall how merciless these human beings were. Free bulbs honestly for what? In economics, there nothing for free and there should a way these bulbs will be for. Either ZESCO will increase electricity tarrifs to get their money back or Government will increase taxes. Sorry that’s the little economic i know.

  22. Freeeeeeeeee bulbs!!!!!!! oh pleaaaaase give me break.anyway then am not going to vote cos i live in the village no geysers no bulbs only for the city people.if you want my vote then give me free solar panel tooo eeeeye 50 50 no nyengelela

  23. Why has the idea come now. ZESCO has always been abused by presidents. This is clear that its RBs strategy which has come rather too late. I wonder why these charities only emerge in election years. R.u.b.b.i.s.h, dirty, filthy, stinking and cheap politics at work and whoever is involved is equally filthy. This Mupwaya is a bootlicker who dances to the tune of the MMD. I wish it was Cyprian Chitundu and it now explains why they fired him because he could not tolerate nosense. Accept the bulbs and flush the MMD out of government.

  24. #25 iwe,off course there’s nothing wrong with promoting low energy bulbs and the use of solar geysers/water boilers but the question is ,who is funding all these projects.Yes,even in England energy companies promote the use of energy efficient bulbs but they don’t dish them out for free,a few pensioners do receive them not everyone. They don’t dish out water boilers either! ZESCO is struggling financially and all this is putting a strain on the company’s resources,eventually the company will sink and that’s when everyone will be forced to start using generators like the way it is Nigeria. It’s high time things were changed so that the govt has no say in the running of ZESCO & other remaining major parastatals where the President has to appoint his preferred CEO for obvious reasons.

    • In fact it’s is not just ZESCO electricity is such a hot commodity in industrialised countries that conserving energy has become an imperative. Most electricity utility companies in develop nations did the same. All the naysayers are doing what the Zambian politicians want them to do and that is to politick for the sake of being heard. There is nothing wrong with distributing free bulbs. Next government should ban the importation and manufacturing of non efficient bulbs in Zambia.

  25. Someone should state the amount of energy that will be saved and then the cost savings must be passed on to the customers. And who is going to pay for the bulbs? What ZESCO is doing is buying these bulbs and will then distribute them ‘free’ of charge. The real cost of the bulbs will be recovered through increased tarriffs. The bulbs will NOT be free!! There is no free lunch on earth. Give us a break.

  26. These bulbs are dangerous as they contain heavy metals, mecury to be specific. if one breaks its enough to contaminate the whole house

  27. ZESCO is definetly in the right direction nothing political about this move.I live in Australia where the ultility company did exactly the same they distributed free energy saving bulbs free of charge even some to is a pity a handful of you so called bloggers can not see the benefits of this initiative.MMD will not stop developmental projects just because it is an election year,you must live in developed rich countries and see how money is spent in an election year not the broke UK or USA to appreciate what MMD is doing.

    • Ba YAYA lekeni ubufi. I live in Australia also and I have never received any free bulb. Whom are you trying to cheat. In 2008 fertilizer was sold at K50pin. Just after elections, the prioce went back to its original price K300pin. So this is just a gimmick to buy votes. Why didn’t they give free bulbs after elections? Zambians are not f.o.o.l.s to be bought using bulbs.

    • Yaya uli tole chikala. What is this supposed to mean? There are places that don’t have electricity yet in our country. So what if Aussy did that? Who gives a rat’s ass what a developed country does. Get real and dont be a douche about it.

    • Thanks for seeing sense in this. yes it has been hijacked by political motives that we acknowledge but Zambians have taken power for granted. Those who have been affected by blackouts will appreciate.

  28. Iwe CHI ZESCO Managing Director Ernest Mupwaya, how can you misuse our money for political reasons like this?

    I thought with the demise of the one party rule of UNIP the abuse of public companies would end with it? Alas it is back!!

    I choose to support RB and MMD because of their stance Christianity but it is VERY VERY difficult to sustain this support because the MMD is abusing public companies.

    At least the MMD should have learnt something from the way public companies were liquidated as a result of the misuse.

    ZESCO needs to be privatised now to protect it from abuse.

  29. ##32 YAYA

    Iwe chi YAYA, you are a liar, ULE TUSEBANYA sana sana!!! Where in Australia doe ORIGIN energy distribute free energy saving bulbs free of charge even some to spare?
    Does not help for someone like you to live in Australia and learn to be honesty and clean politics. Lying in Australia for political reasons is a serious offense. For politicians they are forced to resign.

    Shame on you YAYA. Did one of the politician send you to Australia as a beneficiary or you are one of the beneficiary of Zambian political BENEFITS?

  30. ##25 Mandaliza,

    You are very ignorant!!! UBUPUBA.

    Not at the cost of high tariffs when mining companies are not charged more than ordinary Zambians. The world bank has advised ZESCO to manage its financial resources prudently.

    To conserve energy this money can be used to electrify houses of poor Zambians so that CHARCOAL BURNING IS REDUCED as a result carbon emission will be reduced.

    • Chief if am ignorant then you’re also ignorant. Why blame mine companies for high domestic tarrifs? Stop the blame game. Mining companies don’t set the tarrif for commercial or domestic usage of electricity in Zambia so this point you raise is irrelevant here. Secondly, Zambians are generally aloof about lobbying you could easily protest high electricity tarrifs but you have accepted poor service blackout etc.You live in Aussie I would imagine. These initiatives are long overdue in Zed. Nobody is denying what the world bank has advised. the parastatals in most African countries not just Zambia have been abused to fund political party activities of the party in power.


  32. #8 father frank Bwalya has gone back to active ministry as a priest so can not continue with red card is upto others who appriaciated what he started to continue with that because others thought he wanted to a politican fighting for poistion no is just that he has people and the country at heart.

  33. #35 SHAKA OZ You are true swine to say the least,If you trully live in Australia, as you claim then i do not even to remind you about the solar energy rebate currently going on in NSW at least.The NSW government is paying top dollar for the scheme not just those cheap bulbs.I do appreciate Australia is too big and development in this huge country is at different stages ,so if you are in some remote mining post where the mines pays for your hostel accomodation, how can you know all this?Cheap liar you.Muleke ubufi this year we’ll meet you squaurely,you cheap bloggers.

  34. #35 SHAKA OZ Am sure your father stole money from Zambia and sent you for studies here where you ended up marrying one the street girls so that you can stay in Australia.You bitter chap.

  35. Ba YAYA lekeni ubufi. I live in Australia also and I have never received any free bulb. Whom are you trying to cheat. In 2008 fertilizer was sold at K50pin. Just after elections, the price went back to its original price K300pin. So this is just a gimmick to buy votes. Why didn’t they give free bulbs after elections? Zambians are not f.o.o.l.s to be bought using bulbs or solar gyser. If you are living by MMD handouts, your days are numbered.

  36. Dr XYZ I have already mentioned to your friend so called SHAKA OZ that Australia is too huge i might not speak those woking and living in some small rural outback dwelling.I live in a city and recieved free bulbs including spare ones .I have never lived on MMD handouts for your own info, i left Zambia maybe before you were born.I know you hoping for a 90 days miracle pressuming that your SATANA takeover power this year.God forbid that will be the beginning of the end of the good times Zambians are enjoying under the able and honest leadership of His Excellence Rupiah “Mubwezi Nafuti” Banda.He has demonstrated excellent leadership qualities as evidenced by real economic advancement,bumper harvest two straight years,masssive developmental projects etc whatelse do you want?Free cars?

  37. ##42 YAYA

    Iwe ka small KOLOKOMBWA ka YAYA!! You mean in your small SHANGHAI in Sydney, ORIGIN energy distributes FREE bulbs? Iwe Ka BLUE MUTWE, LIAR!! All the time Australians buy from Coles store e.t.c. their ENERGY saving bulbs. I have never received one for free from ORIGIN ENERGY in the best City of Australia here!!! Kuipa pa MENSO!!

    No wonder you are out of touch with what is happening in NOW Zambia because you have never lived on the DIRTY MMD politicians handouts. Did you leave Zambia during the UNIP one PARTY RULE?
    You are full of HATRED and unfounded FEAR for SATA yet you are using the name of God in VAIN.

    You mean you haven’t learnt what DEMOCRACY is in Australia? Doesn’t help for people like you to change. You are another GBAGBO of Ivory Coast.

  38. Continued…

    ##42 YAYA

    The former Dictator President GBAGBO of Ivory Coast lived in France as an elite but it never helped him to be a true democrat like you YAYA. Bo YAYA Australia is the best place for you to learn about true democracy and support true democracy and not live in the FALSE theory of CONSPIRACIES about SATA.

    If Zambia establish a transparent and sound constitution, then every president will be checked as no one will abuse their power excessively.

    For your own information i support RB, but not MOBILE HOSPITALS, FREE GEYSERS NOR FREE BULBS bcoz it all these that destroyed the economy during UNIP.

    If it was connecting poor Zambians houses i would support bcoz it will reduce CHARCOAL burning and reduce CARBON EMISSIONS in Zambia.

  39. #43 So called SHAKA OZ ,so why the insults if you support RB,i think you are the one who is miserable and sick in your little head.Enjoy your life in your lovely outback city!

  40. Shaka OZ#35, Yaya #32 is right. Maybe you’re not been in the Kangaroo land long. In my area, every household
    was given an opportunity to receive free energy bulbs some 3 to 4 yrs ago before individuals started buying them in the shops.
    An Electrician came into our house and replaced all the bulbs at no cost to us but someone else was responsible for paying the cost.
    I think the council or State govt was to foot the bill. The same thing happened with the water saving shower taps. So ZESCO is doing
    the right thing before everyone will be able to pay for themselves.

  41. Zesco is at it again! Mupwaya be ready for prosecution over this total abuse of the institution. Your masters will not be there to defend you. What is that has made Zesco to be so generous this year? Reduce electricity tarriffs now! We are paying through the noise and you are chanelling our money towards RB’s campaign in the most unprofessional and corrupt way. Any DOnchi KUBEBA. We will vote wisely and deal with you thieves in before end of the year. Vote for Change, vote SATA.


  43. That’s good development. Please give us the bulbs, geysers, 20pin connection fee and cheap electricity tariffs. VIVA RB

  44. First I’ll say DONCH KUBEBA. Zesco is a public company, tax payers money so this is a free gift back to us, after all, we have pre-paid meters now so we shall save. Only a few things:
    1. How durable are these bulbs? Have they been tested yet? Where are the test results?
    2. Why not get them from china where they’ll definitely be cheaper?
    3. When was this expenditure planned for? Can we have the minutes?

  45. NOW, I rarely write in capitals but this is worth shouting out oldest.
    The trouble is, they are rubbish. You switch on the light and by the time they are bright enough for you to see, you have got what you wanted and have left the room!

  46. Every country in the world, well almost every, has signed up to reduce carbon emissions. Can someone tell me, how much carbon emissions you produce from Hydroelectric power generation?
    However, ZESCO should be able to explain to the public that efficient lighting and water boilers, save energy and thus reduce bills. This means that the surplus power can be transferred to the rural areas without increasing generation capacity and minimising load shedding! Bad zesco PR.

  47. Zesco is faced with financial problem and if they continue giving solor guysers and power saving bulbs, when are they going to make money to pay IMF and World bank loans? As for the voters just get everything they bring but on the poll day, ni don’t Kubeba.

  48. after we receive the “free” energy saving bulbs, next will be tarrif adjustment very soon. there’s nothing for nothing. that egyptian company can never give free bulbs to this country ..for what? they need to make money, thats why they are here. we are gonna pay for this us customers and rb will get some votes from some naive zambians. this chap will leave us in debt or in a more terrible position after he leaves. the concept of power saving is definately good but the timing and the free concept is deceiving.

  49. Alot of arm chair critics on this blog who can’t reason.If zesco has distributed and installed free pre-paid metres in your homes whts the fuss about distributing to your house free energy saving bulbs.It only shows that some you people in the diaspora are lunatics even if your wife prepared shima with chicken or beef you will still say why did you do it?i would have liked to eat
    delele mulembwe instead.So this how dull you have become.Zesco just go ahead you are not
    forcing any one to have these bulbs who ever doesnt want must be left out.Thanks.   

    • In fact it’s is not just ZESCO electricity is such a hot commodity in industrialised countries that conserving energy has become an imperative. All the naysayers are doing what the Zambian politicians want them to do and that is to politick for the sake of being heard. There is nothing wrong with distributing free bulbs. Next government should ban the importation and manufacturing of non efficient bulbs in Zambia.

  50. You get a loan 2 distribute free bulbs? Where is the logic here? How will u finance the refund of this loan Zesco? We are not ready 4 another hike in electricity tariffs! Shame on MMD

  51. Earlier Thread. I am appalled at the amount of ignorance that is being exhibited on this forum even from people with the so-called impeccable education. The use of solar water heaters is a DAMN GOOD IDEA. My only objection is that this project is being tooted as the brain child of RB and an MMD’s campaign tool. The World Bank has been funding these energy saving projects under its increased access to electricity programme. At the height of load shedding I wrote to a daily paper that the quickest and cheapest way of easing load shedding was by introducing energy saving measures. In Uganda and Rwanda energy saving bulbs were introduced. Incandescent bulbs were replaced with energy saving bulbs at no cost. In America an electric utility replaced inefficient fridges.

  52. Hmmm……..It only gets cold for three months in Zambia sure the geysers are not a priority considering the bad water reticulation and communal ablution blocks.Awe sure its Election year,thought ZESCO was insolvent a few months ago.

  53. Cont’d. ZESCO has not only introduced energy saving bulbs but has introduced solar water heaters as well. According to ZESCO statistics 40% of domestic electricity consumption goes towards water heating. Solar water heaters will result in reduced electricity bills. If one geyser uses 1500W, 150,000 solar water heaters is a saving of 150MW more than the planned Itezhitezhi Scheme. The cost of this plant is much more than solar water heaters. The selection of Mandevu is political. A substantial number of people in Mandevu use charcoal. It would have resulted in almost 100% saving of electricity for water heating if a place like Kabulonga had been chosen. The reduction in the consumption of charcoal is however welcome as it is environmentally friendly.

  54. Ka Mushota #16 and #17.

    Mostly you write trash, but this time you’re spot on. You are coming around…

  55. I think that Zesco sales these bulbs at its centres but im sure the response is not that good. Why doesnt the govt ban the sale of ordinary bulbs in shops so that the energy efficient ones are sold to save Zesco some money.

  56. Not a bad idea considering that ZESCO customers are forced to pay K3000.00 monthly for the useless ZNBC TV.

  57. The problem with ZESCO is that they don’t know where to take their money to good investments. ZESCO you should just cut the salary down for the certificate holders from K5m to K2m. Diploma holders from the current K9m to K5m and reduce the degree holders salaries from K17m to K10m. your problem ZESCO is that the salaries are extravagant. Reduce them and you will have the workers thinking about how to make ends meet rather than spending it on sex and drinking.
    These geysers and bulbs are here today gone tomorrow. think about it the future

  58. People, MUSHOTA IS CRYING! Please read “Musokotwane cautions Zambians over PF”. Finally, we have gotten rid of this b.i.t.c.h. Hope its the last time I’ll hear from you. Aren’t we all human…after all.

  59. Here in Australia the utility company distributes energy saving bulbs for free…

    A clear case of DULL Zambians..

    Ati umwana ashenda atasha nyina ukunaya ubwali

  60. SHAKA OZ 
    I live in Australia and i get free energy bulbs why are u misleading people… I doubt if you are in Australia

  61. Iwe ka YAYA perhaps u are one of those beneficiaries sent as cadres to Austrilia to go and study toilets and pitlatrines u do not even know the cost of your frieght.Shame.Sata nizee causing panic in the entire MMD .Pabwatooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  62. **** Zesco and its MMD mind of corruption. who the **** is funding the same project because on paper they have no money but suddenly money is there. i hope these ****ers will not ask for the tariff increase this year.

  63. I dont knw where we are going. Zesco at it again. This time, free bulbs. Who is the chief adviser for Zesco? Ene nadabwaaaaa

  64. No. 6 Chika

    wrong math each bulb is K11,500 not 14,000,000 you fool making it k69,000 per home with average of 6 bulbs. RB and MMD u re going ba sulunyoko. Dont kubeba

  65. These energy saving initiatives, whether it is efficient water boilers or bulbs have NOTHING to do with ZESCO as such. These things are funded by environmental concerns world over. It is a pity that they are being so politicised in Zambia. The President should not have used this as a campaign tool by making it appear that HE and MMD are behind it. Now, I cannot blame people who think that it is a political gimmick. But, unfortunately, that is how things are in Zambia today. Some development projects are from NGOs like World Vision and Churches, but the government claims them. The Lumwana hospital is purely private but RB will be there to open it as though GRZ built the hospital. I think RB is being ill-advised here.

  66. The Saint. I agree with you. The GVEP, Global Village Energy Partnership is one such NGO. These energy saving measures or iniatives are necessary vis-avis global warming but in Zambia they are being tooted as the brain child of RB.

  67. Just wait Zambian, will soon start getting free fuel before elections! MMD is panicking now. Next week they will promise us rains. Muzao

  68. You guys what is your problem. ESKOM in South Africa did the same to reduce on energy demand. When it is done in Zambia it is corruption, but when it is done somewhere else they are developed.

  69. It seems no one wants to say what is going to happen when these Mecury Filled bulbs expire and become an eviromental hazard. Go for it guys, just dump it on Zambia.

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