Friday, March 14, 2025

William Banda denies harassing Rev Mutale


MMD member William Banda(R)
MMD member William Banda(R)

LUSAKA Province MMD chairperson William Banda says he will take legal action against Edith Mutale for falsely accusing him of having insulted and harassed her at the funeral of former republican President Frederick Chiluba.

Mr Banda has said he is shocked that Reverend Mutale could claim to have been close to Dr Chiluba only after his death.

Mr Banda said he neither saw nor spoke to Rev Mutale at the funeral house, adding that at the time she claimed she was there, he had left.

“I actually do not even know this woman. I was surprised to read that she was accusing me of harassment,” he said.

He said if truly Rev Mutale is a ‘woman of God’, she should tell the nation the truth and not to try and gain sympathy even when it is not necessary.

Mr Banda was reacting to The Post story in yesterday’s edition accusing him of leading cadres to harass and insult Rev Mutale.

He has also challenged Rev Mutale to testify in court where and when he harassed and insulted her.

“I am not a gateman to be ushering people into the funeral house. I have been to the funeral house but I have not harassed or barred anyone from attending the former president’s funeral,” he said.

He also said he was taken aback that Rev Mutale could claim to have been close to Dr Chiluba when she did not even accord him the recognition he deserved when he was still alive.

Mr Banda recalled an incident at the late MMD national executive committee member Ackim Nkole’s funeral where Rev Mutale refused to recognise Dr Chiluba’s presence.

“Rev Mutale had to be spoken to for her to do the right thing. We all know why she is behaving in such a manner, and the reason is that she belongs to the Patriotic Front,” he said.

Mr Banda said even if Dr Chiluba’s administration deported him, he is not bitter and that he shared a cordial relationship with the former head of State.

Mr Banda said he and Dr Chiluba held meetings regularly, with the last being five days before he died

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Rev. Edith is a big girl. There’s no way skinny Willie could have harassed her. She could have slapped he devil out of him!

  2. William Banda is Jack a** for sure bcoz of carring name Banda thinks he can rant anyhow this man is a kabova how should be arrested, and taken back to Malawi to continue with his nosense ala ati vute malabishi kuipa pamenso monga boss wako 

  3. This skinny mountain monkey shud be caged. Its too much of him. Who the farck does this arsse think he is.

  4. Dont take a position by listening to one side of a story this woman despite claiming to be a woman of God is too imbedded in partisan politics

  5. Meeting Chiluba five days ago,then william killed Chiluba.The family is right that Dr do someting to know what killed the father Chiluba.

  6. Bana Mayo bambi lelo
    batemwa ukuya kuchipatala
    Ati kuli Abakaya bafwile
    Kanshi baleya mukumona malukula
    Abashitisheko amenshi
    Yakubikila balume mumunani
    Ati ekuti bantemwe sana

  7. William mudala how can you claim not to know the woman but still recall an incidence where she failed to recognize chiluba`s presence ? Mudala naiwe yashani.

  8. Actually it is Reverend MATALE, not Mutale. Anyway, God knows who is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All I know is that both these persons are dubious in their motives. Rev Matale benefited from Dr Chiluba’s slush fund, although for reasons best known to herself, she endeared herself with The Post by attacking him, albeit, indirectly.

  9. William, even in the village, if you tell someone ati nkakulowa, even if he is bitten by aa snake, they will say it is William. Learn to tether your ka silly mouth, waona manje, vonse vikugwela.

  10. Tekele is dubious for sure everybody knows that but the reverend seems to have a problem also. If she is a woman of God let her be sincere in her dealings. There is no need to deny that she is a PF sympathizer.Remember the that famous song yaba Glorious Band. People only want to be seen to have been close to a person after their demise for non other than selfish reasons. REPENT!

  11. William band doesnt know rev   mutale but he remembers her during the funeral nkole. He knows her again as pf.

  12. This Malawian Joker wants to take Zambians for granted He is very S.T.U.P.I.D You Can atually just tell from him body language that he is a problem. Imwe Baa Fii maa Tooooo Leeeee ba MMD. How do you allow such an ***** to bring down MMD’s repetition, can’t you see Nichi UNIP chi William? He has a clear plan to bring down your party, A joker that contradicts himself, Let him go back to Lilongwe.

  13. The Rev is actually very close to the Chiluba family, she even spent two weeks with them in SA giving spiritual and moral support to the couple when King Fred was in hospital. william banda is a farce.

  14. If ths F.O.O.L dies of his S.T.U.P.I.D.I.T.Y I wl blame Bwezani ziko kumbuyo 4 not taking him 2 Chainama 4 emergency treatment. He is a disgrace 2 his children. @ Saint its not Matale but Mutale. 2 diferent pipo there

  15. william tawakwata mano eyo… time is slowly catching up with you ukalapila en will wish u were in lilongwe makaka ewe…the Rev is right bushe kuti bakubepesha ubufi bwa musango uyo… nawishiba……….****FYOLA***

  16. THE SAINT, wakasa chikalaa, Rev susan matale is civilised and hearding a big mother church body the CCZ. The other one so called edith mutale is a spiritual misfit always phoning sata’s radio phone in programmes pretending to high light people’s sufferings yet she is offering solidarity and seeking recognition. She reverted to christ after expiring on the social market of beauty.

  17. Madam matale should take this article with her to court, cause william is contradicting himself, in the first place he says he doesn’t know the woman, the same Banda again say’s he witnessed matale refuse to recognise the presence of chiluba at one of the funeral, he went on to say he know the woman is supporting PF. Does this make sense to you bloggers? how about the judge?william’s life will be bad when MMD is no more.

  18. If you read the post article on this Rev mutale carefully, you will find that william B did not play any part in the alleged harrassment. The Rev was infact blocked by mmd women cadres not william. Unless the Rev who told the post the story was telling lies


  20. Surely, the Zambian legal system has more important matters to attend to than settling this kind of schoolyard spat.

    From what I can tell, this is nothing more than he-said/she-said nonsense. How nice if our politicians would grow up and show some real leadership instead threatening to run to the courts all the time like the child who says I’m going to tell mommy on you.

  21. So in addition to being violent the chap William Banda can not read,what a shame.I ready through the entire article on Rev Mutale and at no point did she say william attacked her.She only mentioned William in passing as one of the cadres near the gate monitoring people going into the funeral house and that she ignored him and went in the house of morning were she was harassed by the MMD women singing inside and told to leave the funeral house,they also threatened to undress her if she did not oblige,so what is this Malawian talking about.Let him sue , it’s like he has a lot of money to waste.

  22. In the usual Zambian fashion we are now witnessing new assertions: It is Matale, not Mutale… Hello!!!!!! Yesterday’s Post even captioned one Rev EDITH MUTALE. If you know how Susan looks you would not mistake that report at all. Or am I missing something? The conspiracy builds!

  23. William banda reasons shallow says did not harass rev mutale and again gives reasons why he harass her (Mr Banda recalled an incident at the late MMD national executive committee member Ackim Nkole’s funeral where Rev Mutale refused to recognise Dr Chiluba’s presence.)

  24. @7 Nubian Princess – I am still waiting for the connection between your ka song and WB’s harassing of EM?

  25. William is a fool. He either knows Edith or he doesn’t?
    What role did he have in ensuring protocols for Chiluba at Akim Nkole’s funeral? The man is dangerous!!!!!!!!!WATCH OUT
    RB, William will dribble you. My fellow Zambians, WATCH THIS SPACE……….KK will be president again. RB will make him Vice President and then RB will die. Kaunda, WAMPAVU, the president who never dies will be back!!!

  26. My heart bleedz considering what my numerous, well educated journalist friendz and relativez in the public media must be going through when publishing some of theze articlez.

  27. # 26 are you sure there are well trained and/or well educated journalists working for the public media? How come the Zambian public media is of such inferior calibre?

  28. william Banda is telling the truth that lady is not normal,how can she be saying all those things when she has not been to funeral house?She once refused to greet chiluba and even refusing to reognise him in her speech.what hypocrise is this?she is not different from Michael sata(na)

  29. Did anyone read the THE POST article Willy is referring to here? I read it and I don’t remember Rev. Mutale claiming Willy harassed her!

    She only said William Banda was standing by the gate of the Funeral House, she said nothing to him and proceeded to the door of the house. It was then that a group of MMD women standing outside the door singing songs blocked her from entering the funeral home. She never said Tekere personally did it! At least that’s how I remember yesterday’s story in THE POST.

    But of course Willy was there as usual keeping his troops in line. WHAT WAS HE DOING MOOLING ABOUT AT THE GATE IF NOT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE?! Why would you leave the funeral house and start malingering outside the gate? Obviously he was looking for people he didn’t want there!

  30. Ha ha ha h i dont know Rev Edith Mutale, i remember her at Nkoles funeral and know her as a PF supporter…ala Wllie you are so facked up.

  31. Was it a story in the discredited Post? No comment there. And the discredited “Rev” Edith Mutale? No comment again.

  32. If you listened to the Phoenix Radio,Edith Mutale was very clear that William Banda harassed her and she was saying that William Banda should be thrown back to Malawi.Maybe she changed her story when she was interviewed by PF owned and controlled Post Newspaper.
    By the way, Madam Matale is such a decent woman that even a fly cannot harm her.On the other hand,Edith Mutale is a religious thug.

  33. She even accused you of being a Malawian sir, claim some damages. You will definetly win against this PF cadre so called reverand Matale.


    Mr Banda said he neither saw nor spoke to Rev Mutale at the funeral house, adding that at the time she claimed she was there, he had left.

    “I actually do not even know this woman”.

    The above statement already conflicting ask me how, i will expalain! Journalist please dont just publish everything coz you show your dullness by not evaluating statements.

  35. For information to the European, American & Asian nationals in Zambia & abroad the culture relating funerals is clear. When a husband and wife pay a visit to the funeral house, the natural pattern is that the man goes straight to join where fellow men are gathered under shade; the woman goes to join fellow women inside the house. If a man is a very close relative of the dead, he may opt to go straight into the house and spend a few minutes to mourn and listen to brief accounts that led to death narrated by an elder relative; and later joins the men folk outside. Therefore the insunuation reported by the Post are difficult to accept – especially taking into account that PF and the Post have self-sensored themselves not to attend FTJ’s funeral. Rev. Matale must tell the Truth.

  36. if WB was my dad or grandad i would really be ashamed to have gateman for a father. comeone old man you can do better. esp harrasing a woman of God……youa re a coward old man who is good for nothing. you are vilent man and no one will believe your denial. better go to court and witnesses will be brought. foolish will go back to malawi soon.

  37. Ka William chimbwakayela is calling you.All this you are doing now will soon cost your life.It seems you have never been jailed before and this MMD you are wrongry supporting wont be there for your help when you are squized.:d

  38. There is a dirty rat smelling in the corridors of Rev. Matale, PF and The Post. The culture of getting into a funeral home does not require special protocol for the mourners. We are expected to humble ourselves not to display air of importance. Besides, what prompted Rev. Matale to report the alleged harassment to Phoenix Radio when it is obvious that a funeral of this importance to the nation may entail the presence of the Police?. It is sad that in Zambia many men and women of God who have opted to venture into political limelight have displayed great shameful hypocrisy in public matters. Where did Rev. Matale damp her theological wisdom, diplomacy and resilience in handling human relations?

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