Sunday, September 8, 2024

Books of condolences open to public


SECRETARY to the Cabinet Joshua Kanjanja has said books of condolences will be opened to members of the public in Lusaka and all the provincial centres.

In a statement released in Lusaka yesterday, Dr Kanganja said in Lusaka that a book would be opened to members of the public at Mulungushi International Conference Centre today and tomorrow between 09:00 hours and 18:00 hours.

Dr Kanganja said in provincial centres, the books of condolences would be opened from today to Sunday, June 26, 2011 at all provincial offices.

“We wish to inform members of the public that books of condolences will be opened in Lusaka this week on Thursday and Friday while in provincial centres the books will be opened on June 23 up to June 26, 2011,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Government has opened an account at Bank of Zambia (BOZ) for contributions towards the hosting of second president of the Republic of Zambia, Frederick Chiluba’s State funeral.

Chief Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha said in a statement in Lusaka yesterday that the account, ‘State Funeral- Late Dr FTJ Chiluba Trust Fund’ number 0013723005960 had been opened at the central bank.

He said all well wishers should deposit their contributions through any commercial bank countrywide where they would be redirected to BoZ.

Lieutenant General Shikapwasha said material contributions should be channelled through district and provincial offices.

He said those based in Lusaka could take their material contributions to Cabinet Office.

He also advised that the Lusaka show grounds had been designated as the official venue for public mourning for Dr Chiluba where prayers and other spiritual programmes had been arranged everyday until burial day on Monday, June 27, 2011.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. If the official mourning place for the late former president is at the Show grounds, whose at Beveldear Lodge?

  2. Why are these fools embarrassing us by claiming that they dont have money to burry a former head of state.

  3. Mr Horny the monkey troll Shikapwasha is still pushing for funding from the ordinary citizens. You are embarrassing FTJ with your plans for a $1million mega-ultra-modern funeral. Just learn to live within your resources. And don’t finish the air at the funeral house.

  4. mwebantu, amavenue ya chililo yafula. A lesson to the menfolk. neva marry more than one wife. kabulonga kuli mwanza, lodge kuli vera, ku show grounds kulibandani kasiii?

  5. Too much politics here…is this what happens in the morning, noon, evening in Lusaka…why don’t you call this website LUSAKA POLITICAL TIMES. I wonder what’s going to happen after these elections are over as Politicians go under….a lot of these websites are going to go  down…instead of utilizing this heavy web traffic with more interesting stories in other categories other than politics.
    As for ka Chiluba’s funeral there is saying which states that “Only a foolish fly follows a corpse to the grave”…you chaps are reporting too much of this no wonder there is negative comments!!

  6. Zombians (Zambians with no mind of their own) i.e
    – Kunda
    – senior citizen
    – everyone signing books of condolences

  7. Zombians (Zambians with no mind of their own) i.e
    – Kunda
    – senior citizen
    – everyone signing books of condolences
    – anyone putting money in the funeral account

  8. Horny Shikapwasha the more you try to bulldoze your ideas through the funeral gathering, the more people think you’re just a small satanic reverend. Surely, how do you start thinking of asking for some money from ordinary people who get a taxed salary? You are an embarrassment and an embiicile. It’s like part of your brain found its way out of your big bottle-nose-dolphin nostrils.
    You stink like the insides of a goat’s bowels. Let well-wishers take it upon themselves to donate to the grieving family, don’t try to make a political-financial “get-rich-quick-scheme” out of this funeral.
    By the way there’s no way I’m going to sign in that plunderer’s books, I know not where the money for them came from

  9. Judging from most comments here, Mr. Chiluba’s family may not be so happy to read his book of condolences….. maybe it should be called a Book of Condemnation?

  10. There is no security and no accountability in the handling and channeling of the funeral contributions and clever people will find very easy loopholes to channel the funds one step further into their pockets, this is Zambia!

  11. Chiluba would not have requested for any financial support. Its these greedy chaps who want to eat or plunder at any given time.

  12. I have never seen such a useless govt as these movement for mad dogs govt. Surely how can you be asking/begging for money from the same tax-payers you tax huge taxes? All this is in the name of well-wishers. Surely these f00ls have the money but they just want to steal more. This is really embarassing!!!!! what a useless govt. Ba phi colour you should move away from this habit of begging. Atase!!!

  13. I have no idea who should rule Zambia next. I want to trust you guys on the ground but judging from this blog,you are divided. What qualities are we looking for this time around. It was not pleasant to read the background on Dr Chiluba. Can’t we come up with some good material pls.These guys should start live TV debates now so we can make up our minds. Let us have there education qualifications and life achievements known before we vote. I don’t want to hear on funerals that we were actually ruled by a call boy etc. 

    • live TV debates, you think RB would agree to that? SATA would nail him left right and center, remember the classic battles he had with late Charles Mando?? age has not been good to the cobra but he can still outwit EVERY single politician in Zambia when it comes to debate… PERIOD

  14. These funeral proceedings are nolonger interesting to hear or read about, all we hear is crap, crap, crap from these MMD folks

  15. The man is dead but I think is insensitive to the plight of the poor. The dead man was well known for having designer suits, ties, pants etc. among other plundered property. Why not auctions these and bury him. This is sickening. This is not like when he was a trade unionist driving a FIAT 132 along Ndola-Kitwe. The guy had money and property we all know that. Why open and account to give the dead man more. He doesn ‘t need any more of it, he is gone!!   

  16. Let the people that he wined and dined with contribute to his funeral. Let the people who he gave jobs be the ones to contribute. Personally I gained nothing from his rule. I will save my donation for Kaunda who gave me a free university education and gave my illiterate parents coupons!Chiluba did not die a poor man. He
    was given back all he stole from poor Zambians. So let Regina sponsor her husband’s funeral. :((

  17. Its bad & un zambian calture to say bad things about a dead person.plz lets respect king FRED & give him a discent funeral/barial.

    • Well, yes but it is also “un-Zambian” to be disrespectful of the living….. such as stealing to buy the most expensive suits and shoes possible while teachers and health workers go unpaid, trying to change the constitution to stay in power longer, etc. etc.

  18. While you are at it, why not turn the funeral of this chap Chiluba into a big Hollywood movie with a grammy in mind. “The book of condolences” what has this sh!t could to do with it, what are the benefits. How much did it cost to bury the KK11 that Chiluba as Chief Of All Armed forces, allowed to jump on an unfit doomed Zambia Air force Plane? This is the era of comedies. Shikapwasha should visit the zoo, especially the monkey section, precisely the Orangutans section, I’m sure his close relatives might just recognize him from the cages

  19. Please help me you fake Zambians on this blog, what is the Zambian culture? Do you fcukers even relate to the sh!t you try to display on this blog. You are in a country where lutuku is now legalized and sold as spirit drinks in sachets. Prostitutes as young as 12 year are found in all main towns in Zambia at every bottle store, taverns, night a-hole club dubbed sports club, and at every corner. Street kids at every major road stop. You are the *****s who get so amazed and complain about a pile of human sh!t laying on the road at Mandhill intersection but laugh about it when you see people ‘s houses in Misiss and George compound completely immersed in lava of human waste. What culture do you buffoons refer to when there over 50 tribes in Zambia. Ba sikanka pakunya. Don’t tort us

  20. here is what i would sign; ” condolesences to the millios of dollars that we shall never recover.”

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