Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Release the LCC land scam report, state urged.


The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has urged government to release the report of the findings on the investigations initiated at the PF dominated Lusaka City Council on the alleged illegal land allocation

FODEP Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi tells QFM news that holding on to the report on the findings on the investigations will verify assertions that the allegations are politically motivated.

Mr. Chipenzi notes that making public the report will enable the members of public have a clear understandings and avoid any suspicions.

Local government and housing minister Brian Chituwo has been quoted in the media giving a go ahead to the law enforcement agencies to investigate the alleged corrupt activities at Lusaka City Council.

Meanwhile Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) has welcomed Dr. Chituwo%u2019s decision to allow the law Enforcement agencies to investigate the alleged Lusaka City Council Land allocation scam.

TIZ executive director Goodwell Lungu tells QFM that the ministry of Local government should however extend their investigations to all the councils in the country that have been reported to be involved in illegal activities.

A few months ago, Dr. Chituwo suspended the Lusaka City Council to pave way for investigations into allegations that the PF councilors had illegally allocated themselves pieces of land.
FODEP Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi tells QFM news that holding on to the report on the findings on the investigations will verify assertions that the allegations are politically motivated.

Mr. Chipenzi notes that making public the report will enable the members of public have a clear understandings and avoid any suspicions.

Local government and housing minister Brian Chituwo has been quoted in the media giving a go ahead to the law enforcement agencies to investigate the alleged corrupt activities at Lusaka City Council.

Meanwhile Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) has welcomed Dr. Chituwo’s decision to allow the law Enforcement agencies to investigate the alleged Lusaka City Council Land allocation scam.

TIZ executive director Goodwell Lungu tells QFM that the ministry of Local government should however extend their investigations to all the councils in the country that have been reported to be involved in illegal activities.

A few months ago, Dr. Chituwo suspended the Lusaka City Council to pave way for investigations into allegations that the PF councilors had illegally allocated themselves pieces of land.



  1. yes..these pf chaps are thieves…we need to have them account for the plots and cash..the documents will be ready soon..

  2. They point at others with one finger and yet their three fingers are pointing at themselves as big thieves and the serpent is quiet and gave his ka-Lubinda a more challenging assignment in his pf central committee as local govt chair to loot in even more land. 

  3. corruption at wateva level should b stumped out,their should b no sacred cows n sacrificial lambs.de aleged coruption at lcc mks vry sad readin especialy dat de lcc is dominated by de oposition pf.de pf has bin on recod 2 b denoucin aleged coruption by otha membas of society,but it has nt tken tym 2 reprimand its membas alegedly practicin coruption instead it has chosen 2 b very defensiv n claims de alegations r politicaly motivated.dis should nt b de case,howeva. de best de pf can do is 2 smoothly alow investigations 2 b caried out in a vry thorough fashion 4 justice 2 prevail.2 de law enforcement agencies,lt dem expadite de whole proces n doin so without any interferance 4rm de higher authoritis 4 de benefit of de general public.

  4. all these things are happening because mmd has no montoring policy if are there are only used to people they want for political advantage. wakeup zambian show mmd and whoever will come that you have power to change the govt if dont perform as expected.

  5. Give out the report.Wy keep it?We want to know what is in the reoport ba ne.We this report has nothing and it will end being used our for matubuwa in the street.It will be like the news paper for the mad Chanda Chimba the 3rd.Chanda Cimba is not oksy up there,look at the he look’s after his wife.The wife is now looking like a na kapo nya,or mumbwa mumbwa were Dr Gen Chintowe.His a Sata boy,but not from the academy ya since he is the one to took in politics

  6. The investigation should also include William Banda’s illegal land allocation in Ibex Hill, Lusaka West and Great East Road to MMD cadres … some of this land is already on title and has owners but William Banda has been allowed, unabetted, to allocate it to MMD cadres.

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