PRESIDENT Banda yesterday held a closed-door meeting with the Litunga, the Paramount Chief of the Lozi-speaking people of Western Province.
The Litunga met the President around 11 hours at State house shortly after the Swearing in Ceremony of Tourism Permanent Secretary Peter Mumba and Chief Policy Analyst for Press and Public Relations, Kennedy Limwanya
President Banda’s special assistant for press and public relations Dickson Jere said this in an interview in Lusaka yesterday.
Mr Jere said the President always holds meetings with various people in society to consult on different national issues.
“The President always consults people from all walks of life on national matters. This is what he just did with the Litunga,” he said.
And President Rupiah Banda has praised newly appointed Tourism Permanent Secretary Peter Mumba for upholding the constitution and being principled when he was out of government.
President Banda says that even at the time that Mr. Mumba was relieved of his duties as Energy Permanent Secretary; he remained under oath, steadfast and committed to the people of Zambia.
The President says he was happy to re-appoint Mr. Mumba to one of the Ministries that assists in boosting the country’s economy.
President Banda was speaking on Tuesday during the swearing -In ceremony of Mr. Mumba as Tourism Permanent Secretary and Kennedy Limwanya as Chief Analyst for Press and Public Relations at State House.
And President Banda thanked Mr Limwanya for being committed and hardworking.
[Daily Mail/ZNBC]
And what was discussed if I may ask, soliciting western province votes?? do the westerners have short memories of the shootings that went on?? Big Fred taught this goon well he’ll dribble his way into state house again.
LT , The Litunga is not a paramount Chief. He is referred to Just as the Litunga OR if you want to put some english in it, he is the King of Barotseland. Even in Lozi langauge, Mulena is Chief while Litunga is King. So dont call him Chief again mwautwa.
Iwe Chi***la, what difference will it make ?
But why do you call God ‘Mulena wa Malena’? Do you mean God is Chief of chiefs and not King of Kings?
@Charles, Mulena is better translated as lord. So when they say Mulena wa Mulena…its translated Lord of Lords. Barotse Land was ruled as more of a very tightly knit Federation of chiefs/lords…these lords together formed a royal court of which the King was head. This is not dissimilar to how Persian kings ruled over other kings.
BA ZED. Don’t be dull. U broke the pacts yoselves and still expect to win. What rigging does MMD need to do when your selfish pact leaders messed u up. Look at things in reality. U think that the shooting of some indiscipline lozi chaps will make all lozis vote against MMD. How old are u ? U think like a toddler. k like a toddler.
I did not mention any rigging all i said was he was taught well by big Fred, are you admitting that MMD rigged elections in the past?? is VJ AKA master rigger dead?? So you condone the killing of protesters but ony if it serves the MMD’s end purpose?? you are hopeless. as for the three stooges (HH, SATA and RB) none of them are presidential material, its rather sad that as a country those are the only chaps we can produce to lead us.
Bo Banda mu batang? mubulaile batu mwa Mongu ki ona please……..
You never go wrong with dialogue. If only Zambians could learn to resolve issues through dialogue all these insults and name-calling could not be there. We must learn to embrace each other even where we differ in terms of opinion. We must accept that we cannot all reason in the same manner but we must respect each other at the same time. With this kind of spirit, this country will progress.
Liungamoyo 4// You made a point my dear many Zedians want to ignore the fact that the Litunga is King not chief. Early writings on Barotseland including some reports by Livingstone refer to him as King not chief. Its lack of respect to deny the Kaongolo ka Nyambe his right status.
#1 If you think that all of us Westerners support ethnic cleansing and the breaking of the law then you will be very surprised. We dont want our name to be sullied by those who wish ill on our neighbours in the province and we will certainly not sully our name by voting for that sick snake of yours. If you think your pathetic fools (pf) party has any hope in hell of winning in Western province, then I fear you will be having a very bad time when the election results are announced.
Classic response based on prejudice, were in my statement did I mention that am PF, yoyoyoyo SATA must be doing a hell of a good job at politics if any anti MMD voice is associated with PF. make no mistake I have no love for any of the three stooges that are vying for the presidency. two geriatrics and middle aged clown that just got out of nursery….we can do better!!
#6 Yes the Litunga is a king, as is the Mwata Kazembe, the Chitimukulu, Mpezeni, and Kalonga Gawa Undi.
All our so called Paramount Chiefs in Zed are actually Kings. It was the colonists who changed their titles because they said there was only one King-George of England.
@ 9 thank you for putting the record straight some fools never learn!
During the Luena by election, RB sent George to meet the Litunga. Vote counting revealed that mmd got ZERO at the polling station where the Litunga voted from. You cant f.o.o.l the Westerners antmore.Time will tell!
Kaufelamina Mwanyela !!!!! King Cant? Litunga Ki Litunga Ki Mun’aluna Ki Kaongolo ka nyambe. Ki yena feela hakuna usili yalikana!
Ebwikalo ubo Mulena wa Malena we thank you for meeting RB
All you tribalists get a grip.
Last time the President sent GK to meet the Litunga the paramount chief
This time the meeting was in closed doors and where ?
At state house ! Who made the trip ? The Paramount Chief of the Lozi people
Yes the Litunga went to state house to meet the President of Zambia,
RB is the head of state, Litunga a chief he has to come to the head of state
No banda is afraid to go to Western ha ha hahaaaaaa!
Ka Judas
Like your name refers, please do us a favour betray your tribes join MMD or PF and let all your family and friends to do a judas, other wise they shall just starve now
Do what you are good at BOY BETRAY your own
The triumph entry of RB and the people of Zambia in 2011 is not an issue of doubt but time. RB, his runling MMD people’s party are locked into a victory match all the way. National wide development is vividly historic, unparalleled and unprecedented from time in memory of our young nation.
Perenial losers can scheme to take their kaponyas to Afghanstan, orient them in their homosexual acts and rehearsal of insults, but Zambians and their ruling MMD under the pragmatic leadership of RB are back to back.
#12 Sinjembela_Mulenga_Haapande. What makes him the only King? And please advise him to behave like one. Queen Elizabeth does NOT follow Prime Ministers to 10 Downing street.
Where is the bulozi insultant, Barotse Army?I expected to see his comments on this thread.
The difference of chief and king is in the behaviour. Some zed royals’ conduct do not befit a chief’s status, what more King? The Litungaship has exhibited some honorary conduct deserving of a king. People, are some royals’ conduct befitting their titles? the answer is definitely NO. So before you fight for your royal’s title upgrade, call alangizi for them first.
GET THIS FACT!! During the Luena by election, RB sent George to meet the Litunga. Vote counting revealed that mmd got ZERO at the polling station where the Litunga voted from. You cant f.o.o.l the Westerners antmore.Time will tell!
ba senior citizen mwa pwanya chizungu…hahahaha
Very few comments on this. PF kaponyas wish the heading was “LITUNGA REFUSES TO MEET RB. “. Sadistics Zambian mentality.
Is the Litunga from all walks of life?? better words can be found for important people ba RB. Do we need PF to be dragged ( or drugged) into this meeting?? DAILY MELLY
Were they discussing the HH revelations on the fake PR over the non existant Mongu- Kalabo road works??
But why is God called Mulena wa malena instead of Litunga wa ma malitunga? If Mulena is chief, doea it mean the Lozis think of God as a chief rather than King of Kings?
#25 Have you actually set foot in W province? Why are you people always crying when infrastructure is being built? First it was ‘these are all LPM’s ideas’, then it was ‘ RB is just electioneering’, and now we have moved to outright denial of the massive development that is taking place. There really is no pleasing Bemba supremacists.
This is what beats me pa LT, pipo claim to be educated but it seems all the schooling hasnt done them any good. listen you pipo does it change anything when the Litunga meets RB, does it put money in yo pocket; all politicians are all the same dont be cheated if you were me i would concentrate on bettering myself and children to prepare them for their future. you must realize that zambia is developing (the only question one can pose(sp) is the rate). whether RB meets the litunga WP will still remain the poorest if two things dont happen 1. change the land tenure system in WP 2. decentralize the governance system as a country
The Liyunga is not a Paramount chief but a King !!!!!!!
King of what? King of garbage
# 27 – you suprise me indeed. coz you dont know that WP is the least developed n if you know WP as you claim then I understand why the province is the way it is – good luck with your development. REF: Ask Serenje-Mpika residents n George Kunda about fake road works during elections.
Men in skirts. Go figure!
# 27 – suddenly am Bemba?? These tribe angles you always take are an escape from reasoning.Why do you blog if you are so happy?? Travelling enlightens so stop watching too much ‘Better TB’ starring liars. Your fear will never liberate you!!
#31 Actually I would beg to differ with you. There are statistics which show that it is actually Luapula province which is the poorest province in the country. If you want to bury your head about infrastructure development happening in the country then that is your choice. Being in denial about progress does not mean you will win votes for your poor finishing(pf) party. In fact a better strategy for pf would have been to acknowledge the positive changes happening in the country and strategise the election accordingly. Denying things such as the bumper harvest and low inflation are a reality is not the way to win votes as people such as yourself come across as being anti development and anti progress. Good luck in your attempt at painting Zambia as worse off than Somalia.
#33 I have as much right to blog as you do. I have the right to disagree with your positions just as you can disagree with me. As far as I know, you did not buy the computer I use to blog with, nor do you pay my monthly subscription fees for the broadband service I use. I called you a Bemba, because most people with views such as yours tend to be Bemba supremacists who feel that theirs is the only ethnic group with a God-given entitlement to rule Zambia, hence their deliberate attempt to deny and distort the progress the country has been enjoying under the able leadership H.E.R.B. It is only Bemba ethnic chauvinism that would allow somebody to think that an illiterate bu.ffoon such as Sata would make a suitable leader for Zambia at the beginning of the 21st century.
#2 who cares whatever name you can call him, as long as he does not represent us, we have the right to call him the name we feel like, period. Call him King yourselves, but to us he still remains a simple chief.
On “PRESIDENT Banda yesterday held a closed-door meeting with the Litunga, the Paramount Chief of the Lozi-speaking people of Western Province” I would like to concur with the contributor who wrote that the Litunga is a King and not a Paramount Chief. Anyway, I am impressed that this meeting has come at a time when the HH and the UPND Real Change Team has mammoth rallies in selected towns of Western Province or Barotseland.
I hope this development will help President RB Banda to dissolve our current Parliament so that the Electoral Commission of Zambia can fix and probably announce the 2011 Tripartite Elections election-date.
Be blest all.
Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness ad all these things shall be added unto you.
The Litunga seems pleased in this phot. I think they have sturck a deal over Barotseland Agreement.
**== The Litunga betrayed the Lozis immediately he started going to bed with the oppressor. RB is the worst oppressor who wants to reap where he did not sow. wake basi lozi or you perish. Like Chiti mukulu , the litunga is equally a pone in the game of political musturbation. wake up or die!
Zambians like noise arguments. Lubosi is a grand son of King Lewanika. Kings give birth to kings and Dogs give birth to dogs. Just Google king Lewanika and your answer will be there.