The Non Governmental Organizations Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has expressed disappointment at the low number of female parliamentary candidates that have been adopted by the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) stand in this year’s elections.

NGOCC Executive Director Beatrice Grillo says that it is sad to learn that the ruling party has adopted only 19 women out of the 148 parliamentary candidates a number which is far below the SADC and AU gender protocols to which Zambia is a signatory.
Mrs. Grillo says she expected the ruling party to set a good example to other political parties by adopting more women candidates.
Mrs. Grillo says that the failure by MMD to meet the SADC and AU protocols in its adoption of female parliamentary candidates is a mockery to the women of Zambia who constitute 51% of the population.
In a statement made available to QFM today, Mrs. Grillo recalls that since independence, the number of women elected to hold positions of decision making in the political arena in this country has not recorded significant progress due to the low adoption of women at political party level.
She noted that the situation should not be left unchecked and acceptable to the women of Zambia adding that what the ruling party has demonstrated in its adoption process it will be difficult for other political parties to adopt more women.
The NGOCC board chairperson believes that the ruling party has a lot of women who have the credentials to become members of parliament but are not being accorded equal opportunities to participate in this year’s election as candidates.
Meanwhile, the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) has expressed concern that the ruling party has failed to set a good example of ensuring that more women are adopted to contest this year’s tripartite elections.
FODEP has also observed that the MMD has not adopted any persons with disabilities to contest any constituency based seat.
FODEP executive director McDonald Chipenzi says his organization that is also concerned with the lack of deliberate but effective strategies and mechanisms among political parties aimed at improving women participation in elections.
Mr. Chipenzi says that in as much as political parties desire to field candidates with winning muscles to contest elections in various constituencies, it is imperative that the participation of vulnerable groups, such as women, youths and persons with disabilities, in elections is not compromised.
Mr. Chipenzi has hoped that other political parties who have not yet started the adoption process will seriously consider adopting more women and other vulnerable groups to contest either local government or parliamentary seats in this year’s elections stating that his is the only way Zambia will promote inclusive democracy.
I dont think have just given us the figure of those who were adopted,what about the total number of all the women who applied,maybe only 19 applied and were all adopted.Its not about gender its about people who can deliver regardless of the ratio of male to female.
Male chauvinist pigs
Madam grillo, you really dont make sense on this one. How can one field a group of people who did not apply. If you are talking about Sampa Brent, then you should go to Chawama and find out. In Chawama, she was a loser. It is better to try someone else.
The women nonsense is now getting out of not about having a skirt at every corner .its about ability to perform.which most of them are found wanting.
Women are less competent in handling public affairs. The ratio of the adopted candidates dictates that. The job of women is in the Kitchen and the bedroom and that’s where they should be confined. Having women on this blog should not be entertained. look at the chaos Mushota and Rihanna cause when they come on this blog; the spoil the soup. They should be confined to the kitchen and the bed serving man’s needs, end of.Â
you are the biggest f .o.o.l I have come across, if what you have said above constitutes what your mother ever did (kitchen and bedroom) don’t attribute it to all women. what have the so called zambian men politicians done for the country except embezzling funds. Fifty years of self rule with literally no sign of developement!
keep this kind of analysis to the piggery where you belong. what human being can stoop so low this century?
Guy it is such thinking that is holding Zambia WAY backÂ
That’s so bush man, so tell me why German is ruled by a woman and why the Brits are crazy about Maggie Thatcher boss!Â
It is extremely sad that some males on this blog continue to denigrate and vilify women.
There are many Zambian women that have excelled and performed better than men when given an opportunity that have been left out the MMD parliamentary adoption process.
When I refer to performers, of course I am not talking about the likes of Dora siliya & company
I hope PF will do a better job in this area
@Analysis I find you ‘analysis’ so hilarious! Are you sure Mushota is a good representation of Zambian Women? Ya ala wansekesha.
@5 ANALYSIS to which generation do you belong even during my grandparents generation women were send to school becase they new that if you educate a woman ,you’ve educated the whole nation shame on you.I doubt you if you are in the UK am sure you are still behind the curtains.
Women will always remain women & not half men.don’t be decieved.i think the world would have been much better without women.remember what happened to Adam of the bible & others
To hell with that idiocy.You honestly think that governance of the country should be based on myth, don’t blame Eve for it Adam’s foolish lack of sense that failed to him and us all.
@Afrozed wamu asuka mwe hahahahaha. Yeah Adam could have refused and moved on.
My opinion and Jabulani what I mean is that even going by the history, women have always taken an auxiliary place in society. We try to pretend that they are relevant but we actually can do without them. They have always ‘fought’ for some kind of rights in society. Look at suffrage, scientific discoveries (most have been done by men, Marie Curie was assisted by the husband Pierre Curie), running a home, doing all the hard work e.g. gardening, earth moving without equipment etc. all has always been done by man. Men can cook, some of the world’s best cooks are men. With homosexuality women can now be replace in the bedroom. So what are you talking about? Brush women aside and the work will be done, don’t pretend!
NGOCC should not criticize blindly without looking at the wider situation. How does the number of female candidates in MMD stack up against the number of female candidates in other parties?
Else, I’m afraid the failure of MMD meet the so-called SADC and AU protocols in its adoption of female parliamentary candidates is a not mockery to the women of Zambia as NGOCC says, but a reflection on society at large where simian views like those of “Analyst” still hold sway.
Fight for rights of youth as well.