By Dr.Charles Ngoma
This year the Zambian people are going to vote in the 10th Presidential and Parliamentary general election, since independence from Britain in 1964, when one excludes the bye-election brought on by the death of Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, if my count is correct.
We must be a dap hand at this now and our electoral processes should be refined. The 1991 elections were probably the most democratic since 1969. The cry at the time was ‘for change’ just as it is now. There are however several differences in the state of the Republic in 1991 from what it is today.
The first difference is the state of the economy. In 1991, the Zambian economy was a shambles. Meal coupons, long queues for essential commodities, run away inflation and scarcity of convertible currency. Zambians were well known for shopping trips to Malawi, Zaire and Zimbabwe.
Zambia was in the throes of a crippling debt burden that would have taken forever to repay. Schools run out of stationary and hospitals of essential medicines. Admission to hospital meant carrying your own blood for transfusion, your own gloves for the surgery and your own hypodermic needles. Indeed, one even carried their own paper for the clinical notes to be written on! There was nothing to write home about public transport.
Things are very different today. I will not exhaust the reader with reiterating what has been sung ad nauseum.
The second difference is democracy. We had just started on the path to multi-party politics once again and this process was led by a ‘movement’ to multi-party democracy. This juggernaut was unstoppable and to his eternal credit, Dr Kaunda recognised the will of the people and with minimal resistance allowed the change that was inevitable. Would to God that many other despots in Africa and abroad would take a leaf from this instead of tenaciously clinging to power while their hands drip with the blood of their people! Now we have as many political parties in Zambia as there are night clubs in Lusaka! It is free for all now and one is at loss many a time to know who the members are and even remember the names of some of the political parties. It would be alright if they had causes, like Green party for the environment, Labour for the trade unions and workers or even race like the British National Party and other neo-Nazi groups in Europe. The Barotse Freedom Movement has a cause, but is not a registered party. In a democracy it should, really! Ideas must be countered with ideas. But, no. For most of the parties, there is no purpose other than megalomania on the part of the leaders and founders that THEY, and THEY alone can make President of 13 million Zambians!
The third difference is most interesting, and it is what has contributed to the title of this article. The infestation of ‘political prostitutes!’ Many people ditched UNIP to join the MMD in 1991. At the time the direction of the chemical reaction was osmotic across the divide. This time however, the traffic is in many different directions so that it looks more like an equilibrium has been reached. As many as are leaving the ruling party, many are joining and rejoining. This is a most curious political phenomenon un-precedented in world politics. I cannot think of any country in recent history that has witnessed such a scenario. The change of party allegiance is not directed by ideology but purely by ‘hunger’ on one hand and ‘corruption’ on another. It is quiet clear that because the Zambian economy is doing so well, everyone in these parties wants a hand in the pie and if they see their prospects of a vantage position slipping away, they jump camp and bat for the other team.
Now I ask, ‘What in the world is going on?’ Â So, what is driving this desire for change of government as well as change political affiliations?
I will not deal with the reasons people join MMD but why they leave, at a time when the government has done so well on the economy that it is difficult to find fault. In the western democracies, a government that is registering economic growth year after year is bound to be returned with a resounding and landslide victory at the polls. Why is the MMD government appearing to be sailing against the wind?
Let us analyse the reasons that we hear for change.
1. ‘President Banda is corrupt.’
There is no evidence that has been provided to substantiate this allegation even by those who ‘dig deeper.’ It is not long when we were all treated to a dossier which catalogued the ‘matrix’ of plunder of national resources by the late Dr Chiluba’s administration. The allegations of theft against a popular Dr Chiluba started while he was still in office. Again and again we read about ‘Dr Chiluba and his tandem of thieves’ until the late Dr Mwanawasa’s hand was forced against his sponsor. The rest is history. Why then don’t we read another ‘matrix?’ So far, I am afraid, it is only rumour and innuendo. There has been talk about the President’s sons and now his wife getting rich when they were poor before this. Isn’t this the case with many other citizens of Zambia who have grasped opportunities?
There are several Zambians who have made it big on the Copperbelt as suppliers to the privatised mines. Is it corruption only when you are a relative of the head of State? If there is any evidence that the President’s sons have committed economic crimes against the Zambian people, let us see the evidence now. There is a ‘whistle blower’s’ Act which protects anyone with information on corrupt practices. Why is there no one trekking to Bwinjimfumu Road to spill the beans at this most crucial time? I submit that this is mere slander and politicking which must be dismissed with all the contempt it deserves. The removal of abuse of office clause in the ACC Act is cited as an example of corruption, but truth be told, is there anyone who is in prison today who could not have been convicted in the absence of that clause? Me thinks not. It is Dr Chiluba’s failed case that is the chief cause for this notion that President Banda’s administration is weak against corruption.
Just the ONE case! It looks like some people would have been satisfied if all the others had not been convicted but Chiluba alone. That is not justice but vindictiveness.
Can Mr Sata decisively deal with corruption? Mr Sata was in very senior positions throughout his checkered political career. He was Lusaka Governor once. Was there no corruption in Lusaka City council then? If there was, why did we not hear of the Governor denouncing the corrupt or even reporting them to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) or the disbanded SITET? Later on, Mr Sata became the third most powerful man in the country, and right under his nose, his boss and confidante was alleged to be stealing! Dr Chiluba was acquitted of theft but convicted of defrauding his country (whatever that means).
Mr Sata therefore, can be excused for failing to see any theft on the part of Dr Chiluba, because Dr Chiluba was an innocent man. Mr Sata was also right to declare that if he won the 2006 Presidential elections, he would drop all charges against Dr Chiluba. Whichever way you look at it, Mr Sata would be no different. What he seems to be good at, is to store knowledge of the wrongdoings of his friends in a particular memory bank and use that data for leverage, whenever it comes in handy! More or less like the story that the Evangelist Reinhard Bonke used to tell about the little chef and the stollen chicken! Every time the big chef wanted something from the little chef, he would just say, ‘Remember the chicken!’ The little chef would do his bidding for fear of being exposed for the chicken he once stole.
There were people who sensed corruption in Dr Chiluba’s administration and resigned their positions, the late Dr Mwanawasa being one of them. Was Mr Sata so blind that he could not see corruption? If he did not see it then, does one have to be a head of State to see it? If he did, why didn’t he say anything about it, while he even pushed that the man whom everyone else was calling a thief, should be given another term in office against the law! Mr Sata has proved to be a man of inaction more often than not.
2. Abuse of public media.
I don’t understand this. All programmes on the ZNBC television and radio must be paid for by someone. That one, is either the taxpayer or advertisers. Who is paying for the ‘Stand up for Zambia’ documentaries? If these documentaries are partisan and divisive, the tax payer should not fund them. I have never watched the program so I cannot judge the content. I am however, reminded of the revelation of the State House tunnels by the Chiluba administration to malign the former Kaunda administration.
The State house is government property and so were the tunnels, but they were made to look like personal safety measures for a selfish President. Every Head of State must be able to continue to command his forces from a safe house when at war. President Bush was taken 4 storeys under the White House on 9/11. Can it be right that Mr Obama should ridicule all previous US Presidents by exposing the tunnels under 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC? Mr Sata was very part and parcel of the administration that did this, and he did not complain about abuse of public media then! He will do exactly the same tomorrow.
3. Inspite of the economic boom, people are still poor.
Now, this is one of the silliest arguments that can only come from the mouth a Bolshevik. It does not matter whether the economy grew by 100% (impossible feat), there will always be poor people and un-employed people in the country! There will be people who will make bad choices in investments and will lose all their money. There will be people who will succumb to loose living and squander their estate.
There will be people who will just not make it in the ‘dog eat dog’ world of capitalism. It is not the duty of the state to put nshima on tables. The state must produce the right environment for reward of thrift and level the playing field for equal opportunities. This means that it is government’s role to provide the tools by which the citizens can create wealth. The only way a government can put money in people’s pockets while at the same time providing the same level of services is to print more money and fuel inflation! We have been through this before in the 80’s, when year on year our salaries went up in relative terms, but in reality not.
Mr Mugabe did put money in people’s pockets recently, and a lot of money, so much so that people had to carry it in wheel barrows! Seize the opportunities and create your own wealth! Complaining that the economy is booming but people have no jobs is a non-starter. Would we rather have a bad State economy and still everyone employed? That is what we had in the 80s!
4. President Banda is undemocratic.
I am not privy to the goings on behind closed doors in Cabinet and State House. There may be some truth in this or there may not be. Whatever the case may be people will never agree on everything in life. At the end of the day, some ONE must make the final decision and the buck stops with him. The President will take advice, weigh it in his own mind and come up with a decision at the end of the day.
That decision may not be that of some people or even of the majority, but that is the reason why we elect ONE person to be President and if things go pear-shaped, he has no right to say that this is what the people wanted so it is not his fault! Indeed, the President stands or falls on the outcomes of the decisions he makes.
Take for example, the issue of mobile hospitals. He made the decision to deploy these amidst opposition from some quarters. So far, the vast majority of those opposed are in the cities, are non-medical and not patients who have used the facilities. Should a sick man in Shangombo, wait 2 or 3 years for a hospital to be built? When a hospital, with brick and mortar is built, can it be equipped and manned to the same level as a Provincial hospital or UTH? There is no doubt that Zambia NEEDS more hospitals as permanent structures, but the nature of illness is such that it cannot wait for Christmas!
5. MMD is tired.
Well, this is an interesting one. The MMD has led the country with 3 different leaders since 1991. Many of the people who are outside the MMD and wanting to form government are the same people who formed the MMD in the first place. If we want real change, we would need to bring in people who have never tasted ‘sweetness’ of government at all!
All of the major political parties have in them people who are ‘true blue’ albeit mostly black and blue from many a political bruise.
It is NOT change to bring in these same characters who left MMD out of political expediency and cowardly opportunism. The MMD manifesto was written by some of them, so what has gone wrong? The prediction to grow the economy by 6% and to attain MDGs by 2030 was made by the same individuals who are now criticising the more than 6% growth, less than 10% inflation and bumper harvests and well on the way to attaining the goal of a middle income country! The one legacy that one former Minister of Agriculture left, is not bumper harvest but thousands of dead pigs! If he returns, pigs will fly!
The alternative to the MMD as things stand now does not represent progressive change at all. Â So, I ask again, ‘What on earth is going on?’ Why are people changing parties like socks? The answer lies not in the fault of the government nor its leader, but in the belly and desire to have corrupting influence on the head of state.
I am all for change, but not for change’s sake. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Authored by RB’s Chief Vuvuzela Dickson Jere!!! Ni don’t kubeba!!
Duckson Jere zwaaaaaaaaaaa  kuya bebele this year with your crooked boss
Good analysis, Change for what?
This article is so bored. Please be enticing when posting certain articles. I could not even read to the 4th line.
Sometimes you wonder where these people get their PhDs. Amama A Ngoma shuwa.
You’ve critised Chiluba in your article but got your knickers twisted by refusing to criticise
MMD. You sing praises about mobile hospitals when we are just being told Mabenga is justÂ
 been discharged from Millpark.Â
Even people with these PhD’s can make wrong decision..
… indeed, you must be objective when you write such articles. Its clear this guy is pro-MMD
donch kubeba!
The country is tired!
This government spent K200 billion on the NNC yet it cannot raise K40 billion to rehabilitateÂ
GP to print ballot papers. Yes you admit we need change but only if we have.
Yes you admit FTJMChiluba was wrong but just as an individual. Who was he representing then?
If Obama gets it wrong, it is the party that has got it wrong not an individual.
Or was Chiluba an independent candidate? Pathetic from a person callingÂ
 themself Dr.
What a waste of time for me to have read this nonsense!! Dr ngoma yamunyokola chabe njala.
A very interesting article! Now can those with contrary views write an article so that us the armchair critics can compare and contrast. the question is as stated by the author Why should we change? Don’t just insult, please analyse and criticise.
how long has MMD been in power? too much has been done and said… this author can see and hear, the problem is the author has decided to be blind to MMD’s ACTs and be deaf to MMD’s NOISE.
change because of corruption, abuse of office and resources, media, sturbon on windfall taxes, insults as head of state- visilu, mambala, kuyipa etc. intertains corupt people. Kunya bebele this year RB
What a DR! We hear people talk about constructive and critical criticism but some of these article can’t be given any association to any category. An advice to the Dr; “Please do not start writing certain comments when you are filled with anger directed towards particular individuals.” This will just influence you to rant and rave with a fury aimed at attacking and discrediting people who are speaking sense. We should be asking this about your article; “WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS?” Are you really trying to tell the Zambians that THERE IS NO CORRUPTION IN THE COUNTRY?
Shame on you DR. Please people don’t write just for the sake of writing or to make a name. Write so that people can learn something and be built up. This and Dr Katele’s article were fit for the trash box.
Dr Ngoma well written for academical reflection. poor will always be there but not such poverty of failing to have a dairy meals when ohter are have even to waste. change of govt is important different direcction. whatever you say on sata avery person is different when is under and when is in control. two types of poverty caused by nature and caused by poor policies on the part of the govt. Dr Ngoma please move to other countries see how others who have not even mineral live then judge. we need propoor policies to narrow the gap of the poor and the rich.
Do you what enough is enough means.There is a turning point .OK ,it doesnt matter we blaming you for Kaunda,chiluba,sata,lenshina,kapwepwe and many more ,We are blaming you thats why you are going.KUYA BEBELE
Just scrolled (not reading but looking at paragraphs first wordz) down this article and came to “Can Mr Sata decisively deal with corruption? Mr Sata was in very senior positions throughout his checkered political career. He was Lusaka Governor once. Was there no corruption in Lusaka City council then? If there was, why did we not hear of the Governor denouncing the corrupt or even reporting them to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) or the disbanded SITET?”, realized it had a hidden agenda and couldn’t go further.
Rubbish and foolish and you call yourself a Dr yet just a cadre..
Some questions have come to mind after reading the article
1. What was the purpose of writing the artcle? To campaign for MMD and RB
2. Does the title reflect the content of the article? No
3. Does the article show objectivity or subjectivity? subjectivity
4. Can the article help an ordinary Zambian make an informed decision on who to vote for? Not likely
5. Who could have written the article? A biased academic politician
What a rotten article, please spare our eyes imwe fi MMD. KUYAABEBELE what othe language do you understand? Ubwatoooooooooooo is new Government, DONT KUBEBA, Viva Sata>>>>
what is this crap..?
Analysis of issues is what sets vuvuzelas and entellectuals apart. Your comment on this article will tell us who you are.
is this Dr wamuti yampanga or learned man.koma sata mulamutina u guys.what are hiding to warrant this offloading of junk.hope u wont change sides when he takes over state house
Change is inevitable in any democracy, as this stand MMD think they will never be an opposition. Any party that forms Gov will bring in ideas of how the country should be government. MMD haven’t the best of ideas. The pace at which development is taking place is very slow we’ve had 20 years of this gov yet we still don’t have fully equipped medical institutions we still fly the privileged to SA. Some people say ‘Rome was not built in a day,’ what they should realise is that at the time Rome was being built technology was not as advanced as it is today. So in my view it’s the slow pace at which development is taking place. The MMD had a ten year plan which was thrown in the rubbish bin. MMD is tired, it needs revitalizing. HH is the answerÂ
What illiterate propaganda, you must be drunk, panicking or both. Ni PF!!!
The best analysis ever! This guy deserves a Nobel Peace Prize!
Kunta-Kinte, you are a shame to this name…
How do I get to pee on this article??
hey buddy, pee on your pc.
when Guy Scott was Agric Minister, all we had was ‘BUMPER HARVEST OF DEAD PIGS’. Does the nation need to recycle such people? Their aim is to come back & loot more!! politics of the belly’
Great article. I think it is always good to remind Zambians of the third-term debacle. Why would I want to vote for somebody who does not understand the meaning of democracy  as evidenced by the recent non-event that was the pf convention. Only tribalist Bembas can ever think or believe that Satan is the right person for the Zambian presidency.
whether Sata is right or not kuya bebele bafi-car- lar mwalila pafula insansa kuchinjanya….your time is up…FTJ is gone, levy is gone what is MMD doing your job was to bring democracy, now you are destroying what u brought.
Its a fair factual article.Truth pains
sata nevr supotd 3rd term ba dr. he was there to incourage debate aging pipo 2wait fo chiluba to state his position. chiluba’s plunder involvd th op’s acct were sata had no acces ba dr.that’s y its not evry cabinet minister in chiluba’s govt wo ws implicatd. cn u wondr y sata didnt kno abt it wen u luk at pipo involvd ba Dr? in kk’s tim there was leadershp code kk wd spidly fir n govt offcl smellg corrptn, SATA ws nevr fird but RB on mo thn 1 occasn.only compromsd phd holdrs lik u wd fel to c biasns of ZNBC 2de.cnt compar ZNBC’s covrag of exposd tunels 2 its coverg of politcl issue. u desev a nobel priz fo a such pool politc discoz or analysis. u shd b stripd of yo PHD b4 u brng ridicul & disgrac 2 thoz holdg ths hard earned titl
hahahaha ba mulongoti ati they wana kill me,…FOR WHAT!!!!! atase
The author of this article lacks the serious understanding of political and economical dilema our country is facing, may be he could have considered doing some literacture review on all issues he has raised in this article, that could have helped him to understand where the country’s political issues are coming from.
What a dull and uninspiring article, written by a dimwit who hangs around the balls of Bozo Banda the humpty-dumpty bandit Clown. Waste of space.
The Bull frog and his minions must go.
Ba MCS..just left MMd coz he was selfish..just wants the presidency…
I read the article and my conclusion is that the author is saying, if it is not broken don’t change it and then I read the comments, very few are constructive and all are personal insults instead of answering to the points raised! Wow, democracy has come of age in Zambia! Democracy of insults.
@31 tips lee
You are saying that Sata knew nothing but are you telling me that Ms Nawakwi knew about Carlington and Sata did not? Are you telling me that the Cabinet did not know that $20 m spoent on guns did not produce guns at all? Who were the MPs that voted in the Presidential slush fund?
When RB was veep,why didnt he influence LPM to drop all the cases against FTJ?similarly,Sata could have been no 3 in the gov but that did not mean he could have prevailed over all what FTJ did
DR you are very useless. no wonder the levels of education in zambia has fallen. your analysis has no substance.
@39 1 andy Does our constitution empower the President to ‘drop charges?’ But surely, a minister can resign if he is not happy with the President since he swears allegiance to the President AND the people of Zambia!
Mosquito thinking, Jere naka Jalasi naka Dora UNZA open, you will be unemployed in 3 months, better start making plans now, I do not expect this kind of writing from any self respecting graduate tomba$ noko chikala$ chawiso$
ba #24 kunta kinte this is 2011 and not the time of your slavery that you admire, remain with your mind of a slave instead of supporting such articles with no salt.
Without reading the hollow and usual no-substance comments of PF cadres above, I pass this as one of the best political pieces that I have read in a long time. Judging from the comments of PF cadres, they have no counter at all, except their usual “it’s from the state media or it’s from State House” which we have come to know is the PF way of discouraging those who want to read the truth. The problem with PF is that their lies and deception have no legs when pitted against the truth. Even those who are deceived, when they enter the polling booth they have serious doubts about PF and they chose to play it safe.
@41 THE SAINT you are quiet right but the point is one cannot be blamed for certain things just because they were no 3.Even LPM resigned from the gov at one time.So we are saying the author rather just narrowing the issue to MCS he is being polically biased coz there are plenty of examples he can present than only MCS
I find this article very interesting to read. lots of good points and well put. Its a shame that some people will ignore truth just choose to call the DR names. I have seen very few opposing views by the way, all i have seen from those that do not agree is insults and name calling.
when i was in school i learnt two things. 1. empty tins make a lot of noise 2. the loudest are not necessarily correct, infact they are often wrong and they know it, thats why they shout because its the only way they can convince anyoneÂ
how much has this man.key (mon) been paid??? Well LT as been suspected ,is MMD’s lap-dog, NO SURPRISES THERE!!!
When I saw this article and the prefix before the author’s name I was enticed to read it. But after goingthrough it I felt diasspointed. It’s a partisan piece of writing meant to rehabitate the image of the MMD and to say the least the article is very dissapointing. when people raise an accsusing finger against RB let us not be quick to vuvuzela on his behalf. He is old enough to answer for himself. Morover, how do you defend someone on corruption who has stated that there is no coruption in Zambia, while the majority of Zambians believe there is corruption. on Media biasness please Dr Ngoma check your facts with UPND. They have failed to air documentaries of their rallies on ZNBC and I dont what the learned doctor has to say about this.
Absolutely rubbish……….. I se you want to be part of the rest of African who want to rule more than necessary….MMD out 20 is too much….what does this report writer want…riots, demonstrations to ignite the ignorance they have that we are tired….come on MMD don’t take Zambians for granted…. You will soon face the likes of Mubarak or Bagkboh(sp)…. or since Banda was born in Zim…. he is copyig and pasting Mugabe
@45 Â 1 andyI think the point the author is making is that, there is really not much difference between the MMD and PF parties so that those who are changing parties or who want change do so for personal gain rather than national interests because they are all the same. The two leaders have been in the public eye for a very long time and unless one had their heads buried in the sand, we all know what RB and Sata are like.
#22 well analysed please Banda, VJ, Katele, Kunda read
Like others have pointed out, why is it so difficult for those opposing the article to come with meaningful and progressive counters rather than the usual rantings. The question at hand is Do we really need change? If yes, change what exactly?:-?
primary school kidda stuff…hard to read.
Clearly the supporters of (and let us not beat about the bush) Mr. Sata are the disgruntled and possibly disenfranchised. Their contributions are one liners in general – meaning they can’t read or write. Before anyone squeals I am not saying all of you.
Surely, Dr. Charles Ngoma’s thesis is a simple one. That the word “change” as used by the opposition is DECEPTIVE. And that is simple fact. Only people from Matero Univ buy into it
All the political defectors do not do it in the interest of you kaponyas that sing their praises, but their own bellies and to steal from you.
Instead of learning something from this you insult the man.
Congratulations Dr. Ngoma. It is a balanced piece of work.
Dr. Charles Ngoma, you are on big wanted
You are obviously an MMD Mule – Chief Zombian. You seriously think nothing aint broke in Zambia?
DR Ngoma, though I can not take away your right to belong to a political party, I feel that if you are going to answer your article title, a bit of objectivity would work. You write as though only Sata has made grave mistakes in his political career. We have heard or read about how Rupiah was fired by KK from NAMBOARD for being a tribalist. WE have read about his corrupt tendencies in the diplomatic service. We have seen his dictatorial hand within his own party. And isn’t Rupiah who asked us to vote for him because as an old man he would only finish the remaining years of Mwanawasa’s term. How do you expect people to trust Rupiah when he has made a complete turn from his campaign promise? How do you exlain his unprecedented trips outside the country in a very short time.
How do you expalin his wife getting a public salary she did not earn? How do you explain Rupiah’s blatant tolerance of William Banda, a self-confessed troublemaker? You talk of Sata and corruption. Do you really think Mwanawasa would have spared Sata if there was an iorta of evidence that he had engaged in corrupt practices? Why has Sata never been paraded n a court of law if he was corrupt. He may not be your best candidate, but he is certainly someone else’s best. If you are going to write such articles, please be more objective. Balance your views and let the people make an informed decision. What economic boom are you talking about when kids are being chased from school for not affording to pay exam fees? When we still send politicians to RSA for medical treatment.
This is the poorest attempt at being analytical and unbiased I have seen in too many years…ati Dr Who? Just go ahead and endorse who ever you want, you are like a b.it.ch that is pretending not be one & gets falsely offended when asked how much…. b.i.t.c.h!!
When the majority of our road network is dilapidated? When garbage heaps are the order of the day. At your level of education, one would think that you are more enlightened about what economic development should really be. How do you explain dishing out of solar geysers to households that have no running water. The agitation for change is based on what people are experiencing in their homes, not what you and Rupiah think. If economic growth cannot trickle down to the common, for them, there is nothing that the government is doing. For your own information, it is the common man who is suffering who will vote in this election. People like you are probably not even registered.
Pathetic Doctor! are you for real. You talk as if you are from another planet. When you talk about corruption, why don’t you talk about Siliya and the radar equipment and who protected her. These are the kind of people who are benefiting from corrupt means and they have deliberately become blind and deaf to suffering and cries of many Zambians.Â
The article is self evident.well substantiated. Even Guy S can’t respond. All those questioning this article have failed to counter with facts and will never be doctors. The reasoning displayed in the artical is very logical.Except those with jangle logic no one should fault this.
Only foooools will say no to good things that one has. I am getting a good salary, I am driving iI own three houses what Is change for?
This is the problem,too many doctors,uyu doctor lituya.how can a dr. be so foolish? bet hes looking for a job.kabwamba kakwe
saint @39 shd kno tht sata hs nvr bn mentind anywher near carlingtn & 20m dola arms deals. u shd oso kno tht min of fin is mo invlvd in fincl issues thn any mini whic explans y katele ws facg chargs and miyanda wo ws no.2 hd no clu of goings on. is miyanda corrupt simply becos he savd in that govt. othrs choose nt 2resgn bt wait 4 an oppotunity 2tak ovr b4 dealg wt peceivd shotcomgs by their presnt.thoz wt expernc lik sata kno hw difficut it is 2 disclog sittg govt & if thy quickly wnt to contribut 2dev of country jus hung on until thy tak ovr 2effect changes thy beliv in & wd only resgn wen thy c it may tk 2long .c wat hs becom of c tembo, miyanda, nawakwi etc.dont condm evry1 wo didnt resgn durg chiluba, miyanda didnt resgn & reasns used to protst 3rd tem by hm had nothg 2do wt corrptn
There is no doubt that RB is winning hands down. RB is actually politically clever, those that can’t see it must wear specs.
There is very little objectivity in the article. The discussion is skewed towards supporting the ruling MMD government. As somebody already noted above, perhaps the so called Dr. looking for a job from RB or the article was written newly promoted Kennedy Limwanya to give credit to his boss for the promotion.
People please understand that there are many people in Zed with titles,this one could be a Dokota from SOWETO market, kutumatenti where women go for their husbands juju.It has also become common for Zedians to give themselves titles like Dr Bikiloni,Prof Diffikoti,General Kanene.So this Doctor probably falls in the Category of people i just listed above,he is most likely a comedian.
You are funny. You have tickled my ribs!
Absolutely biased article! Rbish’s administration is full of corruption such as the president signing for increment of his own emoluments as soon as he is sworn-in, the RPcapital-Dora Siliya saga Vs the Chirwa tribunal, removal of abuse of office from the ACC act, purchase of mobile hospitals, president being a frequent flyer, investors unfairly mistreating Zambians while government looks away, police shooting people in Mongu, Mazabuka and Mongu Vs Kabonde leadership, ZNBC airing Chanda Chimbas’ ‘Stand Up for Zambia’ Vs LAZ legal advise, failure to timely dissolve parliament, botched NCC gobbling K200bn, withholding election date, etc! This educated Dr. cannot see all this as corruption and he believes nothing is broken? Shame, shame on you! VIVA CHANGE, VIVA PF, VIVA MCS!
Why is MCS causing so much jitters? The article title misled me. Talk about change one MCS has never been on plot one and to keep comparing him with those that have been just tickles me into believing he is more formidable. These people may be from the same political beginnings but lets not forget that no two brothers or sisters from the same set of parents will address issues in similar manner! No two sisters or chefs of the same background will fry chicken with the same result. Lekeni nawo wine MCS ese aonaule nga bonawile ma siblings yakwe elyo HH akesa na new era management! We doomed ourselves to the current scenario of “the devil you know……..”
Zambia does not need homosexuality in the name of pf and pabwato therefore i want to urge all loving zambians not to vote for a satanic party in forthcoming elections,zambia needs a youthful credibable leader who can take this country forward economically i never knew that donch kubeba is satanic.Please, zambias vote wisely.
you don’t know what you stand for do for? do you even have the facts about the homosexuality issue? you must be satanic yourself… time for change has come now don’t be going against the wind, can’t you feel it? Â
Just like there are good bricklayers and bad bricklayres and also there are Quake doctors and good Doctors……..the DR here can as well be a bad watchman.
One of the basic messages from this article is that you cannot talk about change if you suggest that Mr Sata is change. For those who suggest that they want change because MMD has been in power for 20 years, the answers are that (1) in those twenty years MMD has seen change wthree democratically elected leaders with different styles of leadership, and (ii) Mr Sata failed to get himself elected, selected or appointed a leader of MMD because people were not comfortable with his character and murky past, his stance on third term for Chiluba, and his inability to reform. So when he was rejected by people in MMD he sought to become president of Zambia via the backdoor of PF but because of too much sin he has not been annointed to be president of Zambia no matter how much he tries.
Zambia was in the throes of a crippling debt burden that would have taken forever to repay. Schools run out of stationary and hospitals of essential medicines. Admission to hospital meant carrying your own blood for transfusion, your own gloves for the surgery and your own hypodermic needles. Indeed, one even carried their own paper for the clinical notes to be written on! There was nothing to write home about public transport.Dr.dirty Scum Bag NGOMA Nothing has changed in Zambia, There is no Meds in clinics and hospitals and schools are in a mess you are a bastard with no feelings for the poor people.
I see no reason to worry about this article. Two things come up in mind.
1. This is a Charles NGOMA, most likely working on the campaign team for his brother BANDA
2. This is important guys – Doctors come in many forms
Medical Doctors who practice medicine and their concentration is never politics apart from a few that have side tracked due to either passion to help or those like Dr Miti with a passion to steal.
PhD holders who have reached the pinnacle of education and in most times are very analytical and write their articles with utmost care because being careless can lead to ridicule by their peers in their fields. Hence they work extra hard for their publications.
Witch Doctors – Ing’anga, that is what this guy is. Stop wasting your valuable time on him.
RB May win this year, but at one point he won’t be in state house but the wind of change will continue. Iam afraid,) might just end up like FTJ with a lot of corruption cases after leaving office.
What a load of crap!Â
The author calling himself a ”Dr Ngoma”‘ are you sure this chap is a Dr? a Dr without wisdom? surely he can only practise in Zambia not even in DRC, this chap is just as hopeless as his pant.
I know even *****s have to have their bread buttered but seriously dude this is low even for a low life like you! I am willing to campaig for the introduction of eugenics in Zambia for people like you. You should be castrated so that your genes don’t pollute the gene pool anymore. Next time you feel analytical put your hand in your back pocket and scratch your brain! By the way Dickson that bar girl from Legends you used to screw (no not the fat drunk the one who replaced that one) is now in Kaunda Square……
The Z media does a great disservice to Z democracy by not having live debates by presidential candidates. They are supposed to question presidential candidates on issues that affect the country …incontrast to personal propaganda. If the Z media can only check the western countries like Britain on how they hold elections. They have live debates and question their candidates on what plans they have for their country. What policies they have been practicing whilst in power or plan to implement. How many live debates have these Z media outlets ever had between ministers, shadow ministers & presidential candidates? If the candidates are not questioned about real issues and policies affecting the country by the media… honestly how can Z ever elect the best leader.
I have enjoyed reading the several responses to this article, notwithstanding the personal insults from those who think that it is anti PF. I am non-partisan and I write purely from an objective perspective. The gist of the article is to try and understand why prominent politicians are leaving the MMD to join other parties and then at the same time advocate for change? I have no intention to try to influence opinion but to show the irrationality of their thinking. I am sorry if you are pro-PF and feel offended, you have misread.
I am non-partisan and I think you are a toilet for you to keep spewing this kind of crap! You have no intention to try and influence opinion…….shit man you should at least have the balls to come out of the closet (pun intended). Just out of curiosity what type of doctor are you (is it a PhD, MD, VMD, or a DSc)? Just wondering. I was going to call you an ***** but I don’t know you well enough to assume you have a brain (an ***** has a brain but……).
Some PHD’s are not worth the paper they are written on,,with all due respect but this is total cr,,,,,ap and nonsense..very loop sided analysis. The university that confered his qualification would be embarrased with this work,,,lol!!!
You recognize therefore significantly when it comes to this subject, made me for my part consider it from numerous various angles. Its like women and men don’t seem to be interested unless it is one thing to accomplish with Girl gaga! Your own stuffs great. All the time maintain it up!