Thursday, January 16, 2025

Church mother body calls for tolerance ahead of elections


The Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) has called for the spirit of tolerance in the country ahead of this year’s tripartite elections.

Speaking to Qfm in an exclusive interview, ZEC Secretary General Father Cleophas Lungu says Zambians have the freedom to express their views without intimidation.

And Father Lungu has declared the church mother body’s readiness in carrying out sensitization programmes of voters across the country.

He says sensitizing voters on the importance of participating in the electoral process is important and that no one should be questioned for carrying out this noble cause.

An Anglican priest in Ndola is reported to have been summoned by the police for questioning for allowing an Electoral Commission of Zambia voter education facilitators to educate congregants on the importance of voting.
[ QFM ]


  1. all those church bodies are bring sleepless to mmd because have known not to they side. as long they didnot allow pvt the churches will do it in another way to stop this starbbon mmd.

  2. I see what you mean number 2, the heading and the story are parallel.
    It is the duty of all zambians to pray and effect peaceful elections. This is the period when hate language should be eclipsed from our vocabulary…especially the Bembas and Tongas you are like manchester united and chelsea. Good day.

  3. Just how many other tribes will bemba’s insult, ‘traditionally’ they insult Lozis because Ngonis tend to ignore their insults, now suddenly they are insulting Tongas. One wonders who is next on the bemba onslaught of insults. All the victims can however learn from the Ngoni assertive type of response, ignore them, its the best way to overpower them.Off course due credit to Ngonis for overpowering them physically in the 19th century before crossing bembaland enroute to Tanzania before ‘U’ turning to Mtenguleni.

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