Thursday, January 16, 2025

Kabanda describes past cabinet as selfish


Citizens Forum Executive Secretary Simon Kabanda

The Citizens Forum has described the just dissolved parliament as the most selfish the country has ever had.

Executive secretary Simon Kabanda has told QFM news that MPs in the dissolved parliament focused so much on personal benefits by increasing their allowances at the expense of the people they were supposed to represent.

Mr. Kabanda adds that parliament also failed to give the people of Zambia a progressive national constitution despite spending so much money on the constitution making process.

And Mr. Kabanda has urged the aspiring parliamentary candidates not be pre-occupied with selfish interests by trying to use parliament to amass wealth.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kabanda has observed the need for cabinet to become a separate entity from parliament after this year’s elections.

He notes that once this is done it will help in curbing the abuse of public resources by the ruling party among other things.



  1. Simon just go and get your money from SATANA he busy fung raising from his sick bed in Rhodes Park from all aspiring parliamentary candidates,you are a messenger of SATANA we know you bwana.

  2. Our prayer as Zambians is that we can have a government that listens even just for a second to the people. The dissolved cabinet and some opposition MPs was a shame to the governance of our republic. God save us.

  3. Can someone educate me on what citizens forum does? I have no clue who they are, who they represent and how they are of benefit to Zambia.

  4. This shallow minded idoi’t is a noise maker just like Satan. He runs Citizens Forum alone and wants to impose his views on Zambians. 

  5. Sata is in eastern Province campaigning and you are busy talking about him wasting your time. MMD will lose badly this year

  6. #5, stop boza, Sata is not in eastern province, he is at his house hand picking parliamentary candidates and collecting money from them. 

  7. #4 ukose…..wina azalila…this year…..u are just a few of u who are not seing the suffering of people………….jst wait and see

  8. As if PF can ever better the calibre of the outgoing cabinet!

    Just imagine the likes of Mark Mushili, Lameck Mangani, Mbita Chitala, Willie Nsanda, Mike Mulongoti, Wynter Kabimba, Nkandu Luo, Sylvia Masebo, George Mpombo, Patrick Mwanawasa, Mumbi Phiri, Panji Kaunda, Frank Bwalya, Guy Scott, Inonge Wina etc!

  9. I really think this man talks sense the mistake he made was to join Father Bwalya who declared to be in supprot of SATA

  10. Czar, walasa boyi, I imagine the calibre of the people we send to parliament who become ministers and policy makers for us. You can really shed tears especially when things are falling apart amidst big brains we have which when given a chance to fully apply themselves can really make us move to another level.

  11. #czar
    you MMD chaps will never cease to amaze me ,the list you have given has got about 5 names which had ministerial positions in the MMD ,so even your gullible president was giving them the jobs was also s.tupit ,if they were fool/wise in MMD ,so shall they be in another cabinet.besides,who in MMD starting from your grave yard bound vice president has good leadership credentials?bar-mutati and chituwo.Think sometimes before start typing.And a lesson in civics ,dont you know that the president can appoint 8 MP’S? How did banda become a VP without being an MP? was not he appointed by LPM? How about musokotwane?My point is that if there’s need,there are many civil servant out of parliament who can deliver,therefore,the president can appoint them.UKOPO AGALU IMWE.

  12. Kabanda very soon you and your fellow minions will have nothing to talk about as the MMD delivers the desired development to the people of Zambia. Mwanya ba fee colour MMD will rule you for the next 30 more years.

  13. Rat Race, you are a real rat from the sewer but it is your right to settle for mediocrity from your presidente on his death bed to your MPs the copper smugglers and scrap metal thieves. It is fine mwana that is your choice of leadership but get it into your thick head that Satana will never rule Zambia in this life time.

  14. So what is this charlatan saying? And by the way where is “Father” Bwalya? Has he been adopted as MP candidate by Mr Sata? Or sorry, he would not have K100million would he?

  15. Parliamentary candidate positions for sale. Applications to be delivered by hand accompanied by K100M cash in a brown envelope to Bwinjimfumu for onward delivery to the old man. 150 positions available. Hurry! hurry! limited time before nomination day!

  16. #15
    I will not blame somebody with a brain of an ape like you,but the people who abused you when you were growing up.Too bad you are beyond redemption,wish i could help.

  17. Rat @ 13 I pity you to be happy with the worst of Ex MMD Ministers. The desperation of your PF and its illiterate founder to assume power is shocking. You are ready to embrace anyone and anything just to win elections. You must be the worst sewer rat in the ghetto!

  18. @CZAR
    If those ministers were in the cabinet of RB/MMD then i think you gullible president saw something in them,why should you call them useless after dumping your political party?if RB once appointed them as ministers,then i can safely say ,your president is a biggest f.ool for appointing them as cabinet ministers hitherto there resignation.Well ,thats how african monkey politics are,no rational thinking,Learn to think baba.By the way am not PF.So swallow it in your system and stop talking nonsense.

  19. @20 Rat. Typical PF cadre with no debating skills! Why label others as being MMD just because they don’t approve of that. illiterate you think highly of and at the same time deny being PF? Anyway you ought to be ashamed of PF because it is a party of die-hard fanatics of a crazed clown. Sata is the most gullible person amongst all Presidential hopefuls! He is no better than the late Chama Chakomboka! More many in your pockets!

  20. Organisations such as the ‘citizens forum’, are part of the wider civil society. I note some bloggers questioning their existence. Regardless of whether you agree with their views or not, civil society organisations work to keep govts. in power on their toes. You ignore them at your peril. They have influenced the down fall of govts. in some parts of the world because they usually speak out for the down-trodden. Without such a form of a check on govt. excesses, situations for the under privilaged would be worse. I know some bogus ones operate on ‘personal gain’ purposes – but I also recognise the need for those that nobly defend the cause of humanity. Would you rather be just YOU against the machinations of unchallenged rogue regimes?

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