Sunday, March 9, 2025

Campaign strategy divides MMD


Divisions in the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD have reportedly emerged over the campaign strategy the party has adopted ahead of the September 20th elections.

Some members of the party feel the strategy of constant attacks on opposition Patriotic Front president Michael Sata are is not helping the party but denting the party’s image.

Sources have revealed to QFM that MMD members are blaming former education minister Dora Siliya and party national secretary Richard Kachingwe for coming up with such a strategy of attacking the PF leader.

They say the attacks on Mr Sata are not helping the party but are instead making the PF leader popular, which might cost the MMD victory in the forthcoming elections.

The sources further argue that the MMD should concentrate on issue based campaigns in order to increase the party’s chances of returning power.

During the launch of the 2011 party manifesto, Party president Rupiah Banda advised Zambians against voting for the PF leader Michael Sata who he described as a punch-drunk boxer who keeps on coming for more beating despite losing three presidential elections.



  1. We warned back in April that stop using Homos and calling Sata a vicious snake, because at rallies people like to hear from Sata and they have seen how good he is at welcoming people, including sinners from MMD. Dora has costed you people alot-and-alot.

  2. Surely, issue based campaigns is the way to go! Otherwise you might end up making somebody out of a nobody. Tell the nation what you have done and intend to if voted back into office. It appears have no specialist to rebrand parties, the campaign jingles leave much to be desired. Nothing can beat UNIP of 1991 with their ‘Keep the flame burning’ jingle. Parties should spend money to come up with campaign strategies that can win them supporters.

  3. it is a very good point talk of developmental projects .chimba too has destroyed the party very few pipo watch stand up zambia instead they prefer watching muvi tv were there is ready for married and some mexican and indians films.

  4. LT the word is ‘retain’ and not ‘return’. MMD is fighting to retain power and not return power and comment to there is no such thing as ‘costed’. Its ‘cost’. On the issue at hand, I personally believe no amount of insults or decampaigning will bring down Sata. The guy is sick, ruthless, a cheat, crook and yet still popular because of his Bemba connection. I hate Bembas. Given a choice between Sata’s corpse and a living Lozi candidate, they would campaign and vote for Sata’s corpse.

    • #6 Tribalist, Mr. Sata is in good health and i don’t think you’re a qualified MD to say that our next President is sick. I know for sure your old man your own fater father is the one who is sick because his a$$ has nothing to live for. I’m not a Bemba but i don’t like you and your family of Monkeys, you’re just a f00l.

  5. one day we will wake up to hear that Unza Open Dora Siliya and Extra large nose Lieutenant General Rev Ronnie Shikapwasha have defected to PF whispering ‘donchi kubeba’

  6. LT the word is ‘retain’ and not ‘return’. MMD is fighting to retain power and not return power and comment two there is no such thing as ‘costed’. Its ‘cost’. On the issue at hand, I personally believe no amount of insults or decampaigning will bring down Sata. The guy is sick, ruthless, a cheat, crook and yet still popular because of his Bemba connection. I hate Bembas. Given a choice between Sata’s corpse and a living Lozi candidate, they would campaign and vote for Sata’s corpse.

  7. tribalist you an asshole and whatever stinking person you are I am sure your humble parents detest you (and I say this with full respect for your parents). we need everyone in Zed for Zed to prosper. as long as you think tribe my dear believe me you will fail or indeed cause the country to fail. i personally dont care whether a Mbunda, Lungu, Luchazi, Senga or Goba person is elected to office as long as they are elected democratically, i will respect them as the head of state of our country until (If i didnt vote for them) a new one takes over.

    Please stop this short-sighted uneducated propagation of this nonsense that some tribe in Zed is better than the other

  8. Issues bane, we already know you guys, RB, Sata and HH – even the smaller parties presidents. So don’t bore us, we want issues.

  9. It good that this is coming from the MMD camp. The campaign strategy of abusing public media has been a desaster. It has made alot of pipo develop hate for the party because even the die hard supporters of MMD do not enjoy ZNBC news these days. why…..??????????

  10. us pf gays we wont legalise homosex but ni donch kubeba, we will be doing it indoors,sata na scott,Lubinda na kabimba, silvia na wina,kambwili na nsanda….its indoors donchi kubeba

  11. I fully agree with sentiments that constant mentioning opponents names at a rally or any meeting merely gives free publicity to the opponent.Those in the campaign team of RB should advise him to completely ignore the Cobra whenever he addresses a meeting.
    Let Sata say whatever he wants including telling people that his wife is more beautiful than Dora.

  12. Eeeeeeye….SATA has thoroughly been described as a punch-drunk boxer who keeps on coming for more beating despite losing three presidential elections. kwena sata insoka yomuchani is in trouble

  13. Too bad MMD is realizing  now that the issue is not SATA but development only a mad person can be happy with Chanda Chimba nonsense on TV. My boy always cries for a film which starts with a bird with the staring a short old man with a big nose, what my son asks for is in fact ZNBC news and that staring is Rupiah Banda, it looks like a joke but that is what ZNBC has become

  14. American democracy is advanced compared with that of the third world. Thus in Zambia we cannot avoid name based campaigns.Sata is a champion of this. I wonder if sata is not making MMD popular. The MMD has already done the issues: constraction and rehabilitation of schools,roads,hospitals and other infrastructures. What they have remaining is to soil and defile the names of Sata and PF. What else? MMD has already won ;they have campaigned by their deeds. FOOLS can’t see.

  15. # 16 You should be more worried about the very distant third pozition that HH MAY take and not how, “satana will fall even harder…”

  16. Tribal or no tribal,insult or no insult,HH deserves support. He is the only fit rabbit between two sick elephants.

  17. Its gud that some MMD members who are level headed have seen some level of bad strategy the way their campaign is working in favour of Sata and PF. PF is a legally registered political party with its manifesto and members who happen to Zambians just like their brothers and sisters in MMD, UPND etc. Its better for MMD members to campaign on issue based matters and how they are going to improve the well being of Zambians should they retain power after the forthcoming general elections. Democracy entails having divergent political views. At the end of the day we are all Zambians.Thats why we use the same Zambian currency and go to same hospitals and worship in different churches etc. The bottom line is we are all Zambian citizens. Nothing short of that.

  18. campaigns are begining to heat up! No fights,no insults,no trible remarks because all of us have tribles except that some tribes cannot support others.Let us go for real change and peace.

  19. In the history of ANC ,Mandela,Mbeki never provoked voters.Zuma said if you dont vote ANC then you dont see development.ANC got 52 % of the votes from from 78% .Campaign on issue at hand not character assassination.We will sympathise with sata and WIN

  20. I mentioned this sometime back but there was not much change. MMD has mellowed down a bit but time and again it goes back to name calling and talking bad about Sata. This is a strategy bound to rebound and “reverse psychology” has worked and in fact has spread like wildfire.
    May I request His Excellency, please please and please, induct new blood, street smart and focused ones, the ones who have sober mind and cool temperament.
    The strategy shall be talking about MMD and its achievements during the short stint under His Excellency. If you listen to me, stop mentioning – positive or negative, whatever way Sata. Stop Completely. Talk about MMD’s achievements and what is planned for next 5 years. 
    I have been thumbing down all negative blogs on Sata not because I dislike MMD, but out 

  21. contd. 

    but out of principle and conviction. 

    It is not too late. We have resources- human, financial and strategic, let us regroup. We have lost battles but not the war. 

  22. I have always said and repeat————————–It is better to have wise enemies than foolish friends——————- and we have many of the former. Let us now look within and outside who can call a spade a spade and stand up to His Excellency to tell the truth, identify weaknesses and drawbacks of our candidates, our actions and inactions so far, and then after having identified the same, identify our strengths and then work on the same, while assigning footwork to those who have energies but have bad image or created bad image for themselves and the party. They be used to do supplies work, while new sober minds go out and sell the manifesto, achievements and candidates.

  23. Thanks a lot LT for speaking the truth and bringing this discord out. As long as it is a home and there are utensils, there will be friction and noise, but it is good to identify and take measures to reduce that and use the utensils for cooking and serving.

    If now onwards LT and MMD speaks about our achievements, I will participate and write all the good things MMD has done during the last three years and what it means to the public, the benefits of schools (education), clinic (good health), bumper harvest (better calories and energy) etc….
    Thxs once again.

  24. We shall relate “emotionally” to the masses. Elections are won by those who are emotionally close and accepted by people. 
    Once they accept “You” they will listen to you, appreciate what you have done, be honest to accept mistake and say genuinely we are here to listen and do what is needed by majority etc….

    Instead of top down, let us go the other way—-bottom up.
    Start door to door campaign. Informal gatherings and listening.

    Best speech is patient listening.
    Give the people time to speak their mind. Give them outlet to take out their frustration.
    Cannot you see from the blogs they write all bad things, any subject, response is the same. 

  25. Campaign strategy is not dividing MMD, it is making people speak out. Good. 
    Let the best come out.

    Normally, the best idea comes from the most quiet person. Empty vessel makes noise and the ones who are vocal normally do not have good solution for a problem.

    Encourage the quiet ones to speak. In one to one meetings, what they want to say, you as leader/chairperson of the meeting say so that he gets encouragement to speak out.

    We are not divided, we are united and hence discussing free and frankly.
    This is democracy.

  26. Come on guys, SATA is an issue to the nation.
    RB is an issue to the nation.
    HH is an issue to the nation. Miyanda is an issue to the nation.
    When you stand for public office you become an issue to the public.
    Your character, beliefs, conduct and behaviour are of national interest.
    You cannot be left alot.
    Because people want to know who their entrusting power to.
    People want to know you conduct; can they trust you, can they rely on you?
    Learn from US; those guys will disect anyone trying to stand for public office. they will check everywhere including which school and church you ent to while young.
    They vist your childhood friends and the entire past, you conduct, behavior, etc. Take for instance OBAMA, how he was scruitnised. So what are you saying? of course SATA is an issue.

  27. MMD Mwansabombwe chairman warns of humiliating defeat

    RUPIAH Banda and the MMD will lose miserably to Michael Sata in Mwansabombwe, says the area MMD constituency chairman Joseph Chishala.

    “We won’t participate in elections because Constituency Development Funds (CDF) all along the one who controls it is the Mwata Kazembe… Chishala said. “So the stance here is that we are writing banners stating: ‘no Sunday Maluba, no votes for MMD’. So all the wards will not participate in the elections if Sunday Maluba won’t be brought here.”

  28. Chishala said all the wards and the constituency had settled for Maluba but wondered why Mwata Kazembe, MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe, Luapula Province MMD chairman Emmanuel Chungu, Katanga Governor

  29. ……..
    Chishala said all the wards and the constituency had settled for Maluba but wondered why Mwata Kazembe, MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe, Luapula Province MMD chairman Emmanuel Chungu, Katanga Governor Moses Katumbi and Elizabeth Mulobeka had ganged up against him. Zambia for sale to the higher bidder! Lusaka, Sinazongwe, Maamba and Kalulushi to the Chinese, Luapula and footballs to Katumbi in Katanga, Livingstone to South Africans and Sun hotels, the national parks to the professional hunters and ‘volunteer’ whities! Anyone interested in the polluted Kabwe or the prostitutes at Kapiri? How about the sand in Western (spirit of the river are you still around?) and i here the girls in Kasama aren’t half bad if you scrab them down!

  30. It had to take Stand up for Zambia to remind Zambians who Mr Sata is. Before Chanda Chimba III, the Post threatenned to reign supreme but now Chanda Chimba III has called Mmembe’s bluff and Zambia know the Post better now. I love the programme and it’s a no miss for me and many other Zambians. Right now I am disappointed that ZNBC TV brought a Show round up instead of Stand up for Zambia!

  31. we told them to stop making someone popular but they refused!now its too late,Dora,George Kunda,Ronnie,Rupiah can’t make a speech without mentioning Sata,i’ve never seen anyone attacked like they have done Sata,its as if he is the only political opponent they have,this obsession with Sata,will cost some of these politician dearly.We demand issue based campaigns!not Micheal Sata this,Micheal that,we are sick and tired of fear and loathing for this man,give us a break.

  32. MMD is definately on the winning route and they have kept a tenacious issue based campaign as well articulated by RB at the massively attended Presidential launch at Interncontinental.

  33. Who told Satamaniacs that we don’t watch Stand Up for Zambia? I do and at the guest house I stayed in Isoka everybody did. It’s refreshed the memories of amnesiacs and those brain washed by Post.washed by Post.

  34. It is so funny how MMD has failed to articulate their achievements, if any. One wonders why MMD is chasing behind PF in terms popularity even after having commissioned and launched the unlaunchables. In fact RB and MMD exposed themselves by starting all these desperate developments at the eleventh hour. MMD has not done anything to convince people that they are there for them and the buck stops at RB. All the insults from RB on Sata is a sign of desperation for a failed regime. By attacking Sata and failing to explain why they did not do what they were supposed to do earlier, has moved support from MMD to PF. The insults on Sata is just adding more salt to injury. Millions of Zambian feel Sata can do better, and insulting Sata is like insulting millions. MMD’s losing formula.

  35. # 8 you are a disgrace to our peaceful nation.You are really a tribalist and i don’t think you are a true Zambian.Mind you here in Lusaka we don’t even watch chanda chimba’s government sponsored program on znbc coz its a waste of time, so we the majority watch muvi tv with quality programing e.g.R4M.Bravo PF

  36. Dont kubeba, leave them alone, Banda this your final days tell your children that we have to start packing, Including bootlicker Samakayi.

  37. there is no “costed” english. it might be zedian, as some as some people might say?there is no “costed” english. it might be zedian, as some as some people might say?

  38. The guy now masking his lunacy as “Tribalist” # 8 is the same lunatic who calls himeslf “pf government”. His hate for Sata is not about Sata alone or his successes or failures, but this guy’s hate is about Bembas.

    Fortunately his lunacy and rantings on LT will not decide for the nation. The votes will be cast in Zambia, not at LT or anywhere else. This guy is headed to Chainama, I am sorry I meant Munda Wanga, in one of those cages. That is the only place he can be tamed.

  39. stand up zambia is a wonderful reminds us of the tricks and inonsistencies of least the vedeos on the programme tell it all.who tells you people dont watch!

  40. #38 are you saying President Banda is an empty vessel…hahahahahahahaha indeed you are democratic MMD supporter…well done

  41. Whats the difference? SATA when he opens his urgly wide mouth the first word is rupiah. So is SATA also not making Rupiah popular?

  42. LT good piece of balanced reporting. Mature democracies must arise from lessons of inexperience in media management. Let us chart a new media reform path for our future and the future of our children. Kudos to your team.

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