Friday, March 7, 2025

RB case ruling on Monday


THE Lusaka High Court has adjourned to Monday for ruling the case in which the Patriotic Front (PF) is trying to restrain President Banda from contesting this year’s tripartite elections.

Lusaka High Court judge-in-charge Jane Kabuka made the decision when State advocates, President Banda’s lawyers and the PF lawyers agreed to file written submissions.

The case was heard in camera in Lusaka yesterday.

Wynter Kabimba, in his capacity as PF secretary general, is trying to restrain President Banda from contesting this year’s elections, arguing that he (Mr Banda) has not explained his parentage.

One of the lawyers, Chola Chama told journalists that Mrs Justice Kabuka will deliver the ruling after consolidating six preliminary applications which have been made on the matter.

“The defendants have made five applications and we (Plaintiffs) have one application. The court will combine the applications into one and make one ruling on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 08:30 hours,” Mr Chama said.

He said the defendants will file their written submissions today at 17:00 hours and the plaintiffs will file their submissions tomorrow at the same time.

Mr Kabimba has sued the Attorney-General, MMD national secretary Richard Kachingwe and the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) claiming that the ruling party cannot by law sponsor President Banda because his parents are allegedly not Zambian citizens.

On Thursday, Attorney-General AbyudiShonga said Mr Kabimba’s case against President Banda’s parentage is wrongly before court.

MMD lawyers have said Mr Kabimba’s case is premature because the High Court is incompetent to handle the matter.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. That is insulting.. how can the High Court be incompetent? Can’t the High Court throw the case higher to Supreme Court, you MMD are very insulting indeed. So Jane Kabuka is incompetent to make a ruling? Why is George Kunda who is in-charge of Judiciary having incompetent courts?

    • Sir, the incompetence here means that the case b4 the High Court is above the court. It can’t be heard in this court. The competent court to handle the case is the Supreme Court. It’s very correct the way the term has been used. It is not an insult sir.

  2. I can easily predict the outcome of this action because of its implications on inter alia:
    1. The security and wellbeing of the nation if the ruling will be in favour of PF.
    2. If the ruling will be in favour of the plaintiff, it will mean that rupiah has been ruling illegally and PF can move the Supreme court to have him removed and then face criminal charges.
    While its good to have constitutional matters like these clarified and resolved by the court, its almost impossible to remove an incumbent president through our court system.
    Rupiah may have been shaken but he can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the ruling will be in his favour regardless of the evidence against him.
    That’s the beauty of incumbency.

    • Actually that’s not the case at all. Please kindly note that there is already a precedent on this case. Akashambatwa et al vs FTJ 1996.

      It’s actually extraordinarily amazing that Mr. Kabimba has bothered to take this action.

      Sadly that’s how inept the opposition or shall I say PF is.
      Back to one party system, I am afraid.

      D’accord, you are on the money on the eventual outcome.

    • I don’t think RB is/was shaken in any way becoz even a person who has not studied law knows that the case is a non starter, more especially that there is a reference (1996 ruling) already as stated by Bakulu. Some of us have questioned the calibre of Wynter and the entire PF leadership 4 starting a non starter issue

    • Where is the evidence that RB’s parents were not Zambians? Does it mean any Jack and his dog can stand up and point at you claiming your parents are not Zambians and you have to start searching in the archives for their birth certificates? It’s not up to the accused to prove his innocence but rather the accuser to prove the allegations, eg show us proof of the birth certificate from Nyasaland. Otherwise I can claim here and now that Sata’s father was not born in Zambia and he must prove otherwise. What a waste of time y Kabimba.

  3. What exactly is the case here? That Mr Banda is not a Zambian citizen or that he has not explained his parentage?

    • dont blame the PF for tyring to control the rot in this country all you dual pepo that forget after eating all the time u should remember that some one with small brains from the MMD itself brought up this stupid law to target one KK, now have a taste of your own medicine, as they say when you leave in a glass house dont throw stones, its not a question of if the timing is wrong or right its about what you get for F..king with the constitution to suit your tummy at least am happy to know that there are some Zambians that still have a running brain unlike some of all these defunct cabbages we have as citizens of this country who even have the guts to justify the unjustifiable, what is wrong is wrong period and an apology followed by action to people who deserve it is appropriate

  4. # 1
    My understanding of the term “incompetent” in this context is that the High Court does not have the necessary legal power to handle and determine this case but Supreme Court.
    It’s not in the way you have taken it my dear

    • You may be right, in which case they should have said “not qualified” instead of incompetent. Incompetent reeks of contempt…

    • The term ‘Incompetence’ is correctly used. I had problems with the way the term is/was used in the UK (school and workplace). They will you tell (politely) that you are incompetent to do this or that task until you pass a competence test. Mu Zambia, to tell me that, ‘ninshi tatwaumfwane nowanjeba efyo’. We will become enemies until he/she apologies. But I now know that incompetence means I’m not qualified to handle a certain task until I get some training to handle the task. It is not an insult

  5. RB will not be allowed to stand and it is George Kunda who will stand. Kaunda was barred after being president for 27 years. Who is RB when he has just ruled Zambia for 2 and half years? MMD made that law and they should foloow it.If the courts are not compromised, RB will not be eligible to stand

  6. @1, If indeed Judge Jane Kabuka was insulted she would have locked up the insulting lawyers. And do you think that Mr Chola Chama and Mr Winter Kabimba would have missed an opportunity to cite the lawyers for contempt? PF cadres, please learn to zip up when you are ignorant or ask your lawyers, they will know these elementary terms. I will leave others to interpret for you the term “incompetent” as used in law.

  7. The literal meaning of the word incompetent in this juncture is the inability to render jugment in this matter. further, the jurisprudence of the  high court vis avis this case is such that the only court that can deal with this magnitude of a case is the the supreme court comprising of a full bench. Any person who has studied elementary law will know this. Now two things will happen either, the high court will refere this case to the supreme court or the petiotion willl be thrown out all together as there is precedence in the chiluba sace over the same allegations. The best the PF could have done was to kick the ball rolling and campaighn vigorously and expange more on their 90days thoery crap instead of wasting our time. They were crying for the election date, now it has been announced.

  8. @# 2 above. u mean this is an academic exercise because the defendant’s incumbency? How I wish it could be different for the development of our jurisprudence.

  9. Our constitution is defective. Based on 1996 fredrick condtitution our incim nb ant id ineligible. All the diasporas are inelligible baded on the 20 year period one had to be in zambia . It targeted individuals like milingo who people started calling.

  10. Here is what will happen on Monday.
    1. the judge will rule that the case before her cannot be handled by her court. she may even go further and explain to the two dull lawyers that the case is not only before a wrong court but has been brought before the courts prematurely. the normal process is to bring such cases after the elections. And I have not even studied elementary law.
    2. the judge will dismiss it without costs as it is a constitutional case. Each party will bear their own costs.  not that this would have mattered to PF. $45m is a lot of money 

  11. Oh kabimba and sata! Banda is zambian period and so are the parents.They were on Zambian soil on midnight 23 october 1964!Banda has been here and there for mother zambia.pls stop this cheap politics. PF will lose this case and the election. Death to kabimba,sata and pf!ala nabapwa,no future after elections.a,no future after elections.

  12. Let us wait for the first results on Monday we see the winner.this is the first test indeed I’m loving it.we should all respect the courts ruling whichever way it goes. No insults in any language please !!!

  13. My dearest Fellow Zambians,
    The case under discussion is so deep and real, very serious indeed and requires alot of soberness in handling it. Let get to our knees in prayer that Court will do every thing possible in the most professional and transparent manner. Fellow Zambians let us pray earnestly because dot of a mistake will cost the country long lived peace. If really RB’s parentange is clean and clear, let us be seen and known to all Zambians if not let it also come out be known and reconcile. Its better one man suffer than the entire nation, The emotions are higher, tempers are hot and the wind is blowing, let us guard what we have,,,,,
    RB just be honesty with yourself, we need peace

    • There are no ghost stop crying Sata will be handled clean with no war,he is an experienced loser.don’t be scared mate.God loves us,he has demonstrated this time and him and trust me you are safe.just focus on going to heaven and all these other things will be added to you.

  14. Honestly,though its a genuine cause to take RB to court,it is practically impossible for “his’ court of laws to adjudicate against him.PF are wasting their time and money.Our judicially is not competent/independent to decide against RB.

  15. So the whole strategy for Sata and group was to cry for the election date there after bring  RB ‘s parentage case up? Even if this was sensible the timing is so poorly done.Now everyone knows Sata is trying to use other means to go to plot dare they seat down planning such a cheap move.They have lost again ba Sata too bad the man will be admiring state house from the road.Sata will try it 7 times if his health will still allow but zambians will keep saying no Nafuti Nafuti. It’s your personality and what you say Sata other wise we do not hate lack of all presidential attributes leaves us in the comer but thanks for trying time and time every elections.

  16. #14 political liar whatever your name is do not bring the name of God in this rubbish and stop pleading with RB plead with Sata if you are so scared of your personal imagination.I will advise you to calm down and stop seeing ghost Zambia is a country with mature people. We actualy need your help here to talk to Sata.Elections  is the only way to state house,he wants noise once he looses and we are not interested.why are you worried of peace what are you planning?You should have cried for this then instead of election date now they have the date,they are whipping for something else.Voters are watching,who will stand up and vote for a crying old man.when he stops crying (if he will)he will kill us all.He will still cry if he fails his 90 days development.Get serious  we want to vote now.

  17. Real academics indeed. where r the Pa Fwaka dunderheads?. Nice topic.

    Taking RB to court has jurisprudential challenges ranging from time case is filed and duration of hearing to case disposal. If Kabimba’s submission is to be heard then defense witnesses will have to be assembled and is the plaintiff in the matter. Now looking at time in between filing of case and expected election date, the learned Judge shall throw out a Kabimba’s utopic quest. s2pid Political Failures [PF]

  18. If there is any one who needs more time for campaigning is Sata now by the time this is over,he will remain with 5 days before he is retired for it really state house or embassy park that this man wants anyway?whichever of the two the route is elections not courts.Sata has actualy deprived us of 90 days to glory by this last minute old trick. he cannot even think of a new trick this one has failed him before. Can we go forward please pa fwaka !?.

  19. practice what you preach, first it was adegree you MMD chaps you possed on PF now you caught in your own weeb. VIVA PF

  20. @5, I am grateful for the clarification. @2, athough I think that the case is frivolous and has been settled before in precedent cases by the Supreme court in 1996, I am impressed for the first time that you seem to care for the well being of our country. Such reasoning belongs to our side, you are welcome to cross over :-).

  21. when one has run out of ideas these are the results..surely we are BEATING Sata again this year..VIVA RB

  22. to be poor is a great sin,all the people who are supporting the so called RB are getting something which is dropping from the rich man’s table,bushe bukace lilali MWE BANTU,if you recall very well in 2008 Sata mentioned some thing about Lupiya issues ,It was Sata who said I know this man is not zambian He is Bwezani,He even mentioned about importing presidents,wake up zambians,let us do what we know is right,dont support somebody just because you are getting hand outs from him.Remember Chiluba once said mwema zambians mulalaba bwungu! is a pity out of every 10 people 3/4 are not zambian thats why.

  23. @mucalo bulanda, you are a blind follower of Zondwa because he has promised to magically put more money in your pockets. RB cannot pay everyone who is supporting him! It is MMD’s policies that people are appreciating. So please stop hallucinating and being frivolous. Chiluba you are quoting is also on record saying Zondwa is not fit to be President!

  24. so imwe ba Bulanda u have not understood the rule aswell neh? u can be zambian green NRC so..but nomba ni parentage..RB is contesting his parentage..n then u go n sue ECZ, Ba Kachingwe etc..nomba bena ba RB muka ba sueingá lilali? ala its a long and unecessary process..and surely the supreme court ruled iya mu 1996..precendence has been set boss..its sad to jump up n down in the dark not knowing what ur doing..wasting the courts time vintu..RB is a hard working zambian..and he has our VOTE…

  25. #19 be yourself #14 has not written anything bad. Read through and get the message. If you are not a christian we are sorry. We need God more than ever before and God will help us have peacifull elections. We seek God’s direction in everthing that is happening now, Amen people of God ?

  26. zambian lawyers are always incompetent in handling issues of national interest, i wonder what law school they go to. from corruption cases to theft cases and now to citizenary cases they still cant understand their profession, they just confuse people with their stupidity of misinterpretation of the laws they dont even understand as lawyers.

  27. Frivolous, cheap, flawed, incompetent, myopic, demented,deperate, and doomed kitchen sink politics synonymous with ill prepared retards in PF under direct instructions of jealous, vindictive, unpatriotic and bloody thirsty hopeless Sata.

    RB and Zambians its Nafuti Nafuti as tens of thousands of Kaponyas in this hate PF circus falls to the right hand side of RB in shame and tripidation. No country, party, community, village or family has been born out of hatred. retarded Sata is too unsophisticated for Zambians. What a parody!

    RB is President of all Zambians. Sata need to appreciate that Leadership comes from God not useless PF schemes evidently plotted for vanity from heal. Again wrong value for their Taliban and homosexuality cmapign raised money.

  28. #3 pf government, the case here is that MMD govt made a Constitution to bar one person, Kaunda, from contesting election and we all supported them during the euphoria of Change, And if you don’t know what the constitutions says about presidential candidate eligibility just go into the archives and look at anything to do with Kaunda’s Zambian citizenship, his parentage and all that you are not allowed to be to stand. That’s what Chiluba and his minions did and we supported them. This is a lesson to all of us even as we support Change one more time. In as much as change is necessary we should not let the incoming govt. to do things the way they want. We have to be cautious and make them to account for any decisions. MP should represent us not the president and govt.     

  29. @29 Its easier said than done. The real gist of the matter is not bwezani being zambian or not. The PF have been scheming all along for they know that through the ballo boxt, they can not win. So its obvious that they have now resorted to these cheap shenanigans. First they promised people more money in their pockets with their 90 day economic magic, even boby sichinga must be covering his head in the pillow as to how this can be possible in the pure market economy. Then they yap for the election date: its announced. Now they don’t want their rival to stand. My message to PF is this; if you  want to be the best you have to beat the best. PF, prove yourselves that you are better than MMD through the ballot simple. After all you claim to have massive support.

  30. Poeple catch the strategy. Its false declarations at stake here as warned by Irene. Kabimba is a very sharp lawyer and knows where to start the matter from. 

    False Declarations:
    1, RB’s parents are declared by affidavit to have been born in Zambia and yet there were not as everyone knows – this is the catchy
    2, Where RBs parents in Zambia in 1964? – difficult to prove by anyone but not the main issue

    The first declaration as supported by documents lodged by RB in different govt depts and secretly photocopied by agents of PF long before this matter even started. This is RB’s worst nightmare.

    I dont blame anyone trying to defend the Zambian constitution as PF is doing. RB was supposed to come in open and clear this matter has his first task is to defend the constitution. 

  31. I can understand very well why PF is using parantage as a strategy for campaign this time around.
    Their usual syllabus of FLY-OVER bridge and cleaning UTH has become outdated and they forgot to revise or make a new syllabus. As a result they have no campaign reference policy because the FLY-OVER bridge and MAN-OF-ACTION theme cannot stand what RB has done; in fact it will not make any single sense for comparison. Being cought off guard, the PF have, and having panic they surely do, confused they definitely are, direction surely they aint got, and ukusabayila of course that is what they are doing. Losing they will because that is what they are used to; showing their weakness, obviously unashamedly.

  32. Thanks #28 for Educating #19, #19 really demonstrate the high hot emotional tempers I articulated in my preamble blog, its sad he is a frustrated cadre. the issue at hand is for national interest. when i plead with RB to be honesty and tell the truth is not equalent to call him a black and white there exist a daubt in which some lawless part of the society may use to persue their evil plans. to shame the devil clarity the daubt from the zambians’ mind, simple. The nation is greater that an individual…….. here no point of being sturbon face the matter head on.Cadres reflect and pray for peace for mother Zambia, Its time the Church comes in too

  33. Meanwhile MMD has successfully made its national wide structural deployments. As Sata preoccupies and registers his dangerous incompentence of doomed vindictiveness in courts, MMD is electrifying Zambians with pragmatism, unprecedented national wide development, and voting interest.

  34. #33 Ba Nkupi,

    What are you talking about, man?

    Read Elias Munshya wa Munshya’s piece from yesterday.

    The simple fact is that on this case PF have no leg to stand on. At all. Here is the reason in CAPITALS.
    Law is not a science. You have to read the law books in their entirety to make a determination. And by the way this is premature and the Lusaka High has no competence (authority) to hear let alone determine this case.

    The full bench of the Supreme Court is.

  35. #23
    I may have disagreed with the style of management of our country by the govt but I have always cared about my country.
    I only have one Zambia
    You are asking me to cross over, cross over to where?
    Thanks, but no thanks. I can contribute from where I am.
    We cannot all be bundled in one basket
    Take care

  36. Some lepers like Ben Katanga Mwila that creep the Zambian political landscape need to b destroyed to bring an end the misery they seem so eager to wallow in without an single iota of shame. This is what Mwila had to say, this stinks” “This is to confirm that I have now officially resigned from the NDF with immediate effect and have decided to go back to the MMD, a party I helped to found in 1991 at great cost and sacrifice, but from which I was hounded,” This is political prostitution and no matter what verbature this Katangese corts it by, it stinks!

  37. Bakulu
    Nkupi is right. The essence of putting up such a bad law was to stop KK from standing as president. MMD was very happy of this achievement, they did not know that one day it would back fire. My conclusion, confirmed by Capitalist and you is that RBs parents or one of the parents is not Zambian. RB should simply prove to the court that both parents were born in Zambia/Nothern Rhodesia, no gymnastics should be allowed. You dont need to study law to know where your parents were born.

  38. Bakulu your understanding is flawed – a precedent does not override the law, it merely allows comparison. The case can be different

  39. Am back!!! The fact of the issue is that PF a greatest loser in the forthcoming elections and its a party made up of cowards. Am glad, there will no pf after 20 September, cos its a one man party called sata kantemba party, the man who is already in archives. Mind u guys, am voting for HH.

  40. Law is not like maths where 1+1=2 law deals with precedent don’t think that judges they just dream when they’r passing a verdict they refer to past judgement (precedent) and if it is the first case it has never happend before thats where issue of first offender come in anyway am the lawyer thats my understandings

  41. This issue of rb parentage is serious-let da law take its course. its purely a constitution matter. RB was born in gwanda-zim, became zambian citizen by decent by virtue of having lived in zambia 4more than 10 yrs bt his parents were already zimbabwean by birth n malawian by birth respectively n never renounced there citizenships…chiluba mhsrip has dribbled mmd n da constitution even in his death. if our judiciary is truthful n competent-rb is not eligeable to stand. this is a serious issue-wrong precidence was set as result of corruption.

  42. The laws we bring will always haunt us.We always think they are meant to block others but one good day,they always get us on a fixed corner no movements at all.We win today but tomorrow we;ll be in the docket

  43. PF supports lack analysis; be it lawyers ordinary cadres – they behave the same.
    That is why losing is no longer a problem to them; they would rather waste time, first, with the so called PACT then in the dying minutes persue RB’s parentage. If I was among them i would find it very difficult to endure their way of thinking. Their have very sofisticated strategies for carrying out insults, but lack any form of campaign strategy. Last election theys used their usual commedy of FLY-OVER bridge, cleaning UTH and MAN-OF-ACTION play to pull the public on their rally and in the process confused themselves, failing to tell what people were following – whether it was political support or their outstanding commedy performance by SATA.

  44. If Rupiah Banda breached the constitution in any way let justice be served, no one is bigger than Zambia, no one is above the law and none is a law unto himself. Zambia has struggled since independence because of being led by foreigners whose interests are elsewhere.

  45. The term ‘Incompetence’ is correctly used. I had problems with the way the term is/was used in the UK (school and workplace). They will you tell (politely) that you are incompetent to do this or that task until you pass a competence test. Mu Zambia, to tell me that, ‘ninshi tatwaumfwane nowanjeba efyo’. We will fight or become enemies until he/she apologies. But I now know that incompetence means I’m not qualified to handle a certain task until I get some training of some sort to handle the task. It is not an insult.

  46. Kaunda is this very moment got a smirky smie on his face .
    Why not . The law that ended his presidential bid has come back to bite its owner like a pitbull.
    Zambians i hope you learn from this here , that if you pass laws that are luck of beter word . Stup!d . Sooner or later that law wil come back to Frak you over .
    I Balme all you Zambians for this circus . ITS YOUR FAULT.

  47. SATA knows that he will not win these elections. why don’t you defeat Dr. Banda in the polls in stead of making noise. The is man of yours called sata, he like attention very much. he is  a comedian in zambia politics. Kanyama, Chawama, kafue, Feira and Chilanga seats will be scooped by UPND without any dought. am not very sure of Lusaka central and Munali. But Chongwe, Mandevu and Munali, I expect PF to have easy win. According to un confirmed report from leaks, UPND is likely to between 54 to 62 parliamentarian seats. This is just projected results so far. UPND will win easily in north-western, southern, Central and western provinces but sharing with MMD in western and part of central. Lusaka is for all parties MMD, UPND and PF…see you men…

  48. At no time in the post 1996 Zambia will the issue of parentage ever stop anyone from being President. The Constitution is the supreme law but even this is weighed against the rights and liberties of an individual. The liberty of RB is to stand in the election based on his affidavit sworn before the CJ. ONLY after this can he be questioned about his declaration and mind you, the burden of proof isd on his accusers not on himself. RB DOES NOT have to prove 1. who his parents are and 2. where they were born Now, PF know that and that is the reason why they are abusing the court process by bringing an injunction AT THIS stage when the dates of nomination filling and elections have been fixed. They were hoping that the time would have been elapsed by the time the courts arbitrate.

  49. #48 Kabudula Bamba,
    This law never stopped Kaunda from standing. what it did was simply to intimidate him from standing. That law has no capacity to stop anyone from being presidential candidate as long as that person’s parents were born before 1964 and happened to have been in N/Rhodesia at the time of independence. It can only stop a young star whose parents were born after 1964, but who has parents born after 1964 and wants to stand for president? If Kaunda went to court in a quest to stand for president in 1996 he was going to win the case just like the late Chiluba did. So this article 34(3)(b) has never barred anyone from candidature. I wish Wynter knew or understood this.

  50. Sata was in MMD for a long time and knows the tricks they used to play against opponents. The issue here is that he knows how the same system that he used for his advantage then, will be used against him. Simply put, he has grown cold feet and his only chance of winning is to create confusion. He will do anything to get into state house. This says a lot about the type of man that he is. Please vote wisely. 

  51. All I see here is pretense that Zambia has a constitution when not! There is no supreme law of the land and governance is at the mercy of the party in government. All constitution reviews were an attempt at finally putting in place a law for the land! Yes nothing stops RB filing and standing for presidency as he is technically no doubt Zambian but the country has no steadfast laws! Don’t cheat yourselves as MCS and Kabimba already know that the ruling will be RB can not be barred but being a shrewd politician that MCS is, let’s wait and see/hear what he wants to get across to us all! 

  52. No. 58
    Former US President Richard Nixon once said the biggest skill in politics is timing.
    Thats the biggest skill SATA lacks. The timing of the court case just passed the winning goal to RB
    MMD 4 : PF 0

  53. I can imagine what would happen if Mr Sata was in President Banda’s shoes, not too far fetched to imagine that the accusers would be fed to the crocodiles at Kalimba Crocdile farm, together with the Judge hearing the case.

  54. Let this be a lesson to MMD, nothing like dirty games by PF, but we should follow the rule of law that MMD put in place themselves. Let Kunda stand instead. Looks like SATA and team know what they are talking about.

  55. All of you LT bloggers are under arrest for discussing Monday’s Mammoth ruling. Your discussions are prejudicial to the case that is still in court. You will all be detained in separate provinces the way Kaunda detained Frederick TJ Chiluba, Chatalu Sampa, Newstead Zimba and other ZCTU/MUZ leaders in the 80’s.  

  56. For those that can pray without leaning to Political affliations but instead would pray for justice and righteousness to prevail in Zambia, elections included. Please pray for the Judiciary in Zambia, Justice Ireen Mabilima, Priscilla Isaac, EFZ, the printing company in South Africa for the fear of the Lord to prevail because everyone will give an account to God for everything that was done in this life. May whatever responsibilities they have been entrusted with be done unto the Lord and not unto men. God bless Zambia and God bless the 2011 elections.

  57. you bloggers the issue at hand is not about pf being what or that. Even if you are in love with rb let him prove that his parents are zambians. remember its the mmd which brought the rule not pf .think before you yap yap

  58. The High Court has throughout the petition. the ruling was obvious. PF should not petition but just concentrate on the elections

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