FDD leader Edith Nawakwi has successfully filed her presidential nominations. She is one of at least 17 aspirants vying for the Republican presidency during the 20th September general elections this year.
After filing in her nomination, Ms Nawakwi told journalists that the country is ready for a woman President.
Ms Nawakwi was accompanied by the women movement under the Non-Governmental Organisation Coordinating Committee –NGOCC.
Meanwhile, Zambians for Empowerment and Development President, Fred Mutesa has also successfully filed in his nomination.
Earlier in the morning, United Independence Party (UNIP) Presidential aspiring candidate Tilyenji Kaunda has successfully filed in his nominations for the September 20th, 2011 elections.
Mr. Kaunda arrived at the supreme court accompanied by his wife patience and other party officials
Returning officer for presidential nominations chief justice Ernest Sakala declared him as an eligible candidate for the 2011 elections after Mr. Kaunda successfully meant all the requirements.
with your dirty uncircumcised d.i.c.k. you moron! is sexism all you know?
Thiss is the problem in Z Why file in when U knowu will lose? Egos! Stupid petty silly egos! ba Luska Times naimwe insulting comments  such as no 1 shud not be on your site! u understand Bemba?
Kunda you are sick in the head! You only fantasize sex each time you see a woman! You need help for your head!Â
#2, I agree with you 100%. #1, You are seriously sick in your head, get help as soon as possible. For you Woman equals Sex! Very sick man, very sick!!!
Thanks LT for deleting #1
PF and their Post Newspaper minions called these parties TUNTEMBAS.Now we will see how PF will win elections with TUNTEMBAS participating.
Viva Nawakwi First Female Zambian President
Edith you look healthy and energatic.Keep it up,would make a good president
A country with low standards will attract even flies to contest the presidency. It reminds me of the song by one zambian musician entitled BAINZI. If Zambia had high standards then people would look and ask themselves if they had the quality to rule the great country. Allas, cry the beloved country which has gone to the dogs where every Jim and Jack and Mary can think they can be presidsent!
I thot the Zambian constitution does not allow a woman who is divorced or single to run for presindency. When did they change the law? or maybe they allowed her bcoz she cant win……thats what it is!…….TOO MANY MAMBALAS PA ZED.
Nawakwi has been supporting Sata all long and calling for RB to go. She has now decided to hit the ball towards the other side of the goalpost and going it alone. Has she sensed that Sata does not have the stamina to enter State House?
Votes should be weighed not counted.
When that happens, then Sata will win.
Why file for persidential candidate when you know you are going to lose. Maybe we should increase the filing fee from $2000 to $5000. That way spme candidates will not just waste our time.
Pa zed napo awe mwe,all of a sudden life has been breathed into dead political parties,who funds these people?because there is no way a party would just resurrect weeks before an election and claim to be the best in the country.So what will Nawikwi’s campaign message be,who is this Mutesa and where was Tilyenji all this time? His brothers cant even support him.This selfishness in Zed politics has been costing the country the much needed development.Much as we enjoy being a democracy,strict measures should be put in place as to how parties should be allowed to participate in an election.These last minute parties should be asked where they have been all along to just come when its election time.
Who sponsored these tuntemba’s? what is the objective? vote splitting? one cannever be 100% sure that vote spliting will be in ur parties favour, u will be suprised that Under five wins.
Rumor had it that she is married but the names still come out as Ms and also that almost if not all the women who are fighting for equal rights and positions in Zambia are divorces or ms siliya, ms masebo, ms nawakwi ms ,ms, ms ,ms………..
PF supporters should wake up.Why have Nawakwi,Gen.Miyanda and some very very small parties decided to run for the presidency?The answer is very simple,THEY DON’T WANT SATA TO BE PRESIDENT. Some of these guys and parties used to support Sata/PF but have just realized that the man is not worth supporting as he is very unfit to be PRESIDENT,period.
the ecz should increase the fee for presdo candidates and the predo cand.should show PROOF that they held conventions with attendes of more than 5000 from all provinces of zambia.otherwise this is a scheme of vote splitting.another 5 year of MMD rule clearly at hand,voting will be just for formality.
No one should be regarded as a loser at stage one (filing for plot one) Everyone should be allowed provided s/he come in with a number of supporters. Change your altitude vote for a female president and see a number of changes in political atmosphere in Zam .. time for change = from male presidents to Female. go go Nawakwi the only and the best :)