Former Finance minister Katele Kalumba has now become a traditional ruler following his appointment as headman Natende in Senior Chief Puta’s chiefdom.
Dr. Kalumba, who is also former MMD National Secretary, has also become Senior Chief Puta of the Bwile speaking people’s special adviser.
Dr Kalumba has also been given authority to advise the senior chief on matters related to women affairs in the area.
ZANIS reports from Chiengi District that Chairman General of the Ubuilile traditional ceremony organising committee Denson Chishimba confirmed the development on Wednesday.
Mr, Chishimba says Dr. Kalumba will have the power to advise the chief on various issues because his appointment means that he is one who produces and keeps all Puta chiefs.
” Being the chief maker, he has power to put the welfare of the chiefdom first and ensure that the affairs of the chiefdom were being handled properly, ” he said.
And Dr. Kalumba, clad in a traditional regalia, accepted the new portfolio with humility .
He paid homage to Senior Chief Puta as the Ngoni Paramount Chief Mpezeni looked on.
Dr. Kalumba’s wife, Lumba took to the floor after her husband received the rattan plate.
Kwe Kwe Kwe Kwe Iyeeeee Mayo
Congratulations Dr Kalumba. Regardless of what people say about you, I have always admired you. I always refer to you as Katis. I know you will give the Chief the much needed advice as I know you as a very wise gentleman.
Chiengi ddoti ccom
yayayayayaya…whats happening..?the acquittal is assured ka..?
Umwana musuma bamumwena kuli chenji.
Katele i think you have lost your head! Anyway what is your Doctorate or what have you studied? Why not go back and make money using your qualifications than Charm? Are you hiding from the pending cases? There are just too many questions to be answered. Come Katele come back to your senses.
Still on the run from justice. Any serious anti-fraud driven government would work to smoke him out from his current camouflage.
Katele has surely run out of Ideas. From a Minister, MMD Chief Executive to a Village headman.
I thought I was the only one that had finished. Iam better off with the Satanist as long as Mmembe can recognize me for media coverage
whats wrong about him being headman?
he proudly knows his roots unlike imwe tutombolilo who do not even know where your fathers come from
These are our leaders practising witch craft-He has also a Doctorate in witchcraft
Traditional leader does not mean witchcraft. These roles a given by traditional lines and he did not choose to be given this. Let us have some respect and learn to tolerate other tribes. Mind you we all come from some tribe of some sort. I do not see how this has anything to do with court cases
Ba KCI, we haven’t forgotten the mushala stint the man pulled off, by the way what happened to the luxury boat he bought with tax payers money!!!
Mmm ….. I wonder which party is likely to get the Bwile and Lunda vote?
Next, he will be crowned ‘Chief of the Bwile’ Pipo
well done Katele but come back to the proper chimwela pliz
i wish people like VJ could follow suit. RB could have been one when he retired but poor man has no village in zed.
satanyako woudl be a perfect headman at chitulika too.
iye mayo… bululu wakwa mushala!!! we havent forgotten your stint in the bush bwana!! nomba elo mwapoka amaka ba maikalange!!
In the minds of many people he is still a convicted plunderer.
eeeh mudala tatwalaba… after all he self confessed to being a “katele” abkulu ba kulu passop!!!
these guys dont just recognise anyone unless walikwata utunembo!!! LOL
If your Parents have no village where he comes from just know that he is not a Zambian. Leave Dr Katele alone and concentrate on your livelyhood. I support Zero Option not Ba Fake Mulongoti.
Dr congrats you will find us kuno kumushi being a headman it has nothing to do with witchcraft mwebantu imwe
Running away from prosecution.Period.
Now,this is the comedy of the year.Good luck for your cases headman.Headman Dr Katele Kalumba,nice combination.I like your humbleness though
Paving the way for his illegal aquittal. RB unfortunately is losing these elections.
Uyu Tubulu nakamukola ka fyaka
Downgrading kaaaaaaa
Stale news ba LT. This story was reported a long time ago, where were you?
In some tribes a thief like Katele is a hero …..
Katele used to be a vibrant young man with the wife Lumba not too long ago. Is this his new scheme to evade justice? I am confused, a headman and so so humble looking, i don’t believe this? Is this some kind of a trick or a sketch?
Personally i see nothing wrong with his move. Why continue working when you have reached that age. The man should now pump sense in other old fellows to go back to the land and develop their areas using the experience they have. Surely come to think of it. If we had many who think like him, we would be properly connected whether in the city or village. It would mean if a youngster is in plot 1, it would be difficult to listen to Katele when he says i need many for my area because the many has assumed an important duty in his area. Conglats Katele!! Next i hope Sata can do the same since RB wont be able because his village is questionable.
@29 I meant “it would not be difficult to listen to Ketele when he says i need money”
Well done sir, show some of these politicians that there comes a time when you have to give up power. It’s important that our chiefs get educated people like Katele to advise them, we need more to step down from government and go back to the grassroots. Well done
You cant lock up a village headman Comrade Goodwell Lungu, find other pipo to lock up
pic should have been taken of him in traditional regalia…anyway, i don’t know y people are hating..he has been made head man..like it or hate it, the bwile people love him. The ost important thing in life is to be loved by your family and for you to serve and work for their betterment.
yaba magic laptop will come with a new version
from a tortoise laptop to a snail laptop wapya munzi
anyway ni village concept at work
*******:,,,,,,,,,,,,:*******>>……… ubwanga ubo
Congrats KAKA, he deserves it, he is the only politicia/MP who has served his constituency with pride. If you go to Chiengi district you see for your self how much development he brought there when he served has MP of that area. we like you Kaka despite being a convict of corruption.
Tortoise laptop
#34 Criminal Minded
No one has said we hate the new headman.why should we?its just some interesting development.If its about his cases,well,he has to sought that out with the courts.If sentenced to prison,he will be the first headman in jail,correct me.
Nobel prize winner in Chiengi!
Its amazing at the level of ignorance exhibited on this blog. Who said being a chief means wizardly. I really fear for Zed!! Congrats Ba Katele.
Headman? Arent these titles archaic? Chiefs should start calling them by more progressive names! Come on Chiefs lets get into the 21st century!
I thought you had to be in good standing to become a headman. Another illusion bites the dust, I guess.
kekekekeke! ok. I thought he was appointed
traditional healer
…ok from finance minister???..to headboy..sorry..headman…thats a big drop..if it..was football ranking..maybe the chap needs immediate mental checks..obviously there is something very wrong with his thinking..but desparate times calls for desparate measures…not this head thingy..ha ha hah..
Special adviser on matters related to women affairs in the area, good lord god almighty! The next thing you will hear is that people’s wives are disappearing in thin area with Kalumba, only to materialize months later either pregnant or infected with a very robust form of neuro-syphilis like the one that killed Chiluba.
I hope this does not push him to consolidate on his witchcraft…….
It definitely will :d