10 Reasons why your life will be better if you lose weight

We could all stand to lose a few Kg’s to be more healthy . Here is a list of reasons why
This is the most important , but often most overlooked as people tend to want to lose weight to look good.
Everyone knows that those additional pounds, particularly in the mid-section increase one’s risk for life-threatening diseases. If you have genetic factors working against you already, why add to it with something you can control? Eating healthy and exercising regularly can add an extra year to your life.
Whether you are single or married everyone wants to feel attractive to the opposite sex. That’s not too say overweight people are not attractive, but losing some weight will make you feel good about yourself. As they say “If you feel good, you look good.”
When you start to see yourself losing weight, even if it is only a little , you will feel good about yourself and that will be motivated to lose more and live a healthier lifestyle.
5. Take up hobbies you didn’t dare try as an overweight person
Being overweight often keeps people from trying hobbies like modeling, competitive sports, dancing and swimming.
6. Enjoy physical activities with your friends and family more
Running and having fun in outdoor activities with your family is so much easier when you’re not carrying extra weight around.
7. You may become the inspiration for someone else to lose weight and improve their life
Most people know at least one overweight person in their life. You just may be the inspiration to make a life-altering change for them. If you have someone you’d like to help lose weight, try losing weight yourself and become a great example for them. If you have kids, let them see you accomplish your goal and let them reap the lessons you learn from the experience.
8. Get employment in a position that you weren’t comfortable in before
Having a new slimmer body can open new employment opportunities for you. Many positions require a slim physique such as an airline stewardess.
9. losing weight can help you reduce or eliminate the need for medication.
Many conditions that require medication can be traced back to the patient carrying around excess weight. Losing weight often reduces the need for these medications or can sometimes reverse the effects so that they are no longer needed.
10. Not having to keep making this same New Year’s resolution
When you lose the weight, you no longer have “I will finally Lose weight” as your New Year’s Resolutions. It’s a goal you can check off. What a great feeling of accomplishment.
Find out how to start losing that spare tire around your waist in the next article.
Next – expland more on how to lose wieght safely!! That is the biggest problem.
Next – expand more on how to lose wieght safely!! That is the biggest problem.
This guy just did copy&paste from a Western article without considering his audience. How many Zambians are able to gain weight? Only a few ministers like GBM. The rest are in abject poverty and disease. Are u telling that Goerge Kunda is slim because he exercises and eats healthy?
if you want to slim down ask George Kunda how. I think it must be very simple!
Loss of weight is good. In Zambia most of the people are becoming more overweight coz of lack of recreation facilities. Most of the so called are expensive and beyond the reach of a common man. On the other hand of late there are many young men and women doing road runs in the mornings and evenings . However the danger are salaula motorists who have no respect for other road users. I had a nasty incident some years back when a drunken motorist never reduced the intensity of his head lamps and ended up being blinded and fell in a ditch. After some time I resorted to cyling along Leopards Hill road but again a drunken driver hit into my bike. All I do now walk from Cooperative College to Town and back to keep fit.
Great advise, if you want to lose weight just contract HIV then boi, it will come natural.:)
Zambians think being fat is attractive. “Nawina. Ulemoneka bwino” Such are the comments you will get if you put on weight.
#6 MR ABILITY. Who says you lose weight when you contract HIV? Not anymore. People living with HIV/AIDs gain weight and their complexions are beautiful. Maybe someone with cancer will lose weight
I’ve been trying to lose weight, I think I’m doing pretty well.
Slow news day LT? Almost everyone already knows what you’ve addressed in this article. What you should be writing about is the fact that middle income Zambians (who are the ones that have access to the internet anyways) have it lucky in terms of access to healthy food. Pies, burgers, Pizzas – are the cheapest form of food you’ll find in Western countries-that’s why large numbers of their population are obese and have cancers of all forms. The idolisation of big women in African countries is taken to the extreme. You find Black men in the UK with white women who are literally round. These women stink to high heaven because they can’t reach to wash inbetween their rolls and creases of lard.
My point is that, the idolisation of the fat in Zambia must stop. It’s unhealthy. I’m not saying people have to be skin and bone, women with some meat on them are the sexiest but there’s a fine line between meaty and fat/obese. The way Zambians flock to KFC and Steers – just because they’re associated with the wealth of the West – is embarrassing. Embrace the healthy foods that come cheap and natural in Zambia – Nsima, kapenta,( vinkubala, inswa and inshonkononos’ which are widely available) and the fruit and veg that grow easily in your back-gardens. Zambia should capitalise on its organic and natural attributes by establing Health Farms, Natural Cosmetic products, etc…
3 aka kci you crazy . . . the GBM part made me laugh. ….The rest are in abject poverty and disease. ……you mad hilarious hilarious :)
i dont like skiny women
…with fat ones, you always need be in shape yourself coz half of you energy goes to lifting ‘things’!