Wednesday, January 15, 2025

PF summons: MMD will respond, says Kachingwe


MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe
MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe

MMD National Secretary Major Richard Kachingwe says the party will respond accordingly to the writ of summons by the Patriotic Front (PF) general secretary Wynter Kabimba who has sued the party and Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) for allegedly failing to collect import duty from the party for the importation of campaign materials worth about K3.5 billion brought into the country.

Mr Kachingwe who confirmed receipt of the summons from the PF said his party would soon respond to the allegations leveled against his party by Mr Kabimba. According to the writ of summons filed before the Lusaka High court, Mr Kabimba wants an order that ZRA assesses and charges duty payable by the MMD on all its campaign materials and motor vehicles imported for this year’s elections.

Mr Kabimba who has also sued the Attorney General as the second defendant and MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe as third defendant wants an order that the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) investigates and discloses to the general public the source of income by the MMD used for the purchase of about 100 Toyota Hilux motor vehicles, buses, 5000 bicycles and about 1000 bales of chitenge material and T-shirts.

He is further claiming for an interim mandatory and prohibitory order of injunction against the MMD restraining the distribution of motor vehicles, bicycles, chitenge materials and T-Shirts until the duty payable is assessed by ZRA and payable by the MMD.

The PF is also claiming any relief the court may deem fit and costs. According to a statement of claim filed in the Lusaka High Court, Mr Kabimba stated that on July 28, 2011, President Rupiah Banda dissolved parliament and set September 20 this year as the date for tripartite elections.

He said on August 1, this year, President Banda during a function held at Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka launched the 2011 election campaign for the MMD.

He said after the launch, Maj Kachingwe started allocating campaign materials to its adopted candidates in form of bicycles, bales of chitenge material, motor vehicles and T-Shirts.

Mr Kabimba said on August 7, 2011, President Banda officiated at a function in Lusaka where the said materials which were allegedly imported into the country in large quantities were allocated.

He said the MMD’s campaign material was liable to import duty and other incidental taxes which the first defendant had negligently failed to charge and or collect on behalf of the government treasury of the Republic of Zambia.

Mr Kabimba said the consignment of the third defendant’s campaign materials included about 100 Toyota Hilux motor vehicles, bales of Chitenge materials and T-Shirts and at least 5000 bicycles all valued at over K3.5 billion.”

Mr Kabimba claimed that the MMD’s consignment of campaign materials was disproportionate to its income adding that the MMD had no investment portfolio or any business activity from which it would earn such income to justify the expenditure on the material.

He further stated that the DEC is obliged by law to institute investigations into the source of the income or disproportionate expenditure levels by the MMD and inform the public accordingly.

Mr Kabimba said ZRA should not allow the MMD to use its imported consignment of campaign materials before import duty and other taxes are paid to the commission.

And in an affidavit in support of ex parte summons for an interim order injunction pursuant to Order 29, Rule 1 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of England, 1999 edition, Mr Kabimba averred that DEC had not investigated the MMD’s source of income in accordance with its mandate.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. How does this ‘lawyer’ know all this? Where are the proofs of his allegations? It’s like he wants the defendants to prove themselves innocent rather than the plaintiff proving them guilty. He must bring proof of his allegations otherwise this is just a way to distract from the on-going campaigns for the elections.

  2. Hahahaha

    The are panicking like chicken about to be hanged….  21 September. This time its retirement for good. Ba Winter time for tricks is gone. This year kuya bebele for good

  3. I think PF has lost the election even before voting, how many times are they going to be a cry-baby. They are suing MMD on everything. Can they also tell us where they are getting funding. 

  4. Ricky Bobby (#1) You want Kabimba to give you the proof? Are you the court? Every court has a procedure. If Kabimba’s allegations are false its up to the court to decide.  You should understand why the courts are there. Its the wisest and most courageous thing to do by taking the matter to court rather than just complaining in the hope of getting the attention of sympathizers. 

  5. The MMD should pay taxes,and they must disclose the source of their funds. What kind of a President is RB, a criminal?. Last week, I had to pay K15m in taxes at Nakonde, while *****s like Kachingwe and the MMD bring their vehicles duty free. Is this country an animal farm?.And you bloggers who support this nonsense should think twice because one day you shall cry. Remember, do unto others as you would want them do unto you!. One day, your heroes will be out of power and the law shall visit you, its foolish to support such nonsense. I pray that these elections go to the opposition so that these can squeeze your blood after you come out of Office.

  6. The action of PF taking MMD for invading taxes is above politics. This is common knowledge that everyone has to and must pay taxes. If MMD invaded why not PF or UPND UNIP or and of these little parties take them to court? come think out side the box Ka chuluba had stolen and we all have seen what he stole yet some people give it a blind eye and think he never stole. they further claim it is politics what polics come on grow up//////

  7. Hahaaaaa…..this is real panic. Summons after summons. The MMD should not be bothered by these rantings, it is evident that MMD is winning. I am surprised that MMD flags are flying high in compounds that were PF strongholds…..Lusaka will be a ricky issue this election, very few will be cheated because they are seeing things happen with their own eyes.

  8. Imwe mwe fisushi all above, dont you realise rthat MMD’s failure to pay duty is graft, corruption and theft of government revenue and resources? Bushe when are we going to wake up in Zed? But kwena bupuba ubu. Wynter is raising a genuine issue here, no matter your political affiliations, this one all should rise up and condemn this ruling party. This is exactly the way they manage our resources. Mwe fibwa mwe.

  9. Kabimba is on to soemthing for a change. The MMD should pay taxes like everyone else. Infact they should be leading by example.

    With respect to disclosure that boils down to what the law says, I am afraid. I do not think there is such a law or precedent in Zambia.

  10. these are the last kicks of a dying cobra,honestly what kind of an advisor is Wynter Kabimba,isnt this just a waste of time instead of campaigning they are wasting time vote RB vote RB vote RB vote RB vote RB

  11. Sata has been fundraising for MMD, every time he says he will chase the Chinese, nationalize Chilanga cement, Zambia Sugar and the mines…… and other companies,  they just ask MMD how much they need to stay in power and give them the money. 
    If Sata used diplomacy and kept his big mouth closed, MMD wouldn’t have had so much money.

  12. surely this is a man and a party that want a defendant to start revealing information whilst the complainant has no proof of his allegations..why doesnt the PF show us the proof they have..this would speedy up the process unlike trying to sway the electorate whilst there is no proof at all..please us a favour and campaign on serious issues..actually before we even go there sort out ur adoption problems

  13. Some people don’t understand what it means to have free and fair election. Its very clear this years elections are not free and fair. You may wonder why am saying this when we haven’t even voted yet. Truth be told elections begun just after parliament got desolved. That is why we are saying “we are in an election period”. During this period ECZ(Diramba from Gabon), who is a referee in this case, shaould ensure evry1 adhere to the rules and regulation. But what is happening? Diramba has done nothing to stop MMD from abusing our tv licence. Diramba has done nothing to stop MMD from abusing Zesco in campaigning for it. Diramba has done nothing about serious allegations that have been brought over the engagement of UPG. How can you then talk about free and fare election?


  15. # YOUTH FOR CONTINUITY WITH RB: Kabimba is Right Bane, there is no one above the law. Remember when goods come into the country they go through borders and at the borders are PF sympathisers and they inform PF of all the activities going on. Zambians are paying heavy taxes and if the Head of State and Party will evade taxes, this is extremely unfortunate.

  16. Poor winter!!!!! If your own father does not believe or go along with your thinking…. MMD is got alot of money from friends of the party. They are well prepared for the elections…PF is seriously disorganized.

  17. #1,2, & 3 – Are all uneducated caders of the MMD, you can’t allow lawlessness to go an check. The reason for having opposition in a democracy is for checks and balances. They executive needs to be checked and exposed is maladministration is identified. If this is true, MMD needs to account.

  18. It is like it was in the past, we used to have UNIP and its government. This is what we are once mre experiencing MMD is UNIP in another skin. Self imposed General William Banda once said they can not allow themselves to loose power like they lost in 1991. The fact of the matter is that MMD is abusing state resources as if it owns the government and yet they are crying to be voted back. Unless one is blind and does not know what democracy means can vote for these Mudya Mweka Daddy party. My vote is going for the opposition. Even if we loose they will know that some of us know how much they have miss managed our resources.

  19. #1,2, & 3 – When in diaspora, we are supposed to see how things are done and advise unless you are in Libya. Be objective and advise based on your experiences where you are. I am neither PF, MMD or UPND but a True Non-Partisan Zambian mourning for my country. Nothing personal against MMD but where accountability is waranted they have to account.

  20. The MMD has said it will respond to Winter…
    Politic is not for cobra’s its for lions. The PF has under estimated how MMD has become a strong party of substance since LP and RB took over. Remember the MMD has forged good relationships with parties such as the ANC and other economic  partners who want to see Zambia progress. This never happened during Chiluba’s era as he was regards very low by regional powers such as South Africa. This is not politics of Cha Cha Cha  

  21. Am wondering what will happen to the mmd if pf comes into power, because it dare sues the govt even when it knows that nothing tangible will come out. Mmd govt is scared by the pf’s boldness

  22. in the meantime ba UPND and other similar useless parties are just quiet while serious corruption and abuse of state institutions and resources goes on right before their eyes and they claim to want to represent us, VIVA PF!!

  23. But zoona, Ba PF CHIFWAKA CHE MULIPO NI-CHIKALI BAD! TIPASENI KONI!! BUT MU CHEFYEKO, MWAONA MANJE MWAYAMBA KUFUNTA, MWAMBOONA MA-COURT FULU NDIYE KULI MA-VOTE. PITILIZANI BASI. SEO TILI NA RB – TA WINA KUDALA. If I were Sata I would shoot Kabimba until he is prounced dead. Wynter is a non-starter. After embarrassing himself over RB’s citizenship, he is now looking everyhwere for anything to regain confidence of people…but, you know what, it is too late. We know that PF are too dull and clueless to run this country. Wynter, Given and Sata, if I were you I would start selling off property to raise money you are owing to the Talibans in Afghanistan and the Bruce Lees in Taiwan. Believe me, after the elections, they will come for their money. You are all dead!!!

  24. No 23
    When PF was asked by RB to show were the party was getting funding from did you stand up the way you are standing up now?
    Has the MMD not said the will answer Winter’s summons?
    The problem in Zambia is that we have people who just say things without proof just because the heard if from a bar in Kabwata. The case for Mpombo, Lubinda. For your on information no law allows for any party in Zambia to disclose its source of funding. The court will throw this one out again


  26. #29: Get my point, am not talking about disclosing where they get the money from. Even if it is stolen atleast have the descency to pay tax on it. That’s the point. So much is going wrong in that country, if left unchecked 50 years from now we will be at the same point. I just get disgusted with thieving and lawlessness in Zambia, it be MMD, UPND, PF they are all upto no good. MMD is the father and a father must lead by example and not start looting at the expense of the poor.

  27. Wynter is such a dull lawyer who needs to be recalled to UNZA for some evening refresher course in Law .Even then, the school of law have toughened up its curriculum.Wynter could be destined for a big ‘ F’ in all the subjects.He is such a waist of space with few brain cells inside his head.


  29. puting our money to good use this even a wife who budgets well will get more groceries with less money,PF just dont know how to budget and lack creativity,chwe chwe chwe chwe chwe chwe chwe vote RB

  30. @ Ricky Bobby, you are making a statement as though you are privy to the affidavits before the court. secondly, the allegations seem to disclose a prima facie case. The allegations suggest that our democracy is compromised, they suggest that we cant rely on ZRA or DEC to be free and fair in the pursuit of those who wantonly disregard their authority. I dont support the PF but certainly this is a case worth looking into for the sake of democracy’s integrity in our great nation.

    • Ca… c’est un sac de cagapmne qu’aurait envie de s’aerer avec les p’tits lous… T’ont pas encore demande une seance “plein air” ?

  31. # 32, Utu jiri jiri, You want to send Kabimba to evening classes meanwhile you spell the word waist yamusana. Who should we send to evening classes?

  32. No 31

    I get your point and i do not support not paying tax. My point is that you are taking it like its the truth MMD has not paid tax. At this point none of us know apart from Winter. Let the courts decide This is election time and desperate people are known to do anything to get attention

    • It becomes circus judiciary when you lose. When you win then it is not. In any case why take the case to a circus judiciary if one may ask?

  33. Well Done Mr Kabimba, we need hundreds and hundreds of people of your Calibre, not ifisushi like Shikapwasha inama shampanga. We analysed the list of the PF adopted candidates and we gave PF 90% a thumbs up.

  34. # 25: You have a problem, I have been in South Africa for 14 years and have grown very close to ANC over the years. What relationship is there between ANC and MMD. The relationship is at National Level and not Political. Are you suggesting that ANC is giving money to MMD. You are wrong bru. Try to get you facts right. Something is going on in Zambia which if you are a concerned and true Zambian like I am, you would like to know. We are going back to the Chiluba time – FREE FOR ALL.

  35. I really don’t know if I can still call Zambia great. Foreign President, China rules and shoots Zambian at will, copper profits are for the few, lawlessness, ulukungu nalo, awe yama, bwafya. The case by Kabimba if you look closely, you will see that RB and Mugabe are basically the same. When and if Banda wins, he will ask for five more years and he will tell you that the previous term was for LPM. Keep watching. Kabili Zambians mwachena nga cup. You take anything and everything. Hot water, cold water, beer, tobwa, umukoyo, or even urine. In the name of peace, you are docile and in the name of docile, you are foolish. Not all, some.

  36. Iwe “Dust-bin Picker” calling yourself “engineer australia”, try to use the proper flag if at all you are down under!! we know you are MMD bootlicker, just accept you have to pay import duty, you think Z is animal farm, but the only animals messing Z up are the piggies in MMD!!!

  37. #37, wa lasa! Some of these so-called “intellectuals” we have on this blog…. lol
    Ba #32, you’re the one who needs evening classes as a matter of utmost urgency.

  38. Guys, let’s be very serious. Only someone who doesn’t pay taxes will condone rubbish like the MMD bringing in stuff duty free! Haaa! Duty free??? On top of that, they even go spending my hard earned cash in form of my taxes to fund their campaigns? Wynter tries to protect our maney then somebody says it’s NO? Nyong’o nyong’o!!!

  39. MMD not paying Import Vat & Duty. is it normal to anyone? Has the government waved taxes for political parties in power? Tax Evasion is a seriously crime! How was the vehicles cleared? Interpol, did you check and were satisfied that all was ok? RTSA? how much checks did you do? are these vehicles registered in GRZ Ministries or MMD. Not only on vehicles Printed Matter also!

  40. I told you before….. ABUSE 24/7!! So Sad. But of course we also have fo.ols in the ‘Dispo’ can support abuse in the management of thier own country. Shame on you all.

  41. I wonder what happened to the US$43 million PF received for selling Kanyama to the Taiwanese.
    Let me guess….hmmmmm they shared it right? LOL!
    Corruption starts at home!
    PF is the most corrupt party in Zambia this is why they had to hide nominations, hide the US$43 million they received from Taiwan and Afganistan, hide their conference from their critics, hide their support for gays in exchange for money and even hide Sata’s ailing heart condition from the people.
    This is the real “donchi kubeba”.
    The ones being lied to are not MMD or their supporters. Its you the minority public who support this PF party which is full of corruption even when they are not in government.

  42. I think Mr Kabimba is being over litigious. Does he honestly think the MMD could have imoprted the materials in their name. Truth is all the campaign materials Mr Kabimba is bringing into issue were imported by some companies who duly cleared with ZRA and later transfered ownership to MMD. The materials legally came in and you did not even smell it because you were expecting MMD importations. Another loss for your CV.

  43. I strongly suspect that MMD is hoodwinking PF.

    The MMD are running their own system which is making “Donchi Kubeba” work against the PF party.

    I think MMD are deliberately leaking false information to PF big wigs. I think MMD leaked the false story of RB’s parentage so that PF could make a fool of themselves in public. I think this ECZ issue is another trap by MMD. So was the VP court action trap and the campaign material trap.

    MMD are feeding false information to PF so that PF wastes its time talking rubbish in the post newspaper and wasting court resources meanwhile, MMD is campaigning hard on the ground wining hearts day by day.

  44. MMD know that the chifukushi of Fred Mmembe can be used to their advantage and they know that PF has no strategy so they will pull on any rope they are given.

    This explains why MMD is way ahead of PF in campaigns and PF is wasting space in the Post on nonsense instead of marketing the party to the people.

    This is my theory!

  45. # 54 & 55, probably you need help. Do you know that Anthropology and History are two different subjects? You are repeating same things you have posted somewhere else on two different strings. Are you saying that you cannot come up with something different related to the topic at hand? You are behaving like someone who studied a topic but he finds that questions are not what is in his head. Be creative man!

  46. # 44 kalos2121
    You are right, our being docile has made us s.tu.pi.d we take every nonsense as normal. It is the attitude we need to change.

    Awe kwena watweeba?? Tuli ikapu (Cup and we can take anything including Tujili-Jili).

  47. All civilized people everywhere and anywhere celebrate the long overdue incarceration of Sata’s violent stooge Judge Ngoma.

    It is hoped, however, that this incarceration will not be interpreted to mean that he has been given an unlimited platform to carry about and unleash his warped sodomistic appetites on poor fellow prisoners he has now found as his companions, knowing what Sata has lodged in him.

  48. With Judge behind the bars, it is hoped that the Prison warders under whose care he is, should not throw away caution to the winds, but up their vigilance, with a precise keen eye on him, if not confine him to a well strapped strait jacket, in solitary confinement, as insurance policy.
    But if the place is intolerable to Judge, he could, in the shortness of time, when the warder’s eye slips, escape notice and hang himself. No one will miss him.

  49. #56 it does not matter where or how many times i post it, i still think all these issues are misleading PF. I think MMD has hoodwinked them. As a result, we are not discussing real issues. We are discussing things that have been engineered to fail. Do you get it now?

  50. The psycho forum (pf) is really desperate. If they want to claim the moral high ground just let us know where your money comes from. MMD is not the party that charges people to stand on it’s ticket or whose leader left a suitcase of money at an airport in South Africa or whose leader is the only signatory to their bank account who keeps bags of money at his residence.

  51. Engineer Australia, musula obe ulebepa ati waba ku Australia, manje ka flag kaya nika ku Cambodia or South Sudan. You must be a retard, ****** weee!!!!

  52. #61, What engineering was done at the forum at Mulungushi? Who told you that your thoughts will reign supreme and are right? Since these are just thoughts, as you rightly stated, is it difficult for you to keep them to yourself? Why don’t you research more on them before you can bring them to the forum? Who told you that we are supposed to spend time discussing that which is done well? Do you think if MMD and RB were successful we could even waste time debating their success or what not? Why do you think they had turmoil in Tunisia, Egypt, and they are still slaughtering each other in Libya and Syria? IT IS THE SAME HOODWINKING to cover FAILURE. MMD and RB is doing the same to MMD cadres. That is why I said that you Zambians are open like a cup. You don’t query your leaders.

  53. A WISE PERSON MAKES OWN DECISIONS, AN IGNORANT ONE FOLLOWS PUBLIC OPINION” Aren’t you the same people who were celebrating when the proposed constitution fell through. it had a provision where party’s were supposed to disclose source of funding. I CHOOSE WHAT I WANT AND YOU ARE EQUALLY FREE TO CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT WE ARE NOT ENEMIES BUT WE ARE COMMONLY KNOWN AS ZAMBIANS

  54. let’s be serous bane,tax money endalama shibomba ukucita develop icalo,if we are not paying tax the’ill never be no development in this country,those people who saying it’s okay for MMD not to pay tax themselves they dont pay.if there zambians who love their country and know what it means to pay tax they woudnt be supporting MMD .what MMD is doing is killing the natoin.wake up jarabos

  55. # 54, I think you are right to say that MMD is leaking false information to PF so as to keep them trotting to the courts while RB is everywhere campaigning. Isn’t it possible that Toyota (Z) ordered on their behalf? I thought there was a similar issue 150 Mazda that were ordered by the MMD during one of the past elections and how far did that issue go?

  56. No 72

    Ati naba teya… spending time in court. They think MMD can be so s.u.p.i.d to pass then the winning pass by avoiding Tax.
    20 September ni retirement bashikulu ku Mpika

  57. Once again Wynter is flogging a dead horse.
    1. Tax affairs and how and what tax is charged is a matter of the Revenue authority and the relevant party. It is NONE of anyones’ business what tax is collected. Similarly the DEC only investigate if there is a complaint. Has Wynter complained to the DEC? No. This man rushing to courts whenever he feels an itch in his groin is just too much.
    2. ZRA has the right to negotiate with a customer HOW the tax due is to be paid and over how long. No one can compel ZRA to get tax, that is its own mandate.

  58. Suppose MMD has not paid the tax due and then lose elections, that would be the end of the party because the new government could real tax them to bankruptcy. I think PF are just overwhelmed with the amount of money that MMD has thrown into the arena! If this money has come from within the country, say from the mines, PF has no locus standii.

  59. No 74

    Thanks for some sense… ZRA deals with clients not political parties. Tax can be paid on spot or deferred. I have imported machinery into Zambia and negotiated tax payment to ZRA based on my company status. That does not mean i have avoided paying tax. Its a Client/ZRA business…  wait until the court throws this one out once again. This guy is a Bus Stop lawyer.

  60. Imwe fima MMD SYMPATHISERS, what investments or businesses does your party have to be able to afford 100 Toyota’s? You keep defending these pigs who plunder our country’s hard earned money, and yet you don’t question anything they do. Winter’s prrof is simple logic, if a primary school teacher who has no know investments just happens to buy mansions and cars, wouldn’t you question that? Wake up you *****s, otherwise Zambia is doomed bcoz of ba. F.I.k.a.l.a like you

    • Some of these bloggers have benefitted from this plunder and will never defend their own country just because they believe they have to win every argument at whatever cost! ….. just coz of hate for one PF, Sata, Education…….. or tribe. Your reasoning is so empirically shallow given the opportuinty cost to your motherland. We surely cannot count on you- bane!!

  61. Next time you bring a car into Zambia and the ZRA customs officials slaps the hefty duty on it you’ll remember this article.
    At least UNIP used to order Eagle bicycles from Chipata made locally by Zambians…5000 bikes imagine the local community that would benefit from such a huge order!!

  62. Its plain and simple, the MMD is just like a club, if it has bought thigns it wants to bring into the country, it pays ax, if it is true it has not paid tax, then PF and Kabimba have a prima facie case to prosecute. Ifact, even the extension of the court case to the source of revenue is relevant, because there was evasion of tax, which is criminal offence.

    The same with parentage case, issue is whether both his parents were born in Zambia, thats what constitution says, forget how long he has worked in Zambia, those positions dont require that, infact even the Presidency never required that until the MMD and the late Kafupi maliciously introduced it!!!

  63. A toyota Hilux is about $US 23,000 at Toyota Zambia, You can also agree to pay in 36 months as loan…. Certain items are imported duty free or are deferred.

    Are you sure Winter has done all the research on these cases or they will end up being another embarrassment to PF

  64. The PF and the COURT.
    A movie COMING SOON on Chanda Chimba III – TV.
    You can also find copies for sale at Manda Hill and down Town, shop # 2011, wing 20-08

  65. Ba Wynter nomba ifyakuchita fyabula.
    Kabili ni kampeni taimu nomba.
    So lilya abanabo balechita kampeni bushe bena kuti baikala fye filyafine? Awe, kulachitako fimo nabena.
    Eifi mulemona nabo bali bize nakoti.
    Kabili tabakwete konsituensi umwakuchila kampeni.
    Natasha mukwayi epo mpelele.

  66. MMD at it again this is a clear case of abuse of state resources, bribery and corruption especially to corrupt the rural sufferers. The rural people and the poor in some parts of urban districts will get a ka tenge, bag of milie meal and give the courrupt MMD a vote. My heart bleeds for the poor rural dwellers who the MMD keep manipulating every election. The MMD ploicy is keep the rural permanently poor and impoverished so that they can continue manipulating them. Kachingwe and all MMD vuvuzelas have no shame but to justify this ugly corrupt tendancy all because they want to stay in power at all costs. Shame pa zed.

  67. Only the intelectuals can think and see things with reasoning, some people on this blog don’t make sense. Do you realise why Kabimba was not adopted. The idea was that he can followup on issues like they (Kabimba + Lubinda) are raising. It is folly for us to brush aside issue of concern as mere politiking but rather followup through the event’s and then clear the air. My heart bleads for Zambia.

  68. # 38: Blog with sense. Why discuss spellings. Let’s discuss with intellect, the platform is for all well meaning people. There is so much happening in our country and all you are looking for is who is making spelling mistakes. I wonder if you can even spell later on write properly yourself.

  69. Wynter and Given may not gain our support on all issues they raise but we must also learn to give support where it is deserved than just debate for the sake of it! Need to pay tax is pertinent! Why should I as an ordinary citizen be taxed for carrying presents for family as shoes, a battery operated BP machine, a blood sugar testing kit and not to mention the millions I would have to part with if it were a vehicle! Without the cash I would have to leave these goods in the impound. I am sure most of you bloggers that live abroad know better what paying due taxes entails and must have experienced the harassment on the presents you carry when visiting home. Understand the issue before you comment!  

  70. I’m afraid PF has lost it here once more.No third party can compel ZRA to collect tax in the manner Winter has done.If I was Winter,instead of suing ZRA and Attorney General including MMD,all he needed was gather all his papers relating to the importation of the campaign materials and submit these to ZRA FOR TAX CONSIDERATION.To his surprise he might just learn that whoever helped fund MMD has taken care of the tax matters.So where will this leave Winter and his PF.ZRA will never reveal tax matters of any client to a third party. 

  71. Is Kabimba standing for a parliamentary seat in court? Bushe why is he thinking that’s where he will campaign for his election? This is just more evidence that there is no respect for decratic processes in his party. They will wrestle power by any means apart from being elected. Reminds me of the entire congress where no vote was cast and the entire national team won. We cant such irresponsibility in national office please. Mwebantu vote wisely come September 20 for the sake of sane Zambia.

  72. Would this be the Meaning of the PF’s slogan of “DONCHI KUBEBA”? Sata, Kabimba and Given Lubinda must rise up to the challenges of plural politics. MMD and UPND have never bothered to tomment PF’s source of $45 Million, but instead had to mind their own business of selling their manifesto to the people of Zambia. Since PF is not campaigning, we wonder if Sata is expected to get to State House the easy way on a silver-platter. The only credible opposition party is UPND. It pays to belong to a party led by indigenous Zambians. Tanzanian-blooded Sata and the Indian-blood-tainted Lubinda seem to be in the field of politics to exploit the most vulnerable poorest of the poor Zambians. Bad luck for Sata this time Zambians are educated to assess liars.

  73. O! mais c’est que je le trovue bien a mon gout moi ton indispensable…je lui verrais bien une petite moustache moi pour l’orner :)Merci de jouer avec moi!

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