Thursday, October 24, 2024

Guy Scott urges PF members to engage in door to door campaigns


PF Vice President Dr. Guy Scott has called on PF members to engage in door to door campaigns for the party to emerge victorious during the elections.

Dr. Scott observed that the PF lost the previous elections because it relied on rallies to campaign while the MMD engaged people in door to door campaigns.

And according to PF press release, the Patriotic Front has scooped two Local Government seats in Western province after its candidates went through unopposed.

The statement further went on to state that the development now goes to prove to all those still sitting on the fence that the wind of change of government is truly blowing across the country seeing that the PF is today able to grab seats in territories that were previously considered difficulty.

PF secretary general, Wynter Kabimba, confirmed this, naming the two seats as Lulang’uuyi and Lweti wards in Sikongo constituency, Kalabo district.

Mr. Kabimba described the development as “the beginning of history in the making as PF marches toward forming government.”

He said the MMD should be embarrassed and ashamed that they failed to find anyone willing to stand on their ticket when they are the ones that have been shouting loudest that they were a national party with presence across the country.

“We are extremely delighted that we are the first party to record victory in the elections that are yet to be held, especially that it is in Western province, ,” Mr. Kabimba said.


  1. I pitty PF!!They are really feeling the heat from HERB and now trying to emulate him with the door to door campaigns!!This is very good because now HERB will justify his winning over PF fair and square and hands down!!Wapya munzi!!!

  2. Ba Scott

    You just confirmed that your campaign strategy is not working… this is 35 days before the vote
    Sorry White Kaponya this year you are going to Mpika with your SATA.

    I believe you understand Bemba…” Uwenda na ngoshe eumubeya na maso”  

  3. Its not about door to door campaign but its about your credibility as a party. Those door to door campaigns are superficial and will not convince anyone to vote for you until you present a detailed option to the current government and this can only be done by the national leaders which they have failed. hard luck

  4. Too late for you foreigner. You cannot mobilize people in 30 days. You should have thought of the door to door campaign much earlier.

    We have been telling you that people that come to your rally just come to see mad MCS and his ugly face.

  5. ”Dr. Scott observed that the PF lost the previous elections because it relied on rallies to campaign while the MMD engaged people in door to door campaigns.”
    Is this not the same party that cries foul when it loses elections saying the elections were rigged??? anyway, Consistence bakwesu!!!

  6. I dont think any normal Zambian will welcome PF kaponyas and thugs in their homes. 

    Iwe Kabimba, it is called strategizing, MMD will not spend money where they know that they cant win. They are not like your party, they plan.
    I pity the people from those wards,  PF led councils are the most useless, they failed to run Lusaka

  7. “PF lost the previous elections because it relied on rallies to campaign while the MMD engaged people in door to door campaigns”..????

    You idio’ts, didn’t you tell us that they had rigged the elections?

    • Good observation, Mate. Thats the problem with lying. After some years, it evaporates and one forgets what lie they used to explain something away. Meanwhile the truth remains intact thruoghout..

  8. Whatever….if people really need change, HH is the man. PF is just full of MMD and MMD is UNIP. Change we need, vote HH!!

  9. I am sorry for MMD because the heat on them is too much. PF is forming government and only dreamers will think other wise. How can we vote in a party that is corrupt and its president is not ashamed. Engaging a corrupt UPG to print ballot paper? Our Children and the generations to come will lough at us If Rupiah wins these election. Let us redeem the times by voting out MMD.

  10. PF doing door to door campaigns. Kaya mwebantu. Who can admit thug looking guys in their premises? You will have a few MPs and land  grubbing counselors not the Presidency

  11. I once saw them going around on an open van with loud music.alas i thought it was a mobile
    Tarvern going around but was later told it’s PF supporters.What a noise that was.  

  12. I wish Guy Scott was the president of PF maybe this party would have won. With Sata as president, I (along with a lot of concerned citizens) am very skeptical…

  13. Door-to-door campaigns need closer coordination by the party Secretariat, whose boss is the Secretary General. Last time I heard Kabimba was not in his office at the Secretariat, he has shifted camp to the Court premises!

  14. This is great news-mad dogs already kissing periperi in Western Province-Ladies and Gentlemen, this calls for cerebration, this is Western Province we are talking about and we are already two up. RB must be very sad with this news and I am sure heads wil roll over this- how can the ruling party fail to find candidates?? VIVA PF, VIVA SATA, I can smell victory!!!!

  15. Ukutangila tekufika.
    Matt 6:33
    Keeping the promise

  16. Well clearly emulating us on Door to Door campaign. I like the level headedness exhibited by Dr Scott. for once something sensible is coming out of PF because to progress in life you need total commitment to reality and admitting why the lost , not because of the rigging song we have been fed up with, it is refreshing. And admission that they clearly lost and not the nonsense rigging song , is a step in the right direction to making PF a credible party. I think there is hope at last.


  18. In politics even 24hrs is enough unless u don’t understand politics, so for PF it’s not too late as it’s more less like a year.

  19. change is unstoppable but the victory can never be taken for granted

    MMD supporters you are going to come back to earth. :-))

    time is coming out… :-))

  20. When if the PF going to let internal democracy take place?They accuse others of rigging yet they will never hold internal PF party elections which is the as bad as rigging.Guy Scott knows very well the moment he or others challenge Sata for party president they are dead.


  22. Admittedly, there remains a lot to be achieved by the MMD government. But a lot has been achieved in these past few years. Pf have so far not given a single coherent reason why people should vote for them. Why should Sata be voted into office when there is nothing from him to convince us that he will do better? All they are doing is telling lies and running to the courts. What is pf upto?

  23. There are a number of credible people like HH,Miyanda and Magande, i wonder why the masses are sticking to an unreliable old man like Sata.Zambia must wake up.All this achievement the country has gained will be brought to naught if not carefull.The whole country was deceived in 1991 and seems like the lesson is not yet learnt!

  24. Surely, why should not share their ideas with the electorate? Don’t Kubeba is a bad policy for sure, very undemocratic.

  25. PF 02 – MMD 00……….THIS LOOKS LIKE ITS A GOOD OMEN……..IFINTU, FINTU UMWENE!!!!!!!!!……………….EVEN BEFORE THE FINAL WHISTLE THE PF ARE WELL AHEAD!!!!……LELO, LELO!!….LELO, LELO!!……LELO, LELO!!!……..LELO, LELO!!….LELO, LELO!!…….LELO, LEO!!……ATI NI BYE,BYE POLIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. There is nothing to celebrate about these two wards,, you will see that PF will the contituency MP to any party. SATA will not win any MP in western province. whether you like it or not. viva HH..

  27. PF is celebrating the two local gov’t seats prematurely like the proverbial hare.These wrong signs are there all the time and always end up unrealised.Mrs Clinton had the same early signs that she was destined to be the party nominee-Obama won,Howard Dean in 2004 had the same signs he was the leading candidate but Kerry won,Raila Odinga was also calling himself president with all signs he was headed for a win-Kibaki won,in 2002 Al Gore had all the polls saying he was the next president ,Bush won.


  29. In all honesty, I think this nation can do better. We don’t need all these old guards anymore. They need to retire and let us jump into the driving seat. We are well educated and we know better. We have seen what is outhere and I believe we can re-create it right here in Zambia.

  30. Top 10 fastest growing economies in the world (2011 – 2016)

    Source: Aug 2011   IMF, RMB, FICC Research

  31. #48 Very true. In addition what will they be able to articulate as regards policy when even their old and sickly buff.oon leader  who seems not to wish to campaign around the country can not come up with  coherent policy pronouncements.

  32. just as there is a retirment age for civil servants,the constitution should provide for retirement age for politicians

  33. vote pankoloko sata was on radio christian voice today thae man is sick he could hardly make a statement withoout a hicup iye imwe uluse vote RB

  34. #49, liars shall not be taken seriously…. cheap liars! Share the link where you got your data. I can assure you, even Zimbabwe is growing faster than Zambia and yet they are supposed to be in more of a crisis than us. SHAME!!! There fuel, food and electricity is cheaper, meaning their cost of producing anything is cheaper than ours! SHAME!!! 

  35. hahahaha
    Ba 53.  Zimbabwe produces 600Megawatt of electricity. half of the country has no power. Tell me what they produce to grow faster than Zambia. Go and do some reading

  36. Its good that Guy Scott has acknowledged the fact that PF loses elections simply because PF does not know how to campaign whereas MMD is a genius when it comes to message delivery to the Zambian people.So please do not cry foul on Sept.20 since you know too well that you are losing once again because instead of campaigning,you are busy going to courts over useless issues.

  37. No matter what nipabwatooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. No 53

    For your information the GDP of Zimbabwe US$4bn. Thats the market capitalisation of Lumwana and Kansenshi copper mines.
    I bet you have not been to Zimbabwe recently to see that now Zimbabwe is in the club of Swaziland and Lesotho

  39. Who,

    Every body thought the Titunic was unsinkable….. But Slogan, Pabwato

    I will never be fooled by Politicians like Sata who will Promise you what you exactly what your ears what to get!

    Why is it that PF supports are always shouting mean always in CAPITAL LETTERS, take time to answer me?

  40. # 59
    Poor Fools are as blunt as their leader when it comes to articulating issues.Hence the shouting. These PUFFING FOOLS will be shocked. 

  41. Within the past week, RB has been to Central, Eastern and Northern provinces. Sata can only travel to radio stations in Lusaka with no stairs.

  42. ba engineer the difference is that zimbabwe income comes back to zimbabwe while zambia income goes to china and india. We cannt even buy maize from our farmers what a shame

  43. @Bishop Mpundu’s sisters are more sweet than Dr Kaseba, you are like a man who would rather not know his woman is being honked by anther man and comfort yourself, Sata was in Central province over the weekend. Chisamba and Katuba he is going out tomorrow and come back on 17th September. Watch out


  45. #65 I guess the crowds were not impressive seeing as though you and your friends have not been SHOUTING about them like you usually do.

  46. PF must campain on neutral public places as allocated by Police for their own security. The door-to-door tactic may provoke animosity and endanger the lives of PF cadres as Guy Scott and Sata enjoy whisky and some “mind-altering herbs” respectively in the confort of their homes. Since PF is no longer popular their cadres must stay away from peoples homes to avoid proking further anger from people (especially from Luapula & Northwestern) that Sata insulted.

  47. most pf supporters are kaponya type. you allow them in the premises,they will end up attacking you in the night and steal from you! WATCH OUT


  49. Youths need HH to move forward. The more we get preoccupied with old ideas,the more static we shall be. We are the force to remove the old politicians still hanging on so as to decongest the streets full of unemployed young people. The old have money accumulated over the years they have survived on planet earth and are able to thrive.

  50. MMD supporters I thought you would be bold enough to congratulate PF for the UNopposed Wards Seats until 2016 they are PF seats. MMD don’t bring trouble like Bagbo in Ivory Cost. Truly PF is now nationwide. Anyway Congratulatuion ba mwa Mukolo!

  51. #74 As usual pf ignorance being displayed. Have you not heard of by-elections?

  52. What are all these presidential aspirants manifestos and portforlios, I have not heard any thing but barking for years now. Even the bloggers on LT are partisan and very aggressive for all the wrong reasons. Please tell us what the MMD, UPND, PF, Heritage are all to do for the people and the country please.

    • You have a point and I will take you up on that. I thing the Heritage Party’s village concept is much much easier to understand in a few words, and it provides a better model for balanced development of our Country i.e. rural as well as urban areas. Among other things, most western Countries have used that concept over the years. For instance, I live in a village in UK along with the majority of the UK population, and easily commute to work. The design of the buildings, tarred roads, security, health services etc…are as good as in the urban centers, and if anything more spacious. Industrial Areas are not restricted to urban centers, but evenly spread in villages too. Rural is only in name. Such a model for Zambia would answer urban drift, shanty township, cholera, etc we face.

  53. So after 5 years, PF has agreed that they genuinely lost in previous elections. After the 20 Sept 2011 loss, please do not take another 5years acknowledging the fact that you’ve lost again.

  54. @72 Swankolo, You are right, yesterday too when he was presenting PF candidate for Kanyama he was captured on TV looking haggard and voice sounding very tired, the way a patient recovering from stroke would sound. Even though I detest his politics of lies and deception, I could not help feeling sympathy that a human being could be so tortured by his supporters. Why don’t PF cadres give the old man a break?

  55. @76
    In Zambia a Politician can kill time and run the clock by insulting his (her) opponents, instead of selling himself (herself) and his (her) manifesto.
    Sadly the media and the voters are also partly to blame as they just encourage such drivel as the do not make them work hard enough to articulate their Party’s blueprint!!

  56. The PF leader surely is sick. In most of his meetings, he sounds more dyspneic than ever. His speeches during rallies dont last longer than 20minutes. The pf supporters are stressing the old man more by making him undertake long journeys. He needs rest .

  57. Gay Scott appears to recognise the strain on the big man in this advice to PF supporters.

    Problem is, if they insult people at the door steps even this strategy will not work. They will end up annoying more people than they attract…….

  58. Bull crap. who’s going to invite thugs into their homes?Just think of another strategy. If the method worked 4 MMD & UPND, it doesnt mean it will work for pa fwaka (PF)

  59. Muyabi Lungu last time finished the money for his wife at Leopard hill secondry school,again he will do the same in this elections.He is going to lose,he is just a chongolo boy.The wife Shamwana was going to better for the Lusaka central.and not this boy.I cahmba tumuch DEC SHOULD PICK UP THIS BOY MAD MUYABI LUNGU.

  60. What new message are you going to tell the people their homes?I imagine myself opening the door for SATANA and his angels like JEAN KAPATA i would quickly slam the door in their ugly faces.This year you gone PANKOLOKO FOREVER(PF).Viva MMD ,Viva RB

  61. A

    Only a fool can support thugs like William Banda and his boss RB with their UNIP vigilante type of rule. The MMD have been in power for 20 years with nothing to  show for and you think RB, who is a proven failure, who has even failed to run his companies successfully, can make Zambia a success? Wishful thinking, he will only bankrupt the country with his sons. 

  62.  Who is a kaponya?  The MMD have been encouraging  older people to sell spirits to young people and call it empowerment. The streets are full of people selling spirits of all kinds in plastic sachets and they have been shouting the hour and the police can’t touch them. Now the wind has changed, you are calling them kaponyas. You made them, don’t put the blame on PF because it has never been in power. We did not have street kids 20 years ago, they are a product of bad governance of MMD.

  63. Chitimukulu one time asked this question with honest, and it still occupies my mind, that, in case pf win (God forbid), and sata being the president with Guy scot his vice, then Sata drops dead in power the way it happened with Levy, does it mean we will go back to the white or British rule in the name of Guy Scot the president? Please pf answer me with baldness. A white man president of zambia, God for bid again.

  64. I see racist faces here,i thought we have gone beyond the stone age mentality.who is chitimukulu anyway?does one white person make a british empire?

    • Well spoken Muyembe. I don’t support dementia SATA at all, but racism is behind us now. Its the capacity of a man that should count. I wish we could react in the same way on TRIBALISM, then we would be much more mature, and take our rightful place in Africa as a pace setter. But as it is, we are still in the stone age due to tibalism. We have to fight it.

  65. Ba 8,don`t kubeba is a saying in the American Army when Homosexuals are present.So watch out on the relationship between Sata and Guy Scot.By the way pipo do not allow Vikaponya in yur homes,cos they will just come to see how they can break in(steal).

  66. So in the premise that SATA wins the election and God forbid sudsequently dies (Heard he has some medical condition), Then Guy Scott becomes Prez, Zambia will be a unique African country with Muzungu Prez,hahaha.

  67. @Mubanga #90

    Yes MMD has been in power for 20 years but who were the key players in MMD all these years? In case you were born yesterday, Sata was defacto FTJ’s no. 2 for 10yrs, Chitala, Mulongoti, Mpombo, Guy Scott, Masebo etc were all key ministers in the same MMD govt you are now condemning. A president does not make decisions on his own, he works collectively with ministers. Non of the above mentioned ever condemned MMD policies when they were part of the govt. Are we that st.upid to accept them as our surviours today? Come on man, Zambia can only be saved by the ‘real change’ team otherwise we are better off letting RB finish his remaining term so that we can choose new leaders there after.

  68. The UPND has also won 2 seats in Vubwi and Mpulungu constituencies.But Celebrating such “victory” is just folly bcoz yo popularity has not been put to the test and u cant say such is an indication of wind of change and start vuvuzelaling.

  69. Ba #54, So-called The Engineer (Australia), which Zimbabwe are you talking about? Check out this article and tell me if it says 600 MW of electricity that Zim produces. You need to read before you stick out your ignorance. I know of a British consortium that is currently making major hydro-power installations in Zim at the moment. i went to Zim recently and I can assure you they are catching up with us faster than we realize and yet our friends have been in a trade embargo situation for such a long time. If what happened to Zim had to happen here in Zambia, we’d eat grass! Our friends survived because they had a strong industry and political will to make things work… not to say that Mugabe is the best thing that happened to Zim. 

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