Thursday, October 24, 2024

I will defeat Sata again-Rupiah Banda


President Rupiah Banda is flanked by MMD presidential campaign committee chairman Boniface Kawimbe (left)
President Rupiah Banda is flanked by MMD presidential campaign committee chairman Boniface Kawimbe (left)

President Rupiah Banda has expressed optmism of defeating Patriotic Front(PF) leader Micheal Sata, yet again, in this year’s polls.

President Banda dismissed calls by PF leader Mr. Michael Sata over his parentage because they were immature for a leader aspiring to be a leader of this nation.

Mr. Banda says he was proud that he emerged victorious each time he stood with Mr. Sata.

President Banda saying this when he addressed a public rally at Senga Hill area in Mbala district.

He reiterated that he has a track record of developing Mbala district and the entire country as a whole.

He disclosed that his administration had embarked on developmental projects by opening up more mines, expanding training and health institution along side with empowering more Zambians with houses so that the Zambian economy could grow bigger to benefit the Zambian people.

He urged the people of Mbala district to vote for him and his MMD aspiring candidates to foster economic development in the country.

And president Banda says he was glad that the MMD was becoming bigger on a daily basis.

He appealed to MMD members to embrace and unity with the opposition members joining the MMD.

He said this when he received 26 former PF cadres who defeated to join the

The defectors led by Mwuluzi ward Youth Chairman Moses Sinyangwe said the opposition party had nothing to offer to the Zambian people in terms of development.

Speaking earlier, former republican Vice president Enock Kavindele advised Zambians not to vote for the PF leader because he would reverse the economic gains the country had scored.



  1. This is what Infuriates my tried and tested limit

    I keep Hearing that Zambia has ‘plenty of natural resources’
    Really?, How good are the natural resources if you can not use them?
    How good is a skirt, If I have never and may never use it in my lifetime. How good
    Is my Nissan Micra if I will never use it? …Yes Nothing, absolutely useless
    At the same token, Zambian may have natural resources but, they mean nothing and will go to waste, and I hope they do
    The country is poor, malaria, yellow fever, Cholera, AIDS Gonorrhea are unique diseases prominent in Zambia and they are there to stay as well.

    • Mushota I think you were so poor in Zambia that you are so scared. Remember home is home. Scotland is not your home your bitch. You behave like Scotland is heaven. If you are on period don’t contribute anything. Leave our poor Zambia to us. We love it..

  2. Why support a sinking ship? Zambia is a sunk ship, a lifeless car without fuel and oil.
    The presidents at the thick of discussions now are in my opinion not a very representatives of
    The majority of the elite people like me.
    Stop being excited about these politics; get a life you are not going to vote anyway. Enjoy the landscape of your counties you are in, and I shall enjoy mine because I shall be British soon and Zambia is secondary to me.
    These presidents are are a little older and I know the effects of being old among others involve being slow at reacting to change, Thanks

  3. I do not care whoever wins these elections, I think the presidents is implying he will defeat Mr Sata whether legally or not.

    I think we all know that Mr Sata will not win, and he is there to fulfil a monopause of democracy, which in my opinion is just a filler for textbooks


    • U ar an MMD cadre rite. What makes u thin MMD will win. Have u entered in pipoz minds and hearts to knw who they want. Lets nt talk abt thins we do nt understand fully, moreover u may nt even be a registered voter and never verified. leav this to registered voters

  4. Why is Banda focusing on Sata? I thought HH, Miyanda, Chipimo to mention a few are also contesting. Did they drop out?

  5. This time ubepelefye RB….YOUR TIME IS UP…just about a month…the BOAT will doc in stste house. How many time do you wants as to hear your fake promises??????????

  6. Is Dr Kawimbe now a journalist? When was he relegated to holding microphones? This is a sign of dictatorship. The all entire Dr Kawimbe running around with a microphone for Rupiah to speak in it, what a shame.

  7. Unfortunately thats the law of the land, unless his excellency is directly indicating that our very own constitution which they drafted is also immature.

  8. those who support HH can you know accept that the man is nothing to Rupia compared to Sata. the only threat Rupia has in these elections is Sata. you guys HH, Miyanda, Chipimo and others are just wasting people’s time and your resources. The real battle is between Sata and RB. In all the compaigns of RB he only mentions Sata whereby making him known more that he is the only challenger. HH and others woke up and challenge RB. Can u tell rather beg him to be mentioning your names on his rallies- that you are also contesting the elections not only Sata.

  9. @ Mushota, being in the diaspora does not make u beta than those stayin in their own country. Gettin a british citezenship wil not make u a briton…yo roots wil foreva remain here & u wil b describd as such. Runin from one country to another in search of the so called greener pasture is a sign of cowardice….In as much as we knw that our prominent presidential candidates are old,the fact stil remains that they ve experience of runin the govt beta than young ones who r contestin…

  10. Kaalos 2121 #4 Now we know  whom they are scared of. The question is why is  Banda scared  of Sata? Because Banda has failed to deliver.  And he knows that Sata can! Yes he can! the MMD has since 1991 been engaged in stealing taxpayers’ hard earnned income. As for Kawimbe he is a doctor of microphones

  11. Kawimbe sorry….money is a problem. see how the man is holding the mic. He doesnt like it. U can tell by his looks. Thats RB my friend

  12. Dear God I hope Mushota did not take part in the London riots. I was watching some videos on youtube and I saw a lady resembling Mushota looting a drug store. I thought to myself, “is that why Mushota has not been seen on the blog for quite some time”? I also wondered how Mushota found herself in London when she claims she is from Glasgow. Oh dear God, you “elite” Zambians in the UK really embarrassed us with those riots.

    • Mr Capitalist, It was not me. I did not partake in that, sorry. I was at work and home and went to meet my fiance’s parents. You are mistaken sir. Thanks

  13. Coming to the story, Punch Drunk Sata is receiving his fourth knock out. MMD is winning with a landslide victory. Sata and his personal-to-holder party have lost support. Watch this space, RB has done a lot for Zambia that people are more comfortable with MMD and are openly supporting it.

  14. Why is Banda not telling Zambians that he is getting POLICE from his country Zimbabwe during and after elections? Who is his target for those bloodsuckers? Why can’t he warn Zambians that his older brother is going to help him kill those that will protest him being sworn in even after he loses? What uniform will he give the Zimbabwe Republican Police to walk our Zambian streets?


  16. Yes people are very comfortable with MMD that is why they need brutal and ruthless Zimbabwe Republican Police to patrol Zambian roads. What a connection. Damn fools.

  17. Things are heating up! Anybody who can’t see where it is heading to, will die with their heads deep in the sand. Mushota on the other hand, says a lot of negative things about Zambia, yet she is ever blogging on Lusaka Times so why the interest on a country so you find so repulsive? Zambians who have decided to remain home should continue to fight hard to make our country better….history will tell you that Europe passed through tough times, just like we are. Stop complaining, opportunities are plenty out here…….

  18. #20 I asked you some questions. Now your responses are on Mushota. What is up with that? I can see why Banda thrives on you MMD cadres, you forget too quick.

  19. It looks like Sata is the man to beat. He is clearly the front runner and RB does not sleep. Becoz Sata is ever on his lips. As I write this he must be mentioning Sata. I thought they are 10 presidential candidates? Sata is giving RB nightmares, and he does not mind HH, CLM etc.

  20. Whoever wins this general election. Let them know that change is inevitable. Business will not be as usual. They will be held to atmost accountability. Otherwise they will regret why they even ran for Plot 1 or for parliamentary seats. I don’t understand when the MMD say that there is no need of change? Are they talking about the change of government? But change of doing things will not be the same in Zambia.

  21. Thanks RB for talking Sata’s name all over the country. People will be confused thinking you are campaigning for baSata haha, like the Swahili boys you hired in Nakonde came confused shouting “donchi kubeba” lol

  22. @Mushota 1, 2, and 3 I really feel sorry for you. I have seen the likes of ‘Zambians in the diaspora’ like you. You try so hard to fit into your new homes that you stand out like a sore thumb. If being in Scotland makes you an elite Zambian, then I would rather be a common Zambian working my ass off in the swamps. One thing you should know is that anyone can screw someone to get to the top, get a green card, or citizenship but not everyone is that cheap that the insult the womb that nurtured them. I am glad you will soon be a British Object (or subject) and may all your crewing be worthwhile.

  23. #4 Kalos2121,
    It would be very illogical for RB to say, “I will defeat Milupi” for reasons I expected everyone in Zambia to know. This is why he says I will defeat SATA; it makes sense to say so. Why should RB go round saying, “I will defeat Nawakwi”. May be to you it would still make sense!!

    • Pulamasaka retire yoself. if u hav nothin to do. Ndimwe mubweza ziko pansi. Why nt talk abt these other guy abena HH, Chipimo Magande Miyanda jst to mention a few. U hav made him popular coz i did nt knw he exists nw i even tell my friends to vote for this popular man coz there shld b smothin special about him. will makesure we take him PLOT ONE

    • pulamasaka Sata won’t do anything in plot one let him go to Chitulika and rest while waiting for Dr Kaseba’s pension

  24. #Kolose2121, Dont worry about Dr. Kawimbe, worry about your SICK SATAN and your Pa-Fwaka (PF)’s down fall. Pa-Fwaka has failed to manage its popularity. Kolose2121 you are being CRUEL to continue encouraging SATA not retire and concentrate on his health like the wise man DENNIS LIWEWE has done.

  25. Pipo lets be realistic, facts are on the ground, I really don’t think the opposition has any chance, all we need as opposition is to ensure that we capture as many MP seats as possible to keep government working or else we will be a walk over and alot of laws will be imposed even when they are unpopular.To me it seems tribalism, though many pipo try to deny this,exists , so we can only put the govtment to task by ensuring that the opposition has as many MPs as possible and try to persuade them to work as a united front.

  26. Ba Michael bayopa ba RB jealous down. Thats why PF brought up the parentage issue. Once beaten twice shy. It is very scaring to go to a boxing ring with a champion who had seriously beaten you before. Its like telling Mike Tyson to go back to the ring with Evander Hollyfield.

  27. So people can be fooled,

    Who told you Mushota is a Woman.

    Who told you Mushota is in Britain

    I have fooled alot of people on the Internet and It is counting!!

  28. Mushota it is you who is an ***** , with your useless Britain who cares any way keep cleaning old women and men in Britain

  29. Mushota ulichipuba kwena Britain ,Britain kwati wali pena, you remain African and Zambian till you die, busy cleaning white people’s backs

  30. Fellow bloggers!!Why waste time on a non entity like Mushota who obviously is mesmerised and charmed by the Cobra and is now a PF convert?The focus must be on whose manifesto of the top 3 presidential candidate will carry the day on the 20 of September hands down!!

  31. Everything about rbish spells corruption,one can tell from this picture that mmd is so confortable with corruption.Firstly,why is Kawimbe holding a ZNBC microphone? If am wrong i stand to be corrected,but i thought tv2 is a branch of ZNBC which is funded by tax payers.Secondly,why the focus on Sata when there are 8 other contestants in this election?

  32. It is a good thing Mushota is feeling the heat from some intelligent bloggers just like her role model the King Cobra!!!

  33. Is it true that Mushota is Kadansa in disguise? I am told Kandansa used to make similar lunatic speeches in Lusaka – before the internet. All the same she or is it he provides entertainment – though annoying at times.

  34. People like Mushota shock me – the shallowness of their analysis, their desire to associate with people and cpountries that will never in their lifetime accept them as 1st class citizens. Why mock your own country?

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