Thursday, October 24, 2024

Sata assures North Western province of better life, denies being sick


Patriotic Front (PF) President Michael Sata has assured the people of North Western Province of better lives if voted into power in the forthcoming tripartite elections.

Mr. Sata said the people of Solwezi did not require to be put in the mines data base for them to be employed saying this will be the thing of the past once he is voted into office.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Sata said this when he addressed a rally to introduce PF Solwezi Central aspiring candidate Newton Malwa at Solwezi showgrounds yesterday.

He also pledged to improve the working conditions of officers in the Defence and Security wings by providing decent accommodation and transport.

The PF leader denied assertions by some sections of society that he was sick and can not run for presidency.

He told the crowd that he was in the province to prove to people that he was in good health.

Mr. Sata appealed to Solwezi residents to vote for Mr. Malwa because he was a local person who understood their problems.




  2. So mines will be employing people without putting them on their ‘database’, how will they be getting paid?

  3. #1, bushe kanshi chaba shani? Nangu ni bu cadre, awe ubu bwena nibu cadre bwamu musula. You can’t say something objectively for once.

  4. Though I respect Sata’s imagined popularity, this year is not his, but for HH to fix the economy. For Sata we can have political experience, but where will it take us, only to dictatorship of the Mugabes, Ghaddafi, Museven etc. The need this year is to develop the economy which we know Sata has no capacity to do. We are barrying all our differences to vote for HH for the sake of our economy as he has proved that he is a man full of success. We will think of Sata and his political experience when the economy is doing good for every zambia. We cannot eat Sata’s political experience. Viva HH.

  5. Mundia

    you forget future PF Mines and minerals Minister Simuusa and future PF finance Minister Bob Sichinga are going to a make a clean sweep !

    Musokotwane is a “shady crook” and Mwale is a ccharlatan…

  6. Remember… Western Province wants MMD out, said Bishop Duffy
    MONGU Diocese Bishop Paul Duffy has said most people in Western Province feel that now is the appropriate time to change the government.

    And Bishop Duffy has asked the government to take the London High Court judgment registration matter back into the courts because judge Evans Hamaundu’s judgment was poor.

    In an interview from Mongu yesterday, Bishop Duffy reiterated that the people of Western Province thought it was time to change from the current government.
    “You know I have said here in Western Province it seems that people think it is time for change,” Bishop Duffy said.

    “We have had the MMD since 1991 and I think it is time for change.”

  7. continued

    Bishop Duffy said this was the general feeling of the people he had interacted with in the area.

    Bishop Duffy said President Rupiah Banda’s government was full of contradictions.

    “Well, you know I am amazed that the donors have been told to pack up and leave,” Bishop Duffy said. “It will be interesting if all the donors pack up and leave and see what happens.”

    Bishop Duffy said it was surprising that the government was telling donors to pack and leave when it kept on borrowing and taking the country back into the debt trap.

    “Some of the borrowing is questionable,” Bishop Duffy said. “We borrow from the Chinese to buy these hearses that were supposed to dignify the burial services of the people in rural areas.”

  8. It is very good that the King Cobra is bracing himself for an honourable defeat  against HERB.The only thing he  can do is to encourage his prefered younger candidate Wynter Kabimba to wisen up for 2016 as the King Cobra has no hope this year.

  9. Though this disoriented chap called Sata calls and classifies them as Nyamazais that he would exterminate to Angola, the people of NorthWestern are are too intelligent to fall for his kitchen sink politics. From Solwezi to Chavuma, kalene hills to Mukinge they recall that he vowed never to seek their votes in 2006 becasue he doesn’t need nyamazai votes. Has he apologized?

    • Obewa ki shinya shitisheni, wikileya bingi kabiji wakosama sana. Baleke Ba Sata betu, mukeba nagwa ne, uno mwaka wa Ba Sata. What has the mmd done? Nothing. Just sweet talking Zambian for many years an no success. We need change and that change,
      which will restore poor Zambian’s dignity,
      which will put money in pipo’s pockets, improve pipo’s lives will only come from PF and Sata.
      Forget about nyamazai and that kind of rubbish. Talk about real issues affecting pipo’s lives which mm have failed to address.

    • Sata’s intention to divide Northern Province in 2 is a tribalistic move that is designed to give the Bemba Speaking people of Zambia an unfair advantage. Please stop him at the polls.

    • Being dull …., you have some chap that called you a nyamazai. He comes back to you sometime later because he needs your vote ….., and you vote for him!!

  10. Way to go sata atleast you are explaining to people want you would do once voted in power.thats what pipo wana hear and not stupid allegations during this campaign period.

  11. When it comes to politics any politician will promise to build bridges even where there is no river.In the final analysis all political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.

  12. Punch Drunk Cobra is wasting his time in Solwezi. NWP cannot and will not vote for PF. MMD is winning with a landslide victory.

  13. People cant be cheated by this guy after calling them buttocks today he asks them for their votes. Sick man. Foolish man.

  14. Awe abantu bayamba no kupunda ati

    Ishilu, ishilu ishilu

    Ati lilikwi?

    Ati pa number 10. Awe bonse bayamba nokuwela. Ati chiweleni. Baliwela pakafye banaka nokuwela.

  15. So even ‘buttocks’ vote? interesting the old serpent busy looking for votes. to him CB + Lsk = Zambia.Tame ur mouth baba

  16. You are disgusting and you write disgust. I think you have taken allegiance to another dark and filth level. Gee – are you accusing LT to doctor pictures for Sata now?


  18. Kuti chilya batibaleya awe neliye nalyo lyafika. Awe lyena nefyo lyalipenesha. lyaisafye ubwamba. Nomba kaili mwalishiba mashilu yamona abatuntulu ati abapena. Lyena lyaamba no kufukuta pamusolo.

    Nalyo aliti victory unomwaka yaba MMD. Abantu bapona namukuseka abati awe kwena amashilu yamu MMD nachichilamo ukufunta.

    Nomba abashalishiba abati, lilikwi lyena ilishilu, ati muloleshe pamulu. Lilipa number 13. Ati lyena lyendafye ubwamba ku Canada.

    • what do you mean “you English… ” You want me to use English, but you cannot even write the language you are advocating. What’s up with that picture? Don’t you think you need to just use your vernacular? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Kamushi iwe!!!

  19. Awe kwaisa na kada wamu MMD ena ishina lyakwe ni Changwe. Nomba nechi taishiba ati MMD abengi bakwata imyela, ati afweko amashilu yamu MMD, awe lyamusuma, nao awe ayambula. Ayambako no kupena. Necho basumine kumashilu yabili, awe bwafya. Ichabipilepo sana kuwena nicho ubushilu nakalenakale mulupwa lwakwe mwali abapena mutanda. Kanshi kongeshapofye filya ayambula kuli yalya amashilu ya mu MMD. Bushe tamwamona ati amashilu ayengi niya Changwe?

  20. Just watch, he will do a disappearing act for a couple of days to recover after his sojourn to NW. We still have more than a month of campaigning to go.


  21. Wouldn’t it be nice if insults could be used to silence people in the polling booth.

    buttocks!, buttocks!’, then the end result is they vote for you.

  22. # 19, Changwe, where have you seen sane people thinking aloud? How many sane people does that? In short, only lunatics go about talking to themselves. That is just what you confessed about yourself. 99% of insane people go about talking and thinking loudly. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Gotcha, bastar*

  23. Mr Sata please do not insult the intelligence of my people in north western going to clamp down on databases as president?I wonder who the PF  I.T advisor is!

  24. Awe pulizi, this year we Tongas should rule. It is supposed to be the year for HH but the Cobra is threatening everywhere. VIVA HH mwana mutonga, VIVA ajanza ndakhuvothela khudhala HH

  25. Kalo2121, #15, #21 and #23, you have cracked my ribs. I will sleep well tonight. Wa ngufwisha bwino mune. Usendame bwino naiwe wine mune.

  26. #31, if you can’t read/understand the language, your funeral. Racism/Xenophobia starts from simple things like this. This is 2011 and not the “late stone-age”. Minds like yours can easily start an ethnic war. luckily in Zambia we have plenty languages and intermarriages.

  27. # 31 Zambian, I will not call you what you are but I will tell you this, I am Bemba and very proud of it. I know you are in the UK but that will not make an English. Probably you have no mirror, but I can ask you to put water in a dish and use that as your mirror. The croc you will see there is not an English one, but from some village in Zambia. Not only you came from that village, your father and mother too.

    Sorry mune, you will not deter me from being what I am, Bemba. If you have no pride in what you are, it is your parents’ fault. I love who I am and English as you would like to know is a foreign language. If you think English is the right thermometer to gauge one’s intelligence, you must be a fool. Chinese, French, Germans, Spanish have never ventured in English, Why?

  28. # 31, I feel good that at least we have fools like you who needs to be helped realize that they are in Europe, but they need to be shown that they are Zambians, and not Europeans. I will be back with my Bemba, now I will even use amapinda nensoselo sha kuluBemba. Weshilu we. Kolwe wanunka ichipato.

  29. Sata never campaigned much in NWP during the run up to last two presidential elections.He has learn’t from earlier his mistakes and has since made several trips to this province.
    King Cobra is showing his political genius along the lines of the late Anderson Mazoka.Bring in a prominent lozi political figure as National Chairperson of PF to win votes in Western province and double up campaigns in NWP.That’s it……….Winning formula…..

  30. i thought you are all Zambians, why do you hate each other so much. Are you saying that its better to have a Shona rule you than a Bemba? Zambians, that is the reason we rule you. You are so tribal in your outlook! Remember a night without a President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Ka Kalos ,yesterday you were Ushi from Luapula today you are Bemba…..umm please do not think blggers are very shallow minded like you who easily forget what write here.Just tell us the truth that you are not Zambian but grew in Zambia.Mwachuasa iwe!Think headed chap you are better off keeping your low level contributions to yourself.You an embrassment to we peace loving Zambians.You always want to sound very English than others today you are insulting those in Europe ,what do want kanshi?Just go and sweep the toilets or else you won’t have money to pay for your rent.And tell your sick uncle to back to Lusaka SOS he never equiped any hospital in NWP when he was health minister.People of NWP will never vote for an insane person who insults them they are not fools bwana.

  32. # 41 Yaya (the dog man) chihuahua, I can be anything I want. It is up to me to decide not your father or your mother. What language do they speak in Luapula you retard? In fact, why are you even barking. Did someone take you for a walk today? Did they throw freesbies for you to catch? Sorry retard, this one is going to be mystery for you since you don’t the relationship between people of Luapula and Northern province and their history. At this point I can be anything as long as it is Zambian and not Zimbabwean like your foreign crook you put in State House who is importing his fellow thugs from Zimbabwe to come and whip, maim and kill your daughters and mothers in Zambia. Peace loving? Yes, that is why Rupiah your peaceful ruler is paying thugs to kill Zambian. Peace fyototo. Ubungwa!

  33. Kalos2121 tafadhali tumia lugha ambayo sisi wote tutaelewa.Lugha hii yangu sio ya ukabila kama ilivyo kwa lugha yako ya Bemba.Kama unampenda Sata sana tutaelewa sababu ni mkabila mwenzako lakini heshimu watu wale wengine na makabila yao pia.

  34. #41, Yaya, the Chihuahua who barks while in reverse, show me were I said I was Ushi. I am Luunda from Kazembe Village and we speak Bemba there sucker. Now, time to make you regret, did you take out those wet blankets you wetted last night? Don’t you know that bedwetting is affecting your maturity levels hence poor comprehension of political issues? If you can bed wet, what age do you think you are operating at? Less than 4 years, that is why I call you retard. Mwachusa, mwachusa, are you jealousy of them? Why do you bring in people that have done nothing to you? Why don’t you call me Shona? Are you afraid because that will create a link to your thug at Plot 1? I have always told you that, please, when you want to attack me, be ready to be bruised. Wina azalila this year. Lap dog.

  35. Change to pf branch of MMD is not change. Sata was in MMD of plunderers and just left when he was not adopted as presidential candidate, he is the same man who abrogated our constitution to push for Chiluba’s terms, what change do you expect from such a man. PF is MMD, the same mmd defectors including their leader made pf, what change is their, or you are just abusing the word. UPND can mean change yes, we do not refuse and not MMD branch called pf who have just regrouped. These guys have brought misery in our lives and after 20th sept, we do not want to see them close to power again.

  36. Thanks Ka kalos that is the language of your demons and you want to form government ,not in Zambia you tubulu,chibokolo devil iwe yes kolwe you.

    • # 45, Yes, nakuchita, mala yobe. I have warned you for over a year now. You can change your name to mine, but everyone can tell by your signature – calling me ka kalos. Sorry bob, it is time you respected yourself. Yes, I am tubulu and anything you may wish to call me. Apofye tafyabelele. Wasanga abaleteya man. Wilatendeka abaku Kitwe. We are made of steel from Scow Tow. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  37. Fools in mmd if u dont know how data base operate in this prov just shut yo dirty openings. B4 u get a job in lumwana or trindent u hav to register with da lacal chief nd then u ar included on their database bakolwe imwe. U dont get employed directly,

  38. Mundia 44 
    In politics numbers matter. HH has no numbers; yes he has Tongas but in a democracy, their numbers wont put him on the top. Dont waste your vote, PF is the only party with the capacity to defeat MMD. A vote for HH is not different from expecting General Miyanda to form governments. I love Miyanda but he has no numbers. Anyway, I want to Rupiya to win asi nisu tirikutonga! Ameno ma Blantyre!

  39. UPND fails to field some candidates
    The United Party for National Development -UPND- has failed to field candidates in 12 parliamentary constituencies in three provinces.

    Party Secretary General Winston Chibwe has confirmed the development to ZNBC News in an interview in Lusaka on Wednesday.

    Mr Chibwe says the UPND has no candidates in one constituency in the Western Province, three in the Northern Province and eight constituencies in Luapula Province.

    Mr. Chibwe says this is because of technical problems at the last minute.


  40. Let’s be civil even as we blog,most of the people here won’t be doesn’t matter how many times you say Sata will not be President,the math is with him right now.

  41. It seems all bloggers are literate. I would urge them to be civil as # 49 requests. Please, let us mature, if we are not, at least let us pretend to be when blogging. It just makes the difference

  42. BA Cobra word PF Advise.Pls fire Kabimba
    Before he misleads you even more!!
    After losing pls FIRE MEMBE for even doing
    More harm than WK! Wapya Munzi Chwe Chwe Chwe
    Chwe Chwe Chwe!!


  44. SATA makes the same mistake of using the post newspaper to get to the state house. This new mariage with Sichinga who has married a daughter of SATA will put him in the final nail of his coffin. Put do not vote because of changing Government like they did for Chiluba, SATA is not a solute even though people say he is popular in some media, but he is not a presidential material.

  45. Some people think, it is better to remain with MMD and Banda than putting SATA as the head of state. We have carried out assessment on some areas,,,they said there is no way they will  vote for sata which means his support will remain in Bemba speaking places. UPND fielded in areas they think, they can win. They have targeted some constituencies not just fielding like PF has done.

  46. I love Zambians because of the freedom to express themselves fully and that is what is Unique about us. When I was at Catholic University in Nairobi, we always met as Zambians and not Tonga, Bemba, lozi or any other. Tribe there was not an issue, never a factor. We meet the high Commission on Independence days and other National days. It was truly one Zambia one Nation. But here in this blog, some of us are planting seeds of tribalism, baseless aguments and trading in baseless insults, for what? Let us share ideas, lets help each other to enlighten each other on the advantages of one leader to the other regardless of tribal sentiments. lets be proud as Zambians as we cast our votes on a visionaly leader for better tommorow

  47. What presidential materials are with RB Kazito? Just wait after 20th Sptember, 2011, if you wnt go into hiding, then you will know that indeed the cobra is the presidential material. Only thieves are scared of the cobra.

  48. Mundia #44 He deserve a word of encouragement, he is using issue based debate and not insults and tribal sentiments, I long to alot of us working in the same line. Keep it up Mundia

  49. Whether Sata is sick or not want Zambians want is change of GRZ from MMD thugs to something better period…20 years in power is more than enough this is not a mornarch or dictatorship but democracy.

  50. Sata lacks PR skills we all know that,he has a long track record of being action oriented,he is a good man in his own right just a little misguided sometimes :) however he is sick but stil goes on to campaign which in my opinion could he is so desperate for power he will risk his health or he genuinely wants to make Zambian lives better even if he risks his health,for all our sakes i pray its the latter…just saying

  51. Zambians should rise to the occasion and say no to being taken for granted. Looks like people can insult you today, they change there outfit and pretend to be your friend and forget what they were and said the day before.

  52. If its true he is unwell then those supporting his candidature are not being responsible.And on the other hand if he is alright then those accusing him of poor health are not being responsible.But what is interesting is that his pictures are no where to be seen including in his partners the postnewspaper and also PF website no single photo.Postnewspaper put selective photos which are mostly not showing him clearly.Such is what make people believe assertions that he is not well.Best of luck Zambia

  53. This year will not be won by giving chants. It might have helped in 2006 and 2008 but the same strategy cant be stretched to 2011. This year people want real change 20hh

  54. I attended the solwezi gathering by sata.. even a lay person could see that sata has drastically lost weight and constantly ran short of breath as he tried to address the meeting. Because of the respiratory discomfort, his empty speech ended within 10minutes . He has a medical condition that makes him develop constant hiccups and dryness of throat. He needs a rest!

  55. ba sata please save us your folishness.zambians wake up before you sell this country to he devil…how any zambian wondered why sata is called king cobra… well the snake is creature that is never to be trusted,it lies,it also kills…how can a normal person who reads the bible choose to be associated the a SNAKE,when GOD himself cursed the snake….Genesis 3v14-15…in the satanic world the king cobra is the scared symbol…go to and zambians see what some of these names and symbols mean in the satanic feloow zambians can a satanist use a christian symbol ,or can a christian use a satanic symbol…you judge for zambian christians are a let down you are too docile and letting evil grip this country…do we really know who SATA the KING COBRA

  56. @ 72 People are scared of Sata not because he will fight corruption . its because of the way he budozes his way even in areas were he is completely ignorant. No one in PF can stand up and oppose the cobra. Its a one man show, a cult if you ask me because the man is the law if the party and there constitution allows him to do so. Our real fear is that he is like a small boy with an AK 47 and hand grunades

  57. It such a shame that we Zambians can go back to the tribal hatred days…:((

    Lets be tolerate of one any and don’t esteem yourself to be better than others. :)>-


  59. Guys,whatever you believe in is not the passport to be insulting,you are not ashamed to insult and seriously someone at home calls you honey,dad,uncle very foolish stop your insults.


  61. We all know SATA.
    SATA may be better at talking and making promisses than RB but is SATA better at keeping the promisses than RB? I doubbt.
    Between SATA and RB, people know who is trustworthy and who is not.
    Between SATA and RB people know who is predictable and who is not.
    The opposition is not offering anything better.
    I think the question is more on the calibre and character of the people making promisses.
    When RB promisses, do you blieve him?
    When SATA promisses, do you believe him?
    That is where the question lies.
    One of the two between RB and SATA is not trustworthy; and all zambians know who is better between the two and who is not worthy trusting.

  62. lets vote for PF in order to succeed as a nation dey,we are not in aone party state but in a multiparty state so we dont need MMD any more its 2much and to much of everything is bad

  63. Viva Sata!!!! Pabwato tiyetiye mudala, amaka kubantu!!! Uleteka this year, from North Western we should go to Western Province so that ama vote yonse ayaba UPND na MMD tusende.

  64. Mr. Fine, ofcourse you knwo who is better between RB and Sata. The fact is Sata. Your RB Increased his salary just entering state house a thing he promised zambians he will never do and went for a holiday for which he never worked for. His leadership is too docile. Wina azalilila mu ndende.

  65. Zambia needs change. Twenty years of MMD is too much no wonder even small girls like Dora are arrogant. CHANGE!!

  66. Now i get it!This Pf thing is all about electing a Bemba president especially from northern province!Today i met some Bemba colleagues who were praising all the Mmd projects including the new stadium among others but when it came to voting they insist on cobra despite all the hype about his health and inconsistences.Then i realised blood is thicker than water!We need to amend the constitution to stop these tribalist.No wonder the pact died when people had hope in it.Imagine them saying a sick sata is better than Banda!!I cant believe this crap.Then i realised blood is thicker than water!We need to amend the constitution to stop these tribalist.No wonder the pact died when people had hope in it.Imagine them saying a sick sata is better than Banda!!I cant believe this crap.

  67. Independent, thats a nice one. believing if it is a joke. come and ask me why sata fails to convert huge rallies to votes. after elections. ok? i will also explain to you who sways western province. its not any rifruff. try saki, try inonge. guess work.

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