Thursday, October 24, 2024

Saviour Chishimba joins the MMD


FLASHBACK: Saviour Chishimba and his counterpart from Luangeni Angela Cifire leave national assembly buildings after a workshop on the budget process

United Progressive Party-UPP- leader Saviour Chishimba has ditched his party and joined the ruling MMD.

Dr Chishimba who is also former Patriotic Front Kasama MP, has called on all well meaning citizens to reject attempts by some politicians to wrestle power from President Rupiah Banda at all costs.

Announcing his defection at a ceremony where President Banda commissioned 60 newly built houses for the police in Kasama Northern Province, Dr Chishimba said he wants to work with the ruling party in uplifting the welfare of the people.

Dr Chishimba says President Banda has performed well and deserves to be re-elected.

At the same function, former Kasama PF Mayor, Sebastian Chipope and Heritage Party Province Vice Treasurer Grace Chisanga Chinunda also defected to the MMD citing good leadership and progressive policies.

And in receiving the defectors, President Banda says he is happy that Zambians of all age groups are de-nouncing their ties with the opposition to join the MMD.

Mr Banda says defectors should be embraced by all MMD members because politics is a game of numbers.

The President says the MMD’s good policies and leadership are attracting well meaning Zambians to the ruling party.

Meanwhile, Three senior Patriotic Front-PF members have defected to the ruling MMD citing tribalism and corruption in the opposition party.

Bwacha constituency aspiring candidate Mable Ngulube says she has left the PF because the party is not gender sensitive in there selection of members of parliament.

Ms Ngulube says the party is a one man show which does not respect the tenets of democracy.

Speaking at the Same occasion Nyimba aspiring candidate Justin Mumba accused the PF leader of being a dictator who refuses to allow free selection of members of parliament.

Mr Mumba says Mr Sata wants candidates who donate huge sums of money to the party.

He says the party picked someone else despite him winning the elections at ward, constituency and provincial levels.

And PF founder member Gillian Jere says she has resigned on moral grounds after witnessing the poor adoption process.

But PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba says the adoption of candidates was thorough in a bid to remove members who were not loyal to the PF.



  1. The writing on the wall!!Solomon in proverbs said that wise men see trouble way ahead and take cover but fools go straight ahead and suffer the consequences!!We all know deep down our hearts who will win come 20 september aside the euphoria.Number one will be MMD,number two will be UPND and three will be PF.

  2. I still think that UPND/ADD alliance is very viable and could draw them closer to plot 1.
    HP president Miyanda had spoken about the grand coalition which some of us would like to be associated with.
    Talk about choices.
    Wish you all the best Young Kapwewe.

  3. 20th Sept might not just be the end of Sata’s political career but the end of PF as a party. After being defeated by MMD, i think all PF members will join MMD.

  4. Insala yamusuma Saviour Chishimba. ( ati njala yamunyokola ). And those of us who know Saviour Chishimba from school days at KK sec. sch are not surprised at everything he does. And for your information, please Saviour must not be officially addressed as “Dr.” He has neither academically earn it nor honored by any university. He just started calling himself “dr.” as a joke. All he has is a diploma from Chainama college.

  5. I thought PF was waiting for massive defections from MMD?  Instead its seems they were stating their own fate.

    Yaba….  i can see

    MMD 4 : PF 0

  6. Ba guy is totally directionless. Very much a proper example of the behaviour of a HEADLESS CHICKEN!!!!!!! Politics of poverty…big problem

  7. There should be a law to compel these *****s to check themselves into Chainama Mental Hospital every time they “defect”! The level of idiocy in this country is just too much…We need a revolution to stop the rot!

  8. Ba guy aba is totally directionless. Very much a proper example of the behaviour of a HEADLESS CHICKEN!!!!!!! Politics of poverty…big problem

  9. UPND has failed to file 12 parliamentary candidates in this year elections(8 in luapula,3 in northern and 1 in western).Therefore UPND is spoiler party which is finished and can’t find people in all parts of the country.We need a national party like PF.We want change and the change is PF.People of Zambia let us change the govt of MMD and usher PF.Sata really is a hardworker.He can change things for Zambia.We should eat the money offered by MMD but ni donchi kubeba.PF is the only opposition which can form the govt.Youths stand up and campaign for PF.pabwatoooooooooooooooooo

  10. Where are are his party members? Was it a one man party? Our politicians have no principles. The entire president of a party defecting to another party, come on give me a break! It shows that even him as president of the party did not believe in the ideals of the party, what a shame! It is politics of poverty at its best! We need credible opposition, one can also contribute to development of our country whilst in opposition. Fwaka!

  11. Chishimba knows he doesnt stand a chance. So he is actually done well. Maybe Rb might cosinder him if he wins.

  12. Chishimba has never been an impressive politician coz the man is not sure what he wants. But at least he has timely waken up get on a time bus than a cracked boat. Off course PF would have loved to receive him back as a prodigal son but on that score he is better than most of his coleagues. For now let me welcome him aboard the time bus. The HOUR has come to move forward. PF panse!!!

  13. “United Progressive Party-UPP- leader Saviour Chishimba has ditched his party and joined the ruling MMD.”

    If a husband leaves the wife to go and live with a prostitute……………..and the children???????

  14. he z a loner & pf rejectee. no one knoz the party’s folowrs. joined mmd becoz he ws nevr welcm bak in pf hs rebl friends tried & faild. hez a faild politician wt no appeal. as fo th 3 othrs i feel sori 4thm. pf survivd & evn grew bigr despit th 22 rebl mps supotg mmd in 2008 som blogrs stil dont undrstd th orgnsnl strenth of pf. ths party groz wt each comg electn, thtz y its wining

  15. I tend to agree with NAPAPATA SANA that Saviour Chishimba is not a doctor. This guy was a teacher (un trained) at Mchinga Basic School in Twikatane. Yes I agree he was very active and ambicious in his career. He went to Chainama to do his diploma in health education. He formed an NGO where he polically got inspired by people like Muhabi Lungu. The guys is NOT a DOCTOR PLEASE. Stop calling him a doctor many zambian believe he is. Let Costa from MUVI interview him one of these days to confirm his doctorate. Unless you tell me that he a ‘singanga’ doctor

    • RB honoured doctorate you dont want to accept.Even someone who has been called doctor for years because he shares different political views you say he is not a doctor.Earn your doctorate.PhD syndrome.

  16. I dont know how physible & viable a situation kud be where someone can have a party whose recognition cant go beyond the owner’s name and MMD cadres rejoice without shame to receive such a liability. If kaponyas, street kids & the like can reason better than this so called “Dr”, then this country is heading nowhere but to the dogs.Without elaborating much in terms of so called infrustructure development triggered by something bigger than the infamous petty nichekeleko era but massive ripping and day light theft of copper revenue (windfall taxi scrapping) any reasoning human being worthy called a doctor shud see beyond his nose and agitate for meaniful change than going to eat the same vomit. If this is mere politiking, then its trash.

  17. Ba mmd, how can you accept some one who was rejected by PF, formed his own party, ditched it and he comes to you with his tail between his legs. These guys should be taught lessons, just there pa stage, the party he wants to join should say no bwana, not you!!!

  18. Good Boy , Saviour – You are now growing up properly. You are going in the right direction. #30 – KASAKA: so you haven’t heard? Sata is already MMD – that is why he has been misdirecting Wynter Kabimba to make these ridiculous court cases so that by the time Sata joins MMD, PF will have been completely discredited to survive as a party…that way Sata is destorying any chances of regretting in case PF wakes up after he joins MMD. LOL!!


  20. Ba mambala ba MMD cadre, you have run away from the juice but incriminating story about importing brutal and ruthless Zimbabwe Republican Police to come and discuss this sissy story of “dr” Chishimba. No, go and defend your RB and MMD on why they are importing police from Zimbabwe. This Chishimba thing is not a story. Chishimba is a man of no consequence even to himself. How can he be of greater importance to us?


  22. If these defectors were from MMD to the opposition,all you PF kaponyas would have been rejoicing claiming MMD IS FINISHED.Now where are all those defectors Masewo and kamulongoti promised would ditch MMD enmasse?

  23. LK boy.12 #..Don’t dream even when you are from the toilet… UPND headed by his excellence HH fielded in all 150 seats including of the President. There is no justification  for your dreaming that they have failed to field candidates in Luapula and Northern provinces. Even a useless party like PF headed by standard 4 old lunatic old man with rotten Teeth can afford atleast to field in all the seats. UPND is here to stay for a long fight for you so that you go to school not going in the bush for Fikubala of yours. Like yesterday, you told us that PF got 2 seats unopposed when the MMD candidate did not turn up in time. MMD and UPND have more un opposed candidate than PF. Why showing your limited knowledge in the public like that. UPND are un opposed in Eastern and Northern provinces.!

  24. @kizito are you dreaming smoked,or what? Isala akadanki kanunka sana… You talking nonsense and hate kwasila, in fact please publish the list of adopted MPs

  25. what if Chishimba is practicing what Ba Sondashi does, are you still going to ignore the prefix title before his names????? Dr Sondashi is well known herbalist, hahahhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  26. Like someone observed, some people compromise their own principles for the sake of the hopeless political party….. hence the foolishness we re observing now.

  27. No TRUE Zambian in his normal senses can truly support RUPIAH Zambia who is a Zimbabwean and soliciting supporting from the notorious and brutal Zimbabwean Police Force to help him win his elections. RB is desperate to win the election at all costs.
    NOT EVEN KENNETH DAVID KAUNDA who is a friend to Robert Mugabe has supported RB.

    Zambians please let us unite against this dictator and FOREIGNER to protect Zambia. We just have one Zambia, but for RUPIAH he has Malawi and Zimbabwe to go to!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. There was nothing wrong for Slyvia Masebo to go on RP, MMD and all the other political prostitution she was a hero..even finsihed politicians like Mupombo was considered a hero..finished pipo like Mike Mulongoti who could not run a two room bedroom even a sell out like Derrick Chitala were thought to be heroes..whats wrong with Chishimba going back where he feels he will be accepted and unlike some of these he didnt not do so to be adopted…his voice will be an MMD vote in the North watch this space…

  29. Chishimba has a very wonderful first name for his disgraced self… he needs 2 reorient himself seriously before he even misses heaven!

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