Friday, March 7, 2025

Disqualify Sata as he lied about his declaration of assets – UPND


PF President Michael Sata

The United Party for National Development-UPND in Southern Province has called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia to nullify Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata’s application to contest the September 20 tripartite elections because he lied.

UPND presidential Spokesperson Winnerson Ng’uni has told ZNBC News in Livingstone that Mr Sata lied about his declaration of assets to Chief Justice Ernest Sakala last week.

Mr Ng’uni says there is no way Mr Sata can have only seven guns, a Toyota Cressida and shares in Standard Chartered Bank for the over 40 years he has been in political office both during UNIP and MMD.

He says if the declaration Mr Sata made is true, then he is incapable of running the nation if he were elected.

Mr Ng’uni says the alleged fake declaration of assets by Mr Sata has not come as a surprise since many Zambians know that the PF leader is god at telling lies.

He says this is why the UPND is appealing to Zambians not to vote for Mr Sata as he has no programme to develop the country.

But Southern Province PF Chairman Joseph Akafumba says Mr Sata’s alleged fake declaration of his assets cannot be the ground for disqualifying him from running in the presidential elections.

Mr Akafumba says there is nothing sinister about Mr Sata’s declaration of assets during the filing of presidential nominations.

He says Mr Sata’s declaration of his assets is a true reflection of what he has and is an indication that he did not steal any money from the public offices for him to accumulate wealth.

Mr Akafumba states that the PF leader cannot make false declaration of his assets just to impress some few individuals.



  1. What happened to the Avondale complex houses that Sata had.
    Does your spouses’ assets count too as combined assets could make a big difference in the declarations.

    • iwe Donqueen,don’t just say wht comes in ur mouth.Do u hv evidences that the complex house is in sata’s name?it might be in the name of his wife or any child,dd u want him to say it’s his?answer me!!

    • #4 Kasaka
      Good question, I think fr Bwalya wanted fame. The red card he was keeping was lost. Or those who sponsored him withdraw their monies. He failed to explain the meaning of his red card, what was he after and where is he NOW ??? :d


  3. Akafumba! you should learn that there’s a lot of wisdom in not saying anything if NOTHING is all that comes out of your talk.

  4. Can’t wait for election  day so so so tired of the boring boring boring finger pointing and accusations instead of real core issues.we can’t vote based on “Sata is ill,Sata is a liar,RB is foreigner, MMD blabla” what about live tv debate so we judge our MPs and presido? Is it because Sata has hiccup or RB can’t speak fluently? It so boring now.

  5. No one is voting for a patient..we need to send young vibrant men to plot1.. viva HH ,Chipimo, Milupi.. You are the choice for zambia!

  6. heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,  He  created a family trust to put all his houses under that trust. 

    Vote wisely, fellow citizens, vote for Late Mazoka’s vision and party UPND and its true leader, the young, vibrant and Honest Heeder (HH), 

  7. Hey mate live TV is for western countries where voters base their support on governing issue. Pa zed if you are Bemba then you vote for Sata,if you are Tonga it’s HH,eastern go for RB as for lozis look around for someone who talks of Session of western power,kaonde just sleep the whole day on 20 th sept and the rest mwamene uifunila(I recommend you join kaonde). No real issues my worry is the economy of zed. The whole of this week no one has discussed our economy and the people of Zambia.

  8. Well # 9 spot on. Some People make themselves look stupid. One may be wealthy, and have his wealth well distributed. It is so funny how some people cant put 2 and 2 together to come up with 4. Trust fund yep is one of them. wake up and look around. Sata has money, his money will always be there for years. Clever man he is……………..

    • He got money more than me yes but at that age after so many years of working he is worth less than HH shame,no brains. If he was topping the list you were goring to shout on the roof. I know you PF year after year you are the same with one candidate.

  9. I will go for HH he is my generation,and achieved so much in short time,educated and worth talking about.Others at old age only have 7guns to show off.( like a gung leader). The other had chance to show what he can do but only eastern seemed to matter.I have no tribal candidate so I go for the attributes which are presidential quality.

    • He was a policeman and maybe a gun collector or hunter.I know peoople who have 4 or 5 guns and should that really be an issue??

  10. No need to disqualify him.Let him experience his 4th and final unsuccessful attempt.That is if his health will even allow him to.

  11. Ba sata, balwele, i wonder whAT some of you people supporting PF think, that man is a recipie for economical suicide… umuntu ni RB….

  12. Sata is not telling the truth, he has more than 10 houses in Avondale but he doesn’t want people to know because he didnt buy then in the right way. 

    And why does this fool like guns? how can you have 7 guns? 

    • ba mashiba u ar really shallow in u think sata is alone in that posession of 10 houses in avondale,he has children and wife,maybe the houses u ar talking about is in the name of his relatives,do u think he can declears them as his.think critically before u open ur mouth!!!!!

    • Google ..SHUT UP you don’t know the true. *MAYBE * = You are not sure. The man declared as a shareholder in Standard bank, why not declaring those house IF jointly owned by others like the standard bank share he has. Final, Answer Mashimba’s last question.

  13. Ndipo simugona pali Sata. Akuyofyani, instead yakuti mucite prevent RB from getting back. Kapena ndimwe ba MMD monse? If you didn’t get anything, ask a translator to help you.


  15. Can i ready something different not a sata fun but hey leave him alone.awe mwe natinkiwa nayo ma politis want something new.

  16. Nguni you’re are a fool and it is like you have never been to school.Sata gave out the assets in his name.The houses,and other things you’re talking about are in the family fun.So this family assets can not be part of his declared of assets mwe chi puba ba UPND presidential Spokesperson Winnerson Ng’uni .This are the people trying to come in government who can not even unstand the word family assets and personal assets.The billions for the SATA FAMILY ARE NOT FOR THE SATA ALONE,BUT DR KASEBA AND THE CHILDREN.IT IS NOT THE FAMILY STANDING.GO BACK TO SCHOOLS.YES WE KNOW THAT SATA HAS ALOT OF HOUSES AND MONEY

  17. Very shallow thinking by some people. Lets say Sata has sold some of his property from the time he last declared them. Do you still want him to talk about them even today. He could have even transfered some of his property in his childrens name or any relatives.Dont just open your mouth think………………………..

  18. Thickheadedness of the highest order. Sata has a heart problem and he knows anything can happen to him anytime so its only prudent and wise that he transfers much of his assets to some family trust. Do you want him to expire like FTJ who some quarters claim never left a will? Grow up and be wise.

  19. Just concentrate on selling your candidate. There are many flaws in this country. If you start concentrating on them you will just realise its election day. There is no law to compel the candidates to reveal the value of their shares in trusts. Even HH has shares in trusts but does not declare them.

  20. Kwili Kalumba,Akafumba,
    I think there is some truth in what you are saying that SATA has billions but in familly hands.True  reasos being that SATA is sick so he has apportioned his wealth in advance AND that SATA’s wealth most of it is was gotten when he was busy abusing authority in Lusaka city council and when he was in GRZ. Putting SATA’s wealth in the ownership is a laundering process.
    Just one example case, SATA diverted council billions to his personal bank account to earn him personal interest. So any wealth from that interest earned as a result of SATA’s abuse of authority is Zambian people’s money which is in billions hidden by SATA  in legal familly ownership. NOT ALL ZAMBIANS chose to be cheated BUT pf supporters chose to cheat and to be cheated and to insult. 

  21. Leave President Sata alone you fools and focus on your losing candidates Banda and Hichilema. Sata for President. Simply believe.

    • You are the beneficiar of the $27,000 left by Sata at Jnsburg airport. You are following blindly b4 the snake… Zed need clean leader who has nothing to hide :((

  22. Haha what is this UPND guy complaining because Sata is not a thief? How inconvenient for UPND and their MMD masters

  23. Kwili Kalumba you’ve got it while others keep on farting. Sata has always placed assets i a family trust way back in the UNIP days.

  24. Hey mr Macc Mundu ,our politics maybe a circus,but your politics are catastrophic.We quarrel in the papers but we are a peaceful nation.

  25. Shame on all of you who think HH stole money.If indeed he stole,the courts of laws should have convicted him like they did with Chiluba, Bulaya,Musonda and others.HH like Mazoka has a vision for the whole of Zambia.
    Under RB,Zambia has seen a lot of development,a more corrupt and divided Nation.
    Under Sata,Zambia will be more divided that ever before.Corruption will be legalized.Unemployment will triple because all the Chinese will be chased in preference to the Taiwanese.
    For development unity and a free corrupt Zambia,all the young people it’s your time to have a say and usher in a winning team.

  26. anda 5 aka HH has so much billions because he stole from the sale of zambian companys together with FTJ. They even build houses next to each other while poor zambians who were thrown into misseries and abject poverty never got their dues.some have died leaving their pension while anda 5 swims in billions.

  27. up nd down part (upnd) are in this election not to win but as spoilers. this is serious campaign period bringing up trivial matters such as from upnd is highly mischievious

  28. PF owes a lot of money if the stories we read about are true. Sata is clever to transfer the assets into family members so when he looses next month and the Taiwanese and Afghan friends come looking for their money, he will declare bankrupcy while the rest of PF MPs will be forced to sale some of their personal assets to pay back part of the debt.

  29. No. 29 your Kenyan politics are worse of.Zambian politics haven’t reached the levels of butchering one another on tribal grounds witnessed in your country after your bloody elections.

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