Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Justice Mambilima calls for fair and balanced media coverage


ECZ Chairperson Ireen Mambilima

The Electoral Commission of Zambia chairperson Justice Irene Mambilima has called for fair and balanced coverage from the media as the country heads to the polls.

Justice Mambilima says that fair and balanced coverage will not only contribute to a credible election but can also contribute to a level playing field for all political players participating in the elections.

She says that the media should also play an active role in encouraging stakeholders to support peaceful elections.

She also states that it is also imperative that the media gives accurate and factual information to the electorate to enable them to vote with an informed mind.

She says that the ECZ is concerned about complaints from political parties about unbalanced media coverage of their activities and campaigns.

The ECZ chief further says the commission is also concerned with reports of challenges faced by the media in covering some political parties.

Justice Mambilima has since called for dialogue between political parties and the media in order to accommodate each other.

She was speaking this morning during at a workshop with media heads at Mulungushi international conference center.



  1. Thats the way to go Judge. In fact talk to this Chap Meembe, he is a danger to uor society. He has made enough losses and wouldn’t mind to set the Nation of fire.

  2. Madam Bambilima  you already know that the complaints are there because the DeadNBC is only focusing on the ruling party. So what do you think the talks will around the country. The best you can do this year to the people of Zambia if you have a heart for them with love, is just to be honesting to give the correct results to the one who will get the best and unlike in the past. Before God and his people which the Zambian people in this case, try to be who you are and not just the money and continue to the Zambian people suffering in all walks of life. What you said is right for all parties not only for MMD has we have been noticing in the past.

  3. Baby Strawberry #3 You have hit the nail right on the head. Slimes of Zambia, Dead NBC Zambia Dead Mail and The Post all need to take note of this advice. They have killed Zambian journalism and turned it into a propaganda profession that we no longer respect. You are not supposed to cover a story because you have a vendetta. You cover a story because it is news! You hopeless mtola nkhanis

  4. I think Zambia ought to close the Eveylin Hone College, is this is the type of journalist that it produces, I am sorry LT to tickle your Intelligence, but a lot of these article are flat, unncessary, one sided and biased.

    These was a terribly written, edited, published, one sided, junk of an article

    How about what PF and UPND are doing? or even atleast pretending to be impartial in some of these article.

    I am afraid if this pattern continues I will leave LT with disgust and keep contributing elsewhere my Insight and expertise. Please do something, for the sake of me, yourself and your ethics


  5. Jojo you have misplaced thinking. Why the post? ZNBC, Daily-mail and Times are our biggest problem simply bcoz they are publicly funded. Our tv licence fee that we pay just to watch RB and Chanda Chimbwi is not just a matter of unfair coverage but also an act of public theft by the MMD and the medium management. Thanks to MUVI TV.

  6. unfortunately ZWD is beyond your reach madam they are hiding behind an American website. Anyway HH will lose all the same

  7. POST IS PF PF IS POST AND IS RUBBISH ZDM AND TIMES MMD AND ARE EQUALLY RUBBISH. PRIVATELY OWNED NEWSPAPERS WITHOUT ADDRESSES WERE ANTI PF AND ARE USELESS IN DEMOCRACY but hey we need to hear what they say and we have already made choices eg costa at muvi is pf where as that ka analyst ati kandani kaja nika mmd

  8. Its suprising how shameless our media has become! Jounalism has really gone from bad to worse. Do we need to own papers to express ourselves? The whole lot needs to retire!

  9. @JOJO were u born s.tupid or maybe its your mother? ZNBC ,DAILY MAIL,TIMES OF ZAMBIA are funded by the tax payers,the post belongs to mmembe,you MMD chaps are really DULL.

    • If your mother is stup1d dont think it’s every one’s’s just yours mate. Can’t believe you said this to jojo.

  10. @xYZ, If you are shallow minded , please dont participate on this blog. You cannot be insulting my Mother right.

    Be civilized Bro,

  11. The whole point is this; times, daily snail and are public media funded by taxpayers including Sata who they insult daily! Post is a PRIVATE ENTITY which is answerable to NO ONE with regards to who they or they dnt cover!

  12. Her Ladyship, the problem is not ZNBC or Daily mail, the problem is this little boy, Namakando. He insults every day and things he’s beyond reproach. He has single handedly warped the minds of so many hence our love for Chanda Chimba III who rose to the challenge and disciplined him.

  13. @JOJO..its your silly comments which are an eyesore,even when things no need no thinking and straight forward you try to bring PF,man get a life and blog accordingly,dont just do it coz u have computer and internet…shaa…!!!

  14. The problem are you minions who make mmembe a hero. the man is now a devil trying to save his own skin and you minnions are busy cheering like demented or possed people

  15. Yesterday ZNBC aired some rallies for UPND and the crowds were MASSIVE MASIVE ichipesha amano. Not even Sata has come close to that. I know zambia’s have been deceived in the past that HH cant win but those crowds were big. The vote hasnt taken place yet so zambians need to rally behind the person they believe in not just change for the sake of change

  16. The post, DM, TOZ & ZNBC all belong in the toilet. All Concerned Zambians as a protest must stop buying/paying for these un-proffesionaly run media

  17. If Zambians want change the best option is HH.
    PF is imploding and the candidate is sick. HE cant be sold easily to provinces like Western, NW and Central . Provinces he desperately needs to win the presidency. HH on the other hand has gained in Lsk , taken over western, NW and Central. if the Zambians on the CB can see the light then this country will be delivered. With HH even the MMD people will be happy to come along

  18. madam mambilima you ar right but much effort is needed especially znbc .plz lets start seeing all parties participating on znbc tv.

  19. #24 pakuboka, a u talking about what is on the ground or you reading from pakuboko. look anda 5 is not a factor even RB doesnt think so.Madame mambilima before you talk about the media been impartial, can you tame that filipino woman director at EZC’s tongue. she is the most arrogant human being on earth, didnt know filipinos were this bad.

  20. was just watching MPs debate for mandevu and my advice to MMD is that, its not too late for them to change the candidate Dr canisious banda. firstly the man doesnt andast mandevu and does not andast himself. His deliberation was so elementary at one point i thought he was not normal. if thats the true reflection of all our doctors, no wonder so many of our pipo die in these health institutions. the man was pathetic with his fake accent that wont take him anywhere

  21. Well,All parties should be covered faily by public media.We hope it will change soon but the damage Meanwhile UPND is not a factor in this year elections.Most people have left UPND and only underfives and twos are runing the party.HH is not a factor indeed.How coud u fail to find candidate in lukulu?And u call a popular party in western province!Lukulu people have said UPND is a tribal party.I don’t how can run the party when everyone who resigns say UPND is a tribal party.Almost everyone is saying the same thing.Hachipuka,kasoka,chizyuka,Panji,Nagoma Mp,Lukulu man,Saki,Lubinda have aslo said the party needs restructuring.Tribalism is too much in the party.Ilas,Solis,lanjes have complained about the same thing.Viva PF.U’re forming govt

  22. # 30 Excuse my ignorance, but what word is ‘andast’ as I have never for the life of me ever read it or heard it in the English language?

  23. Ba Mambilima please redeem yourself before you are embarrassed like Justice Mumba. Please do the right thing, terminate contract with UPG. You have security of tenure, no one can touch you, not even RB, your jpb is protected, please do the right thing before its too late for you. This ECZ rot will consume you if you are not careful and wise. A delay of elections for a week or two will not harm anyone, but will actually enhance the crdibility of the elections, UPG can not print ballot papers and you expect people to respect the results. Dont say you were not warned ba Judge.

  24. Tony Blair, please stop wasting your energy on characters like Dr Canisius Banda, he wont get anywhere in Mandevu. The people are decided in this election, MMD kuya bebele. No amount of money will make MMD candidates win especially in Lusaka and CB. Canisius is going nowhere near Parliament of Zambia.

  25. Dream on Zedians. Free and Fair is not just in Zambian vocabulary and it will take forever to instill that in citizens.

  26. #32 bishop mpundu’s sister, indeed i excuse your ignorance,seems you dont write sms, if you do you must be a very wastefull person. for your ignorance that word andast is short cut for “understand.”

  27. This is unacceptable. She has the power to summon ZNBC, Daily Mail, Times of Zambia and ZANIS and force them to obey the the law at the pain of imprisonment. Yet all she can do is give lip service and pretend that she is doing her job. I don’t know why Zambians are so ineffectual at everything. Mwata Kazembe has banned PF and UPND from his chiefdom and yet she is busy doing nothing. This is why hired thugs take over. Because there is a leadership vacuum.

  28. Some Political parties are humpered with hypocrits. Look this person saying no Govt Gazette should carry our stories, and we are being barred from attending your rallies and press statement so are press club invitations, and you expect me to cover it in my newspaper or TV.

    I’ll only cover the needy. Moreover I’m non partisan but I should support the Govt of the Day.

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