Saturday, March 15, 2025

UNZA Hostels construction on course


Construction of hostels to accommodate six hundred and forty students at the University of Zambia Great East Road campus is set to be completed in the next 18 months.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Andrew Phiri says Government is satisfied with the work done so far on the seventy-two billion kwacha project.

Mr. Phiri has told ZNBC news in an interview that government has already paid the two contractors thirty-two billion kwacha.

The Permanent Secretary says government is determined to improve student accommodation at higher learning institutions.

He says government is currently negotiating with various developers to build ten thousand students’ hostels at UNZA under the public private partnership – PPP.

And UNZA Vice Chancellor Stephen Simukanga says over eight thousand students lack accommodation at the university.

And University of Zambia Student’s Union-UNZASU President Vincent has appealed to government to ensure the construction of the hostels is completed within the stipulated timeframe.

The University of Zambia currently has twelve thousand full time students and only three thousand five hundred are accommodated.



  1. Is that a side view of the design for hostels? Its a box like a chicken run, anyway the PS is wrong their is no way a contractor can be paid upfront the 22bln kwacha unless some thing fishy may be let ACC investigate. How can a client pay a contractor upfront when he still has 18months to go also the building is at roof level. I won’t even ask who the contractors are its a well known fact that ni machoncholi

  2. RB is surely working..i mean look at this…students will soon have more bed space and the Uni can accomodate students…chweeee chweeeeeeeee chweeeeeeeeeeee

  3. After the elections if the MMD wins, the money will disappear and contrctors will go underground to enjoy their ill gotten riches—-a well known MO of the MMD govts the past 20 years!

  4. imwe disappear kwisa? we the MMD are the onlyn Gvt that can ensure a better PF bena all they know is donchi kubeba..and 90 days..cheating people

  5. @MMD 2011:

    Are you a Bat who sees by listening (sound)? You seems better at listening to MMD lies more than what your own eyes have been telling you all these years!

    Uncompleted so called “developmental projects” are every in Zambia for anyone with eyes to see and yet you are still doubting the validity of the disppearance of funds meant for the completion of these projects? WOW!

  6. Yambayamba #6 thank you!  I get sickened with the emotion-based, gutless behaviour of a lot of bloggers who decide to put their own selfish interest ahead of the common good.  I am sure the guy MMD 2011 is benefiting DIRECTLY from the rot and doesn’t give a toss about even his own relatives and friends who have been cheated in the last several years.  The politics MUST change.

  7. LT you are big disappointment over the many ZNBC articles you are giving us. Please twapapata we dont watch or listen to ZNBC because of its bias and underage reporting. Now twaisa ku LT ati tugeteko balanced news mwayambefyabupuba ifya ZNC. At least we could understand if you have a diverse selection of news ie post, wines of zambia, qfm, phenix, international etc of interest to Zambia. It seems now your major source of news is ZNBC and its deadly duo times and daily, please dont bore us with that crap. Nokuilembela ama features chawama. Sorry for the mix of lingo but ba LT mwanikalfya

  8. The answer to this is to diversify providers of student accommodation. Get hotels, housing authority, building societies and other developers to build accommodation for students of various categories and students can be given a standard housing allowance which they can top up if they want posher lodging. Buildings cost a lot to maintain and the more UNZA builds, the more it is tying itself to long term expenses.

  9. Maintenance on the current accommodation is terrible. Building more structures must go hand in hand with being ready to maintain them. How convenient that things that a govt. ought to have been doing anyway, are being given emphasis a few weeks before the elections.

  10. How possible is it that one person can build hostels, roads .bridges, hospitals and schools? what about the people who pay taxes the poor zambian workers who are heavily taxed like miners why is all the credit given to one person only?

  11. Unza is run without a vision or strategic plan. No wonder it cannot even make among 50 best universities in Africa. Its run like a high school. No serious research activities!

  12. Ise ni Ruins chabeeeeee!! Africa one chabeee overlooking the ungreat east road, oh sorry now its great, thanks to shimizo.

  13. i ve safered more than enough bcoz of this accodation issue.can u gays speed up yo work and please can the dosa people stop being corrupt.were can i get that 2million 2 pay u just to be accommodated?

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