President Rupiah Banda has said it was pleasing that the Mopani Copper mine was taking its social responsibility seriously. The President was speaking when he commissioned the multi million dollar Chibuluma-Mindolo by-pass road rehabilitation project yesterday. Mopani will spend a total sum of US$10 million on various social projects in Kitwe city to which the Chibuluma-Mindolo by-pass road is part.
The president told the gathering at the commissioning site that the partnership that exists between Mopani and government in easing people’s lives in many areas and should be emulated by other private companies.
“The new roads we have seen today benefit all- not just the company. This unselfish act is greatly appreciated by all who have had to use bad roads,” he said.
The President noted that good roads and other infrastructure were vital to the development of the country hence his administration has prioritized the road sector.
He said the US$10 million which Mopani was spending on social projects in Kitwe was money well spent because it would benefit various categories of citizens.
President Banda thanked Mopani for pumping in another US$5 million in improving sanitation in selected parts of Kitwe city.
He also inspected a rehabilitation toilet at House number B47 in Wusakili township which is among areas where Mopani Copper mine is improving sanitation.
Meanwhile, Mopani Copper Mine Chief Executive Officer, Emmanuel Mutati, said his company between US$15 million and US$20 million annually on projects that are aimed at benefiting communities.
Mr. Mutati said at the same function that Mopani supports two hospitals, seven clinics, four schools and a number of local orphanages and charity organizations.
He said his company was planning to increase its expenditure on community projects in future.
And Ministry of works and Supply Permanent Secretary, Watson Ng’ambi thanked Mopani for the intervention it is providing in the area of roads.
“The intervention by Mopani is vital because it integrates into our programme of providing Zambians with good roads,” he said.
Interesting news but Mopani can make it better by paying windfall tax too so that even people in Chadiza, Zambezi etc can benefit too.
Get busy RB very good.
honestly,where was mopani o this long?jst becoz its election year n rb has instrcted them to do tht thy r doing it. if mopani was genuine with its corparate resposibilty it mst first stop its tax invasion.its surprising tht ths yr mopani s saying its going to spend K200 BILLION, y now?if such monies s spent every yr can KITWE be looking the way it is.Plz RB DONT BRING PLASTIC PROJECTS. rb we o know tht o ths is hail votes, projct @ 11th hour.PIPO OF ZAMBIA ITS DONCHI KUBEBA.VIVA PF VIVA.
After tax scandals..now they are busy with their RB…NI DONCI KUBEBA…….
RB RB RB. We thank you for your tireless efforts in bettering the lives of Zambians. Mopani, we thank you too. People let’s keep our eyes on the ball, let’s not hand over all this positivity to a chancer like wynter masebo.
Sakala…visionless zambian…how long has mopani been in zambia????
5 blessings,
” Mopani, we thank you too. ”
Someone steals from you and you thank them?
2 weeks ago I was in south africa, Jo-burg is a mining town compare it with our copperbelt towns. What is happening to the taxes we are paying. Appreciating mopani with US$10m is a welcome move, but who is responsibly for projects in kitwe? How much brains does this person have to carry out these projects. US$10m is a lot of money….from this amount of money we can do about 33km road with drainage. What is the difference between Zed and South Africa? Can anyone give an answer to our problems….? Am tired of these politicians and ….
Athough Mopane can do its bit, this project is not enough for the region that generates so much income for the country.I would have loved to see part of the $90million set aside to rehabilitate State Insurance houses in Lusaka be used to completely demolish Wusakile federal shacks and rebuild low cost yet modern housing units with internal utilities-water, electricity,flushing toilets including decent landscapes driveways and tarred roads within and leading to the new homes. Its absolutely beyond me why government gets its priorites so wrong.That money is enough for both or more such projects. Not that this is important, Emmanuel Mutati is Felix Mutati’s older brother,a successful miner since ZCCM days.There is no politics or link to Felix being cabinet minister in MMD government.
Mopani is the least desirable company in Zambia. RB must quit with Mopani after 20th Sept. Zambians deserve better and not crap.
even the vedanta mwenyes kcm must do the same.
No 6
You do not need a grade 12 certificate to understand that Joburg has been built over 150 years in which it was done under a market oriented economic system. You had 27 years of Kaunda’s socialist system do you expect CB to look like Joburg? Wake up
But who doesnt know RB vote him into power he will burn your fingers, and you will regret it, it is only yesterday he stopped globetrekking and parting he is only affraid of you vote for him you will cry for the long five years .
# 6, you should look at issues the way they are. ZSIC Flats are a baby of Zambia state insurance and not Mopani. Zsic makes a lot of money and imgine if all the tenants of Zsic flats were up todate on rentals, the one month rentals from the insurance village is enough to rehabilitate Anchor house. The other thing is that Mopani is not responsible for the welfare of Kitwe but can contribute by cleaning and maintaining the areas in which they operate. The rest is for other companies and Kitwe City concil to do, including Willie Nsanda s bus company to do some works in the area they operate. Lastly, please someone tell Mopani to work on Nkana stadium to a more desirable arena. It is the pride of Kitwe soccer lovers.
The govt could have done this ka ma project. Glencore should just pay up the $240m in taxes they evaded. If these criminals had paid their taxes this so called ‘community responsibility road’ would have been done 24 times over. Zambians buloko (sleepy!)!
” RB heaps praise on Mopani Copper Mine’s Social Responsibility ”
That’s because he is as corrupt as they are. Mopani was mentioned in an audit, in which they were defrauding the Zambian Revenue Authority of taxes on all their profits, by transfer pricing (selling copper to their parent company Glencore AG at cost, so Glencore could sell it at international market prices and reap all the benefits).
This is the company the President seeks to praise? How much are they paying him?
What does this buffoon RB know about CSR if he knew, he would have ingrained this in all contracts. This President is talking as if he is the company’s non executive Chairman…you want CSR look at former ZCCM or the BP clean up in the states. $10million is chump charge when you look at the undervalued copper the sly crooks have evaded 30 times that figure.
Really disgusting!!!
RB is showing his true age! He has forgotten that PF doesn’t collect taxes to enable the Kitwe council to fund all its activities. This is why we don’t need old tired minds. Lets unite and vote for HH
This is the undeniable proof, Rupiah is a crook who is bought and paid for by foreign mining companies !!
According to NGOs in its pilot audit by Grant Thornton, Zambia and Econ Poyry, Zambia lost an estimated income of USD 175 million in tax revenue between 2003 and 2008 from tax avoidance practices’ by Glencore AG International owned Mopani Copper Mines.
copper from Mopani is sold under a contract with copper in one instance being sold at 25 per cent of official prices at LME. In other words, they are not paying taxes over 75% of the copper sold to Glencore.
Moreover, in the report by Action Aid, which Mopani has described as flawed and incomplete draft added that the Zambian government (ZCCM-ih) , may probably be losing USD 50 million annually on dividend payments from its 10% stake in Mopani Copper Mines.
Despite the fact that the audit was finished in the fall of 2009, it was kept secret. In fact without NGOs, our shady leaders would close their eyes and line their pockets…
I like this citation
“The government is like an estate agent and if you have an estate agent who cannot collect rent, what do you do with them? You fire them,” Dr Mpande said.
$20,000 to be shared between Nkana and Mufulira wanderers and Mopani has made clear that they have not come to sponsor community projects but to mine. If they have been spending 20 mill. dollars every year, where has the be money been used in Kitwe or Mufulira in the last 12 years. Just 1 million dollars would have been enough for the two teams but the teams have been broke for many years, they depend on well wishers to operate, their sponsor is supposed to be Mopani. This road is not a gift, it is because of the mining operations been done near the old, this started 3 years ago.
Tripoli has fallen to the freedom fighters & 2 of Ghaddafis’ sons have been captured.
People, first that road being shown is not the one being worked on and if you saw the quality of work being done by Mopani you could cry! Mopani has not even done a quarter of the work so far and pot holes are already appearing on the finished part, it’s so disappointing that the head of state could even praise this it’s purely a campaign gimmick! Prior to his visit the contractors even started working in the night with flood lights just on the part where Rupiah was going to have his rally! We use this road everyday from Kalulushi and it’s a shame and not worthy of any praise. Today as i am writting this they are mounting campaign things at Kamakonde on the Kitwe – Kalulushi road just next to the NAPSA Housing Project, The chinese have been suddenly too busy there patching up
RB is campaigning there today i guess to claim more credit for that project. That project was started in Mwanawasa time and it’s a Napsa Project it’s from our hard earned money and yet again someone will want to praise himself for that, but why? On the Mopani roads, they wont even last the next rain season they are a complete waste and plastic development. Very disappointing this Govt!
Mopani has failed to rehablitet the Nkana stadium,And the roads in wusakile are bad.And if i may ask were do the spend $1000000 annualy?
I wish someone could post a picture of this Mopani mess of a road! Shame.. Today it’s NAPSA Housing Project Kalulushi… We told him to stop flying around he did not listen, now all he can do is commission incomplete projects… some not even his… He was seeing them from the air thinking they were all finished ukwisa panshi adabwaa mambala!
$10.m annually is the biggest joke! Bushe when they give this money to these our leaders is it also called social responsibility? someone help me understand this…
20m is a joke, how much are they making?
@ Airtime Sakala
ZRA doesn’t know
Glencore cheats on turnover thanks to the transfer pricing
Read on FQM website : “As Carlisa Investments Corp. and Mopani are private companies, only limited public information about them is or may be made available for dissemination.”
Mopani mine already uses subsidiaries of fqm and glencore based in tax havens…
On zccm-ih website
“Mopani Copper Mines plc is majority owned by Carlisa Investments Corporation, which is incorporated in the British Virgin Islands. Carlisa Investments Corporation is jointly owned by Glencore Finance (Bermuda) Limited (81.2%), a wholly owned subsidiary of Glencore International AG; and Skyblue Enterprise Incorporated (18.8%), a wholly owned subsidiary of First
Quantum Minerals Limited (the parent of Kansanshi)”
According to NGOs in its pilot audit by Grant Thornton, the govt lost an estimated income of USD 175 million in tax revenue between 2003 and 2008 and zccm-ih lost $300 m !!!
At least, $ 475 million !!!
and rupiah closes his eyes !!!??? and he praise on Mopani Copper Mine’s Social Responsibility !!? $20 m, a crumb !!
Who has the cheek to affirm Rupiah and his govt are not corrupt ?? WHO ??!!
Only foo..l..ish Bootlicker and Co and our shady leaders… but Time is running out :-)
How much is Zambia worth, $14 billion, cash?? am $1 million for every citizen, there after its everyman for himself
Mopani has killed Nkana single handedly!
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