The MMD Lusaka Province Chairman William Banda has condemned embattled Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) President Alex Ngoma for attempting to steal a ballot paper in Durban, South Africa. Mr William Banda said that stealing a ballot paper is a serious offence which has capacity to create chaos in the country.
“ I therefore call for the arrest and resignation of Dr. Ngoma because he has brought the name of FODEP into disrepute, ‘ he said.
He urged all peace loving Zambians and civil society to condemn Dr. Ngoma’s irresponsible action of attempting to steal a ballot paper..
The outspoken MMD provincial chairperson said Dr. Ngoma’s behavior has in actual fact vindicated the ECZ which has on so many occasions been accused of rigging the country’s elections.
However, the Electoral Commission’s of Zambia (ECZ) has rescinded it’s earlier decision to send Dr Ngoma back home over the stolen ballot paper sample..
ECZ Public Relations Manager, Chris Akufuna announced the development in a statement released obtained by ZANIS in Durban, today.
Mr. Akufuna explained that the incident took place while representatives of political parties and stakeholders were touring the plant on the first night of Tuesday 16th August, 2011 at the commencement of the of the printing of presidential ballot papers.
Stakeholders were allowed to handle the ballot paper samples to check the quality of the paper and were advised to put them back on the table immediately thereafter. All other stakeholders returned the sample while Dr Ngoma did not do so until the tour guide retrieved the ballot paper sample from him.
He said the incident came to the attention of the commission who in line with the terms of reference given to the stakeholders decided to recall Dr Ngoma to establish the motive behind the act.
He said, after further questioning of Dr Ngoma and upon his representation that there was no ill intention on his part, the commission has since reconsidered it’s decision and requested Dr Ngoma to submit a report.
He also said that members of the observation team were briefed and reminded to be disciplined and witness the printing process without interfering with the work of the printer.
And in a separate interview with ZANIS, Dr Ngoma said he is very grateful to ECZ for its decision to pardon him and continue with the rest of Zambian Observer team in Durban to witness the printing of the ballot papers.
He said, that this action that has been taken will also give him a chance to tell ECZ his side of the story other than the stories they have been fed with.
Dr Ngoma said he had the ballot paper in his hand and had no ill intentions, all what he need was just clarification from the projects manager.
“I will tell the truth and nothing but the truth of what exactly happened” Said Mr. Ngoma
He further said that his business in Durban is noble and he would like to give it the attention it deserves and he would not be destructed by anyone.
Please stop this malicious vilification of an innocent man.
William has no moral authority to call upon the arrest of anybody but himself.
The public media will be held accountable for propagating, fuelling and accentuating malice with the potential of bringing strife in the country.
Please play your role of national building through balanced and not sensational journalism.
Willian “TEKERE” Banda
Iwe ka Banda just shut up! What would Ngoma gain from a sample ballot paper? Zambian Musicians; the media has failed us– what are you doing to substitute the bootlicking media? Sing about the political situation in the country. Let us analyse your messages so that we can make up our minds? Dont just sing Kapilipili on borrowed tunes! Kupusa!
This is pathetic. Can we be sane for just a bit and realise that this shouldnt even be news. The guy held a sample ballot paper in his hands and was asked to leave it behind. How does that equate to theft. It is outragious that this has taken milage in the Zambian media the same way Sata’s alleged illness, homosexuality nonsense. Zambians are really being treated without respect.
BORING- attempting to steal a ballot paper,this should be on the second page.LT you need to review the basic principles of communication.
His Excellency, please keep controversial and perceived hooligans out of your campaign.
They bring in bitterness and it costs votes.
Let William stay out of public glance and do the mobilisation and sundry chores.
LT, please do not spoil His Excellency’s chances by giving coverage to William. He shall be blacklisted. No news is good news- this saying applies to people like William.
This is a matter better left to ECZ ‘s assessment and jurisdiction. Zambians should now reflect with a sigh as to what else could have evolved had the papers been printed locally in Zambia. Some opposition parties shout the loudest to criticise ECZ when in fact they had set up a filthy machinery to pock their fingers into the production of voters’ cards. Thank God, the documents are being printed in Durban where their long fingers cannot reach no matter to what length their telescopic their hands can extend. Alex Ngoma must be given the benefit of the doubt. ECZ is the better judge in these matters, and the Institution deserves to be trusted on the precautions it has taken.
William banda yap yap is all that you do.No wisdom,what can the up coming generation llearn from you .Nothing.
I don’t condone theft, naturally i think Tekele is making sense. I am also aware an average Bemba does not see anything wrong with what Ng’oma did.
What have you got against your mom’s tribe? How silly you are.
I said this morning over this issue that expect more political drama unfolding over dr ngoma allegation of stealing a ballot paper in the next week or so. Banda william sorry u are not the best person to talk about this issue on behalf of MMD.
William, uletekanya you are not the one to publish this case. Who are you?? Kanshi what is happening in zambia that everyone can report cases to the nation like this??? Do we still have protocol in zambian?? We know there is a case but its not you to report
Shame ba ECZ for letting that news out,, you have just confirmed how careless you are over years.
This is not news, it shouldn’t even be commented on now that it has been handled by ECZ, its a shame how politics has become the lifebrand of everything in our Nation.
Ngoma is PF. He wanted to courier the sample ballot so that they can reproduce it, premark it in favour of RB and justify what Sata has been saying about rigging. The game PF is playing is dangerous ladies and gentlement. Even you supporting such nonsense you will be scampering when this country starts to burn because of these desperate politics!
Mr Sata is desperate. He is a seasoned politician. He knows what it takes to remove an incumbent government. He and his party do not measure up to it. He has been trying to fabricate catalystic events. After having failed with the linyungandambo, mansa riots. Now he is trying something else! Does he want to be president over the ruins of this country? Is he more important than this country?
Shame on you Ngoma,M’membe and PF.Ngoma you should know better that it takes so much to build character but only silly behaviour to destroy all.Take time to reflect.Stay away from M’membe.
chi @10 ba noko umukofu we chipato ca ka kolwe.leave bembas out of this rubbish.
If MMD of Sata and Chiluba developed the nation then I would have believed this old recycled man now, but since it was full of corruption and misterious deaths e.g Ronald Penza, then I would rather support any other part not connected to MMD nor it’s branch pf as these are one and the same. These are party without morals who have reduced our country to povert so that they can keep manipulating us with the political experience. So zambians never vote for MMD nor it’s branch pf as these are connected to poverty, manipulation and deceit.
The question is,in whose interst was Ngoma acting if indeed he wanted to steal that ballot paper? Because,State house has been accused of putting pressure on ECZ to let Ngoma stay i SA.But the same MMD are now calling for his arrest, can we have a clear stance from the mmd on this issue.
If there was no ILL intention on Alex’s part, why is the buffalo still talking of such tosh? no wonder zedian media is pathetic. kwati twaice sure! naba congolese batuchila even when they are fighting day in day out. I think we need some form of ama pi for some chaps to wake up. too docile all in the name of peace. we have eaten peace and nothing is left on the plate as we ate it together with stability in KK’s time. what we want is to see sky scrapers, good tarred township roads plus side plates of inama and ubwali 3 times a day for atleast 80-90% zambians not cheating ourselves that there is peace when poverty is vividly screaming on the sullen faces of the majority.
He must have been promised a ka job by cobra.
William Banda – Just shut up naimwe……..
PF ats ! Are you erady for elections or not? Why too many excuses? RB is not Zambian. Kunda should not continue as vice president. Balot papers should be printed in Zambia..ECZ ,RB and Anti Corruption Commission are corrupt..What are you up to? Whether you like it or not elections will continue. It’s RB NAFUTI NAFUTI NAFUTI NAFUTI………Surely who is a better person in terms of reasoning, diplomacy,charecter ,personality and spoken English between Sata and RB ?…Be objective.
I meant PF rats.And the next line should start like….Are you ready for elections?
1. Levy made a mistake by re-importing Tekere from Malawi. His deportation was one of those wise decisions FTJ made in the interest of mother Zambia. Just like annointing Mwanawasa in preference to one Micheal Sata.
Iwe ka Emancipated Zambian, you are SATAN’s and PF bootlicker, why do you call musicians and media to be bootlickers?
I get very shocked with the calibre we have around. It is very weak thinking and analysis to say that Dr. Ng’oma could not use one leaf of Ballot Paper to intend for rigging because one leaf is not enough to be used for rigging.
Look, piracy does not need hundreds or thousands of copies to make counterfeit, No. A pirator simply needs one sample to use for duplicating. Just like those who make fake money; you cant tell me that one leaf aint enough for them unless thousands on notes. That would be very weak thinking. I listened to Lubinda on MOBI TV yesterday saying it is not possible that Dr. Ng’oma could have used ONE leaf to rig, and I said this is one person who wants to stand for MP.
Listen you PF i d i o t s, if Ngoma had succeded in stealing that ballot paper, Zambia would be guaranteed to have a civil war following the elections. With all the issues that have been boiling since independence, it would take not less than 15-20 years for the war to end and by that time Zambia would have been split into several smaller ‘nations’…there would be no zambia. The majority of you motherfu****s would be either dead or be in a refugee camp somewhere in Malawi. The way Zimbabwe hates Zambians, they would be happy to see that happening and they would not allow a single Zambian refugee. Stop playing with fire. Condemn the act, Ngoma was plain stupid for him to steal that ballot. If he says he forgot to put it back, how did he get his current job with such childish memory??
And in a separate interview with ZANIS, Dr Ngoma said he is very grateful to ECZ for its decision to pardon him and continue with the rest of Zambian Observer team in Durban to witness the printing of the ballot papers.
We all know Ngoma works for Sata. From now on, noone will listen to FODEP again the way we all used to pay a little attention sometimes… They will be speaking to the wind because we now know they are PF spokesmen. LUBINDA has the audacity to insult Zambians by alleging that Ngoma can’t rig elections with one ballot paper. Who does he take us for? I have talked to my friends and relatives who live in Kabwata and they all say they gave up on Given years ago…I will be interested to see if he wins. If he wins this year then Kabwata deserves the potholes and won’t be interested to hear anybody complaining. To have a guy like LUBINDA whom I thought was intelligent speak like that about Ngoma’s terrible act is very disappointing and clearly declares PF mentally sick.
Ngoma, wanted to steal , send the document to Lubinda or Mmembe and substantiate their claims of bribery by the printing company. These are the same fake whistle blowers Lubinda is claiming about.
The Chap should just have been sent back with his hands chained.
these pf chaps are now exposed…hahahahah..welldone CCTV…wapya munzi..
Who even gives William Banda time. He’s just but a cadre and have got no time for such guys.
bwana William..ba Ngoma basebana..and the PF inclusive
Just who is William Banda in Zambian politics? Who gives him the right to find someone who has not even been taken to court, guilty?
This is the problem of having a foreigner as director of ECZ. That Filipino woman(priscilla Isaacs) is making sure thru her arrogance that no opposition party wins by giving the contract of printing ballot papers to an internationally known crook.
PF is forming the next government.
Now it makes sense. That time MCS was saying there are ballot papers hidden somewhere in Lusaka, they wanted to print the papers themselves, hide them, call Mmeembes photographers that they have found the stolen ballot papers.
God loves Zambia, he will not allow this serpent and his fellow crooks to destroy our Motherland. FTJ declared this as a Christian Nation and no amount of sat ans play will distract Gods plans for this Great Nation.
Manya , Njala iza minyokola after September 2011
Pathetic failures. Pure original MMD which plundered us for ten years now rebranded PF with all the dangerous criminal ministers.