Friday, February 21, 2025

Angry MMD and PF cadres attack council Police over Posters


Council Police were over the weekend stoned by irate Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) and Patriotic Front (PF) cadres after they attempted to remove campaign materials that the two political parties have fixed in public places.

The MMD and PF have pasted posters and hoisted party Chitenge material flags at bus stations and markets.

Kapiri Mposhi District Electoral Officer, Venture Kafula confirmed that the Officers failed to remove the materials from the bus stop and the main market because they were accosted by party cadres.

It is against the electoral code of conduct to carry out campaigns in public places such as markets.

“Public places are for all people we do not want to politicize these places all political parties that have displayed campaign materials within these facilities should help us by removing them because this is against the law,” Mr. Kafula said.

Mr. Kafula warned that the move by political parties to go ahead to campaign and fixing posters and flags in public places is a source of conflict and should be condemned.

He says it is essential for all political parties participating in the elections to abide by the electoral code of conduct as they conduct their campaigns.

Mr. Kafula who is also Kapiri Mposhi District Council Secretary ordered all political parties to desist from conducting campaigns in designated public places in the district.

Campaign posters of various presidential and parliamentary candidates in the September 20 tripartite elections litter the Kafue roundabout fountain in Lusaka
The Contententious campaign posters on defacing the public infrastructure at Kafue Roundabout

He says the MMD and PF should remove of campaign materials posters and party Chitenge material flags fixed in market premises, bus stations and other public places.

Meanwhile, the District Conflict Management Committee has summoned all political parties participating in the September 20 elections to appear before it to resolve the issue.

The Conflict Management Committee is, through mediation, mandated to prevent and manage electoral conflicts with the view of achieving peaceful elections.

The MMD, PF, United Party for National Development (UPND) and United National Independence Party (UNIP) have fielded candidates for the parliamentary seat and local government positions in Kapiri Mposhi.



    • The above picture is at Kafue roundabout. The story above is in Kapiri Mposhi. Please read carefully lest you fail your exams.

  1. The Taiwanese have not released campaign ndalama for Pa Fyamba thus no posters of the serpent

  2. Ba LT sometimes your journalism is really f****ng annoying ,there are no PF posters in the picture,it was going to be better if you did not put the picture than putting the picture which contradicts the story.The headline should read “Angry MMD and UPND cadres attack council Police over Posters”

  3. Where is Lusaka City Council? They are supposed to charge all the parties desplaying their posters on their properties..

  4. I am reminded of the saying that “When a man is hated, he is accused of raising dust even upon him jumping into a pond of water”.

  5. They are nw even failing to put posters but they manage to buy CHAMBER 4 their president and Cadres.My family and i are voting 4 RB…The hour has come.

    • u are not even i zed, probably wont even go there, atop dramatizing. And if you really are voting, then how do you know your family is voting for MMD? They could be patronising u knowing they will vote for another party or parties, after all every ones vote remains secret. Even in your own home your are showing undemocratic tendencies..Mukudya Mweka Daddy…

  6. PF cadres, the fracas happened in Kapiri Mposhi – did you even read the article? The picture above is for Lusaka’s Kafue roundabout. But both MMD and PF were wrong to beat up the local council authorities. That just shows that PF is MMD2! The difference is the same.

  7. #18, the only problem is that HH (the so-called alternative) should have remained in the PACT if he was to ever stand a chance of coming anywhere near the presidency in 2016, but alas, he grew BIG HEADED and left lying to himself that he can win a national election. SORRY, even 2016 is far-fetched for HH! VIVA PABWATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    • I am still waiting for any party, i.e. MMD, PF or UPND to convince me why I should vote for them. I may just vote by deduction instead of inspiration. Lol!

  8. There are lots of people that need education in Zambia. Looking at some of the comments one wonders how a sane person can even support littering of the city like that. Political parties should not just spend money on campaigning. The money they dish out carelessly should be used to educate their so called cadres.
    No wonder these blind supporters are called cadres. Sounds like a brutish uncompromising barbarian.    

    • Mature campaign my friend…thats how it should be done…In the USA,ENG etc u dont make cities dirty….if u want to campaign make something to carry yourself not something to make the city dirty

  9. Had the headline read, PF CADRES ATTACK COUNCIL POLICE, you could have seen some nasty comments here! Now since MMD cadres are also involved,there is nothing wrong with it! its a complicated world anyway! waiting for MMDs “learned” bloggers’ comments. They know themselves!

  10. with or without poster from taiwan for bakateka me and my JERE clan are voting pa chombo. uyu wakuti cobra nimwanalume ndipo tamukonda mwavwa mweo a number 7

  11. Does SATA have campaign issues? Now I know why they cant talk issues.
    SATA and PF honestly, you want Zambia to get vback to Unip days?
    Is that what SATA says Zambia needs rearrangement – meaning to arrange it the way it was in UNIP??
    Nowonder Panji Kaunda is so geared to further the agenda of His father KK because that is what SATA is pushing for.
    George Kunda said that PF has a plagiarised constitution.
    How on earth do you want to use UNIP mannuals in this time and age??
    Even UNIP has modified its old constitution; meaning that PF has the oldest, most outdated, and most useless consitution among all the parties. That is why the have nothing to say other than, “man of action”, “fly-over-bridge” and “cleaning UTH”.

  12. Some of you cant see the PF posters, look closely, why do you think there are gaps between the RB, HH ones? Its ‘donchi kubeba’, sorry ‘donchi appear!’……

  13. Its so funny how poor planning can be so problematic. After ukulya bwino pa Bondi bali balya isha posters.

  14. # 28 sYk0 anaLy5t; this kind of idiosyncracy of MMD buffoons is extremely annoying and will lead to your lose of this years tripartite elections. We all see your moribund attitude of trying to kick at anything to sustain your corrupt and worthless existence in government. The MMD and PF who stoned council officials were totally behaving like hooligans as they did not understand that posting campign materials in public places like markets and bus stations is against the electral code of conduct. MMD who have the most campaign materials must educate their cadres to ensure they are not defacing public and council properties and at the same time being defensive in a f00lish manner. We are voting for PF, my wife has MMD chitenge materials for sweeping! So it is DONCHI KUBEBA!

  15. #31, so you admit the PF do not have campaign materials.Where are your donchi kubeba credentials? You are not a true PF, no wonder your wife wears an RB chitenge, doing free advertising for Bwezani. Otherwise you would have known that this issue of lack of campaing materials falls under the ‘donchi kubeba’ secrecy.

    Afghanistan and Taiwan money remains ‘locked’ in finance bank, nalandakofye dont quote me.

  16. The PF want to rig the elections
    They have done everything to derail the election but have failed.
    God has stoped them from ill practices.
    They sent Ngoma to get rigging material in form of a sample.
    How do I know that PF sent Ngoma to get rigging material?
    Lubinda was yesterday defending Ngoma, WHY?
    Ngoma is NGO and not PF, people raise issues with Ngoma, but instead of PF being concerned too they start to defend Ngoma – Why?
    What is Lubinda’s interest with Ngoma?
    I expected Lubinda to show the same concern as everyone else over the stealing of the ballot paper by Ngoma, but instead Lubinda says Ngoma did not mean to use it for rigging.
    How did Lubinda know that?
    Does Lubinda think on behalf of Ngoma?
    Is Lubinda Ngoma’s spokes person????
    Lubinda knows something!!!

  17. 36 Fine that is interesting data and I think PF needs to explain their behaviour to the electorate before they run into trouble of terribly losing the 2011 elections at all levels.
    Matt 6:33
    Keeping the promise

  18. This year many will be shocked, UPND is winning though with few members of parliament as many I have spoken to of late say we want to vote for any member of parliament we feel is competent, but for presidency HH is the best. HH is likely to form a hanging parliament after 20th september. People of zambia do not have confidence in Banda and Sata in term of bringing development to zambia as these are tired politicians who cannot go any other extra miles in terms of work and management of the economy. Anyway at times I feel it will be ok is terms of reducing corruption and thats when democracy will prevail in zambia to a high standard.

  19. The picture there shows you where the battle will be. If you read today’s daily there is a research there that shows RB will win by 35 % but it is innacurate. it assumes that MMD will win in Western and Northwestern provinces. Those two areas have moved . HH will be first with 35% RB will be second with 33% and Sata third with 32%. It will be a very fierce battle but HH winning is what will keep peace in this land

  20. A vote for UPND is a vote for Peace. MMD aer using violence to intimidate opponents ehile PF are using their media coverage and every execuse in the book to discredit the coming elections so that they have reason to cry that elections were rigged. They want people to be aggitated and run to the streets and perharps get a govt of national unity. Be vigilant vote for UPND for Peace so that both MMD and PF are left without ammunition to fun violence

  21. Not only is that against the electoral code of conduct but filthily disgusting too. People should learn to take public places like they would with their own houses & homes.

  22. #40,41 and 42 it iz true. HH is the only credible candidate. zambians try HH regurdless of his region. upnd the only peaceful party and have gud parliamentary materilz. don’t go for pipo without vision.


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