Sunday, March 9, 2025

Rupiah Banda appeals to elections aspirants to be truthful in their campaigns


File: Rupiah Banda With Northern Province MMD Candidates
Rupiah Banda With Northern Province MMD Candidates

President Rupiah Banda has appealed to all September 20 elections aspirants to be truthful in their campaigns and to avoid undermining and mudslinging each other.

ZANIS reports from Luanshya that the President Banda said, yesterday, that although Zambia is a democratic country, politicians from their respective political parties should endeavor to tell the Zambian people the truth about what they will do for them if elected into office.

“ Politicians, especially presidential candidates should be circumspect in the way the talk about others, “ he said.

President Banda, who was accompanied by the first Lady Thandiwe and other senior government and ruling MMD officials, was speaking today when he addressed thousands of Luanshya residents at the Rados Cinema Hall.

He said it was not right for presidential candidates and other politicians to peddle on lies about other politicians and to overstate issues during their campaigns.

He urged politicians to substantiate the allegations they make about other people.

The President said politicians should consider what could be sustained by the Zambian economy when making promises to Zambians other than talking about impossible issues.

“All politicians should come and stand before Zambians and give reasons why you should vote for them and stop undermining others.

“ As MMD we promised to fix roads, build more schools, hospitals and we have done that,” he said.

He reiterated his policy of empowering Zambians with houses through selling housing units to sitting tenants and allowing them to acquire loans to build their won houses.

President Banda said his Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) will ensure that infrastructure is developed to a level that would trigger huge external and internal investment.

He explained that his government had already laid a strong foundation in developing road infrastructure on which economic prosperity can depend on.

Mr. Banda said government has improved the health, education and other sectors that were vital to the economic development of Zambia.

“Every President would want change by having more schooling opportunities for children, more medical attention and having infrastructure reconstructed for investment to flourish in the economy of the country,” he said.

The President further implored Zambians to uphold the peace which Zambia has enjoyed since independence.

He reiterated that sustainable development can only take place in a peaceful and safe environment.

“External investment should flow into a country where there is peace, in a country where workers are hard working and are responsible,” he said.

The President, who is on a campaign trail in some selected districts of the Copperbelt province, further asked Zambians to work together and love one another to foster development in the country.

“My dream for Zambia is that we must express our political feelings without hating each other,” he said.

And Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) Chairman, Stanslous Mwinde, extolled President Banda for listening to cries of the people of Luanshya when the Luanshya Copper Mine (CLM) was closed in 2008.

Mr. Mwinde said at the same meeting that the current owner of the CLM was a good choice made to take over the mine.

He said in a vote of thanks that workers that had lost their jobs were now happy because they have gotten back their jobs.

He has however appealed to President Banda to lobby for the increase of salaries for workers at the mine.

Mr. Mwinde further asked President Banda to direct the district council to reduce the prices of residential plots in order to enable residents of Luanshya, especially miners and civil servants afford to build houses.

Earlier, President Banda attended a church service at St. Maximillian Catholic Church in Mikomfwa township where he urged the church to pray for peace and unity as Zambia prepares for elections next month.

“We cannot achieve any of our desires for ourselves, our children and our families if there is no peace,” he said.



  1. Is mobile Hospitals a sustainable way of improving health services. UPG scam – what a way of stealing from the Zambian people in the name of DEVELOPMENT…… Think about this RB

  2. A truthful politician is as rare as an honest buglar.And the nature of politics is inherently deceitful as your opponents will always say things as to why you’re not electable.Politics by nature is the art of looking for trouble & finding it everywhere all to convince people to elect you to rectify the situation.Lies and politics are twin borthers.

  3. The President has a record to which you can hold him accountable to. During the 2008 Elections , you told you that he will continue with the great work started by the Late Patrick Levy Mwanawasa.

    The Question is did he deliver on that legacy? Absolutely!!! How do we know? Simple, being myopic and shallow minded as most of you have been , you are on record of attacking the president for finishing Levy’s projects.

    Most of you have been in the front of shouting …. ..but all these projects were started by the late LPM..,..which is clear evidence that he delivered what he promised and as MMD we are happy about his score card and we believe the best is yet to come.

    RB he delievere what he promised in 2008. He deserve a full 5 year term this year


    • Rupiah is going and so is MMD chief Bootliker who I thought had died or was he his broke to be failing to pay for blogging in a cyber cafe.

  4. Ba LT of everyday of late your lead story is from ZNBC and or ZANIS? Speaks volumes about your independence and dependence on public media??? Smell a rat??

  5. I have no problem with wether RB delivered or not but my bone of contetion is bias in the media. It would be good if we really had media that tries to be balanced. of late LT has become lopsided, it really crushes my spirit to be led to one sided and unbalanced stories. LT should be bold enough to mix their news sources. Believe me RB could have delivered his promises but my worry is the media outlests we have..why cant we have an outlet that mixes center, left and right? We are tired of the one sided reports in the private and public media. LT would do well knowing how polarised our media is by offering us a taste of both. This is were i find it strange that all of a sudden LT is now peddling public media news only. It beats me why such a good media outlet can all of a sudden be one sided

  6. I have no problem with wether RB delivered or not but my bone of contetion is bias in the media. It would be good if we really had media that tries to be balanced. of late LT has become lopsided, it really crushes my spirit to be led to one sided and unbalanced stories. LT should be bold enough to mix their news sources. Believe me RB could have delivered his promises but my worry is the media outlets we have..why cant we have an outlet that mixes center, left and right? We are tired of the one sided reports in the private and public media. LT would do well knowing how polarized our media is by offering us a taste of both. This is were i find it strange that all of a sudden LT is now peddling public media news only. It beats me why such a good media outlet can all of a sudden be one sided

  7. why cant RB say the truth constitution which failed and where got money so sudden. Now the arrears for all councils worker will be paid before election is this truthness

  8. the PF can never be truthful..all they do is lie lie lie…RB is an honest man and he has shown us that he can work for us zambians…

  9. we are not lying to people like the 90 days lie,we telling the truth and the truth shall set us free,chwe chwe chwe chwe chwe viva RB

  10. what rupiah is doing is equivalent to spitting into God’s face….please stop the rot!!!

  11. #7 Kwezenjani says:Mon Aug 22 at 9:16 amBa LT of everyday of late your lead story is from ZNBC and or ZANIS? Speaks volumes about your independence and dependence on public media??? Smell a rat??

    Do you smell any rat on The Post reporting? Be truthful on this matter!

  12. surely aspirants must be do u tell zambians that with in 90 days every1 will have a job./..the same person was in gvt for 10yrs..he failed to do that..Sata is too hungry for power..Winter Kabimba has no idea what he is doing and now he has infected Lubinda…shame

  13. What truthfulness is RB talking about why cant we discuss truthfulness about the UPG printing company in Durban and also the sources of moeny for the so called unprecedented developemnt not budgeted for in the 2011 budget. What truthfulness is there in allocating shody road works without tendering, just creating mud and dust as you strive to make roads in weeks in time for elections?? I hope as people strive to manipulate the outcme of this years elections, they are also watching what is happening to Gaddaffi their business partner in Libya. You can not fool all the people all the time and think you are smart!!! We want change and we will get it either through the ballort or by some other means someday , if someone thinks Zambians are fools!!!

  14. Luanshya people just look at that once beautiful and clean town. For how long has Luanshya been neglected? That was one of Zambia’s beautiful and clean towns. Now the elections are on and you have promises and promises and promises. 2008-2011, what really makes you proud of Luanshya? 
    Do not be deceived. Wake up or another five years will pass and you will still be the same.

  15. President Banda is as honest as can be! He declared his real assets and not just guns and a Cressida. As for bias in the media, ever heard of the Rupert Murdoch empire? If we didn’t have the public media to neutralise, that’s what Post would have turned into. We cannot be ruled by a newspaper, a tabloid for that matter..

    • Murdoch’s media empire is/ are private companies, you don’t pay him mandatory TV licence…just like the post you are not obligated to buy it!!! 

  16. # 5 You are 100% right. How do you condemn a delivering President like RB? People have been saying RB continue working on Mwanawasa’s projects. Now that he has completed Mwanawasa’s vision, let’s give him chance so that he converts Zambia into Food Paradise. Cwe-cwe-cwe

  17. Mr President, can you answer these questions before you expose yourself, ”Have you upheld the constitution as president? Have you conducted yourself in a dignified manner, ‘Vioneni vimasilu’, ‘Ya munyokola njala’, all this foul language from your mouth meant to ridicule the suffering masses. Have you listened to the people’s cries to eliminate corruption and tribalism? If your answers to these questions are ‘NO’, then please step aside.

  18. Whoever will vote for Rupiah will become his accomplice in shooting the people fo Mongu, Mazabuka and Mansa in cold blood, squandering more than ZmK200 billion on the failed constitution process through NCC, crooked privatisation of ZAMTEL through RP capital, dubious acquittal of Chiluba, refusal to re-introduce windfall tax, abuse of state resources by RB & cabinet and RB flying about aimlessly! Zambians this time will not be cheated by Rupiah and teams extravaganza of campaign materials! We saw the campaigns conducted by a decent president Dr. Levy P. Mwanawasa where there was no such blatant abuse of state resources. It is time to put a practical man in charge of our state resources and that man is their for all of us to see! VOTE FOR PF and Micheal Chilufya Sata!

  19. It seems most people are so dull that they cannot reason on their own. Its seems the THE POST thinks for most people in Zambia. Its a pity. Wake up people! Use your brains. Do your own research and put up an argument based on your understanding of things. The Post newspaper is not a BIBLE.

  20. RB has already won imwe worsting your time bubbling when someone has made proper arrangements of winning the elections. They say wether you like it or not ni nafuti nafuti! UPG has something to do with RB s self declared victory for sure!!!

  21. Look at some comments..unfounded just like their leaders..RB is a man of honour and truth..and we can not allow thieves and untruthful people such as ba PF to rule this beautiful truthful in ur campaigns..and be responsible

  22. Man of honour my as$!! Practice what u preach and since u live in a glass house bwana, do not throw stones. Vote for Rb coz its your choice but please do not praise him 4 things he isnt!

  23. Only a fool will criticize Banda’s sentiments! He is only trying to set a campaign of issues and not character assassination.

    Eh Banda neyo ine eyo iyi! Chweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelela!

  24. rb is right some politicans just come with sugar coated msgs will do this in 90days,,,its rb all the way chwee chwee mmd nafuti nafuti

  25. 20 years of MMD is long enough. People are wallowing in poverty. In rural areas right now there is a lot of hunger right now. People have no food and are sharing water with animals. Children walk 15 kilomtres to get to school and some are about 30 km from the nearest clinic and you are talking about unprecedented development! How well do you know this country? MMD has to go. It has outlived its usefulness and where on earth did it get all the money it is splashing about? Think clearly before you write nonsense in support of MMD.

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