The Patriotic Front has dismissed assertions that it is not ready for the 2011 elections.
PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba says to the contrary the PF is the most organized party in this year’s elections.
Mr. Kabimba has since predicted victory for the largest opposition political party in this year’s elections.
He says despite the MMD pumping in a lot of money in their campaign, they are headed for a rude shock come elections.
Mr. Kabimba says the Patriotic Front has taken the campaigns to the people of Zambia.
He adds that the party has won the confidence of the Zambian people because of the policies it intends to implement once in power.
He says there is no doubt that the Patriotic Front is the only political party that will protect the interests of the Zambian people once in government.
And Kabwata Patriotic Front parliamentary aspirant Given Lubinda says the parliamentary contest in the area is between MMD’s Peter Machungwa and the residents.
Mr. Lubinda, who is past immediate area parliamentarian, says the 72, 000 voters in the constituency are also wondering why the MMD would import an individual with a record of 20 years of failure in a rural constituency to represent Kabwata.
Speaking to QFM, Mr. Lubinda says he will only be a by-stander in the race as it will not be him to fight but the electorates in the area through the ballot.
He however notes that the race in Kabwata constituency will be an interesting one as it will be the people in the area to determine the outcome of the forthcoming polls.
Walabila mukwai.
Some candidates are ready, not the whole PF! Sata has not yet campaigned in the countryside and his vice has become a comedian just like Sata. PF has a lot of work to do Wynter.
Nafuti nafuti RB &the MMD.
Bob you right,especially ba sata kaya, RB NAFUTI NAFUTI.
QFM we love you, you are feeding us with what is obtaining on the ground through LT. Viva PF, Viva Sata. MMD Kuya bebele
No you are not! Actions speaks louder than words. So far all we are getting from your camp is waffling. Keep on fool.ing yourselves, red lipped Kabimba and co.
There is not enough evidence on the ground that pf has kick started their campaign. Sata being here and there, Mwinilunga, Mufumbwe, etc etc. This time around even Lusaka is showing different signals and will not be plain sailing for pf. Over all, something is seriously lacking in pf for this present luster effort. Is pf surely prepared for these elections? Me thinks not.
Viva PF
may God free us from this corrupt regime
MMD leaders stuff themselves while 70 percent of Zambian People who live on less than $1 per day…
‘lusterless’ I meant.
I have been given a T shirt and chitenge material by MMD but my vote will be pabwato.VIVA PF.
I think you are a fool. Who brought you a t-shirt aboard? In Zambia only Zambian present in Zambia can vote…
Good…jst get but dont kubeba…shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sakalanyongo iwe! Give the t shirt and chitenge back, thats corruption iwe mambala
You are a Liar. You are in the USA.
Whilst you are entitled to your own opinion, my wish added to yours is that we should be spared from a worse evil that pf surely represents.
A University of Zambia (UNZA) political analyst, Phineas Bbaala has said the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) is waning in its popularity by constantly fighting President Rupiah Banda in the courts of law.
Mr Bbaala also said that such moves only show that the opposition party is not ready for the September 20, tripartite elections.
How can a party that was awaiting mass defections from the ruling party which never happened be said to be prepared? PF dont have parliamentary candidates in 39 constituencies which is more than 25% of the 150 constituencies. The only people who can believe this hogwash coming from this failure of a lawyer are the usual pf kaponya die-hards who have closed their eyes to the tremendous progress the country is seeing under the very able leadership of H.E.R.B.
#13 are you sure or you have brain diarrhea? The Daily,The Times, ZNBC ALL uncluding Lusaka Times have reported that 150 candiates under pf have successfully filed in in the 150 cont.
If kabimba was honest with us..he wud have told us the truth,…we all know PF is not ready..
Listening to ZNBC, sorry, RBC (Rupia Broadcasting Corporation) you would think there is only MMD in the race.
Thanks MMd in munali constituecy, for the T-shirt, i hav managed to do a dont kubeba, Pf is my dear party and i will vote Sata, luo and councelor @ chelstone police.
What policies Kabimba? The problem is that you are not explaining your policies. Us who understand what policies are need to scutinise them for us to be convinced, and if you go to the villages to propound policies again mwailasha, those people want it in simple language with no complications as to what you will do for them. If I may ask…where is ka father bwalya? has he given himself a red card?
worse than MMD ? impossible !!
dont forget !
– ministers rob donors (health, roads)
– arrogance against donors
– 100 million dollars swindled from ZCCM,. where is the money ??? nothing was done to recover it…
– Connivance with foreign companies/corruption : windfall taxes scrapped, low mineral tax, crumbs given to zccm whereas mines owe zccm several hundred million dollars, rupiah and his govt hush transfer pricing/ Tax heaven up (Mopani’s tax affair at least $ 500 million lost)
– Zambian assets sold for a song
– The justice is RB’s puppet : Mpombo, M’membe, the high Court decision rejecting the registration of the London judgment
What amazes me is that PF support surprisingly has always been measured by the chhants or fists that were visible in the past. MMD’s popularity on the other hand has been measured by different signals and this time by the amount of campaign regalia available. Is this an honest and analytical way of looking at things?
The elections are won from votes that come from the silent converted citizens whose conviction rightly or wrongly is not founded on which party has more campaign regallia or makes the loudest noise. And IT IS PROBABLY THAT TIME WHEN THE DYNAMICS CAN NO LONGER BE ASSESED BY SIMPLY LOOKING OR HEARING. It will not be surprising therefore that most of the “Expert” predictions of gaining or losing ground by either PF or MMD will be proved WRONG.
– Poverty so high and the govt plays the beggar to make ends meet while foreign companies earn billion dollars whereas Banda and his gang mess Zambian assets
– copper from Mopani sold under a contract with copper in one instance being sold at 25 per cent of official prices at LME. In other words, they are not paying taxes over 75% of the copper sold to Glencore
PF has never run Zed
Give PF a chance and we shall see…
if only sata was not part of PF my friend, then maybe. But look who’s there: Sata, Mulongoti, Luo, Masebo, Mangani (all from MMD) then bene GBM, Willie Nsanda, Kambwili (Ruffians and non-democratic people) if u’re really honest with yourself, is this really the change u’d want?
In the last elections, most parts of Lusaka were no go areas for MMD because they were PF. I used to stay in one of these areas before I moved to my farm. Now, when I visit coleagues and relatives all they are saying is…’awe mwandi, ba RB has worked’ and all you see are MMD flags flying. Each time PF cadres drive through these areas making noise and showing the savage fist, people just gaze at them as if the cadres are semi-normal people.
U are not in zambia..may another planet…wawa……….
I do not personally vote. However, all friends I knew who were supporting PF have not changed. I personally hate PF but this is the reality.
same thing here in Livingstone dude. Ba Kitwe, am in Zambia but look at the flag. this thing is not always accurate. In Lstone u have to search for PF supporters and wen they drive thru in their three or four taxis making noise, people look with amusement at them.
#18 MikeTe,
There is another side to the story, not just the one you have.
Coming to Kabimba’s claim, if indeed pf is ready, how come, at least we do not yet hear the noise and see the fanfare they have previously been associated with in such campaigns? Are they broke?
I just hope this DONTI KUBEBA thing has been extended to campaign activity. How daft could that be.
I just hope this DONTI KUBEBA thing has (not) been extended to campaign activity. How daft could that be.
I am on the Copperbelt. What I see is that the pf is not as strong as it used to be. There is a great deal of doubt on its leader on so many things
Are you a forensic expert that has engaged, voluntarily, at unearthing the scam that you allege is taking place with the mines or are you simply politicking, hoping to sway some votes by your wild claims?
In the /60’s and 70’s it was in the fliers how that money from the mines was being expropriated, which claim allegedly injured the growth prospects of Zambia. The solution then, after that idea reached the politician was to nationalize the mines. That is exactly where you are. But suffice to say, you have, no ill intent, limited knowledge of what really is going on and you are better sitting back to rethink your position than go on a wild goose case without a reasonable estimation of what you really are on about.
Pabwato…kuyabebele Mwadya Mweka Daddy………
Mike te,
For instance, in the 60’s and 70’s there was an idea about retaining the mine revenue in the country which if this was done, was going to benefit the country economically. The same can be said today, does that view stand, is our economy able to accommodate even 45% of the total revenue from the mines?
I must say that PF is finished already.
From the start, PF has been very weak on policy; shifting from one thing to another.
Little did I know that they had no constitution of their own but UNIP document.
How serious is PF kanshi?
PF based its campaign on an individual called SATA.
This is why the only issues they raised were ‘FLY-OVER BRIDGE’, ‘MAN OF ACTION’ and ‘CLEANING UTH’.
Now their policy cannot stand any more because they cannot compare with what RB has been able to do nationwide.
How can PF want to rule Zambia based on UNIP document which even UNIP itself has modified already.
PF therefore has the most outdated constitution and manifesto.
They have never stated the ‘HOW’ part of their 90 day development. It’s just a song.
How amazing that a party in modern day Zambia can allow a standard 4 drop-out to be its leader and chief architect. Any wonder that PF now appears to be moving at the speed of a tortoise whose feet are riddled with arthritis! And how far does one go travelling in a canoe in this jet age?
‘Mr. Kabimba says the Patriotic Front has taken the campaigns to the people of Zambia.’… Not where i live, everything is blue in my constituency, i haven’t seen any PF candidate
I saw Kabimba on TV issuing instructions to his cadres to fight MMD cadres whenever they were attacked. Then, an unpleasant picture was shown of alleged PF cadres wielding pangas! At first, I thought it was a news item from Sierra Leone, Liberia or Rwanda but then I realised it was a local news item. I got scared! I saked myself, where were the police and other law enforcement officers? Are we at war? What sort of leaders are these? Is that the way you ask for votes from the electorate? Give us break! Imagine Mr. Kabimba as Minister of Home Affairs and there was a protest by people, he would order police to shoot to kill. Two wrongs don’t a right! God bless mother Zambia.
Kabimba nashako ubufi, your professor Hansungule is on recording calling for the elections to be delayed. That means you are not ready and are using him to express your views, why cant you come in the open and say it yourself instead of using that discredited proffessor?
ke kekekehahahaha….Ba kaponya you will never be ready.Just wait for your 4th thumping on 9/20.
The race has just heated up and the winner shall soon be known, only after Sept. 20th barely less than 28days from. Lets assume we all base our facts on our performance and popularity and not illusions painted by our favorite media and not to crying foul after 20th Sept. We shall see as reality unfolds, Boys will be separated from men, illusionists and dreamers from realists.
DONCH KUBEBA as it may be now, you may sing that loud and clear, atleast for now DOCH KUBEBA KA…… BUT …………..!!!! BOMA NI BOMA, WE SHALL BE THE LAST TO SING MUCH NOISIER AND LONGER!!!!!!! SO the deal is DONCH KUBEBA Vs Boma Ni Boma,
While I understand Sata’s idiosyncracy, having known him from his time as Governor, I just cant fathom the minds of his followers, among whom are some of Zambia’s best brains like Bob Sichinga! 90 days to do everything? and u guys buy it? Maybe in the days of Noah!
My child urinate alot on bed, I got six MMD chitenge material yotundilapo but kavoti mukwai kali Mubwato. VIVA PF
I am drafting a letter to the UN, AU, SADC and the US to complain about Mr. Kabimba’s behaviour! He should be indicted for crimes against humanity in “advance”. His president does not preach violence, that I know for sure. Kabimba is a disgrace to his profession.
#36, you have already lost the moral vote. your wife will even mistakenly vote for RB because all she sees is blue when changing the baby.
If PF can fail to organise campaign materials, how do you expect them to organise the economy (which is larger)?
#36 Why kunamizila mwana ngati mumadzikodzela usiku?
In some villages(actually even in towns), people are more inclined to vote for the one who gave them a chitege. This will have countrywide impact this year……..obviously RB has done a lot more than that but the chitenge remains ‘symbolic’….wether you like it or not.
Iye uluse ba Summer Kabwamba. Doing some last kicks of the dying donkey eh.
PF yazanda mu lusaka,no more run away victories.I think both MMD & UPND have breached that gap.Lusaka is up for grabs,unless kuma fontini ku CB.
ukose sakala..ukamwenako..
iwe ku CB takwaba ama fontini Shaa!
pf has lost 70% of its’ people on the copperbelt and lusaka
Bushe 70% ? what method was used to come up with this figure? Or may it make you cool.
And Lubinda has totally failed to lead the constituency.
All he has done is persue PF agenda at the expense of people’s agenda.
Lubinda is a failure that is why he was droped as party spokes person by his president SATA.
Lubinda was never there for the people of Kabwata consitituency but instead spent time at the courts persuing PF agenda.
He forgot that many of the people who vote are neither PF nor MMD nor NAREP nor UPND but mere citizens who are not interested in party politics but constituency development.
He has failed to work with the people and has failed to resolve any of the problems faced by the electorate.
He has failed on security issues, failed on drainages, failed on gabbage, etc. You might say that is govt as he says, but he is the representative of the people.
Did you watch given Ludinda out-do his opponents on MUVI TV last night. He’s the Man! Friends, whether you like it or not, PF is ready and is forming GRZ come end of September. i felt sorry for the UPND candidate. Dr. Machungwa also seemed lost. lol
#12 SOLA – why repeat what everybody has already read in the article? Or is it a case of not knowing what to say yet you want to participate in the debate??? Try a short-course in debating, maybe that will improve your argument skills…
#43 – people will not vote on the basis of a TV programme. Secondly, Lubinda winning in Kabwata does not form government for PF.
I think 20th September is delaying. I want shut up these PF nitwits for good. Sata will be sent back to God – he is a nuisance on earth!
#49 Jesus Christ too went back to heaven to rest. Dont you want to go heaven too? Are you upset that PF are potential governers after 9/20 in Zambia?
#43 – sorry I didn’t mean you. I meant #46 SHIMOLOLWA TEKE
#46 Shimololwa Teke,
I watched Lubinda on TV and he talked lies, because I stay in Kabwata and he does not do anything.
So if you think we will vote for a talkertive person who cant perform forget it.
What is it that he has done, Nothing.
Running away from his own people when the y call on him merely to give signature to their projects the guy runs away.
Even a thief can talk very well when he wants to steal.
Lubinda was behaving like Shakafuswa yesterday; loughing at his friends as if he has offered anyhing
how can you be ready when you have faioled to field 39 members of parliament…..that is already 26% out as a party….Kabimba needs to be real and stop day dreaming….
MMD *****s get off from blogging and go and campaign in the field so that you help your criminal Malawian president from prosecution. Actually the extravaganza being displayed by MMD in a country with 70% of people living in abject poverty is nauseating! These MMD buffoons are looting the coffers for the Zambian treasury just to ensure they stay in power and you clowns are impressed? The flippant explanation of the masses benefit of FDI and the MMDs’ obvious abuse of authority in privatisation of Zamtel and shooting of people will cost the MMD this election! Your drowsy and when awake corrupt president is extremely scared of losing this election that he will run us bankrupt if necessary. We will receive your chitenges and T-shirts, but DONCHI KUBEBA! SO WATCH OUT!
Im not an expert, Im just a guy who reads Zambian Economist Website, FQM annual reports, Bob Sichingas solutions ( I hope he will be future PF finance minister ) and who is sickened because there is no doubt the govt is corrupt and they plunder Zed
In the 60?s and 70?s ZCCM ran mines, our state-owned company built hospitals and schools, provided free medicine
In the 90s there was low copper price ($1,500 a ton), it was difficult to run mines and Zed was crippled. At this time, IMF hold a gun at Zeds head to nationalize mines because they thought Zambian people are too incompetent and they pretended copper price will be low for many years (Edith Nawakwi explained that).Then mines were sold for a song and DAs were concluded. (Thanks to Chiluba the thief !)
these bloggers in the diaspora are damn nitwits
Then copper price increased and now foreign mining companies make huge profits and the govt has difficulties to build hospitals, roads (whereas copper hits a record price of $9000 a ton) because now mining cash goes to Muzungus , Wachina and Wahindis shareholders.
Just an example
2004 : the govt (zccm) sold 51% KCM to sterlite(Vedanta) for near $50 million (25 + 4 years * $5,8 million)
2008 : zci sold 28,4% KCM to vedanta for $213 million
today financial analysts evaluate KCM at least $6 billion
$4,8 billion part of vedanta 79,4% and vedanta only paid $261 million
and it is the same for Kansanshi, Mopani,…
and those foreign plunders pretends Zambians must scrap Windfall tax
and Rupiah is the best defender of foreign mining companies !!
read “Debunking the Government’s case for low mining taxation ”
on Zambian Economist Website (Monthly Essay)
and you will understand why that corrupt regime is a swinddle
narrow minded Moses Phiri…
open your eyes… and you will feel Rupiah f.ck you… >;-))
pankoloko mmd are winning. sata and hsi group are so dissorganised, they dont have a chance to win the elections
This time the thumping of PF will be louder…it will be non contestable. I am just waiting to see what ka meembe and ka winter maize will do after the elections….heheheeeeeeee….
Ba #51 & #48, tell us the lies that came from Lubinda of all the things he mentioned had been achieved during his tenure? Dr. Machungwa was “flat-footed”. lol
UPND candidate, no DATA! lol
rupiah can rely on all fly’s brains such as Moses Phiri to win elections…! >:-)
MMD *****s get off from blogging and go and campaign in the field so that you help your criminla Malawian president from prosecution. Actually the extravaganza being displayed by MMD in a country with 70% of people living in abject poverty is nauseating! These MMD buffoons are looting the coffers for the Zambian treasury just to ensure they stay in power and you clowns are impressed! The flippant explanation of the masses benefit of FDI and the MMDs’ obvious abuse of authority in privatisation of Zamtel and shooting of people will cost the MMD this election! Your drowsy and when awake corrupt president is extremely scared of losing this election that he run us bankrupt if necessary for him to just stay in power. We will receive your chitenges and T-shirts, but DONCHI KUBEBA! SO WATCH OUT!
#62, spot on! #48 & #51, we are waiting to hear about Lubinda’s lies because I also live in Kabwata. Tell us about Lubinda’s lies. The man was truthful and straight to the point while other were just “fishing”! The man has represented us in parliament with such dilligence under difficult circumstances with central GRZ controlled by Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD)!!!
Mike Te,
In your own words: – ‘Im not an expert, Im just a guy who reads Zambian Economist Website, FQM annual reports, Bob Sichingas solutions..’
What you have is not enough for you to make the sort of conclusions you have, neither are qualified to make a conclusive judgment. You need to see things from the other side as well to make an informed conclusion. I understand that Zambian economist is pro pf and therefore no different from your position.
I miss chanda chimba III mwe.
Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD): Bingu Wa Muthalika appropriately fits that description and he probably isn’t campaigning now.
Mmembe’S quoted words:
“Today you have grey hair and me I have grey hair. Ncito yatisiliza. Yaa, I’m not a small boy ba Sakala. I’m 20 years older than when I started this job. I’m not excited about these things, we have done bigger things. We made a lot of mistakes, learning. Today we have more experience. We can’t do things like kids to see the work we have done for 20 years just destroyed.”
Crying about the now almost sunk Post newspaper. ACC was never created 20 years ago!
MEMBE: “It pains me. I’m sorry to say this. I will say it, even if you put me on top of this building. I will say what I’m saying because I contributed to the building of ACC. Over the last 20 years my work has been dedicated to building the anti-corruption fight.”
These are words of a very desperate man.
PF is just another service pack for UNIP, Guy Scot himself told the nation that the source code used to compile PF are exactly the some that were used in building UNIT v8.1
In sort all Programmers will agree with me that PF vs UNIP is like Windows 7 vs Windows Vista
Windows 7 was supposed to be called Windows Vista SP3
And PF was supposed to be called UNIP SP10!!!!!!!
Kaya, dont be prejudiced against Zambian Economist
Mission Statement :
A non-partisan platform for exchanging ideas on the many issues facing our nation.
Founder / Ownership
This website was founded, and continues to be maintained, by Chola Mukanga. Chola is a professional economist specialising in : justice and constitutional economics; public sector economics; transport; housing; and, urban / rural issues.
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The Zambian Economist publishes a range of thoughts and comments on a number of areas. These include direct opinion pieces on events and reviews of books or other published works. We recognise that opinions by nature can vary from person to person. To foster dialogue and maintain balance, we welcome responses and guest blog submissions
# 71
Its better than service pack “corrupt MMD v1.0″… >;-)
Your position on Zambian economist is yours, I have mine.
Interesting, unfortunately one piece of code that has appeared in UNIP, MMD and PF is called SATA. . It was part of MMD v1.0 were most corruption occurred. During the Upgrade to MMD 2.0 it was dropped out of the compilation because it couldn’t have Conflicted with the with the CODE Mwanawasa. Now MMD is in v3.0 awaiting an upgrade to v3.2.
PF will be built around most codes that were Dropped from MMD 1.0 (Sata, Lou etc) so Combining code from UNIP and some Codes from MMD 1.0 you GET PF!!!!!!!!!
The end of the nice story you’re telling us is that come 20th Sept., PF will win the elections. Thank you. MMD will have ended at v3.0 and there will be no updates available there-after. Thank you!
Dont worry man, we anti-pfs will say anything as long as it keeps u quiet because u have NO idea how irritating that ‘Donchi Kubeba’ statement is!
I feel sorry for those big shapeless yellow wemen going arround in vehicles raisng their fists as if they are confused. Husbands to these *****s will have a shock of their lifetime as after elections their wives will be pregnant from the likes of Lubinda and kabimba. They are not only campaining, they are being rammed by these kaponyaz too.
This time even villagers know how to vote not in the past when you were cheating them that; “we know how you vote.” Guess who will cry after 20th September. What about PVT, is it there or not? Is it criminal or not? Who was worrired about PVT? Will people vote on what they have received from one party or decide on their on on 20th September? I don’t mean “Donchikubeba.” This year the ECZ has done a lot on voter education. So to hell whith what you may bring, we shall chose wisely in the booth not depending on what you may give us. We know you better now.
your wife….. if you’re even man enough to have one! Retards like you will never marry because each time your wife leaves the house, you think someone else is ramming. Insecure!!!
are pf sure that the are ready with all the drama goin on in there party,,,its quiet obvious that mmd are winning no doubt about that
Only fools,*****s feeding with RB will vote for him so that they continue to mortgage the nation.Intellectuals with good standing cant vote for this useless man.
We want our money and PF should help us.
SATA-President -2011
Ready for elections my foot. I wonder what excuses PF will use when they be sent into oblivion on September 20th. Honestly, how did Kabimba pass his bar exam?
Just concentrate on your UNIP part 2 party MMD,us in the powerful party PF we have always been ready well prepared for any election evidenced with the previous victories….Conglats powerful GS ,,I tell you,you are taking them on so well its like you went to this powerful UNI the Sata UNI where we are right now studing,ngatwaisa wapya Mumbi ,Chimba,Chifine and na banobe niyu mweshi fye.MMD ni ZWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.ni pabwato.
Those who stay in Kabwata and are happy with Lubinda are simply telling us how used they have become to problems of Kabwata.
Year in year out they have to were JOMBOs and to them after doing it repeatedly they see it as normal life.
Tell me one single thing Lubinda has done in Kabwata, if you believe the guy was not lying to the nation.
Lubi simply runs to wherever there is a TV camera for fuming as if he were a movie star. All he wants is to be seen to be working when he actually does nothing.
Let someone say one thing that Lubinda has done, just one.
All I know about Lubinda is that he runs after his PF agenda and move from court to court.
Tell us when he ever had any meeting with Kabwata people.
Some of you think noise making is the same as working!!!
You remember in South Africa last year during the world cup, the south africans were very excited about the hosting and the made alot of Vuvuzelas which they blow their throats off.
At the end of it all the game and the money went to the guys from elsewhere and they simply were left with Vuvus.
The same will happen to PF on 20th next month; the vote will go to MMD and PF will be left with “Donchi Kubeba”, as a sunvenir that elections indeed took place and as usual we have taken our position.
MMD will make a thunderous win.. But let me tell you kudos go to one man, by the name of Rupiah Banda for his selfless and non vengeful leadership. No matter how much Mmembe has tried to finish RB, all his (Mmembe’s) efforts have fallen through. Zambian Airways will never come back and chew tax payers money by not paying airport fees and tax as Mmembe have agreed with Sata. Thanks be to the almighty. Our country is blessed indeed..
you chaps are so disorganised this year…we want real change..not mahule…bena Lubi…!
Sata a liya cha lipwa.Sata is gone for don’t kubeba.MAY BE BY NOW HE IS KWA WESTERN PROVINCE THEN lUAPUALA. Mameni ba chebe
Pf is ready!!!. The presidential candidate had his paper validated by Chief Justice, the 150 pf Mps candidates had their nomination papers validated. Councillors too. and 2 unppposed local seats in WP. what kind of readiness are some guys talking about? Guys on this blog debate constructively. I know personnally the anger is some of you is killing you slowly just like supporters of GADDAFI who say the war will go on for days, months, years. OURS is A DEMOCRACY.
pf is not even capable of printing campaign material this time. The tell tell signs are that they will not manage to cover the vast areas of rural Zambia. How are they ready if they can’t even have enough poster material?