Transparency International Zambia chapter (TIZ) says cancellation of the UPG contract for the printing ballot papers is a possible option following the corruption allegations leveled against the company.
TIZ president Rueben Lifuka has told a media briefing in Lusaka today that contrary to the Electoral Commission of Zambia’s position ruling out the cancellation of the UPG contract, it is possible to dos because the country cannot afford to face the consequences of going through an electoral process that is marred with suspicion.
Mr Lifuka has proposed that the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) should consider calling for a stakeholders meeting were corruption allegations surrounding the Universal Print group, a South African firm which is printing ballot papers can be addressed.
He says the corruption allegations leveled against UPG may lead to voter apathy due to loss of public confidence in the country’s electoral process.
Mr. Lifuka has wondered why the ECZ as a contracting party with UPG did not request for Mr. Vik Vaid the UPG operation manager not to manage the contract signed until he was cleared of the allegations involving money laundering.
And Mr. Lifuka has also challenged the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to consider raising the allegations against UPG with the South African authorities in an effort to try and investigate the matter.
He says South Africa would be of help in setting the record straight on the allegations involving UPG stating that the country is a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Corruption which criminalizes bribery of foreign public officials.
Meanwhile, transparency international Zambia says the courts have granted his organization an injunction restraining Chanda Chimba and ZNBC from producing and broadcasting the controversial Stand Up for Zambia programme.
This is in a matter in which the TIZ had applied for an injunction to the Lusaka high court to restrain ZNBC and producer Chanda Chimba from airing the programme.
Meanwhile,the ten political party representatives and the Electoral commission of Zambia ECZ officials have spent the last few days proof reading data for local government candidates in Durban South Africa.
The process aims at ensuring that the printer gets the correct information when printing the ballots.
Printing of presidential ballot papers has already been completed.
ECZ Public Relations Manager Chris Akufuna has told ZNBC News in Durban that the party agents have also spent time improving picture quality of the respective candidates.
Currently local government data from the Copperbelt, Eastern and Central provinces is being proof read.
Political parties represented in Durban include United Party for National Development, Movement for Multi Party Democracy, Forum for Democracy and Development, Zambians for Empowerment and Development and National Movement for Progress.
Others are the Patriotic Front, United National Independence Party, Alliance for Democracy and Development, National Restoration Party and the Heritage Party.
Other observers present include the Islamic Council of Zambia, the church and the Foundation for Democratic Process representing civil society groups.
Ballot papers for the September 20 presidential, parliamentary and local government elections are being printed in Durban South Africa by Universal Print Group.
Dream on with your unpreparedness.
Which unpreparedness? Have u read the article properly. Muleumfikisha ichisungu. Just buy enough nappies mukalwa come 20 spt. Believe me PF is wining. Pipo ar tired of bein ruled with one party for so many yrs. What we ar interested in is change of party and there is no any other leading apart from PF bwato bwato bwato
Zambia will never be held at ransom by a few lunatics free to hallucinate.
How can RB cancel the contract when he is a beneficiary. Thats what you get for letting foreigners rule you. They dont give a damn about Zambia’s integrity or anything
Boycott and live to see millions cast their votes and Zambia moves on.
This guy canot control his wight.Its like PF is not ready for elections.Let them boycott so that MMD wins easily, though HH was better if he had the masses.
We are matching on to elections. Those engaging in wishful thinking will remain behind. I’m absolutely shocked at the high number of i.d.i.o.t.s running organisations in Zambia. It is no wonder development has been slow. It is not just the ruling party, the dullness among ordinary citizens is shocking. More than at any other previous election, these elections have revealed things and people who have shocked me to my bone! Peopl just wake up in the middle of the night na k.u.n.y.a chi.su.shi through their mouth, without even thinking before doing that… And these are adults, not children. No wonder our children are arrogant because they see how i.d.i.o.t.i.c the adults are!
Ireen Mambilima should never at once think her positions in the Judicial system will forever serve her from the possible consequences. Let her reflect on what has befallen Gardaffi today. He thought he was the most powerful person on earth, but the power lies in the people governed. All those singing for the corrupt Rupiah and Kunda will cry last ans WE shall LAUGH last. VIVA PF VIVA POWER.
If anyone has any evidence about Ballot Corruption, let him/her bring it to the table.
As for Mmembe; UPG printed the ballots in 2006 when Mwanawasa was offloading bread & butter to you. Today you are saying that this company has been corrupt for the past 20 years. What rubbish is that? If you had evidence you could have nailed RB & MMD by this time.
Fred False Prophet Mmembe, you cannot be the Defense Lawyer & Prosecution Lawyer in the same Court Room. Your ranting before the AAC was just you playing to the gallery.
You have become an embarrassment to the nation and the Media as a whole, including on the international platform as quoted by one official from the US State Department not so long ago – in which he said that Mmembe wants to entice havoc in the Zambia and escape from his demons.
The USA & other Sovereigns wants to strategically position themselves in doing business with Zambia and it will not sit down and allow a Short Sighted person like you to bring Anarchy to Zambia and destabilize peace in Southern Africa. So if I were you I would really reflect twice, because the United Nations is simply tired of un-necessary wars in the world, which creates deposes refugees. It was single evil voices like yours that lead to the Ruwanda Massacres
You cannot hide, because everything that is done behind the doors has a way of coming out – in one way or another.
The USA and other sovereigns (Internatinal War Mongers) are currently at war in Libya so that they may run the business there at the expense of the Libyan masses who foolishly think that the people who destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq are there to save them, the same sovereigns who while people are still dying are already signing oil contracts, like they did in Iraq, nation building by contracting their private companies to make profit . You seem to be a smart fellow, observer. Please dont mis-lead the un-informed and the feeble minded.
# 7,
Another retarded kaponya without natural capacity to synthesize issues intelligently. Here he is lamentably failing to establish difference in Lybian dynamics to Zambia a functional democracy. Dream on and plan wishful treasonous acts.
Iwe Chi BEN what people want is for the ACC to clear the air on these serious allegations. Dont be so pompus that Job you have there is because of these poor Zambians u are insulting today.VIVA PF
Zambians have finally caught up with you and seen the Skin Deep in you. As a matter of fact you are more Satanic that Michael Sata. Zambia knows who Sata is because what you see is what you get from Sata.
As for you Fred False Prophet, your DNA breeds evil. The nation is praying for PEACE and no amount of deceit from you will bring anarchy to the nation and help you get away from your loans that have now started suffocating your life.
Panji Kaunda has now blatantly behind the doors said that – The Post is slowly manifesting Civil War in Zambia. Your own confidants at The Post have lost trust in you and are all leaking info because they do not want to see mayhem in Zambia because you.
26 days to go and these morons are now talking about cancelling  contract  , FAT ALBERT  LIFUKA, can you tell us what would happen if they cancelled the contracts. What would happen to the papers already printed and where would we find another contractor who would print ballots in the next 26 days.
It morons like you confusing the nation. So in your view you want elections cancelled until your Kaponyas party is ready and you continue getting silly attention.
Frankly speaking am sick of this elections with a no show opposition, can’t want for 20th to really get rid of these fake and useless opposition and build a credible one for future Zambia. Let MMD win. You have disappointed us. You broke the PACT and you thought you could win alone. Dance to your silliness. Am voting RB
Kaponya party is goin to rule you this time iwe chi Chanda. kwata amano muchitwe ok. PF is wining. its nt the matter of grading gravel roads whn u hav jst a week to go. Moreover, u ar nt a registered voter with no voters card. Leave politics to registered voters we mbushi we kolwe. Leav Sata alone. U can also stand as a president if you want rather than…………………….
Whenever God encounters Devils like you he always wins. Your crusade to destabilize in Zambia peace is a Non Starter. You have nothing to subs-tiete you claims but just laying foundation for Civil Rebellion after elections.
So long, your days are up….. Mind you when the USA puts someone on target it often gets him or her. We do not want destabilization in Southern Africa that is being gradually manifested by your evil motives to save your Skin Deep. Never !!
Rueben Lifuka is a well known PF cadre. It is a height of madness for Lifuka to divert the state into postponing the elections just because PF is not ready to meet its opponents on the ground. In fact predictions that RB will win the elections about 42% is an under estimation based on the previous general elections. The true situation on the ground this time reveals that the Chiluba factor has changed the political landscape in favour RB. Rueben Lifuka is either displaying insanity or he is deliberately working to derail the election process in total disregard of the Zambian Constitution. The Transparency International has been subversive against the Mwanawasa and Chiluba Govts over a long time. Whose interests does Rueben Lifuka serve any way?
Chiluba factor…sakala..wats there to talk about chiluba…bullshit
All you MMD sponsored bloggers here remember the country does not belong to MMD but to the people. If you are so infatuated with power and are planning to rig these elections with your South African printing mafia, what you saw in Libya will be child’s play here. We wont allow you We will crush you to pulp you will see
LT How you publish such crap from this so called Emanacipated Zambian living inn a shack in South Africa ,please delete his rubbish.
uyu cikamba obesity yalamulya fye nombaline. be also transparent on the food you swallow.
Could someone enlighten me on the allegations? Is it an individual or individuals within ECZ being accused of corruptly awarding the contract to print ballot papers by UPG or is it MMD that gave UPG the contract?
Could someone enlighten me on the allegations? Is it an individual or individuals within ECZ being accused for corruptly awarding the contract to print ballot papers by UPG or is it MMD that gave UPG the contract?
Why is MMD so allergic to transparency and good governance?
All the well meaning Zambians are calling for is an electoral process that is free of suspicions of corruption, bribery, money laundering and other illegal vices.
But MMD says no to these very basic and genuine demands…WHY if they are “popular and are committed to free & fair elections.”
MMD, Let us see the democracy you so loudly talk about in action not your hypocrisy.
UPG contract MUST be cancelled at all costs to save our country from post election chaos.
U do not cancell a contract based on allegations. a contract is purely law. ACC needed facts from Lubinda and Mmembe but the two went to ACC DG to play to the gallerly instead of being serious with the issue at hand for the sake of the Nation. ACC hasnt got all the data Lubinda and Mmembe have…and they cannot base on Press info that is internationally unproffessional. Let us lobby Lubinda & Mmembe to come out clean and wen they do then we will push ACC. Transparency and good governance are a process, you either have 10% or 60%, MMD & PF hav it but at wat % is the qn.
Just because they belong to a circus Group called PF known for its allergy for elections since its foundation 10 years ago, Lifuka thinks Zambians and their democracy should also join PF in its alergy for the ballot. Keep hallucinating democratic Zambians in national wide election overdrive. RB has just finished success Copperbelt campaign trails after Southern, Central, Eastern, and Northern. North Western and Western provinces here comes a President for all Zambians. RB is armed with a message of National development and peace while PF is mobilizing stones and tujili jili to scare peaceful Zambians.
A president for foreigners you fool. Which Zambians are you talking about? Over three quaters of Zambian have rejected this foreigner Bwezani. God will help us maintain our integrity and will give a real Zambian who will respect our people and our constitution
Nshi Sunda Chisunde Sunde Kano Fye Mu Muntu,
Post election chaos of who against who? Its your imaginary delusion unless it will be of you against Sata for failing you again in a 4th attempt but to no success.
Ati Senior Citizen, kwi? We muntu namano tawakwata! Why dont you u keep you outdated manners to yourself?Â
21 and 22
Senior Citizen cipubafye. He is worse than a devil. We know him here in the USA that he was sent here by MMD but come September 20, you will never here of him on this forum. He can’t see how much poverty there is in Zambia coz he gets the poor people’s money. You will burn in hell for your corrupt activities. Under MMD, we are worse than a country at war.
What was going to be in CC3’s programme then?
Lifuka, we need the ‘allegations to be clear before thinking of cancelling the contract. We know you are being used by mmembe. So far the following people have been used to call for delaying elections
1. Prof hansungule
3.Ruben Lifuka
I suspect the next ponies will be Nalubamab, mulogoti, mpombo then finally the serpent himself
I canot agree more with you on that point
Lifuka lifutu sana chi-color aba e tall lay. Leave us alone we want peace that’s why u chaps end up stealing ballot papers shut up your beak from now malborro.VIVA RB.
Lifuka waba etall lay waumfwa
@ SENIOR CITIZEN ba chikala, this is your last month of using internet because the people who pay you to write rubbish are going to be kicked out.I wonder why the MMD are so many now as we approach the elections,or is it maybe after parliament was you i.diots are now full time blogging to support your corrupt thieving MMD government which has ruled the country for 20 years without any meaningful development,how many more years do you want ba koswe imwe..?Zambia is our country we cant be living like this in the abundance of natural resources.
#25 Please keep your ignorance to yourself. Prof Hansungule is one of the most respected Proffessors in the world. He is not at the University of Pretoria for nothing. Mind you, his appointment was not political. How on Earth would you insult such a learned person! Shame on you but I praise you for your extreme foolishness. We cipuba we, mafi yobe.
#29, good luck in sucking hansungule member if it is the best for you. Polo yako
Ant political party that thinks that there was corruption in the prating of ballot paper, it should withdraw and wait for 2016 when printing will be done in Zambia
Mashimba – You wish, continue dreaming
Chi 31 ulichikopo sana. which school did you go to? U even fail to write the word printing. Come 20 Sept. Ukapolomya ukalafwala amadypa. Twala AIDS uko
mulefwa na dont kubeba yenu….. abanenu baleipekanya pama sanko elyo mwalebwatabwata lelo ati iyo ba UPG bali corrupt twalipushya ati twebeni iyo corruption mulelandapo nalelo liluba walya. we shall never be held accountable by few individuals who think Zambia is theirs, TIZ wake up Membe thinks he can influence us and make us fight his wars
We are tired of Grapevine stories. For all those crying behind the Laptops, TouchPads, SmartPhones and Desktop, kindly ask these claimants to bring evidence.
Sata said he knows where the secret ballots papers are in Lusaka; yet he his is not ready to bring forth proof. Lubinda & Mmembe failed to make up the case before ACC but chose to be defensive chameleons.
If surely there is malpractice about the Ballots, I would be among the first people to condemn MMD Machinery, just like I often criticized all facets of political establishment of MMD, PF & UPND.
As far as this account of the claims are concerned, its purely coming from those whose boat is sinking so fast – as observed by Fred False Prophet Mmembe at his base in Bwinjifumu Road.
The other day Guy Scott stated clearly and categorically that from the date of its formation in 2001 PF has had a UNIP constitution, and that it will be changed at the next General Conference which is 5 years from today. Before that statement PF cadres had accused others of UNIPist behaviour, suddenly the UNIPist song has disappeared from LT. Just what do you stand for ba PF kanshi? We can do some fundraising to help you all go for brain scans, there is definitely some foreign matter there, fwaka maybe?
And Cockroach Lifuka, which rock did you crawl from? We have enjoyed relative peace while you were under that dirty rock, please stay there.
May justice prevail
We have to be rational here for the good of our country. This is a country for all regardless of our political differences and those that will deliberately bring chaos through greed like the current govt will be held accountable.
Having oral diarrhea that is devoid of substance like what is coming from senior citizen will not drive us forward.
The issues at hand are not MMD issues but national ones that need clear & tested leadership and if ignored or trivialised, the ramifications will affect all of us.
The govt has been given enough evidence, time & warning to do the right thing but they have chosen to be greed .
Remember, the chaos that happens in other countries where leaders are greedy like rupiah is no accident.
We just want free, fair & credible elections not war
Allegations are not a basis for cancelling a contract… Right now the former IMF chief was accused falsely and he lost a job in the process. If they have evidence linking ECZ to ballots then that is something else. But we have are satanists who are bent on post 20th Sept and are not preparing for 20th Sept polls bcoz they know they cant win. Sata will face the wrath of God for many Zambians he sacrificing with his Master to kill Zambians with senseless raod accidents and industrial accidents just to get to state house. They killed FTJ, Nyimba victims and now they want to use satanic forces to stop Zambian’s declaration as a Christian Nation.
@xyz We have grown in #s coz so much is @ stake,ZAMBIA is not for KAPOYAs and THUGs.
# 35
Allegations form a basis for serious investigations especially that these allegations threaten the very security and stability of our country. Ignoring these accusations and wishing the problems away will not bring closure to the issues. We are just setting ourselves up for more trouble ahead.
Further, UPG has an established record of corruption, bribery and they (UPG) have not dispelled or denied what has said against them.
This is not the time for insults like what is coming from chaps like senior citizen. One doubts his love and loyalty to the country.
A senior citizen is supposed to be a source of rational thinking & a fountain of wisdom. This one on this blog is a liability to the nation. Whats wrong with having free, fair & credible elections for our country?
#29 Show us his publications – what world? You think a presentation in Arusha constitutes success? The man wants to claim (to the gullible) to be an authority in Land crap – what is there to research -even census enumerators can collect data.
This is very simple. ECZ is a public institution. PUBLIC = ACCOUNTABALITY to the public you serve. First MMD says no to PVT. Then they choose to lend a deaf ear to these serious UPG allegations. Is there something they are not telling us? A compromise must be reached concerning printing of ballot papers. The people demand transparency. Thats not too much to ask. If they are deprived of this, we cannot blame Mmembe or PF for any post election protests (violent or otherwise). I’m by no means an advocate for violence, but history has shown what happens when people are taken for granted for too long.
Ba LT i insuted #29 long time ago, how come you are not displaying my abuse.
Just in case they display this one,#29 continue sucking your so called proffesor if his cum is best in the world
peace on earth.
#37, 40, In a civilised society allegations must be backed by facts which must be presented to relevant authorities. Otherwise we will be reduced to witch hunting and spend our precious time chasing shadows because of some naughty members of our society, and Zambia seems to have more than its fair share of these. Because of the fantastic chain of allegations set by some of these naughty characters e.g. ballot papers hiden in Lusaka, arms hidden at Sinda farm by KK etc, the sources of these allegations are no longer credible and we are not going to derail our electoral process based on these discredited characters, unless of course they provide concrete evidence to the authorities, NOT TO ME.
You are just creating confusions in the country. just keep quiet!!!
Preposterous! Mr. Lifuka might simply be trying to prove his relevance to TIZ without a seconds thoughts about what he is talking about. Membe for his own ills and indebtedness is the one who is setting the agenda, which is to brood chaos.
Mmembe knows very well that, in a very real sense, his fate is sealed with an MMD victory these coming elections. He knows from what he sees on the ground that all signs are that MMD is winning and for that his doom is sealed. So what is his alternative? To brood chaos.
Another fat PIG who is out of tune with his mind….
MMD why cant u just tell the ACC director to stop lying to the Zambian people. With this kind of attitude you are abound to lose the coming elections.
Mmembe void of all shame, for his indebtedness, has chosen to unwrite his own history were he previously, numerous times, portrayed Sata as a maniac, to now turn around and say the very opposite. No one can be fooled by Mmembe any more. Zambians are not that gullible.
Mmembe just pay your kongole and let Zambians enjoy their God given peace. Fight your own battles, don’t involve innocent people in them.
Let us not trade insults but issues based on facts. Ba LT how do you allow such insults to pass through or you don’t sencer what goes through this… what ever you call it? It is a shame!
We know you make money by being noisy. Izakonyokola Njala like Mulongoti.
Ba Mmembe, I am not even sure how you got this name because Mmembe’s are my kins and are few in Zambia. We know your agenda and will fix you you come Sept 21
Kasaka i knw u. You ar an MMD cadre coz one can nt doubt the language of mmd cadres. shut yo big mouth ulichikopo sana iwe wechikolopo
If The PF want let them start Violence, After all they are the ones with Thousands of Buildings and Businesses which will be destroyed. Even you PF cadres I wonder were you will take your Children and wives/husbands to.. Some of us will simply fly out of ZED with nothing to loose!!!
PF is winning, those paid predictors are wasting their time. VIVA PF.
Viva PF!! Change is coming
Senior citizen, lishilu alipena nasumina….DONT waste time commenting on his bullshit..
confused chaps,confused chaps if you have evidence bring it forth,the opposition is so unprepared that they want to come up with all sorts of excuses,lets just go to the polls fairly.chwe chwe chwe chwe
Bo likuka can you please grow up. Just becoz your head and dick are fat you can so easily be screwed by Mmembe. We are not ready to cancel election date. if you dont belong to Zambia go to Tanzania with your prezdo. Mmembe balimumwenamo ba USA. He can use you to create havoc pa zed. So watch what you say and always lead by example.
Unless the meaning of the word “allegation” has changed. If your assertion is what is supposed to be followed then there will be no need for institutions like ACC, DEC, Police etc.
These institutions were established for the very essence of working on the allegations to establish the facts and dispel falsehoods.
So far the relevant investigative agencies have been given more than enough material on which they can even establish a prima facie case against UPG.
They way rupiah govt is running the elections in collusion with ECZ & UPG is a sure recipe for disaster
MMD Vuvuzelas will soon cry…they have made zambai worse than they found it…GO IN THE STREET, U FIND AN INNOCENT CHILD BEGGING FOR FOOD and you are saying BULLSHIT…These same children have grown and they are now stonning them…Mwalamwenako basakala this year…VIVA PF
Reuben PF Cadre Lifuka is earning his living otherwise his masters will start questioning his organisation’s relevance. Otherwise we understand he has to please his masters at the Past newspaper and his kaponya president at Farmers House. Fact is PF and its goon-followers in Lufuka and other such ilk are not ready for the elections.
Go on and be seen to bark by your funders or else they hold on to your salary ba Lifuka.You are the same chaps who were daily crying for the election date.The date is announced you start yapping something else.You boycott the elections, we dont care, life will continue pa zed.Mutwikate pa mukoshi ba mambala imwe, mufunanji kansi?
ha ha ha ha pf is so scared of losing for the fourth time now so sad,ifwe we are voting RB ba fikala chwe chwe chwe cwe chwe pa nkoloko
Proof is whats need. presented to the right authorities. Meembe and Given lubinda where given the opportunity to present this but they got rude to hide the fact that they have none. Can Meembe and Nchito pay back the money they collected on behalf of national airports through zambian airways before they point fingers at everybody
Lifuka,you are really a very destructive joker.Don’t hide behind your foolish NGO.We know you are a PF cadre but believe you me,the country is going ahead with the elections on Sept.20 and MMD is winning with a landslide.So,just advise your friend Sata to go flat out in campaigning. But the fact is Sata is doomed and destined for a crushing defeat.Never fool yourself that the elections will be delayed.If your PF is not ready,that’s your problem.Lifuka just prepare yourself for another disappointment,RB will be sworn-in for the second time after Sept.20.
Senior Citizen (Sevral Postings
Are you a brainwashed State Agent?? You dont ee anything wrong with bribery allegations against a compnay printing balloet papers for an election, at least enough to have those allegations are cleared to ensure credible elections??? What does it take to send one’s mind on holiday, a fat salary or discarding principles, if one had any, in the first place????
U do not cancell a contract based on allegations. a contract is purely law. ACC needed facts from Lubinda and Mmembe but the two went to ACC DG to play to the gallerly instead of being serious with the issue at hand for the sake of the Nation. ACC hasnt got all the data Lubinda and Mmembe have…and they cannot base on Press info that is internationally unproffessional. Let us lobby Lubinda & Mmembe to come out clean and wen they do then we will push ACC. Transparency and good governance are a process, you either have 10% or 60%, MMD & PF hav it but at wat % is the qn.
I would vote for any of the 9 presidential contestants than Sata.That man is Satan’s agent,no wonder they have similar names.SATAN and SATA really rhyme.Even in deeds,they are bed fellows.Both are chameleons,that’s why they are so inconsistent.
Think this through!
Sata is king cobra and cobras have split (double) tongued. Double tongued person = crafty/crooked/liar etc. Sata fits this bill and he is proud about it (ask HH), the only other who is symbolized by a snake is the Devil himself i.e. SataN.
Hence the “Donchi Kubeba” should not be taken literally…the biggest lie the devil has told mankind is to believe he doesn’t exist – Sata knows himself, the followers don’t! Now I wonder why he called himself King Cobra!
Funny how these all can just be coincident!
Ba Ben Kangwa, you’ve started changing names on the blog? lol
You’re coming back to Zed very shortly. LOL
#70, you’re a very shallow and extremely narrow minded person!
#69, ACC by is mandated to institute investigations even when they just hear a rumour of any corrupt practices, but oh no, they are waiting for evidence from Mmeembe and Lubinda. SHAME!!! Â Â
These UPG guys are under investigation in Malawi and Kenya over ballot rigging. This is not created by Lubinda and Mmembe, it is a plain fact
Hey Quiet Every boby. If the PF is not ready please just say so. Freed has lost money during this campaign , this is politics. Most of you thought RB was so stupid and dull that you could easily ride on him. No, this Man started Politics with his Friend VJ at tender ages. Before even Meembe was born or was it that time when MCS was cleaning toilets in the trains in UK.
The Man has out smart you, your money has gone to waste and now you want to preach violence. Folks dont worry, Zambia shall continue to enjoy peace. RB is still awake, if these guys go beyond limits they will be caged. LPM once caged MCS, so history can repeat itself if they continue to preach violence
This guy is PF how do you cancel a contract without any proof and your fools mmembe and lubinda have failed us they wanted the thief ngoma to pass the sample ballot and whew hell would have come to zambia especially the fact the the arch angels of evil are here in the name of sata and the cronies, (mulongoti mpombo matuvi inclusive) . These chaps are not talking about what they will do when elected
I remember Given Lubinda walking into Mulungushi Conference center during the previous election. When PF knew that they had lost. He went there and started asking ECZ to stop announcing results. I said to myself, Who is this half cast who can have the audensity to instruct ECZ.
This time we do not want that kind of nonsense. Watch out you Kaponyas!
Uno mwaka, iliko bad ba MMD. I have never seen so much panic and desperation in the MMD!!!
“Sivinthu” this year. lol
Will there ever be a time when there will be no suspicion in this country about elections while we still have the old generation of politicians? Oh, I forgot… these chaps (TIZ) are paid to bullshit us. Am going to the polls on the 20th, just as every other sensible Zambian has decided…get over it. Loser
UPG is a problem for sure. Ihave just been doing some reading and found out that were at the center of controversy due to rigged ballot papers in Kenya, leaked exam papers in Malawi! UPG are corrupt and I now know why ECZ chose them…. birds of same feathers…
This Lifuka guy looks more like a Hippo than a human being.
# 77, the opposite is actually correct. There is more panic in PF this election than ever before. Look at the issues being raised for example, and who is panickig then? 20th September is the day of elections. You wanted RB to announce the election date, he did and then now what?
So #76 Jojo you are a racist as well as a tribalist… Hopefully you will stay away from Zambia with your sickness
If you can bring proper and real proof that’s when you can make calls to cancel the contract. But 4 now don’t make such allegations. You are embarrassing yourself Lifuka. Please let us just vote and get over it.
An allegation whethetr small or big must be addressed before we go ahead with elections. Its a perception of electral commission of Kenya’s corruption that sparked the violence in 2008. Please ECZ call for stake holders’ meeting before its too late to avert post election stand off.
@82, Airtime Sakala, if you leak Lubinda’s anus/dick , Please stay away.
Reuben Lifuka’s distorted discourse is once again on display. Mr Lifuka has been given a platform by the Post to discharge his fury against the Zambian state. The Post’s reputation for investigative journalism, from 1991’s election coverage on, is well known. When it comes to the story behind the much-hyped “UPG Contract,” The Post doesn’t want to know and this kind of reporting is a poor example for journalists and a disservice to readers. Lifuka is unprincipled but he should not resort to falsehoods and misinformation.
Senior Citizen,
Your support of the wrong policies of RB and his MMD makes it clear that you are actually one of RB’s sons. Just like Mubarak’s and Gaddafi’s sons you are so jittery about Zambians making their voices heard on corruption and dictatorship, you even have the cheek to say people have ‘wishful treasonous acts’. Who gave you the authority to label anyone as treasonous? When the Lozis went on a peaceful protest the likes of you called it treason and opened fire on them. Zambia is for us all and Zambia is bigger than you and those whose boots you lick day and night. Just enjoy yourself while it lasts.
This Gumu Gumu, i thot his big head gat substance but now i know, its full of sand or lito
Allegations?withnot proof do not hold any water.if it’s brought before any court it can be thrown out with costs.Such careless talk can lead to chaos therefore stop kidding and grow up.
There are allegations that lifukas gwat is fooling around. reuben take immediate action
#87 i like it..senior citizen lishilu…Let him respond to this nicely nga tapena…Your support of the wrong policies of RB and his MMD makes it clear that you are actually one of RB’s sons. Just like Mubarak’s and Gaddafi’s sons you are so jittery about Zambians making their voices heard on corruption and dictatorship, you even have the cheek to say people have ‘wishful treasonous acts’. Who gave you the authority to label anyone as treasonous? When the Lozis went on a peaceful protest the likes of you called it treason and opened fire on them. Zambia is for us all and Zambia is bigger than you and those whose boots you lick day and night. Just enjoy yourself while it lasts.
Lifuka is talking like he is at soweto market which sch did u go to chi-color becoz u r such a dander head.VIVA RB
Democracy is expensive and comes at a huge financial cost.we are only 20 years into it.we are bound to have hiccups but we ll continue to perfect it.It is the only way we can run our beautiful Zambia.Lets form modern printing companies pa Zed and create jobs.Let the sleeping giant wake up! MAY GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
Countrymen and women, allow me to express the disappointment with the way the UPG saga has been handled by even our most learned commentators.
I feel there two important facts that most commentators ignore.
First, what is the specific nature of the contracts signed between UPG and ECZ? Do these contracts clearly prevent UPG engaging from engaging in other business undertakings with Commissioners from ECZ? If not, it seems make logical business sense for an international company like UPG to partner with members of the ECZ (its first point of call) in the pursuit of other business opportunities in Zambia.
Second, what is the precise nature of the relationship exists between UPG and ECZ? If UPG has delivered in past three or so elections, wouldn’t it be possible that they could have built a cordial and non-corrupt business-client relationship with the ECZ. For this reason, it is possible that corporate gifts may occasionally have been sent to ECZ employees by UPG in line with business-client best practice.
Owing to the above, I don’t agree with those advocating for a cancellation of the UPG contract or postponement of the 2011 elections. The allegations truly worthy of cancelling or postponing the elections are those that the ruling party has exercised undue influence over the UPG and consequently, corruptly accessed ballot papers. If those in the forefront of making these allegations cannot prove this, then clearly there no reason to postpone the elections or dispute the results.
If UPG fraudulently obtained the ECZ contract, UPG can always be investigated and prosecuted at a more opportune time, more so, soon after the elections.
Thank you for some other great post. The place else could anyone get that type of information in such an ideal method of writing? I’ve a presentation next week, and I am on the look for such info.