Saturday, January 11, 2025

The philosophy of “Donchi kubeba” and “Nafuti… nafuti” (the thunder in Zambian politics)


By Martin Mwango

I would love to bring to your attention my fellow Zambian citizens,the tension that is prevailing in our peaceful nation today. Why do we have tension like this more than ever? Maybe its because of the individuals who are involved in this years polls from ruling and opposition parties? Or perhaps Zambians have come to realize the lies of politicians? All these may be possible thoughts but we have to think deeper.

In Zambia we need more sensitization about the nature of politics. Politics is just a way of thinking.Its where peace prevails, peace must be pronounced above any other interest and there should be respect for every individual. [pullquote]Let us not lose the peace that we have enjoyed since independence. It may take us a day to lose it but it will take us years to recover it. The ruling party and opposition need to understand that Zambians need peace at all costs[/pullquote]

In every development a leader should put his subjects as the priority. Therefore, making use of our local brains. The ignorance of politics can cost us a civil war after elections. We request to our politicians to be very clear in their language, in a way that their subjects can understand them clearly.

Today we have the philosophy of “donchi kubeba” and the philosophy of “nafuti nafuti..” which has really disturbed the still water in the pond, in the history of Zambian politics. Some of us Zambians have failed to understand these thoughts. “Donchi kubeba??” who knows the truth? Do Zambians know this secret or its just vuvuzela noise? “Nafuti nafuti…??” What is it? do we really understand this language? We all know that language plays a very important part in politics. Hence, there is need to be clear by politicians when they are out there. Otherwise we, the subjects will remain tensed up for unknown reasons.

We have to understand that in the art of politics the enemy can be good, he can be beautiful, he may be economically useful, business with him may be profitable but if his power/activity converges on mine, he is my enemy. If Zambians realize this fact, it will help us to know that in politics there are no real enemies. Criticism is very helpful to either the ruling party and the oppositions, therefore we should learn to appreciate them too. The thunder of “Donchi kubeba” and “Nafuti nafuti” shouldn’t disturb our peaceful nation.

Our fraternity lies in the nation anthem. Each time we re-chant it, we remember the struggle we went through and the freedom we have. We are all brothers and sisters in one nation.Let us not lose the peace that we have enjoyed since independence. It may take us a day to lose it but it will take us years to recover it. The ruling party and opposition need to understand that Zambians need peace at all costs. Hence, to every rally of any party, peace should be in the opening remarks for our people. When we cry for peace, we are not just asking the ruling party alone to fight for it no!! Besides, the ruling party should not politicize when they hear the opposition is preaching peace because its now a need for every citizen. We have to believe that people are really tensed, they cant see a peaceful Zambia after the 20 th Septembers elections this year. Please our politicians give hope to the Zambian citizens.

Will Zambia remain a role model of democracy after this years elections? Every individual must answer and meditate the value of peace we have in Zambia.


  1. Latest on Tumfweko: Reported that Paul Duffy, Archbisop of Mongu diocese has died in the USA.
    MHSRIP if as reported is true!

  2. At least “Donchi Kubeba”, makes sense, in that it simply means, “don’t reveal your true thoughts about those that true to smear mud over your face with simple material “free” gifts as they try to lure you to give them their vote! It in fact has the right morals, in that it teaches you to use your head [the proverbial gut-feeling] rather than the rumblings of your empty gut!!! Which these liars are trying to exploit to deceive you!!!

    Whilst, Nafuti nafuti, mean again & again, is senseless, when you consider that if you live in squalor, THEY ARE ACTUALLY ENCOURAGING YOU TO EMBODY THAT LIFE, whilst they look down upon you, spit on you WHILST THEY [Thieves] LIVE LIKE KINGS IN PALACES AT YOUR EXPENSE!!! Is the most that the MMD campaign team could really come up with??

  3. I must disagree with the concept that Zambia is a model of Democracy in the region.
    Peace and Democracy is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.
    Political leaders use their foolish cadres to do their dirty work of intimidation and violence.
    Let us rise beyond the Sept 20 elections and ensure that our nation prospers beyond party and political affiliations.

  4. PF use Donchi Kubeba and MMD use Nafuti Nafuti.
    If UPND or ADD had similar slogans they would be labelled as tribal parties.

  5. 1 All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field.
    2 Politicians are the same all over.  They promise to build a bridge even where they is no river
    I think mr Mwango you have to stop writing articals…political philosophy is the study of human social organization and of the nature of man/woman in society. A political philosopher is likely to ponder the following questions: What is the ideal form of government? Is it aristocracy, monarchy, theocracy, democracy, some mix of the different systems, or absolutely no government at all (anarchy)? And which economic system is best? …….

  6. “Disasters dont just happen; they tend to be a critical chain of events that result in disasters”; is the main theme on some programs on discovery channels when they discuss “disasters”. Mr mwango’s article is baseless. The tension in Zambia has been building for the last 20 years because of “a critical chain of resource mismanagement activities” by the so called leaders. They are educated; but cannot use their education to solve the tension. They have realised this, but it will take years to take Zambia back on track. Machiavelli stated “those that benefit from chaos would be lukewarm supporters of change”; Donchi Kubeba is real; worse if MMD wins the force of Donchi Kubeba will be difficult to manage. Good luck bane

  7. Had you taken care of bakaponya as you liek to call us; maybe tension will have subsided because we would have been kept busy in menial yet rewarding jobs. The truth hurts. Ba “some of us” are out numbered. The men and women in uniform suffer the ssame plight as bakaponya. Now is the time to defend “bu some of us”; and be ready because you have a lot to lose than them. Tension is here to stay until their preferred candidate goes to state house to speak for them. Call my a cynic if you like.

  8. The first question I would ask the author is whether he lives in Zambia, let alone being a Zambian. Surely, how do you ask what ‘donchi kubeba’ and ‘nafuti nafuti’ mean? The two have nothing in common with violence. The PF slogan refers to the practice of accepting whatever gifts the ruling party may try to bribe you with to vote for them, but then actually voting for the party you believe will bring genuine development and not the short term gifts, while the MMD slogan implies that the MMD has done such a great job developing the country, they deserve another chance at governance, hence nafuti nafuti, ‘literally translated again again’.

    So, to reiterate, there is no violence being implied here

  9. Ala this is democracy! Blowing of trumpets is free at any place you feel like. So you can adopt whichever vernacular slogan slogan you feel like. Provided it makes enough sense we go with it. Don’t blame us on that!

  10. Donchi Kubeba encourages people NOT to be transparent and we all know things done in dark corners can not be honest. Donchi kubeba has been practised for ages by adulterers and thieves but some still get caught despite donchi kubeba.

    f course if anything is good, it makes sense to do it again and again

  11. Atleast there is no tension in my home, my work place, my church and my “watering hole”. My vote is secret and am keeping it close to my chest! Tension is only with people who want to win elections at all costs and some of their followers who want to see them in state house. It is actually being ‘brewed’ by blind followers who are ‘drunk’ with tribalism, nepotism, favouritism and even criminality in the hope that they will benefit once their prefered candidates win elections. I am lest assured that peace, we shall continue to enjoy whatever the outcome of the elections! We shall exercise our right to vote and vote wisely.

  12. A poorly written article! Why does everyone assume they have the capacity to write? I would encourage the writer to stick to his day job!

  13. I don’t understand this article and i believe even the writer him or herself did not understand what he or she was writing

  14. Don’t Kubeba means when pf comes to power, Zambia will become a gay country whereas Nafuti Nafuti is straight forward, continuity with RB


  16. mr mwaango,it’s not the matter of writting whatever u feel or think,but its the matter of finding sense in whatever u hv written,and they say”it’s better to keep quiet than to show to people hw ignorant u are” .in the first place,do not miss use the term”philosophy”because has no connection with those two simple word u would hv written”dochi kubeba and nafuti nafuti”.secondly what violence have u observe in these slogans?i would encourage you to continue with what you are doing in your life than to show us your ignorance.

  17. Martin Mwango. you have No writing skills. i hope it is a job on training. otherwise your article does not have coherence. It is not logical and orderly. For example paragraphes two and three could have been put together and appear in the conclusion. The violence talked about is not implied in the slogans. What you could have stressed may be is the way these slogans are spoken which may raise problems in some opponents’ ears and fume violence.

  18. @21 dont show us ubukopo here,, the article is not talking about the general philosophy but one thought in the same line of human thinking. @7 ready once more the article,, its not talking about philosophy as a course but an aspect in zambian philosophy.

  19. @24 anyone who has done philosophy cud agree with me.the way u hv used the word philosophy and the contents of ur articles are totally different.i will encourage u to go back and study philosophy.this is totally disaster in thinking!!!

  20. peace pea ce peace all the way pea ce is what we want is what we need so no violence twakana ifyongo,lets vote RB for peace for freedom for tranquility

    • Even bribing people to get their votes when you infact do not intend to attend to their grievances in the long run is deceit. Removing anti -abuse-of-office close is either encouraging abuse of office or protecting oneself from prosectution after havng abused the office. Use your head sometimes if you cant do it always.

  21. @ 24 Is there such as a zambian philosophy. if so can you please briefly define it or shade some light on what it is. Please donot misuse terms if you donot comprehend their meaning thus not so competent to explain.

  22. Donchi Kubeba means let them give me items bought using my tax money thinking that will let me vote for them ba sakanyongo. I just have to get eat & dont tell them I will not vote for them.
    I dont know what nafuti nafuti means.



  25. @27 and @30 hahahah, don’t say things that you wish you know,,, just learn to understand. Philosophy is the human thinking, we they PF say donchi kubeba, they must be a deeper meaning of those words and that is want we call the philosophy of a part or a group. Its not the analyse of the bemba words but the deeper analyse of human thinking. The philosophy of Man United, meaning the way they term up. popopopopo

  26. If in this day and age pf are still promoting sticks and catapult type of warfare, how on earth are they going to understand modern day economics if ever they were to be mistaken a governorship? Counting by allotment of pebles from the river bank?

    Pf is a total disgrace, a bunch of loonies fit for a cartoon cast.

  27. ////-, ////- How long will pf remain in this backward way of counting? DONTI KUBEBA is just that: stone age backwardness and primitiveness. Go count your pebbles at the river bank, to your hearts content. Just don’t think we are equally as backward.

  28. Mr Mwango with due respect to your artical first and all  job well done for your effort!!…you are confusing us,, what are you trying to highlight?and what is the connection of philosophy and these slogans? PLS Mr Mwango try to write sense because people are taking advantages on your ignorance …..*****……..l

  29. Donchi Kubeba means attending Pa Fyamba (PF) rallies in multitudes to listen to the insanity and comedy of its leadership and then voting wisely on September 20.

  30. The question and answers are very simple? what do you do if the person who protects you says i wont be protecting you? then you don’t receive justice what do you do if lastly who starts all this nonsense?

  31. Donchi kubeba MEANS even if PF loses the election, they wont be tired for the next round whenever elections will be contacted nafuti. while Nafuti Nafuti is nyanja meaning extra measure. So iwe writer Ufisanji manje?

  32. DONTI KUBEBA means cheating and being quiet afterward is rewarding. More like ‘the monkey taking care of a maize field’ kind of stuff.

  33. I find it very disturbing for political parties to adopt street lines as part of their party slogans.

    Where is this country going,…?

  34. The great Obama adopted something about change and ‘yes we can ‘phrase.Donchi kubeba or nafuti nafuti or is it kuyumwayumwa by UPND,those are just political flavours,the color of campaign politics,just like in sport or specifically football we sing chipolopolo,other teams sing and bang different sounds and songs for morale boosting.Do not make issue out of non issues,if you have nothing to write about,just breath,its free.

  35. if ignorance can be prevailed even for people who are always internet everytime will continue we shall never learn and no progress in Zambia. What where the aspects for some African leaders Ujama for Nyirere, Humanism for Kaunda, if these word were manifested great and freedom fighter and where explained what about these world the PF Donchi Ukubeba and MMD Nafuti nafuti can’t be explained properly to make us cleaar?

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