Thursday, January 16, 2025

PF bars its candidates from appearing on ZNBC’s Race to Manda Hill programme


Guy Scott
Guy Scott

The opposition Patriotic Front has barred its parliamentary candidates from appearing on ZNBC’s Race to Manda Hill programme.

Dr Scott says the PF feels that the programme will not have any impact because it is aired very late with few people watching it.

He has also cited alleged biasness by the presenters as one of the reasons.

Dr Scott says aspiring candidates will only appear on other programmes on other television stations.

He was speaking in an interview soon after addressing a rally in Kabwata on Saturday.

And Patriotic Front leader, Michael Sate, has urged his candidates in Southern province to serve the people diligently once voted into office.

Addressing a public rally in Livingstone’s Villa grounds on Saturday, Mr. Sata urged the aspiring candidates to speak for the masses and improve the welfare of civil servants.

He says people have lost faith in the role of MPs and that it is the duty of those who are going to be elected to restore the trust by addressing people’s needs.

The PF leader also said that Zambia can only be a better place if all Zambians work together as a united team with one goal of developing the country.

Among those who were present at the meeting included, Judith kapijipanga, Susan Sikata, Willie Nsanda and Livingstone candidate Joseph Akafumba.




    • Abana Lsk, The program is transmitted live so I dont know the twisting of facts your are referred to. PF needs to sell themselves to the voters. Its an opportunity extended to all parties.

  2. Anyway “DONT KUBEBA” all along wasting ample time just broadcasting RB and his cheap campaign but when its too late they know that most of the viewers are taking their rest in bed thats when they bring that f*** programme.Come 20th one will reap what he sow.

  3. Is there anything new the MPs would talk about? If NO, it is justified to withdraw them than keep boring listeners with rhetorics.

    • 5 Wako ni Wako,

      ” You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. -Henry Ford ”

      On the other hand, your reputation can be destroyed by what you have done.

  4. We don’t care about PF anyway. We are more interested in MMD and other civilised parties. PF is a no longer a factor. They are finished and they know that very well.

  5. PF is trying to prove that even without LT,DAILY MAIL,RADIO 1,2,4,ZNBC TV ,TV2,TIMES OF ZAMBIA they can still manage to campaign and win.We have seen their MPs on MUVI TV so the decision is ok and sound.

  6. Kunta-Kinte – Anyone thinking PF is finished is definaely out of touch with reality . MMD spend sleepless night on PF, and we all know so

  7. You can hang you pig,you have no substance to talk about.This year you will be buried politically with your Satana.Viva MMD

  8. @Kunte-kinte,YAYA. ati “Agony is when having a student who never use attend lectures comes out as No.1 or graduates with a distinction” whether you care or don’t care about PF,lusaka is for do you feel?

    • Lusaka has always been for PF my friend, thats nothing new just like the rest of Zambia has been for the MMD. How do you feel?

  9. These are live programs and there’s nothing to be twisted you PF dummies. You candidates are just scared of being exposed as the frivolous characters they are. At the end of the day, the losers are PF and they will complain of biased coverage. Dim wits indeed! These are live programs and there’s nothing to be twisted you PF dummies. You candidates are just scared of being exposed as the frivolous characters they are. At the end of the day, the losers are PF and they will complain of biased coverage. Dim wits indeed!

  10. we must change gorvenment people of zambia i’ve just been watching ITV and there are discussing what is the couse of war in other countries.the answer is that a certain gorvenment stays in power for too long.hence change of government will bring about developement and new ideas.i urge the people of zambia to vote for change if we are going to develope into a better nation.thankyou.

    • Pure idiocy, There was a change of government 10 years ago, wars start because one leader doesn’t want to relinquish power. On top of all that,they don’t do much to keep up with world wide trends. Leave that aside, we have big money companies that don’t give a damn about about your nation or your economy or the people. if sweet talking you won’t work they will cause some trouble…look at Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, even Zimbabwe. Look for a documentary called the Zeitgeist.

  11. The reason to bar them is more about the low calibre of most pf candidates than the above reasons Scott is trying to confabulate about.

  12. PF has the most ignorant parliamentary candidates, who don’t know how a country is run and have no basic understanding of economics, Scott has done a right things by stopping their ignorant parliamentary candidates from appearing on ZNBC’s Race to Manda Hill program me. Just like Sata, these guy have nothing to offer Zambians. 

    • Mwaba iwe Cadre wa ma plot. Nw u realise that PF is gettin into state house ka. Muzamangiwa bonse. PF does nt want to appear on ZNBC. Since when. Leav them alone its nt that they have nothin to talk about, but they hav seen hw foolish u ar in yo talkin

  13. Cheap politics!A candidate has a right to attend any fora.The electorate too have a right to listen and see all the candidates! You got it wrong again Pf!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  14. It is quite shameful to withdraw aspiring parliamentary candidates from such critical debates. How will  the people of Zambia know their abilities if they do not appear on such programs. PF should not be negative at everything, let them come out and explain what they intend to do when ushered into government. ZNBC is a national broadcaster and watched for free overboard. Let the candidates know that debates are always intense and worse during times of campaigns. Hats off to the post which I believe will shift focus when P.F comes into power and Z.N.B.C will be the national broadcaster aligned to P.F when they are in power. People let us be sensible and think wisely this period and vote wisely. 

  15. Good PF if only it could get HH on-board (highly unlikely) …Zambia has a long way to go in terms of a free media in a democracy still using UNIP modus operandi.  As for the other message to them is “”if you tolerate this, your children will be next”” 

  16. The PF, through a white mecernary Guy Scott, is just being consistent with their policy not to allow public media scrutinise, analyse and publish their follies. ZNBC, Times of Zambia and Daily Mail were barred from the PF Convention at Mulungushi austensibly to hide the immoral activities and undemocratic processes. Apparently, MMD, UPND, othert parties and independent candidates will feature on discussions to be aired by MUVI TV just to sort out the mess out of the PF rascals. Note also that people who attend public meetings held by PF include a diversity of listerners from other parties. Hence Guy Scott will not be allowed to hide PF’s known failures. This is a very tough year for Sata – especially taking into account the FTJ factor. Chiluba’s spirit will haunt them up to 20th Sept.

  17. @ Angel, who told you ZNBC is watched for free? there is TV licence is that what you calll free? The truth of the matter is that people have lost confidence in ZNBC in Zambia. For your own information, many people have free to air dishes and dvd players. ZNBC is very unprofessional and far from sense. No serious person who watches ZNBC can support them its pathetic. ZNBC is a national broadcaster, supported financially by all Zambians regardless of the political affiliation. This is the worst coverage in Zambian history, in 1991, MMD were covered, in 1996, Mungomba was covered, 2001 Mazoka and others were covered. in 2006 the situation was better. RB has seriously destroyed ZNBC, this is very dangerous and a distaster to the institution

    • ZNBC I do nt remember when i last watch the programmes. i give them 3 000 but watching them it is no way. thanks we have progressive MUVI TV, TBN , internet and private radio station i think they have more to offer than ZNBC. with DSTV all it super. so continue watching. my family in the rural areas have Community Radio station they save them with issues in their community.ZNBC you can tell the five minutes headline and top stories. better days for you guys just be bravel
      PF SATA 2011

  18. @ Malama, which FTJ spirit? Why do Zambians like making people popular in death. is Bishop Duffy’s spirit also going to haunt RB?

  19. Another one in the long catalogue of UNIPist PF boobs. You have certainly misfired on this one, how many voters have access to MUVI TV? How will voters know who are the PF candidates in most areas? I thought that TV exposes your candidates to the electorate, voters don’t listen to anybody’s comments, they can see and smell bias if there is any. Just like the Post has failed to fool the people of Zambia with their attempts to cleanse Mr Sata of his evil record, for all their editorials.

    • Exactly wat i was going to say! These dimwits fail to realise that MUVI TV is only accessible in areas were they already enjoy support! Uluse zoona.

  20. @Gearbox Nyambe – The most cardinal point I was deriving at is the importance of people across the board to hear the views of their candidates and judge their potentials regardless of the media bias if you like. People will judge favourably and cleverly and still know the weight of bias from the media than completely withdrawing from the debates which are so crucial at the moment. I wish to remind you that I am not politicking but merely relaying that which is important for Zambian.Debates are a fora for strong people with divergent views and able to articulate them despite the environment the participants are in. Withdrawing is cowardice.  

  21. Do you people think Guy Scott can win Luhabi Lungu on anything including political debates? I don`t know what candidates you would like to vote for in Zambian. PF will take us back 70 years. Which civilized person can reject a debate? As a politician, that should be viewed as a vehicle to sell yourself. Even in class, dull students will always blame it on the teacher. Zambians, forget about PF. MMD or UPND has good candidates who can direct the nation to prosperity. PF as a party is made up of people who were chased from MMD because they could not perform to required standard including Mr Sata – Minister Without Portfolio. Even FTJ knew him and made him minister in name only. Mr Scott is a tired politician or farmer who deserves no ones attention. Zambians wake up!

  22. Withdrawal of MPs from debating national issues can mean frustration probably resulting from the same MPs failing to sell the party to the public to the expectation of the leadership. The only way to save the party from further embarrassment is to pull them out and adopt a sour grapes attitude to preserve the dwindling chances. PF is showing signs of giving in to defeat because not too long ago Mr.Scott was quoted telling PF followers to resort to self-defense. Now the same leader is telling the MPs not to debate national issues using public institutions which are widely followed. There is seemingly a very strong correlation between agitating for self-defense and withdrawing from public debate as predictors of frustration. Admit MMD is technically superior and surely winning

  23. I would prefer the PF leadership allowed its MPs to debate on widely followed public institutions so that Zambians assess their capability, than adopt sour grapes attitude.

  24. I think any informed person would agree with Guy Scott. Rupiah has killed the publicc media. Anywhere in the world, the public media has the duty to inform and enlighten the public rather than misleading them. It is really sad to see the media propagating false information. They keep parading people without integrity and dignity. Surely, who can believe Mumbi, Chifire, Lifwekelo, Kalonde, Masupa, etc. It is really shameful. Anyone in their right mind can do the same.

  25. guy whatever! much as it is within your rights to choose which programme you want to avail yourself to, i find it disingenuous on your part that the same mouth is coming out to complain about non coverage and bias by the public media. and you ecz mambilima, what have you got to say about this? you also stop criticizing the public media unnecessarily

  26. Good move PF. For your own information, people in rural areas are prefering to watch MUVI TV than Zambia National Banda Corporation….





  28. I always ask, why do PF supporters write in capital letters and meaning that they are always shouting on top of there voices or is it that they want to be see.

    This seem like frustration to me!!!

  29. This Guy scott is getting old. He must be the most useless white politician Zambia has ever see. I wish I was in Zambia so I could challenge this fool to a public debate and tare his A.SS apart (no pun). Does he really have a PhD? I am beginning to question his academic acumen.

  30. @Zambia to complete your logocally, MMD was born in 1991 with Sata & it will die on 20th September 11 with Sata & they will be buried together. The burry program will be posted late. Otherwise, Viva HH for a better Zambia.

  31. “Nothing is forever under the sun except change” counter this if you are man enough to redefine all odds. The fact is that mathematically MMD is not winning and it is a fact not politics but even close MMD members know this fact but it is the belief in under-hand methods giving some peopleballz to think for a second that PF won’t form Govt. PF has campgned in rural areas which give the an edge plus or populars provinces are PF and with greatest number of registered voters. I feel sorry for MMD die hards people will vote PF not because its the best but they need change zambians want change no matter the short falls of PF I pitty MMD

    • 10 picture in the Post(Past) news of GAY SCOTT on a rural road is not all the rural areas Ask LELO-NI-LELO Team only UPND And MMD are the only two parties in the villages.i suggest read the post and remain in the vegetative(dont Kubeba) state and wake up on the 21-23 of September in shock with the post news paper in hand:LELO-NI-LELO UPND4LIFE

  32. Dr. Scott, u’re disadvantaging your own supporters in Isoka and Lukulu who only have ZNBC to watch.. Zambia is not just Lusaka and Copperbelt.

  33. Political debates are exciting and challenging.  In a few rare instances, debates turn the tide of the campaign, tipping the balance towards one candidate or another.  Usually, however, this is not the case.  For most debates in most elections, the debate will not have a drastic effect on the election, but this doesn’t mean that debates aren’t important.
    Debates provide candidates with a rare opportunity to present their message unfiltered and to a wide audience.  Your supporters will be counting on a good performance, and your detractors looking for serious blunders.  Debates can energize a campaign, stimulate volunteers, and excite donors.  For these reasons, serious preparation and planning should be undertaken before the day of the debate. PF take up this seriously!

  34. We are actually protesting against this MMD mouthpiece caled deadNbc. we cant be featuring on the same forum we condemn. As soon as we win on Sept 21 we will stat resturcturing this useless broadacsting station.

  35. If my memory serves me right, I remember Barack Obama refused to appear on FOX NEWS cable channel for any debates or interviews during his run for the US Presidency. Even after he was elected, he has never appeared on FOX NEWS for interviews. If he has, not many at all (I may be wrong). This is because of the slanted/negative coverage he (Obama) got during the campaigns and still gets from FOX NEWS channel.

    I am sure his feeling is that there is no value in going on a TV show anchored by people whose minds have already been made up about you. Their aim would only be to ask you questions that tries to prove their slanted point of view about you. I see the same thing happening with ZNBC as far as PF is concerned, so why give them the satisfaction? ZNBC ain’t the only show in town!

    • You are wrong. Obama did appear on FOX during the run up to the presedential elections. He was interviewed by Bill O’Really. It was a strategy move in that OBama even wanted to be sean as appealing to his enemies/critics. I know you are also in the USA, so please recheck your facts.

  36. Pf is right to bar their candidates from ZNBC Manda Hill Race. This is just an entertainment programme, or filler programme by the broadcaster. Find out how many people watch news on ZNBC? very few, I don’t usually, sometimes. Just wait on 20/9 to see who was the best candidate in that constituency.

  37. 44# Yambayamba

    Can you check your facts?

    Barack Obama was interviewed by Bill O’Reilly of FOX News Channel, who is probably the most viewed interviewer on Cable Networks in USA.

    He got interviewed on Super Bowl day , February 2011, which is the most watched sports game on US Television. Even those of us that live in UK watched the interview during the Super Bowl break.

  38. its only on znbc after all,they are ree to appear on other channels,znbc and govt want to portray a fake picture to outside world that the state media is balanced in its coverage.  they just want to manufacture coverage evidence 

  39. It is clear that Guy Scott has become a liability to PF, but so is Mr Sata, and Mr Lubinda and Mr Kabimba and Mr Mulongoti and Mr “father” bwalya and Mr Mpombo and Ms Masebo and Ms Kapijimpanga and oh, of course and Mr Mwanawasa Jr.

  40. There’s nothing ethical about ZNBC, even my grand daughter doesn’t switch on to ZNBC because even the cartoons have out done their time.


    Is my statement above absolute or what? Why are deliberating ignoring the part that says “…If he has, not many at all…” ? Does this sound absolute to you?

    In any case, when was Obama elected and why has he only granted an interview to FOX NEWS channel in 2011? Does this suggest a warm and good relationship between FOX NEWS and President Obama to you? During the campaigns Obama froze out FOX NEWS, this is a fact! And he still won, without pandering to ultra right-wing Republicans who are the majority audience of FOX NEWS. I am afraid this might turn out to be true for MMD and ZNBC too for pandering to the right-wing MMD folks who think Chanda Chimba is the greatest thing to ever appear on TV since cartoons. As a result, people have left ZNBC in droves!

  42. Way to go Scott. Shows just how shallow Dead NBC and other MMD controlled papers have become. We will not tolerate them any more from Septemner 20th. We just lost 20 years as a Country

  43. PF supporters – spare some change to buy some handkerchief to wife your tears. The reality is that Sata is retiring this year. The onlly hope you had was The Pact. Sata knows this very well.

  44. #55 I have indeed a bundle of handkerchiefs for free distribution to Power Failure(PF) followers for use on 21st September.Do not ask me the who the donors are and Kabimba do not take me to court over this!!!

  45. Guy if u got that tax claim from ZRA when u faked the swine fever issue,please i beg u to pay back with interest or u will be caged and the key thrown away.Lubinda u should also tell the people what happened to the jam factory u were managing at one of the missions which was employing people in the local community,how u led to its closure because of what u did.Please if u have nothing to offer us stop being loud mouths and shut up,just continue enjoying your gratuity.

  46. @52, at least make an effort to compare apples with apples. here you talk of obama not appearing on fox news for an interview….. which is a true observation. but the fact of the matter is that it’s NOT the same as fox news inviting all the opposition candidates to the presidency at for a debate on their media forum and obama opting out for the reasons you have stated. NEVER HAPPENED!

  47. So this man’s wife is also white? which village does he come from? if satan died in power can he be like Bwezani? Moreover I have never head talk about Bwezani ‘s parentage, maybe am behind……….

  48. The fact is if sata retired,resigned or died Guy scott can not qualify to stand as a presidential
    candidate for Pf.this is how visionless this man is. 

  49. PF guys, where were you when your friends were campaigning? now that elections are near, you just come shouting on top of your voices: that we are winning whether you like it or not. pliz know that not all zambian support sata with his militant organisation. read PF article 2 on their philosophy……………………………..

  50. Ba PF have no issues to articulate. They are not in a position to clearly state how they intend to serve the masses excerpt that their campaign policy is to attack RB and the MMD left right and centre. Without the attacks, there is nothing else for the PF to talk about. Leave them out, Guy Scott is such a spent force that he is so delussional at times. I wish the people can start to see things as they are, and not be cheated anymore by these people who need to pay back the campaign monies accrued from all the previously lost elections.

    • # 64 Lasa Lasa – they have articulated issues except the people you say are attacked, have brought bad debates through our own tax paid ZNBC ZDM TOZ etc and have denied us refined democracy. This group has forgotten what democracy is( if they ever knew!!) and we are all worried. I believe people should be made to account for all this.Most times, people like yourself encourage this nonsense and let your own down.

  51. Good morning fellow zambians, was on a long break, friday was a holiday. Had a great time in God’s presence with Bishop Nwaka, a real general. Anyway coming back to our usual platform…hmmmmm i think PF has really run out ideas, they are afraid and all these are signs of immaturity, they have been downgraded to under5 period.

  52. PF is all about STOP, DON’T, FIGHT, ARREST, CHASE, SUE… No progressive ideas, decisions and information. 

  53. I wonder what would make a an electorate begin to insinuate, when we see the opposition complaining that they unfair competitive advantage where public media is concerned. Why can a leader who knows that regardless of the times the program is scheduled there are electorates whether 2 or what they can influence others to watch. Rescind your decision PF try to be democratic.

  54. KK in all his speeches he never forgot to say this One Zambia One nation. He gave us this education to avoid tribalism as we go to the polls we should look at the nation and our Country Zambia and people with good ideas and capable to lead us not the tribe. Do unto others as you would like them do unto you (KK). As we can see for ourselves the way the public media gvt controlled is treating pf I am sure pf has felt it and my prayer to pf is when you come into power please do not do the same to others. Man south man east we are all equal before God (KK) this he meant that dispite our different opinions in political issues, God does not see any difference we are wonderfully made equally in his own image. So we should learn to appreciate one another. Vote wisely.

  55. Dead N B C has so little imagination that they then report any refusal to appear on Dead NBC as if it’s “news”. Losers

  56. i feel we should not cry about the public media’s failure to serve the public.Since UNIP todate these media are more party instruments than public.When MMD was in opposition they condemned the same media and promised to make them operate professionally. When they took over they discovered these are the only tools that they can use to propagate their agenda and refute any attacks from the opposition.In 2006 i was on the D.R.Congo election observer team and whilst there i was suprised to discover that opposition parties had radio and TV stations of their own,some having more than one station.Unless GRZ is blocking them;i urge political parties to open their own media.When PF or UPND comes into power they will still use the public media like MMD is doing

  57. No agenda, no ideas except shouting “don’t …..” what can they say during a debate? Put up a shouting contest ….

  58. There is one thing that people have not considered very seriously even as they debate. There is sin of commission and sin of omission. The bible says he that knows how to do good as does it not, to him it is sin. We are also reminded that as Christians, we live our lives for others. God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others. Therefore if we don’t become a blessing to others after we have received blessings from God, we invite a curse in our lives. Ten candidates are contesting elections at presidential level and we have to make a wise decision for the sake of that orphan in the street whose is unable to go to school,

  59. SATA hand picked all his PF MPs who cant explain what they are going to do for the zambian masses,please bwana scott dont run away from the truth you are fearing to be exposed.

  60. 52@# YAMBAYAMBA – That’s what happens when you think in a zambian language and convert your thoughts into english. The Colloquial or Oxymoron here is that you thinking in reverse. Learn to differentiate statements.

    58@# CHILOMBO – you have analyzed well and shade some good observation.

  61. They have punished ZNBC, yet the consequences are on them.
    There is no need; I think they are just afraid of the quesries coming up.
    They dont want to be over exposed to the wider coverage.
    Its strategy to avoid failure to explain themselves to the wider public.

  62. LELO-NI-LELO.The Pathetic Front with 1 mr Gay Scout leading and paddling A boat full of No brain monkey slaves shouting brainless Slogan Ba Bwato, Dont Kubeba whiles Getting Yakumboyos Slammed its expected .where are the issues these chaps are all recycled,When they run out of ideas they all become slaves(BN’s) and Gay Lover.Ma RAAAAAbBIiiiiisH.LELO-NI-LELO UPND4LIFE

  63. Ba LELO- NI-LELO,ba chikala,You think you are talking sense in that stupid way,you *****.If you may be had mentioned that PARTY for the late CHAMA CHAKOMBOKA,i may would have trembled with fear,not UPND WAUMFWA.To me you sound like an experienced BATTY BWAAY.

  64. Guy Scott…when I see his picture, I remember a man who was fired by FTJ for swindling the state using his swine! Unlike most Zambians I don’t forget!

  65. Ladies and Gentleman, A well meaning Zambian would not accept what we see on ZNBC. MMD fellows have messed up the public Media in all angles. PF are just saying where were you when it mattered most to do the right thing. The program is aired late why not soon after RB shows say 20hrs? come on Zambians We need to be objective.
    Who watches ZNBC only those in Government to hear if there jobs are spared by the President.

    Let PF stay out of the platfom.

  66. Talking above coverage, Those that have followed debate on MuviTV UPND PF NAREP are the material MPs dominating knowledge of Governance. Look at Kabwata, Mandevu, Kanyama, Munali.

  67. Scott take your MPson supersport channel if you want you white fool. This year you are going out. You are too old baba. Amalle

  68. I may not support PF but this is a good move. Dont get s.h.i.t from a useless media. The Post is another piece of s.h.i.t that needs to be done away with. When there is no objective reporting, it shows something is wrong. POST is another side of ZNBC whether you like it or not and they have both disregarded you and me.

  69. Woah this weblog is wonderful i like reading your articles. Stay up the good work! You already know, a lot of persons are looking around for this info, you can help them greatly.

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