Friday, March 7, 2025

PF would destroy the private sector should Zambians mistakenly vote Sata into power-Kavindele


Former Vice President Enock Kavindele
Former Vice President Enock Kavindele

Former Vice President Enock Kavindele has urged the business community against voting for PF to protect their businesses. Mr Kavindele says this is because the opposition party’s constitution advocates for nationalization of the economy which he said will negatively affect the economy.

Mr Kavindele has urged the people in Mansa to take advantage of the enabling environment that the government has put in place to grow their businesses. The former Vice President said this last night when he addressed the business community at Mansa hotel. He noted that the PF would destroy the private sector should Zambians mistakenly vote for it into power.

“ ( I therefore ) urge the business community to vote for president Rupiah Banda if they are to continue doing their business in a peaceful environment, “ he said.

Mr Kavindele said he feels ashamed to see what President Banda has done to develop the country in the three years that he has been in office which he and other MMD founder members failed to do at the time they were in government.

The former Vice President who himself is a renowned businessman told the business community that the late former second Republican president Dr Fredrick Chiluba worked hard to ensure the freedom of doing business that the country is enjoying today is achieved.

He said the country should not magnify Dr Chiluba’s mistakes because the second Republican president did a lot to promote the free market economy for which he deserves praise.

[pullquote]Mr Kavindele said he feels ashamed to see what President Banda has done to develop the country in the three years that he has been in office which he and other MMD founder members failed to do at the time they were in government.[/pullquote]

He told the people to take politics seriously by scrutinizing leaders they choose indicating that the refugees that are in Zambia today are not here for out of their choice, but it is because of the way they do their politics in their countries.

And speaking earlier MMD National Secretary Major Richard Kachingwe said the best way to put money in people pockets is to give them an enabling for making money.

He cited the building of Schools which is creating employment for the people and the fertilizer Support pregame which makes farmers produce more as ways in which government is putting money in people’s pockets.

Meanwhile Mr Kavindele has said that Luapula province has a lot of potential for doing deferent types of businesses which if used can help the country move forward.

Mr Kavindele cited the vast water bodies in the province as one area in which one can venture to produce power.

He said government is committed to ensure that people are empowered through their own initiated business ideas.

He said when the MMD government policy is that the state should not take an active role in doing business but support the participation of the private sector in growing the economy.

He said therefore people need to grow the economy through venturing into different types of businesses.

Mr Kavindele observed that the coming up with the Citizen Economical Empowerment Commission (CEEC) is one such commitment by the government to ensure that Zambians grow their business even up to the international standards.

He urged the business community in Mansa to apply for funds under the CEEC so that they can grow their business and help government create employment to the people of Zambia.



  1. Is Kavidele corrupt?
    Kavidele has had been at odds with the rulling party. His project of building a rail line in western province at one point stalled, His application to register a mobile phone network in zambia was rejected by the authority.

    from no where, Kavidele has become a friend of RB. His business empire is once more doing well.

    He need to keep quiet, and stay away from politics should he wish his business to continue doing well.

    • 1 Anonymours,

      ” Is Kavidele corrupt? ”

      Sadly, yes. He has been promised an infrastructure project. Enoch Kavindele should put his country before his little project.

    • Kavindele and Rupiah Banda STOLE from the Zambian People. Rupiah Banda and Kavindele stole money from the Nchanga farms on which the Chinese are sinking a shaft. Kavindele only had surface rights to the Nchanga farms but cornived with Rupiah and stole US$60million from the Chinese which otherwise should have been Zambian peoples money. He knows that is corruption and now trying to please his fellow thief.

  2. Kavindele did nothing for Zambia when he was VP, and all we recall are his deals with ABSA. He has no credibility. The so called private sector has been built on corruption and stealing from public office! This has to stop.

  3. you mean they will get away the contracts u have been given by RB. This is selfish interest sir. Think about the poor, under paid mine workers, corruption, single sourcing and un equal playing field between local and foreign companies. Zambian companies needs to be given a tax holiday also so that the can be changing their names every 5 years

  4. we know you have  failed the whole of your life, woodgate motors, KB Davies, Oil Scandal, Arm Deal’s to Angola, the rail network to North western province. tried supplying Isuzu vehicles i can name a lot because i know you from Kabulonga when you bought a seagull winged car which was almost Impounded by the then SITET.we fought for multi-partism and not one party state , so we can vote for whoever we want.If the investors want to go let them go and invest in RSA where they will meet Malema or Zim in Mugabe’s Land.

  5. Chiefbootlicker…After awarding you that Railway line contract now you are in goodbooks with your fellow plunderers.Singing praises for your paymaster RB…Politician without diginity just wants to satisfy your personal ego…What have done for Zambian? You’re too old to behave in this manner(bootlicking) in broad daylight..Go to hell who needs you?

  6. PF will tax the mining companies at the optimal levels and that is what Zambians want. PF will give tax incentives to Zambian businesses and that is what Zambians want. PF will demolish illegal structures and that is what Zambians want.

    • In other words, PF will turn Zambia into another Zimbabwe!  Why don’t you just rename your party, ZANU-PF, and not just Patent Fascists?  SATAn will turn Zambia into another Burundi.  Let this Hutu just go back where he came from.

  7. It is true that Sata will destroy the private business which is the engine of any successful country in the World. Sata & PF are liars and deceivers who can even sell ice to an Eskimo. Sata cannot even speak coherent English. His speech is always a mixture of Bemba and English (Zamglish!). He even tries to use Bemba in areas where people none Bemba territories of the country. He, like many other Bemba’s, is trying to Bembalize the country. I urge peace loving Zambians even Bemba’s to reject Sata, Kambwili and wife beater GBM. Lets send this crook who has gotten away with so many crimes, to retirement. Vote Wisely, Vote HH or RB (in that order). But if you still can’t resist the urge to vote for Satan, please only vote once. VIVA Real Change. VIVA the Future of Zambia.

    • You are so right, my brother!  Let SATAn go to hell or Burundi.  We don’t want a bloodbath on our streets arising from fake tribal “superiority”.  SATAn will never rule Zambia!!

    • U knw that u ar an embeciles. Thats gud i thot u did nt. Sata scares u mmd chaps. u ar goin on 20th Sept. mukashinikisha if u hav bn sellin ilegal plots jst start packin nw

  8. If private sector means extreme poverty, then it has worked wonders for Zambia. Poor Zambians, how come you are too rich in resources and yet your people live like destitute citizens? Are you not ashamed that you have so many mines but nothing to show for it? Anyway, your poverty is your peace! 

    • @12  Zimbabwean Born:

      Oh, yeah?  Why are Zimbabweans thronging Lumumba road selling salaula when we could not even import a loaf of bread from Zimambwe in the 1990s without being accused of finishing “our bread”? 

      Go back to Zimbabwe and risk your life with Uncle Bob and his Gukurahundi Part 2!!

  9. Is this what RB calls issue based campaigning?? Kavindele is campaigning for his pockets and his suddenly doing well projects. Kavindele is not principled. Period. We want change, we want change..Viva change

  10. O my God! How can EK sink so low? If pipo like EK can be corrupted, where does it leave us. EK you are very selfish and your analysis is lopsided. The mines are making super profits, how do you dare you suggest that they will disinvest their money?

  11. Growth will continue with whichever party forms government this year is the expection and its just the levels of it will differ. This man has lost it and now sings rocky railway tracks for his effort. Four months ago he was on the offensive against MMD !! What has changed??

  12. RB’s campaign team is composed of finished and outdated politicians. Surely people you expect voters to listen to Kavindele, VJ, Kawimbe, etc my foot? Those of you who are still dreaming of getting jobs and favours from RB this is your time to switch to the incoming President Sata, it is very clear now that Sata is winning period.

  13. Kavindele has sold his integrity (if at all he has any) for a railway line. Iyo mwandini ni sebana wikute. Just “yesterday” this man was attacking RuBBish (RBB) left, right and centre. Now niba darling wabo.

  14. how can a school cretole at employment when boma is not sending teachers for training shame katole kachingwe & kavindele the latest bootlicker in town.@ Bricklayer ur a compound ***** who doesent seem to be intouch with reality, remain with yo nusty stinking anus while the rest of counrty is in the wind of change. Zambia is like this becoz of stupid thinking like yoself.

  15. Sata’s role model is Robert Mugabe.If you want to know how the business sector would be with PF in GRZ, simply study the zimbabwe case.Even the name of Sata’s party Patriotic Front was founded on the ZANU-Patriotic Front zimbabwe ruling party.Even his party symbol (clenched fist) was poached from ZANU-PF.The first guest to his 2006 botched inauguration was Robert Mugabe.So think again before you vote yourself into poverty.

  16. EK is now talking nonsense since he was awarded that rail line contract. He probably is vying for the veep job again.

  17. Kavindele is spot on. Businessmen have ganged up to make sure RB wins because they want to safe guard their dubious contracts which are heavily inflated. How can just grade the road without proper drainage and claim to have spent billions of kwacha. This clearly confirms the amount of corruption and desparation in the MMD and RB Gvt. MMD vuvuzelas speaking with their stomachs and not their brains. That is why we need SATA because all the development that RB and his MMD is talking about is just for a few individuals. Zambians wake up otherwise vot MMD at your own peril.

  18. Ala ni donci kubbeebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…………………………!!! The poverty levels in Mansa are beyond one’s imaginations!! I lasted visited Zambia in April this year when i was in Zambia. Most of my relatives balalila kanuunka(wild plants). What a shame middle income nation – Zambia……………………….!!!

  19. Ba kavindele bukuwe tawakapwe what are you benifiting from RB that you have become a mere cadre for him foolish kalubale weletusebana.

  20. Ala ni donci kubbeebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…………………………!!! The poverty levels in Mansa are beyond one’s imaginations!! I lasted visited Mansa in April this year when i was in Zambia. Most of my relatives balalila kanuunka(wild plants). What a shame middle income nation – Zambia……………………….!!!

  21. What development is Kavindele talking about which has taken place since RB took over can anyone highlight me??In my own opinion the only President who built Zambia was the legendary Dr Kenneth Kaunda,and we are still using these facilities up to now.

  22. The core of RB election team comprises of political dinosaurs, Kavindele, Zimba, Kawimbe, VJ etc. Where are the young men RB said he was grooming to take over leadership? So far these dinosaurs have not said anything visionary.

  23. kavendela you have become a begger for christ sek just same few months mmd rejected you when you wanted attend the converstion and contest vp for MMD and to day you are in for frant
    want a shame former VP of zambia**==**==

  24. Capitalism is the key to any nation which wants a good economy.China is shifting policy from socialism to capitalism.Ba Sata unfortunately wants to drive us back to this failed ideology which collapsed with the Berlin wall.RB nafuti nafuti.

  25. Total hypocrisy! Yesterday he was castigating, today he is praising the same old mates. Like a dog that eats its own vomit, sure!
    He lives in mansions comparable to those in Hollywood, but do go to his village and surrounding countryside, what a shame.
    We are sick and tired of them all…. Where and how could we get fresh and more credible leaders in that our embattled country?

  26. Sata’s followers are mostly kaponyas,marketeers,taxi/bus drivers,,police officers,illiterate & the like.Reason?Well,he speaks for them!!The poor,who are the majority!!The only people that hate him are selfish people like kavindele who want to enrich themselves at the expense of the nation’s resources!!Doesnt everyone,whether kaponya or not,deserve good health care?Education?Electricity? Clean Water? Good food? Or is it just for the ‘private sector’? SHAME!!

  27. This Kavindele is just a failed businessman. His businesses have just been going down regardless of having government contacts. Currently the majority of the private sector is in the hands of foreigners. What has he done to make Zambians be in charge of the private sector? Zambia has been stagnant or going backwards in development because of people like Kavindele. Look at Chingola the constituency he has led for more that 10 years before, it has no real development for some time. Please just eat and satisfy your belly. We know you are in it for your self. You are just one has been and failed businessman!  

  28. No wonder RB is not surviving these elections because of people like EK, Kawimbe and Zimba.
    Viva Pf………………..!!!


  30. EK wants RB to force NFC to pay him hundreds of millions of dollars for mining the ore body under Mukulumpe Farm on the Copperbelt. As usual, the chap is so dense he does not realize that the farm title deed does not cover the mineral rights which where held by ZCCM when he bought the farm and are now held by NFC. This is the real reason for EK sucking up to RB. Its nothing to do with his love for MMD or RB

    • Your statement is correct, but corrupt as they both are think they can crook everyone. Stop wasting our time please and Kavindele go back to where you came. We’re sick and tired you you twarts.

  31. Kavindele is living in a fools den. And he thinks we can take his advice?. The best kavindele and all MMD thieves can do is to ‘Die’ because there is really nothing they are living for in this world?. They just want to continue empoverishing the poor people, like squeezing blood from a stone!

    • They will all be dying like they’ve been cast with evil spells. May there souls rest in piece but God has his own way of liberating him people: Where is the so call Master dribbler, how about Tetamalilo.


  33. Hey alabane this years elections will be difficult for MMD to steal votes coz with technology now, even people in diaspora will monitor and follow this elections very closely and we already konw the number of people registered to vote. So if you have an iphone or smart phone just download a free apple application from apple store called Tunein radio and start enjoying live radio broadcasting from allover Zambia radio stations, or just google the tunein radio from your computer and enjoy live radio programs. come 21st september, when Ireene Mambilima announcing presidential and parliamentary votes will all be listening live.

  34. Bane Kavindele is just a blocker.the has no money.He is full of blocking other friends and then go to plot 1 and tell how he will drop somthinh in the account of the first lady or the president.Before ACOWA Kavindele left the country on the 26 th May for the USA to block the issue of the rail line and came back with sme money that he gave to the MMD

  35. 1 Anonymours,

    ” Is Kavidele corrupt? ”

    Sadly, yes. He has been promised an infrastructure/road project. Enoch Kavindele should put his country before his little project, however he doesn’t.

  36. The problem we have in this country is that we think an individual can develop the country..Surely even if i am MAD?? Which development has taken place in this country..We made a false start in 1964 but because of the KK mistakes of BABANZOKE experiments and bad leadership, we are where we are today.

  37. I am LOZI from Western Province myself..but think for a moment. If Kaunda had left the seat after five years for the likes of JOHN MWANAKATWE, Just imagine where this country could have been today..I DARE ANYONE TO CHALLENGE ME ON THIS ONE..
    In my humbele opinion both RB and SATA are chancers who can not take this country anywhere…Lets see if by GOD’S GRACE we can try again in 2016.. in the meantime WE ARE IN FOR ANOTHER WASTED FIVE YEARS –2011-2016…..SEE U IN 2016..I GOT THINGS TO DO NOW

    • iwe chi Jotijota, who forced u to blog here on LT whn u hav stupid thin u want to do. Plz do nt miss lead pipo we mbushi we. We want Sata also to rule. Let me warn u neva eva shld u talk abt KK. make it yo last time and concertrate on poor health

  38. Ninshi cimudala icikanshi??really guys do we need such men like EK sure??I think their time is up now vote wisely pipo.

  39. The last person i can listen to is E.K He knows what he is fighting for. immediately SATA win you will see the same guy frequenting state house for his project.

  40. It’s amazing to watch the gutless levels some scums of this world will bend to secure rail contracts from a monkey toilet. Just imagine, Levy could have died while Kavindele was veep and the presidence could have landed on such a forked minded imbacile’s lap. It truly makes me tremble with fear just how close we came to being a banana republic.

  41. i guess every man has his price,too bad ba EK has stooped this low,i strongly feel he is not the best person to speak right now.# 9 not everything is tribal it’s amazing this day and age we still have pipo like these in this country,for your own information in any tribe there are good pipo and bad pipo coz God made everyone the same,if you find this hard to believe then you seriously need deliverence.

  42. With 21 days to go pf cant still convince me not to vote for mmd,just insults.The vote is still with me for now.Kavindele and Sata cant sway me.I want to hear the issues about developing Zambia of which 1/7 th is water!Sata says he will drill boreholes in southern province!Oh my foot!why b/holes when water runs in the zambezi and kafue enough to irrigate the whole s/province ! GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  43. Kavindele is bootlicking!!!! Ha!Ha! Ha! Poverty businesses have their way of blocking the minds. Jow can one and the same mouth produce fire and water? At one point Kavindele is ashamed on his own behalf and on behalf of the founder members of MMD for failing to bring business development which RBB has managed in three years. At the same function he praises one of the founder member Chiluba for bringing business development? Even a mad man can articulate issues better than the former VP. No wonder he is former VP and not current.

  44. It is not for you to tell use who not to vote for. You bounced a cheque last year at a pump supplier in 2009 for a mere K3million. You’ve equally failed to get back a Golf vehicle from Gearbox Centre in Lusaka due to lack of funds. Kavindele and Rupiah Banda STOLE from the Zambian People. Rupiah Banda and Kavindele stole money from the Nchanga farms on which the Chinese are sinking a shaft. Kavindele only had surface rights to the Nchanga farms but cornived with Rupiah and stole US$60million from the Chinese which otherwise should have been Zambian peoples money. He knows that is corruption and now trying to please his fellow thief.


    • Your only hope was given K10billion to distabilise the opposition by frastrating the Pact resolves. The goodness is we got wind of it and stopped sharing any information with your Under 5

  46. A grown man lying to the ignorant masses –its a pity that the majority have probably fallen prey to this man’s shameless lies. This man probably hasn’t noticed that MMD’s capitalist agenda hasn’t benefited the majority of Zambians. Perhaps I need to change careers and help put a stop to such shameless lies.
    The Negro acts like he feels nothing for out Zambian comrades who are not as fortunate as he is.

  47. Mr Kavindele, Zambians will not vote Sata and PF by mistake. We don’t do that in Zambia. We the Zambians will vote for Sata and the PF on purpose.

  48. Its obvious from this article that Enoch Kavidele has his own vested interests in supporting RB. However so do Masebo et al. To criticize EK for supporting MMD while praise Masebo for supporting PF is hypocrisy. Both of them are not paragons of integrity, but for a moment lets ignore their partisanship and examine their reasons for supporting each party. In Masebo’s case she was shunned for be being subversive and so she decided to side with PF out of self-interest. In Kavidele’s case he’s clearly interested in his business interests being looked after either because he is an enemy of Sata or because RB has done him favours; we can only speculate. In any case every politician in Zambian politics acts generally out of self-interest.

  49. Okay so we’ve established that all these people act out of self-interest, perhaps only a few are true public servants who love the intellectual challenge of development.

    Okay so now lets consider Kavindele’s comments, do they have some validity (ignoring the obvious partisanship)? The answer is yes. There is a significant risk that PF could nationalize the mines and successful businesses in Zambia. Its unfair to assume that all businesses in Zambia are corrupt, but ask yourself why is the business community against PF? Has he not threatened Indians and Chinese before? Isn’t he a populist leader who could at whim choose to nationalize the mines because he thinks a KK type government is the way to go? Yes, these claims have some credibility.

    • If nationalising the Mines will mean more money remaining in this Country so be it. Who are you anyway who cannot see beyond the nose. How can revenue from Copper which accounts for more than 85% of our total exports only be 2%. That is the disconnect which only Sata among these bafoons will rectify. And for this year MMD will loose either by crook or hook. We’re sick and tired of them!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. As yourself why aren’t these claims ever directed against UPND? Because every one knows that the UPND would be a pro-business, pro-capitalism government if it won. They are not extremist like the PF. It has been like this since Mazoka lead the UPDN. Lets not fool ourselves, in Zambia politics is governed by the rich. Mazoka was rich, Sata is rich, HH is rich, all of them are wealthy when compared to the average Zambian. So if you say Kavindele is corrupt, well then so are all his political peers who lead these parties. PF looks like 1990’s MMD, if Penza and Nawakwi were part of PF it would be an almost exact copy of the 1990’s MMD…which we all know was the most corrupt MMD administration.

  51. My point is this, corruption is systemic in this country. So its always the case of the lesser of evils unfortunately.

    PF is too risky a party to vote into power. If it had a different leadership perhaps this wouldn’t be the case- but unfortunately Sata is its leader.

    Only UPND or MMD are the only real viable options in this election, unless of course you want Zambia to end up looking like Zimbabwe.

  52. UPND really wish for popularity,they really dream they were so popular and are so jaelousy of PF when hey know that neither themselves or PF have never formed Gov t Don’t hate the player,hate the game my brothers,deal with your envy

  53. I remember when I was a small boy in Chingola Kavindele donated a hearse to the community of Chingola when he stood for UNIP TICKET and Dr. Sondashi stood for MMD. He was beaten badly in elections results by Sondashi. He even got his MANDAMANDA Hearse Mistubish van from the pipo of Chingola. And what principles has he got this money.

  54. I remember when I was a small boy in Chingola, Kavindele donated a hearse to the community of Chingola when he stood for UNIP TICKET and Dr. Sondashi stood for MMD. He was beaten badly in elections results by Sondashi. He even got his MANDAMANDA Hearse Mistubish van from the pipo of Chingola. And what principles has he got this man?

  55. ARTICLE 3


    The Party shall ensure that all the public institutions, State-owned enterprises and popular mass
    and similar organizations are led by persons who are members of the Party and who are
    uncompromisingly committed to achievements of the Party.

    • So shall it be bafoon. All current District Commisioners including Senior personnel like Permanent secretaries are MMD cadres.

  56. ARTICLE 4

    The Party shall wage a relentless struggle against all domestic and international forces of reaction.
    It shall fight for the eradication of Capitalism, with its offshoots; poverty, with its offshoots of
    Hunger, Ignorance, Disease, Crime, Corruption and the exploitation of man by man.

  57. Yes! Kavindele has raised fundamental facts often ignored or subjected to short memory by Zambians. Indeed most of MMD or PF former leaders (all same once) carry collective failure of development in Zambai. They betrayed confidence of Zambain people when voted in new govt. Kavindele’s confession of failure is shared with Sata (both & others ‘ve nothing new to offer). We call upon renaiscence of leadership in MMD to meet the ideals and beliefs we envoked upon ourselves to issues of good govrnance, rule of law and accoutability to Zambians.

    • I do not understand your points Sir/Madam. What fails are policies, and clearly the MMD& PF have got absolutely different policies. They might have believe in the same ideology at some point in time, but what is important is that one of them noticed something that was fundamentally wrong and wants to set things right.

      How can you sit there and claim PF/Sata is not offering anything new when he has clearly and formally (through the party constitution) that they will offer you Socialism? You are acting like an ignorant person and quite frankly speaking that is not a good thing. Kavindele has not raised anything important, he is just yapping from without just so he can continue benefiting from the results of MMD’s failures.

      Wake up!!! brother/sister.

    • Socialism failed in Zambia!!  Just ask KK.  Go and check what is happening in Cuba – they are stuck in the 1950s.  Russia and China jettisoned socialism a long time ago and they are now going places.  The Chinese changed their minds in 1979 under Deng Xiaoping.  Only a fool like SATAn cannot read history and learn something.  Let us all say NO to SOCIALISM and SATAnism!!

  58. Viva PF come and wipe out the corrupt mess of Rubbish and MMD,and throw theseCORRUPT  BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRES  in chimbokaila,Can’t wait to see that happening.They have destroyed mother Zambia with their corruption. 

  59. Zambia forward…………..Happy days are coming. its time to advise your leaders to speak real issues not the past historical things like Mulobezi rail line which they failed themselves after being in Govt for ten years. Lets not cling to recycled leaders whose thinking is to amend yesteryears. Focus on tomorrow and go forward. VIVA YOUNG GENERATION……..

  60. Kavindee Percy Enock knows the private sector tohim it means him, RB and Corrupt BY continue to steal from the national coffers. We know he has gone broke, Percy knows that through RB he will rescucitate his wealth due to corrupt means.He has been given a railway line project by RB when Levy denied him that chance as the man Percy not to be trusted and corrupt. He is a man without a spine. A shameless bootlicker NOW and wags his tail for RB.

  61. Kavindele the some mouth says you know Sata to work very well.In all the ministries he has been he has worked very well because he was heading these ministries.Please since you know that he works very,we the people of Zambia want him to Head the Nation.because he works very Hard at is Job. And we want him to be under or supervised by us Zambia and not any other person.

  62. @12  Zimbabwean Born:
    Oh, yeah?  Why are Zimbabweans thronging Lumumba road selling salaula and biscuits when Zambians could not even import a loaf of bread from Zimambwe in the 1990s without being accused of finishing “our bread”? 
    Go back to Zimbabwe and risk your life with Uncle Bob and his Gukurahundi Part 2!!

  63. @ 17

    That is why there will be war in Zambia if Patent Fascists like you get into power!! You and your SATAnic leader only represent your tribal interests and not all Zambians.  Only Bembas should vote for SATAn.  You, Kambwili and SATAn should remain in HELL!!

  64. @ 23

    You could have fooled me(!): surely PF stands for Patently Fascist and has nothing to do with ZANU-PF?  And SATA is a Bemba spelling for SATAn?

  65. @ 26

    “Donkey kubeba” is an apt slogan for the Shameless And Treacherous Adulterer (Hefty Jay confirmed as much before he died): a donkey will fart on you if you get too close and want to know what is going on!  If you get closer still, then it will unleash a vicious kick as Wynter Kabemba is promising Zetizens.  Why aren’t they talking the truth?? These SATAnic thugs should not get into State House!!

  66. #60

    Kavindele did not appoint himself to VP.  Levy did.  RB did not appoint himself to VP.  Levy did.  Same with making SATAn a Minister without Portfolio – FTJ did.  All our problems come from poor leadership.  SATAn should never have been promoted beyond a Constable.  It was KK who gave him the hope and the big head of a donkey to aspire to State House – DONKEY KUBEBA indeed!!

  67. Kavindele is right, SATA has no proper direction.
    If you want to compare Mugabe and SATA you will find a thine line in terms of behaviour in favour of Robby; a very thick line in terms of education in favour of Robby.
    Now, what am I saying?
    I am saying SATA is worse than Mugabe in totality.

  68. No. 92 – It is not for you or Kavindele to tell us if Sata has direction or not. We’ve decided and will vote for him en mass and see if he truely will not have direction after 5 years. We unfortunately cannot belive in rhetoric before we see the what the Man has to offer the Zambian people.

  69. This is the man (ENOCK KAVINDELE) who stood in Chingola one time against Sondashi and failed lamentably. He donated a hearse (Mandamanda) before elections. But after loosing he grabbed it back to Lusaka, what a former Vice President. By then I was very young and I could stil remember that scene. Even RB himself is embracing the copper thieves on the copperbelt. A candidate in Wusakile is still facing copper theft allegations worth 2 billion Kwacha. What a shameful thing for MMD. This man is from a family which used to terrolise Kitwe residents. Copper Copper family, where are RB`S morals?????????

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