By A Zyambo:-
Dont kubeba,popularly said as donchi kubeba is a slogan the PF have come to embrace originally embraced by the PF leaders Michael chilufya
Sata,a mixture of a bemba and English word to mean DON’T TELL or DON’T SAY A WORD, the meaning behind this term is that PF party members can go and collect campaign materials intended for other political party members such as UPND,MMD,FDD,etc when ever these particular party members are at a rally.PF members are encouraged to collect these materials and keep their hearts the term “donchi kubeba” a principle that is highly applied when an evil deed is
being carried out by either a person or group of persons.
It is a term that as we have seen in many court cases, child defilers say to the victimized children when they defile them, it is a term that money launderers use when they are committing their crime, it is a term that drug traffickers use when carrying out their deeds, indeed it is also a term that adulterers use when they cheat on their husbands or wives. I can go on, the list is endless every wrong doer embraces the “don’t say a word” term.
What scares me about this donchi kubeba theory is not that PF sympathizers embrace it, what scares the hell out of me is that an entire party president such as Mr. Sata can embrace such an evil slogan and encourage his members to practice it.[pullquote]Have you ever wondered how it will be when it comes to that time of the year when they have to reveal the Nation’s Revenue, have you ever thought that the donchi kubeba theory will apply there, when it comes to PF ministers over seeing projects in their various ministries, have you ever thought that they will donchi kubeba you on government resources[/pullquote].
It reminds me of a term OMERTA embraced the Mafia by the Italian (and still do), mostly in Sicily Omertà implies “the categorical prohibition of cooperation with state authorities or reliance on its services, even when one has been victim of a crime.” Even if somebody is convicted of a crime he has not committed, he is supposed to serve the sentence without giving the police any information about the real criminal, even if that criminal
has nothing to do with the Mafia himself.
Within Mafia culture,breaking omertà is punishable by death (Wikipedia).It became so strong that crimes such as murder as murder remained unreported. Let me not bore you with this “omerta code” issue, but my point being this donchi kubeba theory may appear to be a joke for now and many may take it so lightly yet it has a very negative effect on the moral standing of an organization, school, and nation at large,even homes have been torn apart due to such terms as donchi kubeba (she don’t have to know kind of attitude).
It is sad that it is officially advertised now and as the old saying goes “charity begins at home”, seeing a political party embrace such slogans at party level simply implies that even at national level they will have no difficult in doing likewise.
Have you ever wondered how it will be when it comes to that time of the year when they have to reveal the Nation’s Revenue, have you ever thought that the donchi kubeba theory will apply there, when it comes to PF ministers over seeing projects in their various ministries, have you ever thought that they will donchi kubeba you on government resources.
And now mr.Sata who is such qualified a politician stands up and proudly says donchi kubeba,he stands up and proudly places a huge advert of himself in the Post(“PFOST” as it has come to be known in the cyber word) saying donchi kubeba.
Sadly for the PF, this donchi kubeba slogan will cost them much of the student vote and the so called intellectual vote mainly comprised of people who analyze and look through issues critically.
Now before you vote, before you cast that precious vote of yours ask yourself how many things you don’t know, how many things the PF government will come and implement that they have “DONCHI KUBEBAd” you.
Be wise and think before you cast your vote
What ever you say about Sata and PF, we the people have already decided. VIVA PF VIVA Sata 20th Sept
Whatever these chaps write against the in coming government (PF) wont change the minds of the serious Zambian. Donchi kubeba!!!
This article is utter rubbish
yakunyokola njala Zyambo, you and your useless MMD can go rot in Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Its donchi kubaba fyee. Sorry Ba Zyambo. There is nothing wrong with the slogan. Check your head. You thinking has gone bizzaaaaa. VIVA PF
This is a party of Kabovas and no sane person can vote for these hoodlums.
..William Banda and his clique of thugs, what’s your take on that?:-?
you are a retard thats all there is to it i dont know why they had to print your article…
I know you hate Sata but please be a little objective when reporting. Even if you want to de-campaign someone how do you compare DON`T KUBEBA to defilement or OMERTA? ABSOLUTE RUBBISH!!!
Viva rrb viva mmd
What a load of supersticious nonsense!
Don’t write about something you don’t know and understand..You article is poorly done and not researched. Why not ask the people who coined this slogan to help you explain? Mwaonekela bane! RUBBISH ARTICLE> LT why accept such nonsense.NI DON”T KUBEBA!!!!
Andrew whatever they gave you to write this article,you got it all wrong.so kindly ask yourself what MMD has done which you can point to. You deserved to go to university after your high school, but what did the MMD govt do about it? right now, you are not in the right job(merely surviving), what is the MMD doing about it? look at yourself, ask these questions and definitely you will join the wave of change. i feel sorry for guys like you being used in this way….
The slogan has universal application actually,some shout pabwato but they say dont kubeba who we are voting for.So it could either work for the good of PF or end up strangling them.
Ama rubbish yeke yeka fye……….
Whats happening to LT? who has bought you coverage is absolute drivel now! no longer balanced
Thankyou #9, the article is not well researched. Sata himself has nothing to do with the slogan, it was actually Guy Scott, who came up with it unconsciously and the masses picked it up to today. VIVA PF, VIVA SATA 2011.
You are lying that is Dandy Krazy’s creation and he used it in the context of corruption and not what Zyambo has written. I fee the use of the slogan has got nothing to do with evil. It is not good to merely hallucinate abt something just becos u dont like someone when it is clear as to what is meant. Zyambo shd listen to Dandy’s track Dont kubeba to understand the context in which the PF has used it.
After this article written by Andrew Zyambo former student at Evelyn Hone i now believe this is an MMD sponsored blog and most people are sponsored to stay on this blog and not debate and articulate issues of national interest. It is so disappointing to see once potential young men and women sink so low just for personal gain. Three quarters of people making comments on this blog are the so called youths for RB and die hard youths for RB ….. Even a grade five pupil in a government so school can understand the simple logic behind dont kubeba rather than the foolish propaganda above grow up MMD and your supporters we are not fools
Don’tchi Kubeba! Zyambo!!! They’ve learnt what is behind their slogan. Chweele wena buti, sisi! Pankoloko!!!!
Donchi Kubeba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nipabwato chabe, Kimwamukolo feela! MMD ZWAAA!
I think the author of this article has taken leave of his brain and his the one possessed by evil or demonic thoughts.
DONCHI KUBEBA is also working against PF…Do not think all who shout donchi Kubeba in Sata’s face are with him. Some of them are telling him in the face that if when we are tend your rallies ni donchi Kubeba meaning they will not vote for sata.
Andrew boi waunekela, so sad man.
@15 Chusa that’s the way to go. walasa!!!!
Hi LT,
I dnt think the slogan Dnt kubeba is based only on bad things.I think it is a slogan used to play around with a political party opponents who think they have alot of members without thinking that some of those people on their rallies are not their members.this applies to all parties.
“donchi kubeba” a principle that is highly applied when an evil deed is
being carried out by either a person or group of persons. Is getting material items from a party that you do not support evil? NO We get them coz they use our money to buy them us that pay tax. We will continue to get them without telling them that we are PF Members. To hell with your theories
This article is baseless and very subjective.
My good friend Andrew boi waonekela, so sad man. Just a tip of how it started, it all started in when Guy Scott went to lamba land as the party was making its in roads in lamba land.
But pa Zed bapasebana, even lunatics like this Zyambo boy, William Banda, Rupiah Banda, Chanda Chimba are now news makers. Where are we headed kanshi? What wrong did we do? Are we cursed because we removed KK and replaced him with a criminal Prophet Joshua follower?
I think from your message where you call elderly people lunatics including the president, i can conclude that you were not well brought up. You are a danger to society including your family. Repent.
chris, do you know how old he is. a lunatic is a lunatic old or young.
dotch kubeba ba fee colour
izo ni zako uzinkalile niwakla ko SATA
No amount of propanganda will stop us from using the slogan DONCHI KUBEBA. Donchi Kubeba, viva pabwato, viva mwamukulo, viva PF and viva your excellency Mr. President Micheal Chilufya Sata. Donchi kubeba!!!
You can twist the meaning of dont kubeba but you will not twist the thinking of the people. Why fearing SATA and PF. they is a common saying which say, only a criminal wil fear his own shadow. The whole GOVT machinery fearing SATA, that means they is alot what you people in GOVT you have done. Just brace yourselves SATA is Forming the next GOVT whether you RIG or NOT he is forming the next GOVT.
Let me remind # 1 and 2 that the Zuma alliance used indisciplined ANC youth league to get rid of Mbeki and to day Zuma is in big trouble. Indiscipline is slowing becoming an ANC policy. Donchi Kubeba will definately become a government policy if ever PFcame into power. What Donchi Kubeba implies is; No ploice Service, No ACC, No judiciary, basically Lawless. Remember it is Donchi Kubeba time. Cry beloved Zambia
yama imwe ukubilima what is ploice?
Are you normal?
We respect the authors opinion but elections are only 13 days away and by then we will have chosen a leader..the talking will be done the counting will be done the winner will be announced then we shall sit and be back to what we are bloggers.The people we have insulted each other for, spilt blood for, queued in the sun for…will go to plot 1 and manda hill and get a brand new VX plus grautity of 1billion each..we shall be forgotten until the next by-election where for a box of tujilijili we shall maime each other and insult the candidates based on tribe.
Why is it that most MMD cadres have headaches and faint when they try to think? A look at this Zyambo boy article exmplifies this fact.
viva PF go go go sata….
This is real rubbish ba LT.How does the editor even allow such subjective,narrow minded half baked article to be published?…awe please,lets have quality articles.Zyambo,i dont knw wat your level of education,but u sound so like a G7 trying out his composition assingnment.Improve mune!!!
#15 Chusha leave zyambo Alone i think he is entitled to his opinion its got nothing to do with working or not working,he is entitled to his opinion,@an why is it that every youth that stands up for the ruling party is accused of being paid,@ # 9,have you seen the advert in the post that is oways having sata’s picture saying donchi kubeba?
Zyambo how many elections have you witnessed in zambia for you not to know by now that during election that is when these politician go to these people and try to make a quick fix by giving out all sorts of things so that they can be voted back into power using tax payers money,what pf is saying is take that it is your money but vote wisely dont tell anyone who you are going to vote for(DON’T KUBEBA) that is how simple it is dull ZYAMBO
I don’t support Sata and PF but I find this article extremely childish and it just distracts people from having a more mature interaction on this blogsite. We are all Zambians at the end of the day. No one can claim to love Zambia more than the other, so let us respect each other and not call each other devil this, devil that…that’s not cool. PF campaign strategy may not be the best but they have the right to be heard, unless they engage in violence. Let us treat these elections as a race which each candidate has the right to win. I will pray for my party to win, but if PF wins I will accept that my party was probably crap. Don’t life too serious and start mrudering people just because you lost an election. Remember you are voting someone into State House, it’s not YOU. Be sensible.
so much wisdom here
Good article ba Zyambo.Ignore the lunatics.
# 15 there;s nothing potential about this zyambo he’s just a useless chap who has nothing to do but just sit to write unreseached & poorly articulated article l even wonder what he was studying journalism
ITS A BAD SLOGAN THE bible says a thief comes not but forth,to steal to kill and to destroy,the bible talks about the devil as the thief,when he comes he wont tell you he is a thief(donchi kubeba),only later on will you realize that he is actually stealing he is lucky he is in zambia,because in america that slogan would be shot down drastically being one that promotes dishonest so in the true sense i think Zyambo is right,i dont blame him,and for all you know am not MMD nor PF am undecided and will make up my mind who to vote for in the next one week,any one to convince me
ba fikala bamo sure you can’t talk of other things sensible than this advice by fyonofyono.we want real issues.mambala iwe.i think you are a very bad parent cause your accusation does’t make sense
This Article stinks matako
zyambo you are very dull.if we tell them where we belong william banda is beating us no wonder we are wearing mmd chitenge but inside we are for pf,upnd,fdd etc.
This is a proper expression of stupidity and ignorance. Which intellectual can sink so low and dream about this kind of nonsense and put it together and then call it an article?
Even you Zyambo, when you dd this article they Offered you something..but have you told us how much they gave you?..its Donchi Kubeba.Useless article and you need to go back to school to learn how to be objective.
Too many articles dissing PF, with no objectivity. Its clear LT has slipped and is now supporting MMD, same with Zambian Watchdog..so whats the point of reading this nonsense? I am actually an HH supporter, but what I am seeing is one sided news reporting. RBish
This article is total nonsense. Its not about going to other parties’ rallies to collect. Its about when they come to your home to attempt to bribe you. This article is not *****ic. It is malicious intended to mislead the feeble minded and the ignorant.
@37 kunta kinte you are very rite,good words coming from you.i ve read most of your comments about sata and for sure you dont support him and zyambos article is pure rubbish.
Zyambo, thats your thinking, and you are foolish! You have been bought by the MMD. No man, no law, no war shall stop PF. Its donchi kebebe chabe, MMD Kuya bebele. VIVA PABWATOOOOOOOOOOOOO
bafikala leave the young man alone how many of you can even write an article munwafye ubwalwa bafikala,be objective and look at the article objectively
iwe chikamba,it’s not the matter of writting but wht you are writting.
Very dull; The slogan simply came in because of the bribery techniques of the MMD. Its basically entails the voters that whatever you are given by the government is already belongs to you already so grab it but when it comes to voting its a secret ballot!
Please ensure you research more before you make claims if you want readers to appreciate you.
Bakwishiba ka andrew zyambo. Umwaiche nsala
Very dull; The slogan simply came in because of the bribery techniques of the MMD. Its basically entails the voters that whatever you are given by the government belongs to you already so grab it but when it comes to voting its a secret ballot!
Please ensure you research more before you make claims if you want readers to appreciate you.
Useless zyambo Kupoka fye no kulya don’t kubeba. You are scared because your corrupt means of giving people bribes during elections time in exchange with votes has been countered by don’t kubeba!
Ati Zyambo from Hone is the author of this rubbish – damn it!! Iam happy i studied at Copperbelt Univerty. Ni dont kubeba – go pa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaato!!
bull sheet yang usless man without brains full of selffishness ata dont kubeba is working,
wrong interpretation, the chap is totally lost
i agree zyambo is a retard
A Zyambo I repsect your opinion but my vote is for Sata.It’s you who is attaching evil to the slogan but I have seen that it is working well for PF.
Andrew is Hundred % correct. Sata has started practicing his Satanic deeds even before going to state house. When he goes to State House he will Don’t Kubeba the Nation on every aspect. Wake up people do not Vote for such people
# A Ziambo my compatriot u have no brains. The DONCHI KUBEBA is a very simple phrase only applied in the context of “Let someone bribe you for your vote but don’t tell them who you represent politically” after all, the money being used to corrupt you belongs to you, tax payers’ money. If you apply the slogan in another context it completely loses it’s meaning, simple. Why write a RuBbish article about it?
It is this slogan that has motivated most of us to join PF. We like this slogan for it has a great meaning. Donci kubebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Most voters are now applying the “donci kubeebaaaa principles”
Its becoz all you are thieves. Every clean person can not agree to such a slogan
VIVA # 24 To hell with thier theories. Ni DONCHI KUBEBA NSHII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ni ZEE
#55 monk well reading the article it does not matter the origin of donchi kubeba,what zyambo is saying is its not right for a political party to esteem such slogans and that indeed they will use the same even when they win elections,do you know what article 3 of the pf constitution says?PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS
The Party shall ensure that all the public institutions, State-owned enterprises and popular mass
and similar organizations are led by persons who are members of the Party and who are
Uncompromisingly committed to achievements of the Party.
do you even know what that means?will your father ever be director if he is not PF
Ba HONE Wasebana!
I think if my memory serves me right even Katele Kalumba tried to twist the slogan but failed just like umuntu ni Zyambo
Donch Kubeba….simply means, its a secret vote, you dont tell anyone whom you are voting for!!
Slogans seem to work well, its a pity the other parties did not embrace them well “Yes we can” worked wonders for Obama just like Dont Kubeba is working for PF even Andrew had a slogan in school Umunti ni Zyambo and it also worked well for him. Not Chwe chwe or chwela
Slogans seem to work well, its a pity the other parties did not embrace them well “Yes we can” worked wonders for Obama just like Dont Kubeba is working for PF even Andrew had a slogan in school Umuntu ni Zyambo and it also worked well for him. Not Chwe chwe or chwela
I like the “Donchi Kubeba” song by Dandy
Its a big hit
@#58 which article have you done?
MMD Yakunyokolani Njala! Ni Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Don’t Kubeba – PF
they are gays..most of the pf champions are !let the best man win..we don’t want drug traffickers ,money launderers..
It is suprisng how low our reporters can reduce themselves to. I am not PF but UPND yet I dont find anything wrong with the slogan. Zyambo is being used jst like Chanda chimbala. Ubuchushi tebusuma. Zyambo listen to Dandy’s track to understand the context in which this slogan is being used by the PF. There is totally no evil intended. The evil is coming from yourself.
Such an article will attract problems from those supporting PF but i must add that this PF slogan is troubling. Can someone please educate me on which school Mr Sata went to, who are childhood friends and how far he went in school? What is on PF website is far from normal CV. Who is this Mr Sata? Or is the slogan applying here als
Some Political Symbols Monga ni ndewo! Please tempt us not be violent.
Ati, donchi kubeba!!!
Nanga UFISANJI iwe crook?
Only crookes hide things.
That is why RB said UFISANJI MAMBALA iwe.
Mambala is a crook and only crooks use this behaviour and strategy.
A clean man with clean agenda has nothing to hide.
PF has embraced the slogan because it speaks of who they are!!!
You propaganda is cheap you want to even demonise just funny slogans like donch kubeba? there nothing evil about you dogs just start packing now coz you are going
Napapata ndekeni imwe.
PF is destiny to loose this year’s 2011 Election. No matter how much Membe’s Post tries to reband the COBRA. We all know that the COBRA has the best campaign strategy in Southern Africa but this year….
imwe bafinyo mwila mona kwati inga twaikala zee ninshi tatulemona, its only gud manners but yu *****s shudnt think we dont kubeba, ala, mwanya nokunya bambuli
Ba PF muchefyeko insele sana. The Bemba proverb says,”Mushebwa ayile anunka namafi”.
man who told you that those who insults are PF cadres.nalemona kwati walikwata amano kanshi uli mbwafye.fusekiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Zyambo is just another F#@%&&$#$ MMD, job seeking, scared degenerate. If he has any decency as a human being and an authentic author, he should respond and acknowledge that he missed the meaning of the concept (and of course the boat) which many contributors here have explained to him. You simply can not bribe people (as the MMD are so desperately doing) with what belongs to them in the first place. This bribery is the real evil and Zyambo is the blind MMD sponsored cadre who thinks Zambians are foolish. Please wake up and smell your own crap
Luckily most of the registered voter do not even have access to the internet so they cannot read this rubbish. Zyambo grow up and write things like a responsible citizen man. Ninjala nangu nichani? This articles does not articulate any serious issues concerning anyone except the writer who is so dull and see things like this! Poor analysis indeed!
Sorry Zyambo, you need to go back to college once more. this piece of yours is a disappointment.
A subject starts to grow when he learn how to ask WHY THIS? WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The article of “The philosophy of donchi kubeba and nafuti nafuti” has provoked the thinkers in Zambia. Pipo should learn to reason beheld the words.
Shiiiiiiiiiii! Ni Donchi Kubeba fye. Ok Sata has a way to excite people Nothing wron with the slogan.Young men like you must be objective and offer constuctive critism not just for the belly or shots of whisky at times.
just love the Donchi Kubeba Ni Shiiiii!
I hope my 12 year son don’t get spoiled with this ”DONCHI KUBEBA” Philosophy.
you can say whatever you want about PF it’s don’t tell them viva sata
iwe chikala you dont know what you are talking about
Dont Kubeba is synonymous to corruption. You don’t even need to be educated to know this. The only good thing is that Sata will never rule Zambia.
Most of you bloggers practice Donchi kubebe but you are against someone who just says the slogan, ba mambala you are busy nabamukabene busy with shroddy deals and you havent come in the open you have decided ni Donchi kubeba for your good. Ni zi Donchi Kubeba.
The more you talk about this slogan the popular PF is becoming. Thanks ba Zyambo. Viva PF ni Donchi Kubeba
Evil writer.You are so cursed a person
Once in a while, everyone is entitled to his own hallucinations!! hahahaha!
I have made it a point to Vote for Micheal Sata and PF MP’s and PF Councillors. No amount of twisting facts will sway me. Im resolved withe my entire 8 memebrs in my family to vote for Sata.
its mmd all the way thanks mr andru for that enlightment
In one of our local languages there is a saying;if a mad man dances and you play drums for him then you infact is worse. if Sata is so mad leave him with his madness.why talk about him everyday.
Ba Zyambo.
Iam one person who knows your dirty games and bitchness with school girls and your poverty, please dont force us to spill the beans pantu mwalasebana baaad anso…just a friendly warning!!!
When were the elections to choose the leaders in PF held?
Azyambo you so shallow in your reflection do you know the hour can also mean hour to kill to get rich from people’s money and hour to rigg election. it the time of the hour western province our brothers lost lives, it is in hour time corrupt has come high it is in hour time govt is abusing public medias. so think twice before you cast your vote.
I pity the PF leadership. They are so desperate that they even forget the basic principle of governance. Which is to lead and inspire the general citizenship to doing what is right and work had to achieve the desired national output. Institutionalizing corruption through a slogan such as DON’T KUBEBA is wrong and will make the country ungovernable. Great leaders have always aimed at inspiring their followers that everything is possible with hard work e.g. Barack Obama (YES WE CAN). Leaders are known by their work and deeds in this case Mr. SATA and PF (DON’T KUBEBA) are reflected with this Slogan. In short a slogan must give the public/masses a ray of hope and sense of direction that with hard work we can all contribute to a successful nation.
sata is as evil as his slogan and his nick name,,,,,, ati king cobra- king of snakes, king of devils HHmmmmmm, we will never vote for sata and his pf. sata will never b president actualy he is dying of depression as soon as the elections are over.
we chibuba we. Sata kuti alingana na wiso. What has your father achived in life. He is a total failure no wonder you aer biiter with this hardworking man. U are the one who will die of depresion. Sata has been improving in every election and this one no one will stop him. Wabe tole chikala chobe
The author of this article is very dull and as dull as rb and his cohorts. does he really think any enlightened zambian can buy such crap
PF has explained this concept of ‘DONCHI KUBEBA’ very well! We are being ruled by an extremely corrupt regime that is using our own tax resources to bribe us to vote for them. PF saw it as a job in futility to deny the poor Zambians some salt, sugar, maize, T-shirts and chitenges bought by MMD with peoples’ resources. So they started by explaining to the masses that they can receive all that the MMD government will offer them as it is bought with their own resources, but do not exchange it with your birth right to vote for the candidate you think is right. I can assure Andrew Zyambo that even HHs’ supporters are doing the same as far as MMD bribery is concerned. Therefore Andrew Zyambo deliberately decided to misled all simple minded people on this blog. LOUSY ARTICLE INDEED!
Zyambo Wawa
Good afternoon
Isn’t LT an interesting site? Just when you think you know it all, along comes an article like this with a new interpretation of what appeared to be merely a jocular slogan (at least to me).
My understanding of the term has been best described by #68 baby strawberry and going by most of the comments, it looks to me like someone has run out of plausible arguments and is now resorting to defamation and malediction. The headline of the story alone reminds me of the Bush administartion which used the the term “axis of evil” to describe a certain region. By calling others evil, we are saying that we are holier than them and that is where the paradoxity lies. If there’s anything evil about PF, I’m sure that Zambians have eyes to identify it and consequently reject it.
#91, Mashimba wabe it.ole
ni donchi kubeba fye batata,what are you scared of?
VIVA RB CHWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Ufisanji mambala tell us what u will do for the people dont hide mambala.
Fellow youths let us preserve how dignity and principles and not allow others to easily destruct us from the good of this nation. Stand up and be counted and make a difference. Do not be bought cheaply . Viva Zambia
12 dyas and counting! Donchi Kubeba! Simples!
12 days and counting! Donchi Kebeba! Simples!
I pity the PF leadership. They are so desperate that they even forget the basic principle of governance. Which is to lead and inspire the general citizenship to doing what is right and work had to achieve the desired national output. Institutionalizing corruption through a slogan such as DON’T KUBEBA is wrong and will make the country ungovernable. Great leaders have always aimed at inspiring their followers that everything is possible with hard work e.g. Barack Obama (YES WE CAN). Leaders are known by their work and deeds in this case Mr. SATA and PF (DON’T KUBEBA) are reflected with this Slogan.
Why do I keep making these mistakes?
OK 12 days and counting! Donchi Kubeba! Simples!
Zyambo don’t write the things that you don’t understand better.i know you that u ar MMD but we shall be strong even if you are bad about PF.chikamba chobe!!!!!
The photograph just about explains it. Ni Donchi fye! OK ba LT can we have an article on Nafuti Nafuti?
Let’s not be too desperate to govern this country without taking full consideration that everyone has a part to play towards the success or failure of our country. We have 13 days to go let’s have a bigger picture. NATIONAL INTEREST
Why mother Zambia have you allowed such dull people to be writing trash for us. You are just embarrassing yourself . This article lacks intellectual touch. The editor of the blog is equally dull. Same on you fools LT
Gentlemen try to exhibit maturity in some of these things. Chic colour in all honesty can you try to whizzle your ****ing mind to twist a simple and straight forward term like DONT KUBEBA? Ur rotten to the core tombanoko!!!! ITS DONT KUBEBA FOREVER PATWABO SORRY PABWATOMBA!!!
satan(sata) and its angels(cadres) love shrek(rbsh) very much and there still finding ways of becaming MMD members so that they can eat and travel good using taxpayers money also and they dont want to tell anyone. Such people dont need to form goverment becouse they would say dont kubeba while stealing money in the office.
sata can never be trusted everyone has seen him for who he really is…. a serpent! remeber wht the serpent did to eve? thats wht sata is trying to do. but we have known him
#100 opness no one is holding you down write an atticle too lol leave zyambo alon zambia is a free country and he is simply airing out his opinion you get it?
@112 ak ulefyaya okunya?go to the toilet.can you compare rb to obama?dream on.
Zyambo is an asshole!
How do we arrive at the adage “The truth hurts or the truth will set you free”. I pause the question in the light of intellectually deficient response to Zyambo’s article. All retort as if kids in the strret and do hardly rebut intellectually. Do not force Zambians to judge your capacity to tackle issues with that kind of intellectual expose’, let alone bundle you all objectors as such. Zyambo has challenged you with local and intenationally acknowledged examples like mafia. Come on Zambians, Talk to him and us intellectually.
lovely article man..chwelaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@117 ak, everyone loves zambia as much as you do.you are the one who is desperate by not accepting reality,just read through that article again and see who is real desperate.
@ 121 Larisa: We have 13 days to go let’s have a bigger picture. NATIONAL INTEREST
…..and you just had to use the “child defilers” as an example lol. In all honesty its a controversial and rather useless at the same time slogan for a political Party
LT please there are many things you can report on, but to report on the “donchi kubeba slogan” makes me wana throw out if you know what I mean……Its too late now you can’t do anything to stop PF from winning….. you should have done this long time ago while you still had the power…. I have two last words for you ” DONCHI KUBEBA”………………………..
you guys who are on the ground,what does MMD say about the removal of the abuse of office clause?
I have always found LT to be a good source of balanced news but this article is neither news nor balanced it looks like pure campaign propaganda to me.
Out of country, for a while, but I understand things hapenning back home far much better than this moron does. Senhor Zyambo or whichever bustard wrote this article ”To H.E>L>L>” with you and the one who incited you to write this Rubbish Bin issue. Where were you when it was said ”Go Get Their Geysers But Don’t Tell Them That….” You won’t derail no one from the truth. Just get your miserries of a salary, and since you are satisfied with all this nonsence, S.H.U.T Your Beak, acabou, e mais nada!!! You Boot Leaker!!!
zyambo you are an hitech suppersonic fool, since did the zambian people employed you to tell them what dont kubebe means. why not talk about all the slogans being used by all political grouping. you are a third world fool. your eduction has done you no good. people are able to see these things we know that you are being sponsored by mmd.
Ubepele fye mune kabili uliwabufi iwe.
Bwana the MMD is packing its bags
mr zyambo is barbaric,pseudoquesed,has mental retardition and needs to start grade one again .my 4 year son here in the usa knows what DONCHI KUBEBA means.dull man just like dull rb who sees his youths brutalising people his is seeking a vote from and yet still keeps QUITE.
Wow! Zyambo you need your head checked . How dare you decide to associate the sentence with bad things only.if this is what you call journalism sorry sir you are going no where. You are closing your doors for success. Be honest and fair with your work then people will respect you and your work .
Yes indeed shout “Donchi Kubeba” becoz your vote is a secret. Donchi Kubeba that you are NOT voting for PF. Viva Banda…Nafuti…Nafuti…because we have already told them: this year Ni pa Nkoloko, Pa Blue (for love)…we have already told them!
Can someone respond?
Wed Sep 07 at 11:47 am
When were the elections to choose the leaders in PF held?
donchi kubeba that sata supports the gay rights.donchi kubeba that sata will take youths to afghanistan.donchi kubeba that sata will bring back socialism.donchi kubeba that sata stole an engine for a landrover in 1957.donchi kubeba that sata is a dictator
Shut up you fool. You have exposed too much of your ignorance. Viva Pabwato.
150 Chinjoka cha Pa Fwaka (PF) – Chamba says:
Response – you seem to know more about PF than your own party??
#152 ??? which party is mine? I only wanted to know when Sata was elected President of PF. I am 13 and will not vote this year. I am thinking of 2016…and what options I will have then.
13 yearolds dont smoke chamba!
ONLY A F-OO-L will take this Dull article for real.
USELESS ARTICLE. You are just afraid or Donchi kubeba. You can’t chjange OUR MIND.
ONLY A F-OO-L will take this Dull article for real.
USELESS ARTICLE. You are just afraid or Donchi Kubeba. You can’t change OUR MIND.
I see that Zyambo will never learn. There are all the valid reasons why Zambians should never vote for Sata like violence as in Chawama massacres, tribalism eg insulting non Bemba Zabians, poor educational background, old age and overstaying in politics as in having been in colonial, Kaunda and Chiluba governments, corruption as in victimising Mwanawasa for out of MMD during Chiluba regime, lack of economic vision for zambia eg in not recognising the role of China, and poor political judgement and political intolerance eg in supporting 3rd term and teaming up withNakawala to hound well meaning MMD mebers out. This donchi kubeba nonsence just doesnt cut it even if someone thinks they willpay him for that.
The only thing I would urge all my fellow Zambians is that we should vote wisely fully concious of the futures safety.Lets be good researchers and make informed decisions.We the youths should know that we are the ones with the knowledge,capacity,ability to shape the future and command success for our nation.So lets vote informatively.LOVE YOUR ZAMBIA ,I LOVE MINE,DO YOU?
The writer is VERY DULL. Utter nonsense
Viva Pabwatoooooo. Ni Donchi Kubeba chabe. As for you Zyambo or whatever your name is, Just shut up. You have exposed too much of your ignorance. Next time keep your foolish opinion to your self. Viva P.F
those of u who are condemning the writter please write yo ouwn article so that we see howw intelligent u are. as for now its pankoloko
DONCH KUBEBA means that when MMD is using tax payers’ money to buy food and vitenges to woo supporters, the people of Zambia must eat the food and get the clothing because all these have been bought with THEIR ( the people’s ) money. However, the people must make sure they kick out MMD to teach them a lesson for misusing our resources!! Zyambo has no idea what he was writing about – I am sure he is also a DONCH KUBEBA who is trying to make the MMD think he is decampagning the PF while in that polling booth he will choose PF and SATA!
Have you noticed that most PF cadres are as violent and sarcastic as their leader? Sata is a loosing candidate who will always be in the opposition for the rest of his life. He has accummulated debts which he has failed to settle. It’s good to have such political comedians around.
donchi kubeba ili che. am a graduate from the university of glasgaw and ni donchi kubeba chabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In some countries Christianity is not allowed and when Christian work and live in such countries, they practice Don’t Kubeba. Does this mean that we also also practicing evil tendencies while praising and praying to Our Living God?
DONCHI KUBEBA feela! We are ready to vote out RB and sons corrupt enterprise and all this over played propaganda will never have the intended benefits for MMD as propaganda needs to be well managed. I went to do engineering in the former USSR and these chaps were masters at propaganda that it took a very seriuos person to realise. However, the MMD propaganda is amateur and stinks of desperation! VIVA PF, VIVA Sata, DONCHI KUBEBA!
Don’t Kubeba fellassssssssssssssssss!!!!!
Viva PF, pabwatooooo, Mwamukoloooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
One time I asked a PF supporter who was repeatedly shouting “Don’t Ukubeba”, “don’t Ukubeba” what the meaning of don’t ukubeba was. And he simply answered “don’t Ukubeba” and walked away. I realised that we have a problem of blind and collective idiocy in Zambia.
Zyambo, Congratulations for that info. Very educative article for the all people to understand some of these issues in a braoder perspective. He is a good writer for me maybe to others he is not, for you people who think he has writen trash please feel free to write your article and post it there so that we can learn more about this issue. I did not know the meaning of the slogan till today when I got it from Brother Zyamba. Iam waiting to hear the positive side of the slogan in full for me to make an informed decision. Keep it up Zymbo, keep on researching on issues as you might know that not everyone has the talent of writing or researching. Bravo man
From what I gather, this ‘Donchi Kubeba’ (variant of ‘Donti Kubeba’) is essentially a ploy to outdo opponents in wooing support, in place of tangible promissory goods or a convincing manifesto.
It is like essentially an attempt to hoodwink and trick voters. The question is what is :’ What more is pf promising apart from their ‘Nationalization Policy’?
It is in fact working against pf, because most people see through this trick.
Zyambo or whatever you call yourself,since you know so little explain Nafuti Nafuti in the same litlle mind analysis….. hahahahahahaha Donchi Kubeba
i cant use donchi kubeba because i value my self and i know what i want out of life, am able to decide what is good and what is bad so y y y?????????????? should i act so foolish moreover i have a family behind and how would they look at me if i dont set my priorities right.
Ba LT,please be serious with the articles you publish especially the way they are written.The whole world is checking your website!!!!!!!Shame on you
#107 Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD),
you say MMD is corrupt but you forget that PF leader Micheal SATA was on top 3 of MMD in their first 10 years of power until he was disadvantaged.
Just like Mpombo, Masebo and Mulongoti, whenever these guys are disadvantaged they become starrs of PF.
PF seems to be a resting place for disadvantaged people, but not necessarily people with morals.
SATA was with MMD in the first 10 years and pushed for Chiluba’s THIRD TERM.
The matchets that PF is currently announcing to use for defense was devised by SATA in conjunction with NAKAWALA to deal with oponents of the third term bid.
SATA wanted at all costs that Chuluba govt continued.
He told the nation that Chiluba was the only one who could lead Zambia. You mean 10 year he could not see wrongs?
On 20 September, the slogan will be officially changed to Dont KUBEMBWA.
A Zyambo you are a fool. Your analysis reflects how stupid and weird you are. Keep your ignorance to yourself. By the way donchi kubeba, is meant to stop vote buying from corrupt politicians! Sept 20, PF wins. Ba MMD mwanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
#22 I think you really mean alot – agreed. Zambia. In the remaining days I suggest we pray and think more than we talk and exchange words that do not even help us bring development. Why is Zambia poor? Why are there countable universities – less than the fingers on one hand, why do we have poor road network? Why are our leaders such? This “Donchi Kubeba” thing is a mess! It affects all parties and brings a culture with less morals where u can be swayed by any wind in the name of donchi kubeba! Zambia needs a change – real change and not just coating some color. New blood to come into the politic of Zambia!
DONCHI KUBEBA. People of Zambia have decided to Donchi vote for RBish.
This article is utter rubbish!
sorry zambians for this useless and baseless article.Nijala yenze yani nyokola.But I was not alone by acting together with Chanda Chimba,Chifire and Siulapwa we came up with this article.Manje osa ninena neka na amudala alimo munkani iyi.
But ba LT why do you keep on using this same picture on PF? This picture we have seen it several times. It shows also that you are shallow in thinking and cannot change. please don’t show us this picture again. useless LT
hey… thats a record number of coments to be honest 180…and 98% are against the writer of the article.shocking stuff!!! anyway vote well and “donchi kubeba”. goodluck
Teti ndeonaula Internet pama article yaso, useless! Mafia finshifinshi uko
easy easy pipo,its only a fortnight away, RB en all your followers:Watch out !!!
pipo pipo, wat would u do if u earn your candolo from LT and the MMD, u have no chose but to write rubbish if that is wat your employer asks u to. but donchi kubeba. ni pabwato zyambo donchi kubeba
Pa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaato!!!!!!!
Truth pains. This truth being discarded today may be the real reason why certain leaders could have come closer to getting into state house and yet its far away. Be objective to anything.
We need to start embracing good moral values if this country is to foster meaningful development not values that seems to plant corrupt values. Every one now should start distancing oneself from any form of corrupt practices if we have to fight corruption.
i don’t understand what all the fuss is all about.it’s just a slogan and anyone can interpret it the way they like.if someone writes an article about it,then it’s there understanding and not aybody else’s.however it is not necessary to start getting emotional and start using profanity ove r an article guys.come 20h september we shall decide who will rule us for the next 5 years.i think it’s just a mere 12 days to go.so let people talk and argue,hell let them even kill each other if they want.i dont see RB,Sata,HH,Chipimo jr,Magande insulting each other or even fighting.let us just use our power to vote to put whosoever we desire into plot one for the betterment of our nation.we all know who we are going to vote for but let us also be objective about who will be vote for.20/09/2011!!!
if you are paid to misleading people by sharing your misconceived opinion about the meaning of donchi kubeba,,, please shift you gears and jump to zimbabwe or malawi,,
Finshi ulesabaila iwe… umuntu ni DONCHI KUBEBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any well meaning zambian will agree that so called dont kubeba is very evil…only a dull blind cadre can support such devilish slogans..leaders shd promote sincerity and integrity,the ACC act requires you to report anyone who tries to bribe you..
my vote is for genuine leaders,young and fresh ideas,VIVA REAL CHANGE CAMPAIGN,VIVA HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Stop cheap campaign chi Zyambo.
Its so simple….Dont tell them whom you will vote for. (Donchi kubeba) not that useless things you have raised mr zyambo….anyway i dont blame you, you also no Ni donchi kubeba even if you wrote for them that. just enjoy the money you have been give and donchi kubeba.
#14 You dumb ass! How can you come up with a song subconciously? Go to school!
DONCHI = slang for ‘Don’ – Bossss ‘Chi*****’ a part of the male anatomy used as an insult when they are hating on ba f******
KUBEBA = To tell them, let them know of how shhhiii IS real. It can also be ‘Don’t Kubeba’ – Don’t tell/ Stop snitching – a concept developed in a world where ‘justice’ is servere injustice for certain groups based on ethnicity or wealth – where every life becomes so precious we would rather stay quiet than let anyone ‘take’ even 1 of us.
It’s a concept very familiar to those who live or have lived in servere hardship so if you find this so ‘evil’ why aren’t you writing about the problems that cause such an ethos to develop like the greed of some or corruption of the judicial system which is meant to protect the innocent and vulnerable ?
Donchi Kubeba evil? Iwe mbushi do your research before you write rubbish articles like this. Aka ku paintela ne linso inga azanda!
so now we are in the donchi kubeba
Hahahaha!! What do you have to say now Zyambo, that the elections are over?? Only a dirt minded person can have such stupid imaginations comparing the slogan to all those evils. This started long time ago, when sata formed PF he used to tell his supporters to accept all compaign material & finances the opposition would give out at rallies and anywhere else, without revealing that they are not in support of that party. Previously no one used to accept anything from a party they are not in support of, but sata changed all that. During this year’s compaigns, PF support would receive & evin distribute distribute mmd chitenges, T-shirts etc bt wud say don’t kubeba when giving it out. Pipo benefited. Who they were to vote for was only known in their hearts. AS U CAN SEE, IT WORKED VERY WELL
I take pleasure in, cause I found just what I used to be taking a look for. You have ended my 4 day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye
A Zgambo namwe khalani Waka chete! Bamupanichi a MMD, apo balikutondeka kunozya museu kukaya kwinu.
Its is intresting how evil it can be to see evil….To the contrary DONT KUBEBA….is one of the Holy statement one can ever make….The clue..Does any one know when JESUS Christ is coming back? Does any one know what happen at death? Has any one seen the creator of this beautiful and sometines choatic earth…The answer to most of these important question is DONT KUBEBA……When Juses was Asked about his coming….he simply showed Peter and the other guys, a Quite sign and left…SHHHHIIIIIIIII DONT KUBEBA the isciples apluaded in unison \:d/\:d/\:d/\:d/\:d/
I think u r an ***** to dream up some’ stupid like this. excuse ur sorry ass and stop gobbling.
I hope u just write this nonsense for fun.
It’s shallow-minded people like u that give scientists a leeway into believing that our closest relatives are monkeys. Get ur act together man! Don’t be twisting stuff. Next time check urself and come back with some’ better before spillin’ ur garbage up in here.
misplaced article,poorly researched andd poor timing? whats yo hypothesis??? i give author an E grade!!!
i like ur analysis of wat would be the use of the word in future when the paty loses direction.such is wat is expected of journalists.thnx man
It is good boss you have expressed your philosophical understanding on DONT KUBEBA. My question is do you know what Divergence, Parallel and Convergence thinking? You are just exposing what you and your indoctrinated fellows embraced. Tell us more of the evil you have been doing. The EVIL is with you who cant even believe the way things are unfolding in our loved ZED. You are like Chanda Chimba who advocated for Stand Up for Zambia, but where is he standing up for Zambia and with who when we are all here celebrating The GOLDEN fruit of BOLA YA ZED. Ikulike boyi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is great hope in this beautiful PF Govt. May GOD guide you always.
Thank you for sharing this nice site.