Heritage Party president Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda has condemned president Rupiah Banda for threatening Chieftainess Nkomeshya with dethronement.
General Miyanda has since advised president Rupiah Banda to apologize to the Chieftainess for his misconduct.
In a statement released to QFM today, General Miyanda has since urged traditional leaders not to be intimidated by what he describes as President Banda’s empty threats.
He says there is no law in Zambia that gives the President any authority over chiefs, and has since challenged President Banda to a public debate over the matter.
He adds that such threats by president Banda are the reasons why he has been saying that some of presidential candidates will not make any new changes in the country’s governance system but instead will take the country back into the past to the one party system of threats, intimidation, favoritism and detentions without trial.
General Miyanda says president Banda’s warning to Chieftainess Nkomeshya exposed his deep disrespect for the traditional leader.
He has since encouraged Chieftainess Nkomeshya to soldier on, describing her as a rare example among traditional authorities in the country.
General Miyanda adds that the Chieftainess has been resisting the taking over of traditional land by president Banda’s government to give to dubious foreign investors as if it is his personal property.
General Miyanda be objective in your analysis. Did’nt you hear that the chieftainess was intimidating his subjects not vote for the MMD but for Satan and her niece Masebo. Under our Laws chiefs are not supposed to take part in active politics. The Chieftainess brought herself within firing range and RB had no option but to aim at her.
Ba John Chinena u ve no brains RB is just a failure i was initially supporting MMD but i dont want to give blind support even wen i ve seen the pit is in sight! Tht was uncalled for byt the head of state just like he misfired to the lozis ati i did not solicit for yo vote but where is he 2day and doing wat? He is a novice in politics wait until 20th u wil be shocked wat pipo wil do for their country! He has made so many blunders with Willian Banda, wat is RB doing in Sesheke if he never solicited for votes?
#1, What  about the other chiefs campaigning for RB, is that not partisan politics? Chiefs in Luapula have even formed a task force to tell their subjects to vote for RB
Iyo kwena niwe John Chinena iwe. You are a prototype of RB. Kolwe no brain
John, but does that give rb the right to start threatening the chieftainess with dethronment? A proper statesman would not have gone down the lane rb did. As a result of that, he has cheapened himself, alienated himself from a lot of voters.
rd has suddenly lost popularity among the solis because they are now afraid that once rb is voted into office he will dethrone their loved chief. all solis are voting against rb i bet. one of they important person is threatened with dethroned. i have taken my vote away too.
RBish should say soli or is it sorry. lol
The Gen. is lost and out of touch with realities.
u r the one who is lost, “mongu resident” Â ieven your alias is proof it.
Ops! A mad person telling a normal man he is mad. What a mental case Mongu resident; By the way, which mental hospital are you admitted in, in the U.S? They usually allow visitors, I might pay u a visit and gauge your madness
leave rb to rip what ever he is fimofimo, koz zambians are not fools
Yes Mr Kanitundila shud aplogize to the Chieftainess or else we start trial for him on 21st Sept. Miyanda u r my hero cause you call a spade a spade.
General always seems to live on another planet. From the way he comes into the game just a few moments before the whistle to mot having a clear ideological stance on issues. He is clutching at a very weak straw because the Chieftainess deliberately took a hostile stand against RB because of tribalism from the beginning. Imagine Masebo was adopted for Chongwe at the last minute and the man who was originally supposed to stand on the PF ticket in Chongwe was moved to Chilanga efectively ‘dribbling’ long-standing and faithful Priscilla Kamanga because this man had the audacity to say Lusaka Province is supposed to be for Solis.
My advise to the Chieftainess is to come down from her high horse. As for General be objective.
What realities? Threats? Intimidation? Assaults on the poor ladies as shown on Youtube? Is that the reality you want the General to be in touch with? The thuggery as perpetuated by William and Rupiah Banda? Are those the realities one must be in touch with? Come on, gimme a break! We are tired of this nonsense of MMD thinking the country belongs to these foreign born nitwits. How about leaving it to the owners to destroy it instead of someone from outside doing it? The Chieftainess is 100% Zambian bred and this foreigner to come and threaten her like that and everyone is quiet? What a people we are? It is not docility or peacefulness any more. It is pure foolishness. Probably if we were animals we wouldn’t even have tails to go in between our legs. We are beyond cowardliness.
good stuff my friend most zambians are foolish.
Spot on miyanda the general, for real this foreigner Rbish should apologise to chiefteness nkomeshya and to all soli people, because such threats are signs of disrespectiful to our traditional rulers by this tyrant and its recipe for disastar to our country.
@1 This system of using the chiefs in political issues started in RB`s time. before, chiefs were free, now comes RB who is highly using them like objects to win a vote. Shame on you RB and leave our chiefs alone.Â
Look at that fool called BY? Kwati chitumbuwa ichipile one side. These fools would sell Zambia for their happiness.
Chiefs should be respected, who is Banda, to intimidate traditional leaders? You mmd cadres think behond politics and your big bellies, if the Head of state can not have respect for these leaders. What more for a sponsored cadre like William and his alike.
Thanks General for putting sense imwishilu called Banda. The sad thing is that he has a number of amashilu yanankwe like senior citizen on this blog who see nothing wrong in their fellow mad man. Just look at his neck, which looks like kolyo-kolyo nangu chimbwi
Is it tripping or collapsing? The public media has informed Zambians that Sata collapsed in Western province Tuesday afternoon. We hope it is not the heart issue coming out at this point as it will affect PF negatively.
Traditional leaders should not put themselves in the firing range. She condemned and rubbished RB and the MMD when Masebo was resigning from MMD
She was just telling it as it is. There is no development in her area so what rubbishing did she do. I do not support ant of them but reason before you say soemthing pleeeaaasssee!
Yes bashi Thandi ought to appologize period.
Great words President MIYANDA. Even though I love General MIYANDA, is it not funny that only in Zambia can the man that should be president be head of a party that has probable MP candidates not known. MIYANDA you taking over after Mwanawasa would have been blessedly great.
Before you blog you must read and understand the events leading to the fracas in chongwe.cleary the chief,masebo and pf were wrong from what i have read and heard.what appology?The chief should go and appologise.Zambia can do without these directionless monarchs.As for the general tondolo musuma!He is a flat failure.Could easily have president a longtime ago but he is full of confusion.What heritage?Miyanda,sata,nawaki,scot,magande have all got the same problem.The sata’s and co. thought miyanda was tonga only to discover he is soli!no solid base to launch a serious assault on the presidency!politics is dirty but can be highly tactical ask Obama!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
..another lost soul…wai taya
what do u expect from caf-u.Â
Miyanda is right,why should pipo argue even when issues are so clear
Ba Miyanda, this is an election month, there are plenty of issues people care so much about that you could challenge RB to debate on. As an aspiring presidential candidate that is what we expect you to be doing especially that you have been domant for so long. Why waste people’s time declaring yourself candidate for elections you cannot win even against Kaunda’s one time opponent -the frog. Don’t distract RB, leave him alone, he has done so much in a short space of time that you failed in years as minister without portfolio or VP.
RB is too petty! He has no clue about the presidency. He is typical of what incompetent leaders are ; threats, intimidation and corruption.Why should the whole president fight a chief? RB too petty and no class.
Yambezhi, you are right. And such people have a big complex problem. To compensate for that, they use intimidation, threats and all sorts of useless tactics.
Mwe bena Zambia mukanya uno mukulu. Mulayumfwa ati ichalo chenu chaliba peaceful. Eee twalikalamo nomba katwishi unomukulu, Mukala butuka ngenama shampamga.Â
No, no, no!
It is the chieftainess who snubbed the Head of State, duly elected to represent the Zambian people and it is the Chieftainess who is intimidating her people. Sorry General, u may kombelela a few votes from this minority tribe but no, she was bang out of order!
Gen. You are right. I salute you. Why ukutinya imfumu? just because nayikana ka brown envelope? Shame. Next week, kabobwa, wina azalila. Tiyifuna Tax payers money yathu. Naumfwa.
Why is it acceptable for Nkomeshya to victimise and intimidate those who do not share her political views? She can support whatever political party she wants to but that right is also open to anybody else who happens to live in Chongwe. If the political party she supports is in tune with the feelings of the people of Chongwe, why then does she need to use coercion?Â
Another fool in the diaspora
The different between Banda and Nkomeshya is that Banda’s reign comes to an end on Septeber 20 while her royal highness’ reign is until death. Ba Banda just accept that this woman is not your match in leadership. Remember that you expelled Magande because he was not royal to you, why should you tell the Queen how to govern her kingdom. Just back off from this wise woman
Well said General. The Good Lord will bless you. Friends, Chiefs are not elected like these politicians. Chiefs are born, that is why we call them royal fimo fimo. RB did not even win the elections, he stole the vote from Sata. Let him wait for Sept 20. Please ignore the ranting of 22, whose thinking is doubtful
John Chinena & Lady Zee, it’s you who should be objective. The Gen. is talking wisdom. The Mwata in Luapula is threatening his subjects, but the President is silent! What’s wrong with the Chieftainess stating that she has not seen development in her area?
What is the house chifes saying about this?
#25 So two wrongs make a right? If what you are saying is true, then wouldn’t Miyanda’s contribution be even handed if he condemned the actions of both Nkomeshya and the Mwata instead of trying to bury Nkomeshya’s behaviour under the carpet? The issue is about the victimisation of citizens. Miyanda as a potential leader should condemn that whenever and wherever it happens. In addition, I dont understand this pf mentality of always saying that MMD is doing the same thing that PF is accused of, as PF is trying to portray itself as an alternative to MMD and should therefore try to gain and retain the moral high ground. If Pf behaves in the same way as MMD, then what difference and what value will they bring if they are voted into power?Â
Its amazing how thick bloggers from the diaspora are.Since when has Kingdom reported to a president???Stop drinking ama Stella they are making you dull.I know some of you drink white Ace there.
Zambians let not lose objectivity. President Banda may have over reacted, but chief Nkomeshya should as well be above party politics. Its sad for a traditional leader to have reduced herself to a political cadre. Land disputes or not, the chief should have resolved such in a manner befiting a royal highness. One wonders if she has advisers or Indunas? If she has; what are the indunas doing when the chief is going open air? Or is it allowed in their tradition for the chief broadcast?
In other words the chief tempted her subject (RB). RB felt the mother was unfairly distributing her love among subjects, hence the painful remark/reaction.
RB shud not think that zambians are fools.RB must know that traditional leaders in zambia yes they are controlled by the governning law …but the president has little power over them .He can only interfere wen there are succession wrangles which threatens peace in the kingdom through the local authority not the other way round.So MR KANITUNDILA shud not abuse his presidential powers o else after 20th september 2011 gona be kulondolola ..mwanamuddala twayuma twaambo basa.
@ 7, Perfectly said. that’s my reasoning too. We Zedians are not only foolish but also……………………………!!!!!!!!!
i stay in chongwe and i have seen how the chieftainess has been intimidating his subjects especially those that support the MMD,and she snubs the president, threatening her people and sub chiefs hat whoever supports the MMD will be disciplined.She has joined politics and must be taken as a politician.She is actively campaigning for the PF and Masebo, can someone dispute my POINT?
chimwemwe boy, #35…please don’t let your ignorance betray you. You are in diaspora and you are not a resident in chongwe. prove your allegations.
@ 1, What’s your coment on the majority of the chiefs, most of whom are in senior positions traditionally, who have openly declared to support the candidature of RB as president, forcing their subjects in their respective chiefdoms to follow their foot steps as per government owned and controlled media from 04:50 to 24: 00 hrs, everyday for seven days?????????????????????
@15, ….read and heard?????????? another Kachepa!!!!!!!!!!!
I think BY is worried about how he is going to enter State House without MPs…hahahahahaha!!!!!!! By the way ba LT, which gathering was this where everybody seems to be hopeless?????????
Zambians will never cease to amaze me. Can for sure a known foreigner come all the way from Nyasaland to dethrone a sitting Chief? where can it happen in the world. Zambians stop being NDWIIIIIIIIII.
Gen Miyanda we know about your village concept and how by a technicality you got out of being imprisoned for your role in the attempt coup plot against KK. We know about how your first wife carried on round the bend and later was ‘killed’, whilst you went inside. We know about your days as a Cab Driver, and your rise to VP, and your performance how you were dumped and made a junior Minister…but its your inability to be objective that worries alot of people….small wonder you were described as a failed Gen in comparison to Christon Tembo.
A fatl Political stunt Alla B took.This foriegner ought to be reminded that Zambia is bigger than MMD.
It is wrong for any chief to intimidate subjects because they dont support a candidate of her choice.
The advice given to Nkomesha is in order.
You guys here in town busy clicking here should not think the right you enjoy of free association should be denied to our colleagues in the villages, NO!
The chiefs are free to support any candiadte of their choice and should let there subject free to excercise their choices too.
The chief is free to intimidate his/her subjects on matters of her Kingdom, BUT NOT on matters of national democracy – it is wrong to deny subjects of their democratic right while nkomesha enjoys hers.
That is not the Zambia we are looking for, where decracy is only in towns.
Chiefs should not victimize subjects for supportin candidates of their choice!!!
What goes up comes down, MMD has been eating with these tuma chiefs and many of them even declared support of Nyamasoya unless iam wrong but i have read in the press many chiefs around the country endorsed kanitundila , those who did not endorse him like nkomensya and Nalubamba are not in good standing with the president, i salute nkomensya soldier own ur pipo will still call u chief even RB removes you, which can never happen. Whats wrong with a chief endorsing another candidate?
#42 Zedman,
There is nothing wrong with endorsing another candidate.
What is wrong is when a chief victimizes subjects for supporting other candidates from her/his choice!
the chief has become a political animal by openly agitating for her niece’s political aspirations against those of many of her subjects. RB could have behaved better despite
well said general. at least you are the best sheep in wolves skin among the ten hopeless fellows. will vote for you in 2031…
Imwe Chieftainess is A SHE!!! puliziiiiiiiiiii..
General Miyanda, you are just a total mess, you have the potential to be the leading politician of our time in Zambia but you luck tactical understanding of Zambian politics. It pains me to see you like a baby talking about non issues instead of you being the real threat to remove RB from power get into office and then deal with issues of corruption because you are the only one who could deal with this issue and bring prosperity to Zambia.
These old politicians in Zambia all have the problem of being cheap & concentrating on small issues down to spending time discussing individual citizens. It is a sign of an empty mind or corrupt one. A modern President sets the tone for the country’s future for all. Not these chaps whose goodness is only seen by “special people” and rest of us can’t see what they see no much how much we try. Really sad!
why should RB apologise..the chieftainess went too far! Miyanda kaili tahts your father’s chief!!
That is what happens even to Generals who have read too much PFOST.
RB is so desperate. He wants every chief to be dancing to his tune like the useless chiefs in southern and Luapula provinces I did not know that in Zambia we have great chiefs like Nkomesha.
RB 0 – Nkomesha 10. shaa RB.
Banda will be worse than Mugabe…..He is autocratic in leadership style hence failed to handle Sylvia Masebo…. people wake up… Banda likes “Bwana bwana style” of loyalty and all those in support of Banda are beneficiaries of corruption…. He has no respect how on earth do you threaten a Chief/or chieftainship…. He is not a genuine Zambian that’s why…. Viva PF…Viva Sata
Someone will lose votes here for sure!! Give her a break as she just learning Donc….Kub… and will throw away brownies!! Did Dr. NEW Simutani consider Chongwe in his survey??
………..mmmmMHH will rural votes still be there for the big man next week with Willy Teke Banda also on the violence trail?? No WP no LP no NP no CB and no Lsk no SP – this will be very interesting come 20 ….to….. 23rd
Gen your debate will come next week so we will hear what you have to say.Rupiah needs to apologize to all the chiefs.His arrogance leaves much to be desired.The hour has come for the MMD to go!!!PF is forming government on the 28 of SeptemberÂ