Friday, January 17, 2025

Sata describes Rupiah as a big crook


President Rupiah Banda address a public rally at Mulambwa Ground in Mongu
President Rupiah Banda address a public rally at Mulambwa Ground in Mongu

Patriotic front president Michael Sata has described Movement for multi party democracy MMD President Rupiah Banda as a big crook.

Mr. Sata says that president Banda wants to get credit for the initiatives that he has not initiated.

He says that president Banda should not cheat Zambians that most initiatives are a brain child of his presidency.

Mr.Sata speaking at a rally in Masaiti Boma to drum up support for his presidency and the aspiring parliamentary candidates ahead of the 2011 elections, says that it is surprising that president Banda wants to get credit for the things he has not worked for.

Mr. Sata cites the issue of Ndola stadium and other developmental projects that have been initiated by late president Levy Mwanawasa, to which Mr. Banda wants to get credit.

The patriotic front president further stated that president Rupiah Banda has tolerated investors who are running mines in the country.

Mr. Sata alleges that because of corruption, most companies running the mines do not respect the Zambian workers.

And Patriotic Front Munali aspiring parliamentary candidate Nkandu Luo Nkandu Luo has doubted Zambia’s chances of having free and fair elections.

Prof.Luo says that president Rupiah Banda is so desperate to the point that he is intimidating every Zambian.

In an exclusive interview with QFM radio, she stated that the MMD has failed to provide level playing field for all the political parties.



  1. Please, please, please…..RB said that he will complete all MMD projects. It does not matter who initiated them, the issue is to deliver. Sata and PF were arguing that RB has just started workning in the last six months, so what bull-sh!t is this? Luo, have you just realised that you have already lost this year’s elections?

  2. Muntu alibe chabwino. If Banda had failed to finish Levy’s projects pipo could hav condemned him. He hs finished the projects Sata says he doesnt deserve the credit.

    • I think the problem is that in the process of taking credit for projects that are been completed, RB has completely removed LPM’s fingerprints on all these projects. RB rarely acknowledges Mwanawasa as the initiator of the projects. He always makes it sound like he (RB) is the source and architect of all these initiatives, including funding—behavior akin to PRAGERISM in academics.

      This is what rubs most people the wrong way! Especially those who respects what LPM tried to do for our country. Nearly on all project sites the pics you see are that of Rupiah—a through-back to the days of “THE PARTY AND ITS GOVERNMENT”, which is a misnomer. Political parties only run govt for a limited time, but govt is forever, or so it should be!

  3. Nkandu…how come I have never been intimidated?… can you be on the same leveled playing field when MMD are talking development, pointing at things you can see, and PF are busy complaining, insulting, lying with nothing to point to? Please, 20th come soon so that this issue is put to rest.

    • Sata is paying dearly for having been so negative about China. China the new supper power is just responding to protect its business interest in Zambia by way of sponsoring developmental projects. Very very difficult for PF to counter especially that the ally Pf had opted for Taiwan has since reconciled with China.

  4. But that is the continuity we want. Did you honestly want the Ndola stadium to cease with the passing of levy? You are the same guy who ill advised FTJ to curtail everything Kaunda left good or bad. To date we do not have a national airline because of such mediocrity.

  5. sata suprises me. he accused mwanawasa of not even building a toilet and today he wants to praise him. mmd target is the millenium development goals and the sixth national development plan and not some 90 day theory. this is economics not satanomics. as for luo, pf is the one with no level playing field. just look at the mp adoption which was being done in someones bedroom in roads park. think dont sink in the titanic with a mad captain.

  6. Prof Luo and Mr. Sata, Zambian are not all Bemba tribe. Even the Bemba speaking people are not ethnically bemba. To think that elections and governance of Zambia should be considered alright when a bemba candidate wins or a bemba is president of Zambia is far from the norm. As regards projects,president Banda would have choosen to ignore what preisdent Mwanawasa had iniatiated. The complishing of a project is just as good. Both Mr. Sata and Professor Luo sat in the same cabinet. Are they worth the leadership they want to be by attacking MMD. A PARTY that showed them to the world! Go back to natola fwe alone.

    • Now i know that some people are surely dull and so slow in thinking,you should go out your place and see how people are suffering at the hands of your president.Wake up you have slept for too long.Sata Aleteka next week whether you like it or not!!

    • Why are you bringing in the issue of tribe? by the way did you know that a Bemba has never been president of Zambia and that even sata is not Bemba but Bisa of Mpika.! Please to not demonise bembas they are a very peaceful and lovable people. if they were tribalists they woud have wanted Nevers Mumba , a pure Bemba of Chinsali to be president. Dont be shallow in analysis.

  7. SATAn just shut up! Why are you trying to give credit to LEVI now when you oppossed every developmental project he undertook. Shameless snake, shame on you! viva HH

  8. Viva Sata… Vote PF. its sad that MMD has mis used a lot of GRZ resources which could have helped the poor. I want to implore PF not to do what MMD has done when they come into power next week

  9. Sata can’t live in a glass house and hurl stones at the same time.Isn’t he the one that was complaining the other day about the falsehood of his collapse at a rally?

  10. Its wrong for the opposition to start crying foul play. Pointing fingers at RB and MMD will not win us votes we should instead go out flat and convince the masses that indeed we can continue where the MMD has reached and even do much better.We are a nation with development plans which every political party that is voted into office should carry on with. Time is fast running out and we can still change votes minds in our favour but name calling will not win us vvotes. Remember what William Banda said last time on Copperbelt that MMD will not easily hand over power without putting up a spirited fight. So why the likes Prof Nkandu Luo complainong about.

  11. yes he did not initate them i argee with you mr sata….but what he has done is complete them which is one thing can not do…………u have said that u would not complete any mmd projects and start ur own…………very dull thinking i must say

  12. I just dont get it, which is it kansi? Sometimes we are told that RB has abandoned LPM’s legacy, and then in the next breath we will be told that RB should not take credit for finishing LPM’s projects! This just goes to show that Satan does not understand  cabinet govt and that is why he feels he is  not responsible in any way for the excesses of the Chiluba administration which he was part of and which was responsible for the privatisation of the mines. Anyway, what Satan does not realise is that he is tacitly admitting that the MMD administration has delivered regardless of who or what is leading it which is a testament to the strong foundations of the party. Can the same be said about PF, would it continue to exist without Sata at the helm?

    • This should explain to you the sort of leadership that Mr. Sata is bringing to Zambia, one where national issues are understood and implemented from the back to the front today and tomorrow from the front to the back. A man they say, should be judged by his consistency.

  13. Levy was called a cabbage and his administration was said to be on auto pilot. Today, Levy is a hero for initiating projects and RB is a vilain for assuring the projects began and completed successfully.

    In 2016, i can see Sata praising RB for doing a good job. This is how PF politics works. It has no direction and is full of opportunism. It fails to give guidance to the people but instead sows seeds of hate and violence.

    Very sad!

    Seeing the end of PF will be nothing but good riddance for Zambian politics. We need issue based campaigns and not hot air!

  14. Got to disagree with MCS here. Crooks are very intelligent people. I think that is being disrespectiful to crooks. I doubt our President is anywhere near being a crook. My opinion though!

  15. SATA is right give another term to RB and you will see how viscious and crooked RB is. He is now grading roads in Town and making dust all over with no proper drainage. After elections he will go for holiday and you and I will have to battle with the mud and dust he has created in our township roads.

  16. If Banda has just completed projects iniated by Manawasa, then thats good news, coz not everyone thats starts things finish esp in zed. Just go around all township and see for yourself uncompleted buildings and u will no that anyone can start, but to finish, u need the fininshing anointing of which RB got.So Whats the fuss about that, sata u will always be a loser wetha marriage or politics. I rest my case

  17. Sata is gone for good this time. Over the week-end, I was with some women who were campaining for PF, but they were laughing ans saying, Don’t Kubebe…we will not vote for Sata, we are throwing it back at him!

    • What is the problem if someoen is sick? I am sure from time to time all of us fall sick. I am sure your mental health need to be checked.

  18. You men on LT, why are you not admiring Dora’s bums…..she needs someone to put water…come on guys…she want wants twins….

  19. Ba Sata ba Mudala, these are still MMD projects. And these elections are between MMD and the rest of you small parties. Remember, you are on record of having said Mwanawasa had failed to build a single toilet.

  20. If i luk at pipo speaking as PF mouthpieces or newsmakers in the post tabloid, I shudder…Luo, mulongoti. mbita, mpombo, masebo, roger chongwe, sakeni and sata himself. Most of wat thez pipo say does make a lot of sense because of their past 10yrs history in Chiluba Govenmnt. They need to up their game otherwise they are hoodwinking pipo to believe if they lost is is bcoz Elections were not fair as Luo puts it. HH luks like he has a clear picture while PF are cameloen type. RB has done well to complete most projects to aceptable levels although some havent been wel done due to rushing factors. RB, pse Bola panshi, all is well for MMD in my opinion. Pse ba Mmembe, help sale Sata, dont dwell too much on negatives coming frm MMD as yo main news, sad that…

  21. contnd from #30 …sad that due to politics of inclination, as is always the case in zambia during Elections regardless of who is in state house, the public media has decided to shun especially the PF. I abhore it. I know even PF if they were to be in power they would do the same esp under sata as Presdo. Next Parliament shoud re-look mo seriously at this issue and regulate better on it.

  22. The winner for 2011 election is beginng to emerge. My latest opinion poll based on Sata’s response to MMD development projects puts him at 15%, RB at 65% and the rest at 13%. The confidence level however is weak at 50% because people commenting on this forum were not randomly picked so may not be true representative of the actual voters.

    • wat we need is dvelopmt,well done RB,i don’t kwn wat the viper wants,pliz sata think u’r not adressing young 1s.zed is full of inteligent pipo.

      b carefull wen u’r adressing the RB viva.4 countinuetion.sata is clazy,thanks God 2 let me knw hw dengerous a snake is 2 human nature,bcoz i would hv weast my vote.

  23. Under the current circumstances, RB is a clear choice. However, there are the simple minds, the illiterate and the tribalists who will vote Sata simply because of the above. Sata is a very uncooth old man, very Sarcastic, evil and very vindictive. If it was Sata in power, you would not call Sata names the way you call RB because you would simply be hunted down, one by one, like game animals and dealt with ruthlessly.

  24. Do these guys actually deserve aany response???? They are losers. Leave them to talk until their voices are hoarse. #24 which Zambia are you describing??? You are the dullest person I have ever encountered in my life … and that is a record that will take time to beat! Bloody *****!

  25.  The Truth Pains says:Mon Sep 12 at 9:53 amAny Zambian who thinks he or she can benefit from tribalism,hatred,insults,violence,corruption,propaganda and from old re-cycled tired political leaders MUST NOT VOTE FOR HH/UPND.Any Zambian who thinks she or him can benefit from The social,economical and good governance programme from the new brand of economical leadership which can create wealth and make all Zambians be empowered and enjoy direct benefit out of zambian land through partnering with foreign investers as a way of retaining Zambian wealth-PLEASE VOTE HH/UPND.UPND=UNITED ZAMBIANS’ PARTY FOR PEACE AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT.

  26. BaSata, you have started highlighting you opponent’s projects how are we going to win. Imagine we are losing again because of selfishness of SATA and HH. The Post Newspaper has also contributed greatly to this loss that is in our sight.

  27. Sata is a psychiatric patient.FTJ,Levy and RB are all MMD.RB promised continuity and he is doing exactly that.Whatever achievements are done,its to the credit of MMD.Anyway,thank you Mr Sata for acknowledging the MMD’s achievements-UKUSUMINA KWAWA MIYA,KUTUMBA INKANSHI.Mr Sata is saying-RB has performed because of the foundation left by his predecessor,Levy.The same Levy Sata claimed never did anything!Sata is not normal upstairs.

  28. Lets face it Sata is being punished for insulting the new economic power house China. China needed to protect its business interest which was under threat from Sata backed by his then ally Taiwan Sata was roaring. China then just used its cheque power to sponsor developmental projects in Zambia to fight Sata in an election. Its now an uphill battle for Sata to win. PF can’t even run for cash to Taiwan because China has since reconciled with it. As for Zambian oppressed workers at the hands of China lack of respect for Z labour force one can only hope Zambia government will learn to negotiate with its very difficult economic partner. The world is still learning how to do business with China. With US and Europe broke its prayer time for God’s intervention to help suffering miners.

    • You are a blind fool who doesn’t know that what China is doing is blatant corruption…you are going to pay for those projects via zero tax policies chi RB will give all these investors!! 

  29. Sata, this is called continuity and that is what we want. The President’s term is Five years and you do not expect projects to be decided, proposed, implemeted and completed in that period. If a truck driver (A) who is transporting 40 tons of maized to a starving community somewhere in Kitwe suddenly falls sick in Kapiri M’poshi and driver (B) takes over and delivers the maize to the starving commuity, who are they going to say brought the maize? Drive A or Driver B? The massive development we are seeing to day is because of RB’s desire to uplift Zambia’s economy. Ofcourse any country’s economic development and growth comes out the government’s policies and RB being the head of the MMD led government has all the right to be proud of the achievements. VIVA RB, NAFUTI NAFUTI

  30. 1 week from now Michael Chilufya Sata will suffer a 2nd and potentially fatal heart attack! Thereafter, he will be part of the national archives and that will spell the end of the PF as we know it today. MHSRIP.

  31. as usual Sata talking his chimbuya relationship with RB. Ba luo, its a good you know that your president is going no where and you wont be a minister again, congrats tho for bouncing back to parliament.

  32. Can someone please highlight to the nation the projects that Alabee and MMD have done for the Zambians to vote for them again surely? Remember MMD has been given a chance for 20 SOLID YEARS and there is nothing to suggest that it has been in power this long. Am very happy ’cause pipo are very decided on change and the MMD must not temper with pipo’s vote please please. We are aware that MMD and Govt machinery want to use Monday 19th September 2011 as a schemer’s day to rig and would like to alert every Patriotic Zambians and all the election agents to be very aware of this day. Otherwise the Zambians are confirming Sata to State House on 20th Septemebr 2011 come what may. Viva DONT KUBEBA. PA BWATOOOOOOOOO


  33. Ba Sata continuity is important! Even us in NAREP will introduce new projects and finish the Old MMD projects as well.Work PF members,continuity is very much important.

  34. SATA is a bad leader who is not ready to build on the foundations of his predicessor.
    It is because of people like SATA that Africa has remained behind not only in politics but in the corporate world.
    Companies have failed to stand the in africa because their leaders are of the type of SATA wanting glory and credit at all costs, fearing to build on others that came before them.

    I will tell you one thing; Zambia is not short of people with plans and projects on paper but Zambia is desperately hungry for leader such as RB who will implement.
    It is not plans on paper that matter, but implementation.
    If Africa had leaders like RB, the Mandelas of this world who want things done, africa would change.
    RB, indeed you are a great leader not ashamed to speak continuity.

  35. If RB and MMD are p opular as they would want to cheat themselves, let them show Sata rallies between today 12th and 18th september 2011 on ZNBC. These are the things the tax payer’s are complaining about. Why show one man on nationa TV alone when the electoral code of conduct states that they shall be equal air time allocated to each politica l party and not one bufoon. So what is the role of Justice Mambilima and ECZ in ensuring that free and fair elections are held? I challenge RB who was yesterday asking God to preside over the nation for peace to ensure that equal PRIME AIRTIME is given to all the aspiring candidates especically PF which the strongest contender in this election otherwise God is watching whatever RB and his croonies are doing. Remember God cannot be mocked.

  36. # 52 IMIMBULU,
    it does not matter whether SATA’s rallies are shown or not.
    in 2008 the POST showed huge rallies for SATA in Mongu, but the man get less than 200 votes.

  37. Twalya again. RB will start his own Big Projects unlike just completing was was started by someone else. Viva MMD, Pa nkolokoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  38. Rallies, they don’t mean so much. People go to listen to silly jokes by Sata and onother old fool, Guy Scott. People also go to see if Sata is really fit to be president. Surely, how do you have such a president with a foul mouth?….a kaponya style president. If you guage winning elections by how big a rally is, then you will cry foul after elections because you will believe elections have been rigged. People go to rallies for all kinds of things and we know PF transport people from far away places to make huge rallies. By the way, are these the first big rallies Sata has made?

  39. Iwe Fine # 57, just as your name suggests, fine that was 2008 and our brothers and sisters in Western Province had no issues with MMD because of the late galant Levy (MHSRIP) remmember! What you should and must know is that the ball game has completely metamorphisised (changed) in 2011 due to the ungratefulness of RB in particular to Western Province. He mocked them that he never begged the 35000 swing votes, killed Lozis and justified it, not apologised to this day, underdevelopment is what greets the Lozis. Additionally Mr Sata in the past contests had never even visited W/Province but today all the 150 constituencies have been visited by PF and the structures are doing great job. Sata is the only Hope that the youths, the farmers, workers, and the poor of this country have and its clear

  40. Ba Nkandu, Just show us those ‘yam’ like matanta again. You are lucky because you went to school, otherwise you would have been one ugly tasinta on our roads. No wonder, you look like Sata’s twin sister.

  41. whatever opions we are puting across will end on 20th September 2011.
    On that day the best man, most popular and liked leader will be elected.
    Those who have failed to win people’s trust will be in opposition for 5 years until 2016.

  42. Some half brains are hoping for Western Province to rebel against the Govt. Meembe and Sata have sewn seeds of decent in Western provice, but we know the people of Werstern province, they can’t be bought by Sata..never. This time, MMD will do well country wide because there is no place un touched by development all the way to Shan’gombo. Lusaka is a good example, MMD has made serious inroads this time arround.

  43. Lasa Lasa # 59, at least we can engage in reason as opposed to insults. If rallies are nothing to go by, how come ZNBC does not show MMD’s poorly attended rallies but those where they ferry masses who dont even vote from such place like Chongwe case, they are very eager and keep repeating the same rallies. In PF we believe in DONT KUBEBA and this slogan has so many facets to it that we can cannot reveal here because these are our strategies. We in PF know what rallies bring and then we follow up, just wait and see what happens my brother on 21st September as results pour in! Its landsllide even in the least places you expect for PF. We have done the ground work. So good luck in your man hunter for MMD sympathisers as Zambia prepares for a new era of leadership. Pa bwatoo fye chapwa.

  44. Let’s wait for 21st September 2011 especially as results for Lusaka Province pour in, I hope the ambulances at State House are in good conditions…… DONT KUBEBA is actually like advanced cancer in the electorates, it can’t be reversed!!!

  45. 21st Sept 2011.Latest news just received, Muhabi Lungu, Canicious Banda, the REBELS Machungwa, Marjory and Fostina protest to ECZ as PF sweeps all Parliamentary and Presidential polls in Lusaka with landslide victory! Joy and allulations fills and grips Lusaka. More update as we receive from Eastern province later before noon

  46. RB will leave plot 1 on 20th and back on 23rd. This will just be a small holiday for him to see one or two relatives then back into plot 1 till 21st Sept, 2016. How does that sound? Cwe-cwe-cwe-cwe


  48. Continuity, Consistent,& building on foundation others laid and improving upon is what every progressive leader in the world does. Take review of leaders of USA, UK, China, even South Africa, Botswana and Tanzania all build and improve upon what foundation others laid down.In contrast when Zambia changed leadership in 1991 SATA came from UNIP, Governor etc and advised novice Chiluba to obliterate every foundation laid down by Kenneth Kaunda. We all know the results. What is more disheartening is to board a foreign airline going to mother Zambia from UK. Currently a plane slot for Zambia Airways still exist at Heathrow airport with no planes. I disdain it profoundly. Never to be repeated with SATA schemes on Zambians.

  49. 8 more days before Sata is evacuated to Morning Side Clinic. “But first we’ll have to hear the now familiar: BUT YOU ARE THE JONAULIST, YOU ASK THEM. THEY ARE HIDING, THE’VE RUN AWAY.THATS WHAT IAM SAYING, YOU ARE THE JONAULIST YOU ASK THEM”

  50. Muna thats the word tell these boys from fresh blood that goevernment is not runned like a kanteba where you just come and say how change this or how do this. There is an existing system which you cant just wake that how change and take people ten steps backward. A good leader has to recognise the efforts of his predecessors.

    RB viva MMD will win by a landslide

  51. Most of the people debating may not even come back to vote RB has done his best even though it mighty be the 11th hour developments than one big crook who always say i will do instead of saying we will more of a boss than a leader

  52. kwena muli babufi Banda is so selfish if you are saying continuity how can he put his head on posters on the projects. its not time to be cheated in america can obama put posters on wat he is doning shame on you shallow minded pipo you are even saying in america. wat is wrong with zambian , this man is a president and can no leave on ideas that were left, in japan the prime minister resigned because he had no idea on wat to do after the tsunami. be real guys weather u are eating together or not, we need ideas for the future……. SALAPUKENI MWISUKE NE MITWE


  54. No one is questioning the continutity but the message we are being told is “unprecendented developemnt” since 2008. RB wants to be judged from 2008 but at the same time take credit and completely igonre that they were initiated by LPM, MHSRIP. That is crookedness of the highest order.
    By the way, is Regina takng funeral to Luapula or another funeral campaign strategy to RB, her mourning itinerary in Luapula sounds strange!!!!! Seven days and we know whom Zambians want, no tricks this time around!!!!

  55. So ‘big crook’ for claiming credit for Mwanawasa’s projects. And for not levelling the playing field? ‘fat *****’?

    Assuming Mwanawasa was MMD, who should claim credit for the projects he initiated then?

  56. Zambians know Satana for the biggest crook that he is. he can never repent from his crooked ways and the presidency will elude him for the fourth and final time.

  57. The boat has started taking in Water, please get onto the life Boats (20HH) now!! Its now known that on 20th Sept the boat will capsize.

  58. thanks to church mother bodies that organized that prayer meeting yesterday. it is good that RB was in attendance and heard his royal highness Chipepo preached. Ba RB please let the will of the people prevail don’t rig the elections.

  59. Fair elections is what we need. Already MMD’s UPG is re;printing some ballot papers claiming that there are some serious errors. Pipo of zambia lets b on the lookout for these crooks. I am sure the rigging has already started. The ACC and ECZ can not do anything as they cant bite the finger that feeds them. Lets turn in big numbers and VOTE OUT INKOLOKO IYATOBEKA.

  60. There is proper madness pa Zed manje. Does it mean whole PF leadership is ignorant of the fact that RB took over from the late Levy who did not complete his term and projects? Why is the PF leadership pretending to be ignorant of plain facts? Is RB so fierce that Sata loses memory every time he thinks of him? Zambians Satana watakana. PF Kaponyas Sata for traditional healing his memory is failing so fast.

  61. #84 kazakundila for sure come September 20, you and your serpent and shinda paper for Namakando Mmembe

  62. Now look who is talking, the chief crook himself. We have heard that line before, Mr Sata had gone into a cuckoon with his lies, but now after abusing the courts to tuck away Chanda Chimba into some corner he is back at it. Continue Mr Sata, the more you rant the more the PF votes disappear because Zambians know who Mr Sata is now, 8 days before D-Day. kikikiki, agony we!

    “Prof.Luo says that president Rupiah Banda is so desperate to the point that he is intimidating every Zambian”. I am a Zambian and there are millions others, none of us feel intimidated by RB, instead the only person we fear is your Mr Sata and yourself. Ask your cousin, Mumbi Phiri.

  63. # 78 Zeb Mpinganjira,
    Yes, unprecedented development.
    Unprecedented because we have always had plans and projects on paper.
    But what RB has done in terms of implementation is remarkable, indeed unprecedented.
    RB for sure is the true “Man of Action”
    Any man who has open eyes will know that RB has worked.
    Some are saying that the development are last minute, wait a minute;
    The Choma-Namwala road commision in 2010, was it last minute?
    The numerous schools and rural roads which take no less than a year to complete and have been commisioned from last year todate, were they done last minute?
    The numerous clinics and hospitals built and commisioned, were they last minute?
    The two consecutive bumper harvests we have enjoyed, were they last minute?
    What is meant by ‘Last minute”?

  64. In terms of lovability to Zambians today 8 days before D-Day, RB is what a Teddie Bear is to a child, and Mr Sata remains the serpent, as always…..

  65. And in terms of trustworthiness to Zambians today 8 days before D-Day, RB is what a Teddie Bear is to a child, and Mr Sata remains the serpent, as always…..

    • Your perception?. Professors, Drs, Engineers, busines fratenity, sympthesizes, etc are mad people wanting to replace RB with SATA.

  66. As I have stated before, these last few days we shall be treated to all sorts of lies, innuendos and comedy by Mr Sata and the PFOST. Just watch the PFOST and Mr Sata as they try to outdo themselves at whatever lies they have told since 2008. Patriotic Zambians will remain steadfast in their resolve, they will not be cheated. But the liars have a democratic right to entertain us, ni AGONY batata!

  67. LATEST. SOME BALLOT PAPERS ARE BEING REPRINTED. I said it before and I am saying it again. The elections will NOT be held on 20/09/2011. They will be delayed for another 14-30 days. It’s too soon to distribute all these ballot papers in 5 days, let alone these ones that are being reprinted will take another 2-3ndays to reprint. 2-3 days delayed.

  68. And the fact that they want to destroy the papers in Lusaka instead of at UPG premises tells us it’s rigging in the process.

    I thought the observers there were checking all templates for verification before each print was commenced. All those heads allowing so many errors. That’s not possible. Those guys are just there on holiday. And this is why the world over thinks we Zambians are incapable of everything right except though dubious methods.

  69. There is nothing to argue about here..RB has done what a man can do. If people will not appreciate it, too bad, but they will leave to remember these moments and it will be too late. 20th is arround the corner, don’t just blog, support your blogging with an actual vote otherwise you will make noise with the rigging nonsense.

  70. At least Sata himself is appreciating that projects are being implemented by RB.Fortunately on this occassion, bemba tribalism and their propensity to first will be defeated once again.

  71. We can argue as much as we like till our face turns blue/black but I can assure you that very little impact, if any, is going to be attributed by bloggers on the site or any other for that matter. To begin with the majority (at least 99%) of the bloggers including myself are not registered voters – so lip service critic and calling each other names is all futile. The die is cast and next week Tuesday the registered voters will implement what they feel their conscience is leading them to vote – most have already made up their mind whom they are going to vote for and no amount of cajolling will make them change their minds. May the best man or woman win the election.

  72. Only a few days to go! I hope RBish is voted out oh how I detest this robber and liar. Can’t wait to see the back of him….. Lets give a better man the job of running Zambia there are more cons than pros for this man in power. Someone who doesn’t want to fight blatant corruption in my eyes is untrustworthy. VOTERS DO THE RIGHT THING OR CARRY ON THE WAY YOU ARE. A change is always good and only time can tell. 

  73. Guys, let us talk to whoever we can, but please for that one day let the entire Country spend there night at the polling station guiding our votes up and until the last vote has been counted and results announced by the ECZ in Lusaka (Confirmed by oursleves in the field as true). Please spare us your sleep and let’s all spend our nights at the polling stations. If you suspect there will be rigging at any one polling station, please let us go there early enough so we seal out everything.

  74. I don’t think you guys are staying or visit Zambia to see the change from what left Mwanawasa and the current senerio. The airpot stincks like hell, there is still hunger in the rural areas, maize buying is not as reported, look at the state of hospitals and schools and councils. Can someone say we have developed the country? Only fools can brag about this nonsence. You were afriad of changing Chiluba untill things went worse. All you guys may not even vote but know that it is hot out there. Better prediction is 20th but ni Pabwato.

  75. Describing rupiah as a crook is actually a gross understatement.
    Evil would have been close

  76. #102, That is exactly the way the PFOST described Mr Sata, and Mr Mmembe has never and will not withdraw that statement of fact. I bet you did a cut and paste from Mmembe’s diary. Awe mwandi this week is agony, they will be describing themselves daily. Especially abaisundawila muma toloshi.

  77. As I go to bed comfortably and peacefully, let me leave PF with one message. Despite all the campaigning (or is it self decampaigning) that PF has done all these years (they have never spared a single minute to talk about development), their efforts boil down to one question, “Has PF gained the trust and confidence of the Zambian electorate?” The answer is a resounding NO and that is what PF will face on 20 September 2011. That is why I do not mind what colour their flags are in Kasama or anywhere else. Kikikikiki, good night!

  78. MMD has led the country by intimidation and lies.Whichever Govt will come to power must be held accountable by the Zambians.Bullies like Mr.Banda and those in the opposition should be put on notice.

  79. If MMD was to stand trial for economic mismanagement for the past 20 years, who, fellow bloggers, would be the culprits? The answer is then obvious – RB, sata, mwanawasa, chiluba, mpombo, mulongoti, chongwe, masebo,magande, chitala, Lou, literally speaking, everyone who has been associated with MMD for the past 20 years, be it parliamentarians, mayors, councillors, never mind defections from MMD to other political parties. Now, to make matters worse, the bad economic is being blamed on RB, who has been presiding the nation only since 2008. What i know is that when former ministers condemn govt, they are also condemning themselves for having done nothing while they were in office. look at Masebo, she has been Chongwe MP for ten years, what has she done for the people all this time? Morons!

  80. create Jobs and lift the living standards of avearge Zambian you fools. Rehabilitate UNZA, CBU and NORTEC. Make sure Education is every childs right.

  81. There goes an empty bucket making more noise pollution. Sata must be ashamed to be focussing on castigating/insulting other political leaders instead of telling Zambians what he thinks are better options for the country. It is now a case of a big BABOON telling the IMPALA that “IWE WABE ICHIPATO”, a morphological feature that is a natural characteristic feature (identifying mark) of all species of monkeys. Consider the Chawama pangalzsation of people, it is obvious that Sata is the worst CROOK specialised on deceptions to shift his own blames on others. Sata has not told Zambians what he plans to do for this country, but instead has dwelt on the philosophy of DON’T KUBEBA so as to hide his evil motives planned by his gang of warped politicians and wicked variants of lawyers.

  82. If your Sata wins, let’s have this discussion again in a years time. To me it seems Zambian people have a short memory or they don’t follow politics as closely as some of us. I have followed Sata since he was governor of Lusaka in the Kaunda days. This guys changes his stand on things every time. I am not even sure what he stands on. He is not level headed at all. He lies through his teeth. He doesn’t have the manners, diplomacy and language demanded of a President of today’s age. 

    Is he for the gay or is he not? Is he for Chinese and Indian investment or is he not. Did he want to release Chiluba after he had won elections or did he not?

    For God’s sake people the writing is on the wall, you are going to reap what you will sow.

  83. Mr Wynter Kabimba, you have sold the country before for money. Remember the Vulture Fund Saga. For a profit, you decided to sell your country… It is odd that you belong to a party called patriotic front.

  84. Ba RBB is always like that even from school days what a shame that’s why he is saying nafuti nafuti to plundering he can’t stop SAD

  85. This time PF has fielded parliamentarians in all 150 constituencies.Last time out Sata was second marginally but fielded 87 candidates so careful ba kandile ba MMD.24 September we are swearing in a new president and its not Bwezani…

  86. Please put on Red on the Polling day. I will do just that to show MMD the RED Card instantly. We’re sick and tired of this corrupt regime. Guys, let us talk to whoever we can, but please for that one day let the entire Country spend there night at the polling station guiding our votes up and until the last vote has been counted and results announced by the ECZ in Lusaka (Confirmed by oursleves in the field as true). Please spare us your sleep and let’s all spend our nights at the polling stations. If you suspect there will be rigging at any one polling station, please let us go there early enough so we seal out everything.

  87. This is great! I??ve read a lot of Kim??s post on the Warrior Forum and she??s exceptionally talented. Thanks for these; my mind is already buzzing with post ideas.

  88. Great Ideas… Number 3 is a great force??sharing what you have learned is a great education??Thanks for sharing??Greg Avery

  89. Great post kim,I am just getting my new blog up and running and I have been thinking about all the things I could write about. You have just increased that list 10 fold with your very clear advice.I owe you a Starbucks coffee for that block post. LOL. Thanks a million.

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