Some unknown people are circulating a statement purporting to be from first republican president, Kenneth Kaunda’s office.
In the statement dated 14th September 2011, Dr Kaunda is allegedly appealing to the ECZ to deal with electoral stakeholders’ concerns.
The statement further states that Dr Kaunda has also said peace and stability would only be guaranteed when the ECZ listens to the stakeholders.
Dr Kaunda is also quoted saying the controversy surrounding a named ECZ contractor is one of the grave indictments on the electoral process.
But the office of the first Republican president has said a statement purported to have been issued by Dr Kenneth Kaunda regarding a perceived impasse at the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) was a forgery.
Chief of staff in the former president’s office, Godwin Mfula said he was not aware of any statement in that regard and described it as bogus. Mr Mfula said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that it was unfortunate that people bent on causing confusion would come up with such a statement that did not represent the views of Dr Kaunda.
“It is not our statement. I am not aware of that statement. I am the one as chief of staff who prepares statements for Dr Kaunda and I don’t know the motives of the people circulating that statement. “We refute that statement and we are not part of that statement. It’s unfortunate that people can put their thoughts in the mouth of an innocent person,” he said.
The statement was also not on the letterhead of the office of the first republican president, but on a plain paper. Mr Mfula said Dr Kaunda was not In a position to have issued the statement as he has been indisposed.
Mr Mfula said his office only learnt about the statement through a reporter from Yatsani Radio who wanted to obtain more details. He said the language in the statement did not reflect that used by the former president.Mr Mfula said the office would study the matter today to decide the way forward. It is believed that the statement was authored by an editor of a private newspaper.
Below is the refuted Statement in full;
First Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda has said that revelations that Universal Print Group the printers of ballot papers for next week’s election has been involved in acts of corruption with Electoral Commission of Zambia officers is a grave indictment on the electoral process.
In a statement released to QFM today, Dr Kaunda said that this in itself threatened the peace and stability of the country because it undermined the credibility of the electoral process in the eyes of the Zambian people.
Dr Kaunda said that this bred justifiable suspicion of possible collusion and electoral malpractices that may lead to the election result not being accepted by both the losers and the winners.
The first president said that it was therefore in the interest of everyone that the ECZ rose to the challenge and dealt with the complications that have been created by the revelations of the character of UPG to the reasonable satisfaction of all key political players.
He warned that ignoring such a serious problem may prove to be a naive and costly mistake that the country cannot afford.
Dr Kaunda called upon the ECZ, on whose behalf he said had advocated for peace to act in a way that made the preservation of peace possible regardless of the outcome of the elections.
He said this will require that the Electoral Commission of Zambia urgently sits with all key political players, including the church, to ensure that this problem is resolved in the best way possible for the country.
The former president explained that such an approach will ensure that as the country goes to the polls next week, all people will have reason to believe that their concerns have been dealt with.
Dr Kaunda added that the will and interests of the Zambian people prevail without let or hindrance so that Zambia can maintain its historic reputation as an oasis of peace and tranquillity.
He further stated that if his appeal for peace through the media and bill boards is to accompany next week’s elections, the primary requisite is to eradicate the causes or possible causes of dissension among key political players and their supporters.
The way to go big Man. Only Senior citizen will blame you
Am reading the same thing as everyone? I thought Kaunda has just refuted the report attributed to him?…
Umukulu apusa akabwe,tapusa a kebo.Take his advice be careful.We only have one Zambia.KK has more information on this issue.
Now it is clear that the election is set to be rigged. Please Banda, let the truth win. You have stolen so much from Zambians. Only for once, dont steal the vote, it is the only thing left for many people who dont even have roads or toilets. Have mercy for once on poor souls I beg you.
So even Kaunda knows UPG has been involved in the corruption before? I thought Lubinda was just making points. Friends, we are in for a long night. Please take your parents out of Lusaka and the copperbelt. I can smell a rat.
Nice to see you ba mudala. Peace and love to you. I respect you so much.
Born Leader – no one could take that away from. May God continue to bless you all through and through. You are a kind man and you highly blessed.
The revaletion of corruption activities between ECZ and UPG is a sad story to our country electral democracy,it has already compromised the outcome of this election results. The anti corruption comission which secretively kept investigative information about UPG from the public shows how comprised and incompetent organisation is. Justice Mambilima and her crew at ECZ will be held accountable for whatever will happen during and after election.
This has already been disputed by kks chief of staff. fred mmembe and mark chona ate behind this treasonable act
Abakulu ba milimo!
Ba LT you should learn to practice investigative journalism. KK has dissociated himself from the statement in question. He was fraudulently made to sign the statement. The gays involved in tricking KK are surely panicking, they thought Pa Fwaka would win presidential election without UPND. Simply put the last kicks of the dying Post Failures (PF).
its abit too late sir..where have you been..?besides you know all the guys in mmd now from unip..hahaha..aluta continua..!
This news is absurd, irrelevant and uninteresting.
There is got to be better news in this poor, dirty country Zambia.
Man you have issues! If it is that dirty what are doing here? You should be enjoying your annual £80,000.00 with your man in Scotland!
The POST Newspaper ought to be ashamed of themselves and looks like they have really lost their mind. They don’t even know how to forge because clearly this letter has the markings on it of a person who wrote the POST editorial today.
I had some shred of faith in the POST but with this now, am totally convinced that the people at the POST have completely lost it and lost their mind. Shame on them. I now believe MMD Chief Bootlicker and Senior citizen who call them gutter journalist. How can you surely do this to the father of a nation who has educated us all for free , when the man is just recovering from illness.
This is really shameful indeed.
If I was a Muslim, I would sign off by saying Death to the Post Newspaper
KK is right! Thev question is, has RB got a safe exit strategy from power going by his behavoiur of trying to retain power through crookedness ie vote buying, and other firms of rigging? Lets see how the drama unfolds in next 7 days! Will Zambnia be the same ? Will RB and his corrupt regime accept defeat? Only time will tell.
Mmembe is more desperate than Mr Sata, why?
A statement purpoted to have been issued by KK is part of a series of plots by the PF THALIBANS and The Post to discredit the good reputation of ECZ and a Printing firm UPG. The thinking capacity of Mmembe and the PF’s subversive machinery is so low that they fail to appreciate the usefulness of Panji Kaunda in his support of PF campaigns. PF has switched into such plots with a warped idea that people will believe this ploy just because KK is father to Panji who is supporting Sata. This is time for all KK’s sons (Dr. Waza, Tilyenji, Kaweche) including Panji Kaunda to stand up toagainst machinations of Sata & Mmembe and defend the integrity of their father. First President KK is a national institution that must not be embroiled into such dirty plots.
Lionel Richie’s – Dancing In The Ceiling- song starts from now. The question is who is now dancing to this 1980’s hit song.
The fond association to Rajan Mahtani, Mutembo Nchito and Michael Sata will finish Fred Mmembe. These three people all used Fred Mmembe to get what they wanted but they all got burnt in their fingers.
1. MAHTANI – wanted power and influence with all Zambia’s Heads of State
2. NCHITO – wanted Zambian Airways and ill advised Mmembe,
3. SATA – Wanted the presidency or keys to State House
4. MMEMBE – of course wants to be the one that decides who rules Zambia.
This is a very correct picture, I totaly agree with you IO
Stake holders from all Political Parties were represented in South Africa. The issue still remains that – has anything shown that there has been some malpractice and if so let that person bring that evidence before the table so that this can be addressed.
You cannot send someone to prison based on Hearsay or Grapevine Stories
Sata, Lubinda, Mmembe and now Bob Sichinga have all come up with “Quantum Theories” but no one appears to rise above and point to the piece of evidence.
Sata went and openly preached about knowing where Secret Ballots are stashed in Lusaka. Based on that assumption, Sata must quickly produce that evidence. Knowing the man Sata, if he had any slight evidence, surely he would have “”nailed”” RB to his coffin.
Innuendo’s and Overtones must be avoided at all cost, cause the outcome will be bloodshed. Besides, that is the aim of Fred False Prophet Mmembe so that he can escape from his demons haunting him, plus the fear of seeing his empire go down.
Let all those that are blowing trumpets come forth with evidence. If not, let the people go and exercise their rights and the winner takes all. AMEN!
Zona, uyu shimatole #11 aligomauka. Kulwala uku!
To some people the electoral process will always be flawed unless they win.Others know they’d never win unless they corrupt the process,while still others need doses & doses of confidence to be like Moses to pull off a win.
#21 Pray enlighten us – what exactly is ‘corrupt’ about UPG and was there nothing corrupt about how Membe obtained loaned for the now defunct Zambian airways? Is not corrupt to trick a sick old man into signing something he does not understand or endorse?
If the whole process is so corrupt, then why doesn’t pf boycott the elections?
Credibility and rational actions are the biggest deficits in PF-Post drivel works from their Bradford University of Canada Groupthink.
I have always wondered why good countries like Ivory Coast; Kenya, Egypt, now Libya have had problems. The answer is simple: the rulling class think they can rule on their terms for ever. They get drunk with power and they want to continue sucking the blood of the people. Basakala Nyongo. You will suffer from indigestion bakabwa
As Soldiers, police take deployment positions to crash PF Genocide during and after polls
The state has deployed heavily armed Paramilitary police officers in all the 74 districts to quell any form of violence during voting next week.
Police sources have further revealed to the Watchdog that Zambia Army officers are also part of the exercise.
Castrate M’membe.And for PF,let them wait for 2016 if they are not ready.
False journalism and propaganda has been the cause of genicide worldwide. May our memories be not so short lest we forget Ruwanda genocides caused by false propaganda on local radio and newspapers. Twakana fwe bena Zambia, let elections go ahead on the 20/09/2911. All Zambians have been involved in all stages of this elections and at this 11th hour its late to cancel, postpond or confuse the public. Vote and finito & buld on our country.
Good evening
Our first president has spoken and let’s not say he never warned. Whoever is going around issuing fake statements is an enemy to democracy and to the peace and stability which has endowed in our country for such a long time. How do stakeholders come on the scene? They don’t even make out a minimal percentage of the Zambian population.
The people need to go to the polls with a feeling of confidence knowing that they are participating in free and fair elections. In the interest of national security ECZ should step to the challenge and deal with the confusion that has come up in relation with UPG.
@1,2,3 &4 am failing to understand your reasoning. How on earth can you fail to understand that the statement purpoted to have been made by KK has been refuted. Simply put KK did not utter the words in issue. Grow up and for once try to reason with your brains and not your bottoms.
Mushota where have been?
I am equally failing to understand how so many people are failing to understand the simple message in the article,I dont know if they have very poor comprehension skills or what!!
Hey be advised that KK signed that document but he has retructed it after being questioned by the state. His Aid has said KK is being given sedutives therefore he did not understand what he was signing. Keep on being deaf at your own peril. Please check Watch dog. You full!
@ #30, I’m also dumbfounded that so many people above seem to think KK actually said these things – what part of KK refutes fake statement don’t these people get?
….although by this ignorance, I am beginning to understand how so many people can believe in magic jumping ink, or even that PF has a plan to grow the Zambian economy.
Really, it’s just sad. I’m sympathetic when people say more could/should be done to improve on poverty reduction and to spread the benefits of growth, but it’s a fool’s errand to expect a party that deliberately lies and plays on people’s ignorance like this would do any better. You think things are bad now – just wait to see how fast things can be undone (90 days? No problem!) and how much worse you would be under the likes of Sata and his cohorts.
@ #30, I’m also dumbfounded that so many people above seem to think KK actually said these things – what part of KK refutes fake statement don’t these people get?
….although by this ignorance, I am beginning to understand how so many people can believe in magic jumping ink, or even that PF has a plan to grow the Zambian economy.
Really, it’s just sad. I’m sympathetic when people say more could/should be done to improve on poverty reduction and to spread the benefits of growth, but it’s a fool’s errand to expect a party that deliberately lies and plays on people’s ignorance like this would do better. You think things are bad now – just wait to see how fast our growth can be undone (90 days? No problem!) and how much worse you would be under the likes of Sata and his cohorts.
Streicher paid with his life for having used his newspaper, Der Sturmer, to demonize Jews and thus, in the words of the death sentence against him, “infected the German mind with the virus of anti-Semitism, and incited the German people to active persecution” of Jews. Streicher was not a member of the German military, and he did not take part in the Holocaust, but the judgment of Nuremburg was that his brand of journalism was a crime against humanity, and warranted his execution.If the verdict was appropriate for the NAZI journalist Streicher in 1946, it should certainly apply to this media criminal Mmembe who today “infects” the Zambian mind with murderous emotions and feed the public lies that seek to tarnish the good work of ECZ. Rupiah Banda is winning nafuti nafuti!!
I love our Founding Prsident Dr. K.D. Kaunda. This is a good man right here. Zambians, I believe this man can tell you who would be best leader for Zambia’s future. He knows Sata, HH and Banda better than any of us. I believe he has stated in the past that the best leader would be HH. Listen to me Zambians. Sata cannot be a good president for Zambia. He is too tribal and he speaks before he thinks. Don’t ignore his history which is full of Scandals. To my Bemba Cousins, Please don’t let tribe blind you to the truth that Sata is not the best among the three. He is actually the worst. God Bless Zambia. VIVA HH. Vote Wisely next week. Vote for HH or RB. But if you must vote for Sata, please do so only once and quietly.
You Zambians are fools. When are you going to learn to rule yourselves? Just imagine Kunda ruling Zim? Hope you get the sense.
hoever you are, don’t pretend to be senior Citizen. In any case, Robert Mugabe is a Malawian. Here’s an extract of his bio from Wikipedia for your information,”Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born near Kutama Jesuit Mission in the Zvimba District northwest of Salisbury in Southern Rhodesia to a Malawian father Gabriel Matibili and a Shona mother Bona, both Roman Catholic.” Now you Zimbabweans, it’s time you stopped denigrating us and concentrate on re-building your shattered country.
Did you get the sense?
#24, No the biggest deficit is that MMD Ministers and spokepersons are bed wetters. Bunda bwakubwata mu bed ililaloka. Nensoni tamukwata. Bed wetting is symptomic of the behavior we have seen from MMD cadres. Seriously, the all entire Minister of Education in the morning balekanika amabulangeti.
Why is the POST desperate? What is in it for Mmembe if Sata wins? Much as we want FREE MEDIA, it is immoral for a media house to try and sway the thinking of the people for their own agenda. There are more credible candidates vying for the presidency than Sata, why not tell the people the truth? MUVI did us justice, and showed us all and better options than the Post. Sata was never, is not and will never be a saint, PuLiZi!
We shud not out rightly demonise The Post. What abt the evidence published in the post showing statements taken by the AAC from ECZ officers involved in UPG saga. So pa Zed we must learn to be serious on wonder up 2 this time Kafupi plunder cases was thot 2b hog wash wake up Zedians whats wrong with us kanshi? no wondr we ve a culture of idolising thugs ati ebaume we must not wait 4 the Post to tell us that ECZ is corrupt. Its only desperate and corrupt cadres fro MMD who will refuse to accept this stinking allegation ati chwe chwe we can not have situation of when jobs a on offer ati kano kuli ba bululu what of us who dont have. Another 5 yrs of same nosense ati chwe chwe. Ati buy the way where a the SOLAR GEYSERS promised 2 us ECZ is corrupt. Its only desperate and corrupt cadres fro
If it happens, either by a mirracle, sheer chance or genuine wish of the people that PF wins these elections, some of us with a clear mind know that Zambia is going down the drain. Sata and some of his team members are clear chancers, the likes of Winter, the old, dirty Guy Scott, and that coloured Gong’a just to name but a few. Miles Sampa, my intake mate at the University is promising, but has to grow-up, stop womanising be serious.
Yaba bane so we just blogging on something DR kaunda didn”t say? Its just another wiki Naimwe ba LT you just copy and paste news even from unreliable sources misleading the nation.
zambia, my beloved country!! what is has befallen thou?
its only next week – wina aza lila.
i can’t believe the extent to which some perverts can go to circumvent the logical and legitimate process to get ‘their’ way.
first it was the FAKE ‘opinion’ poll from Canada varsity
now this FAKE ‘KK’ statement
Can’t you just agree to wait and see next week – you say you are popular let the people decide
# 37 lasa lasa. You are not serious. Are you a visitor in zambia. wake up man, its time for change.
I will say this again. There has never been any rigging in Zambia. If there was rigging, Sata would have already told us how they used to do it in the MMD. Lossers will always hunt for reasons to reject or have an excuse for the loss. If PF is so confident of a win, all these fake stories and creations would have never come up. Actually, you can feel the mood of the people if an incumbet is under serious threat…not this time arround.
I agree with u Lasa Lasa.
Despicable and desperate gutter journalist at POST and PF. The statement is a pure and simple: a redrafted editorial in yesterday’s post newspaper.
That is why we keep saying that Zambia deserves a better opposition and not these losers who even go to the extent forging the signature of the First Republican president.
KK is an institution in Zambia and doing this to him is the most despicable act anybody can commit. I hope the law enforcement agency gets to the bottom of this and flush out these rats doing this out of our society. Zambia deserve better.
Also it also disgraceful that media houses in Zambia can run with this story without verifying. Looks like gutter journalism is everywhere. This is worrisome indeed.
# 40…have I meanced my words? You know very well that every word I have said is true. I am not a visitor, I am full time a pa Z-lover. I am not also talking remotely from the diaspora…I have been in the diaspora only for studies, but chose to be home and I am feeling what is happening first-hand, and I am happy for Zambia, the first steps to sanity have been taken, it is now up to us to accelerate development in our own way as individuals .
Please resign inhere to indicate exactly where you are. Vote for anyone you want to govern your country. You have made a good contribution .. thankd for this :)
This is really bad for politics. Anyway I dont trust KK personally. This old man is a double adged sword and he can shed crocodile tears any time. A sign of trickery. He could be saying these things behind the scenes.Why are the patriotic fools(PF) using UNIP constitution? Why is Panji supporting PF. KK is still bitter with the MMD becuase they got him out of plot one. This KK man must just stay out of these issues and complete his over due memoirs.
Ba #42 your reasoning deserves much to be concern with, now you want to classify opposition don’t you think this is the reason why your over stay in government as MMD has eluded you to thinking no one is capable of running Zambia it’s the same thing whites think Africans are incapable of reasoning….grow up PF is the best opposition they has ever been…. imagine MMD in opposition and see your reasoning….. this is not Zim… change is here VIVA PF VIVA Sata… You are licking too much MMD ass
The post going to the extent of hoodwinking the old man for a signature to justify their allegations and cause is criminality of the worst kind. How can I believe even most of the things they have been writing. This chorus on rigging is unfounded and complete hoax. If anything, i agree with Lasalasa coz Sata, Mulongoti, Mbita, Mpombo and mama Masebo would have by now told us exactly how they, or VJ as they claim, were doing it when they were runing the system. I dont believe anything frm these guys coz wat’s hapening is wat was hapening wen they were in the system. It is just difikot to unseat a seating Govnmnt with fragmented oposition, period
The mesage contained in that statement is so important, it is my hope that instead of dismissing the statement and start arguing on whether it is issued by KK or not, that is the right thing to do before we plunge his country into chaos.
We are on a very dangerous path right now, UPG is corrupt and we entrust thyem with a delicate issue of ballots, how do you expect people to react to a doubtful election result????
They replaced Justice Florence Mumba so they could print from Durban as she had opposite the idea….. VJ when he resigned as campaign chairman went to the same company with some secret agency hence don’t be shocked that some ballot papers actually arrived earlier than reported. Top MMD advised Banda that he will lose if they don’t do what they have done, info licked to Wynter hence tried to use normal channels through court system to challenge the legit of printing in Durban but Zed people are being used to enhance the hatred for PF and Sata….wake up people
UNZA RADIO is among the few private media houses provisding an opportunity to all to express their views, especially as we run towards elections nest week. However, the station needs to ensure that it regulates comments of some of its regular contributors to phoe in programmes. I was shocked to hear Prof. Nkandu Luo being abused to the extent of refering to her as former Prof. by a self-proclaimd UPND supporter who irrationally talked about old politicians and the need for youg energetic leaders. The tragedy with UPND die-hards is that they fail to adavance genuine persuassive reasons other than age, alleged education level and economic management skills of their leader. HH is of average education, a Masters Degree which most people have now anyway, he is even oldert than Chipimo!!
This is a very serious offence. I am sure THE LAW SHOULD VISIT MMEMBE AND COMPANY
Pa nkolokoooooooo!!! oh oh sorry, pabwatooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
Ifyaku bepeshana tafyawama. Take it or leave it! This is Mmembe and associates.
Well the statement does indicate loads of sense even when the timing is wrong. What I am totally against is dragging our Father’s name into such issues. Dr. K.D Kaunda is an icon of peace and a symbol of our unity lets give him all the respect he deserves and not use his name in our personal agendas. Yes he may have his personal political interests but when it comes to the nation he is totally above partisan politics. May the big man be comforted and may the Almighty increase his days on earth so we may continue experiencing his warmth in his wisdom. God bless KK.
Haaaaa who is running for President? Membe under his poltical party the POST or Sata under the PF…? Poor Membe everyone knows what you as an accounts clerk stands for…shame..20 Sept no one will ever take you seriously had a role to play in 1990 but its time for you to bow out now and let someone like Goliath Munkonge a seasoned journalist to reign and not follow you around afraid to tell you the truth..
Why are pipo suprised that Fred is supporting Sata. Have you all forgotten the gay thing should PF win? Lwashi lya pa kaputi bane.
loosers always create stories for their failers, just admit that opp has concieded defeat already
KK propaganda ubufi ba fklaaaa! Paaaaaaaaaaaabwwwwwwwwwwatoooo!
KK propaganda ubufi ba fiklaaaaa! Pabbbwaaaatooooo!
Ironically KK himself is not refuting!!!!! I thought he is old enough to speech for himself since he signed “under duress”.
We always argue on trivial matters,we seem to have a big problem as blogers on this thread.a question,whats the argument and insults all about on the above article? Where is Dr Kaunda? his he not in Zambia why can’t the poeple bring KK so that he puts some clarity to the matter? If the speech was forged then he is the right person to clear us.secondly,whats wrong with the Message in the artcile?
read b4 commenting – KK’s representative has refuted the purported statement.
is reading also a problem??
Mushota # 11. I remember that in one of your blogs you stated that you were taking up British citizenship. Nothing wrong with that and I take it life is good for you but calling Zambia a poor and dirty country is no way to go my sister. It doesn’t matter how fortunate or blessed you feel in life, never look down on the less fortunate. Thank God that you are blessed but remember, “pride goes before a fall”. I have been away from Zambia for a long time myself and I have done well as far as material things are concerned but when I go to Zambia I eat what I am given and sleep where I asked to sleep. The true measure of greateness is when you make a
even pauper feel like King when they are in your presence.
I stopped buying the PFost Newspaper
Ba Nyambe Namakando M’membe nabo, pipo can be crafty.So this guy cannot jst visit ba mudala without strings attached.How do you trick a bedriden old man.How can this chap be so desperate than sata himself, why is he aprehensive.It looks like this has been his style of journalism.raise an issue ask pipo what they think and twist their response to get his desired headlines.This is the guy who pretends to head a flock of the voicelessnw it appears pipo are no longer following him, what next trick,trick trick
@ Mushota, dont be too excited about your new found country.Zambia is your home, you are jst a slave there doing mannual jobs like gabbage clearing…..jst a few coins nw excite you to let go of you country.I was with Americans last week who told me we have a very beautiful country.Imagine they insisted me taking them to outer most of lsk.they enjoyed trees birds……nw you without shame you care your mother land dirty….its an insult to your parents who raised you.How do you call your mothers home dirty…..dont insult us jst eat your shillings there and leave us zambians alone. when they harrass you there dont come here soliciting our solidarity match.forget……
That is how low the Post can go. I advise Mmembe and Mutembo to just wait for the inevitable. The fact is that even if Sata won the elections it would not be possible for him to make all that big debt disappear.
Why is it that when politicians fall fall way out of favor with their bosses thats when they look to be speaking for the people,Look at Mpombo,Mulongoti,Mangani the list goes on……..are these guys indeed speaking for us or they are jst a bunch of bitter politicians.I imagine what following these guys are commanding because i dont see any followers,its jst the post where you hear them…..Thts hw the post work….they enjoy punching presidents,mobilise a gang of bitter politicians to spit at the president with poisonous venom.finally president gives in like our former presdo,with presdo on their side, they can now harrass any public officer like former DPP.Am glad RB knws them well.The post cannot survive on its own that why you have barking voices frm NGOs,ths hw sick KK was tricked
In short, the post want to play the invisble hand.Shadow government, may be with Bazungus not in zed.Even Gadaffi thought he was a god look at him nw, he is now a fugitiver.we must all admit we are humans,its not olwez that our will will prevail, you can run bt you cant hide.Guys jst pay back those Airline debts and you will ber free than cooking Bradford university opinion polls and tricking sick old men to jst make headlines.
are guys telling me that kk and his entire staff did not go through wat he was signing?be real!!!!! !
KK himself needs to refute this, not his spokesman. KK must have said this, me thinks.
I am confused. Where in the article does it say KK signed the supposed paper knowingly or not?
Did I miss something? Someone please assist me.
mmembe …..holding on to dear life. FINANCE BANK LOANS/ INVESTRUST BANK LOANS/DBZ LOANS/HOMO ISSUES/ZAMBIAN AIRWAYS NKONGOLE/ MUTINTA’s BLACKMAIL……just keep forging letters and stage manage ”TUJILIJILI” hit youths in your pathetic paper…maybe just maybe you may get away with it…IN YOUR DREAMS!!!!!! HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
@12 Observer, thats spot on observation, by the time i was finishing reading the same story in the Post, I thought I was reading the Editorial only to realise its attributed to KK. The Post think we now foolish, we can tell from the language that this is not KK. Who wouldn’t know Sata, Mpombo, Miyanda or HH’s language and how they articulate issues. But Desperado yavuta eeh!!!!
@72, a signed note or statement bearing KK’s signature dated 14 Sept is in today’s copy of the Post on page 4. Sorry if you our out of the country, you can’t see this.
Desperate men (Bo Serpent and clan) do desperate things! Pity the followers!
The online dictionary defines terrorist as follows: ‘ a person who employs terror or terrorism, esp as a political weapon’. I can’t help feeling that our friends at the one newspaper are beginning to fit this definition perfectly. We need to start looking at our laws on treason to cage them.
Kwena ba LT na ba ZWD are always against pf and post! Do whatever the truth remains we are winning this year by Gods appointed time! Pabwatooooo
Fellow Zambian compatriots, Zambia is today facing the most notorious gang of armed robbers in the history of its nationhood. Mmembe and his gang of media criminals at Bwinjimfumu road are desperate for government contracts so they badly need their puppets to run the state machinery. On Tuesday 20th September the voting masses must take a decisive blow against these armed robbers by refusing to vote for PF.
#80 , are you on MMD benefits? Away with thieves and plunderers, we are voting PF!!!!
A lot of bloggers are questioning the post and Mmembe, why don’t you ask the same questions for editors of Times, Daily mail and ZNBC? If MMD wins, what is the reward for chimba? The Post opens your mind to the plunder and corruption taking place in the corridors of power and it is called investigative journalism and it is done all over the world where democracy is practiced. We should just say thank you to the Post for opening our eyes to bad governance and corruption, unlike the others who report as if they are reporting from another planet.
Last time this chap called Mfula denied KK being sick and we are all aware that KK was grounded in Namibia. Why cant KK come out and tell the nation he used to address? if at all he did not say this and was coerced in signing a document he did not author, how come the people who helped him didnt read this only went to the place of the signature? ubu bufi bwakunya ba Mfula.
SURPRISE SURPRISE!! A new article published by Tumfweko, talking about funny activities at Mikango barracks in the dead of the night & plans to blackout the country during the immediate period of casting votes, i.e. as results are being counted – it had been the latest article, with about 6 comments, probably lasted a few hours on the net, HAS JUST BEEN PULLED OFF THE INTERNET!!!! Tumfweko can you pls update & repost the article!!! Anyone with info, pls place it on the net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if the article was forged do you think the post can be spared by mmd, you people you must learn to read between the line, how issues are moving. remember venon mwanga’s words about masebo and how he was forced to change statements by the mmd.this is the same thing that is happening here. i dont see any difference in the two article they are basically conveying the same massege.
WAfwa walemana. Yola 1990 abntu baya. Please God let the pipo vote out MMD. Ndamana ndime wenu ngomwakalenga.
Fellow Zambians, those of you who have followed the story of the electoral process in our country, especially this year’s election will remember that many people had questioned the integrity and credibility of UPG to print the ballot papers for next week’s election. The Head of ACC issued a statment to the effect that the ACC was NOT investigating any of the suppliers of the ECZ. He wanted ‘evidence’ from Mr. Given Lubinda to back his claims. Now with the revelation of the matters as of the Post of Monday this week, what is the reaction of the Director General at ACC? I am still waiting to hear. If the electoral process is flawed with so many unanswered questions, how honestly can the results be credible and acceptable to all parties concerned? Somebody please help me. Epo mpelele!!
Dr Kaunda has confirmed having written the first letter and he’s surprised that his office was denying the article. Shame on ZNBC, Times of Banda and Banda Daily Mail for being caught with pants down. This year kuya bebele. Follow Dr Kaunda’s advise or else…. Naimwe ba ECZ, if there will be violence in this country its you to blame. Kabonde STOP threatening zambian with your useless adverts. U are compromised and you have failed to arrest William Banda . We need free fair and transparent elections. Come 21st September, you are FIRED!
The post reported what our First head of state said about the UPG/ ECZ corruption allegation and “KK’s office” denied, now KK has put it in writing that he did actually say what was written in the post. What will his office say this time ? Drama at its best.
KK has stressed that he is the author of the statement!! Period!!
He he he he he. Viva post. Right all the time. Shame on you condemning the post when KK himself says he authored. see how you are all biased against the post even when they are right. Viva Post. Viva Post. Tell it as it is!!! Viva Mmembe, may god grant you long life to keep exposing the low lifes!!!!! Ululululululululululululu!!!!
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