Friday, March 7, 2025

MMD lawyers demand K6bn from Wynter Kabimba


Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba

LAWYERS representing the MMD have demanded payment of K6.475 billion from Patriotic Front (PF) secretary general Wynter Kabimba as costs after the Lusaka High Court dismissed a matter in which he sought to restrain the MMD from distributing its campaign materials.

According to a letter dated September 14, from SBN Legal Practitioners representing the MMD and addressed to AMC Legal Practitioners and Ellis and Company, who represented Mr Kabimba, the lawyers were demanding payment of the amount within seven days.

The lawyers represented the MMD, through its national secretary Richard Kachingwe, as third defendants in a case they were jointly charged with the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) and the Attorney General as first and second defendants respectively.

The letter stated that the lawyers were demanding payment of K6.475 billion from Mr Kabimba, who had sued in his capacity as the PF’s secretary general, following the dismissal of the case by the High Court and order to pay costs.

“Please note that while we appreciate that the case was determined and has ended at a preliminary stage, there is an undeniable fact that the level of responsibility and care required and involved was very high,” the letter reads in part.

The letter also states that the case required a considerable amount of legal skills to be applied and that the fee earners in the case were two former solicitors general, Patrick Mvunga and Sunday Nkonde, former Justice minister Eric Silwamba and two assistant advocates Lubinda Linyama and Bwalya Mubanga.

Meanwhile, some Lusaka-based lawyers have questioned Mr Kabimba’s credibility as a lawyer following his string of failed legal suits against the MMD. Welcoming a Lusaka court’s dismissal of an injunction by PF, which was filed by Mr Kabimba, to restrain the MMD from distributing campaign materials, Hobday Kabwe said yesterday the PF secretary general should have known from the beginning that the matter was frivolous.

Mr Kabwe described the action by the PF to drag the MMD and ZRA to court as a sheer waste of time and resources. He said the whole process was of no benefit to the PF and MMD.

He wondered why PF leaders decided to waste time instead of channelling their energies and resources to campaigns considering that time was not on their side. Mr Kabwe said it was surprising that Mr Kabimba, who was a senior lawyer, could allow the matter, like others before it, to reach the courts despite lacking merit. “I mean the whole process was extremely frivolous and of no benefit to both parties. Actually the end was known from the beginning.

“Mr Kabimba should have advised his party officials accordingly but now they will end up paying costs instead of channelling the same monies to campaigns. This is a serious miscalculation,” Mr Kabwe said. State Counsel Sakwiba Sikota from Central Chambers described the action by PF as one which had only worked to deplete the opposition party’s resources.

Mr Sikota said yesterday that the PF should have used the money it was spending on legal suits to buy campaign materials which the party was allegedly struggling to purchase. He said he was surprised that Mr Kabimba found it fit to take such a matter to court before conducting any research so that he could offer correct advice to his party.

Mr Sikota said the PF was using such tactics to sway people’s attention and described them as kicks of a dying horse. He said it was clear that PF had lost popularity and confidence from the people of Zambia.

The Lusaka High Court on Tuesday dismissed an injunction by PF restraining the MMD from distributing campaign materials. That was in a matter in which PF had sued ZRA, the Attorney General and MMD national secretary Richard Kachingwe.

Mr Kabimba, in his capacity as PF secretary general, had sued the ruling party and ZRA for allegedly failing to collect import duty from the party for importation of campaign materials worth about K3.5 billion brought into the country. High Court Judge Florence Lengalenga threw out the injunction restraining the MMD from distributing motor vehicles, bicycles, chitenge materials and T-Shirts until the duty payable was assessed by ZRA and payable by the MMD on grounds that the relief sought was not practical and was unsustainable.

Judge Lengalenga in handing down the judgment stated that she dismissed the PF’s action due to its irregularity and that it was not properly brought before the court.

[Times of Zambia]



  2. @ #1 Bika Bika. Your kind are not welcome in our country. Go back where you come from you muppet! When you get back to your cave, Donchi Kubeba we kicked you out.

  3. President Banda and the MMD do not need to rig elections because they will genuinely win the elections.

    The PF assertion is a display of desperation, who have failed to invest adequately in campaigns and have realised that time and money have been wasted.

    “The fact is that the PF, instead of investing in campaign materials, resorted to making baseless accusations,”.

    The MMD has been ready for the elections and voters have shown that the party they want in office is the MMD which is development-oriented.

    PF has no facts and wants to sway members of the public by making accusations of rigging.
    “PF should be questioning the party’s secretary-general Wynter Kabimba, who has launched a vigorous campaign of useless litigations


  4. Haaa Winter again? Anyway in 3 days time everyone will see how much of a minnow this city council lawyer really is and in 6 days time he will be sent packing, even HH will get more votes than PF this time miscalculated iwe Winter you should have kept the pact going…

  5. How shameful can a currency be, we have pounds and they talk of billions of kwacha probably in equivalent to a nominal amount n pounds

    The country (zambia) is a joke, I am told you need a suck to get money to but a vehicle the currency is so bad

    I just send £2000 last week to my auntie and I am told she is now a millionaire, how pathetic and low can one country sink?

    I earn £27 an hour equivalent I am told in Zambia no one earns such money, and my fiance and I would be mistaken for drug dealers if we totaled up our total income for they year which is in excess of £84 000 between us.

    It beggers belief if you ask me, I am glad I am here in Scotland enjoying myself.


    • Dude that is less than a single person’s salary where i work at Manager Level, so i don’t know what you’re bragging about. Come back to Zambia bane because i can’t live in the diaspora for such an income….

    • “you need a suck to get money to but a vehicle”, “I just send £2000 last week”, ” It beggers belief”. Sack not suck (maybe that’s what you’re used to doing); I just ‘sent’ not ‘send’; It ‘beggars’ belief, not ‘beggers’ – While in Scotland can you also spend a few bob on your education, your English is pathetic to say the least. Maybe we can have a break from your nonsensical postings on this thread while you’re away.

    • Mushota £2000 is something like K16M which can only buy sofa and your useless Aunt tells you she a millionaire.Anyway it depends on which part of Zed you come from.Please spend the money you are earning that side on Education coz you dont strike me like a person living in Scotland but rather someone blogging from Lusaka’s Chibolya compound.Ubufonti Mushota ulenashako.

    • baby ‘ you are sorry as hell, what u trying to prove ? this is what make us zambians look
      stupid. if you got money , and a lot of it . dont use it to look down on anybody or a country.yes you in scotland but u have no sense anywere. wise up B

  6. I think people need to know two things here and I mean ONLY TWO things.

    1. This is NOT 1991 and the Arab revolution is NOT equal to Fall of communism/socialism

    2. Lawyer Wynter Kabimba is NOT equal to Lawyer Levy Mwanawasa (Mr. Injunction)

    Get those facts straight in your head and you will think clearly and accurately.

    I rest my case

  7. Just like I said. Wynter will cost the PF big money. I don’t understand why Wynter is so excited. Now there will be gnashing of teeth after the 20th.

  8. Mushota, I have 70 hactres of prime land in the sorrounding area of Lusaka. I bet you can never ever own such land in Scottland. Besides, why do you follow issues in Zambia so keenly’ Electricity, water and other services are by far…cheaper in Scottland. That kind of money would make sence here in Zambia..yes..but in Scottland…? You are just a lost soul that has temporary comfort in being abroad…reality will soon catch up with you.

  9. Wynter, Wynter, Wynter, another loss! What kind of a Lwayer is Wynter? Anyway some Lawyers can even lose a case even when they found a naked man on top of their wife…as long as the man says nshingishe mukati.

  10. @ Mushota where were you my dearling? I missed you mbuya. Bring those pounds so that we can prepare our wedding. When are you sending me some more clothes? I have only pair of trousers. Sweet your words are always bad about Zambia and yet you husband to be is here in Zambia.

  11. SATA has really made you MMD farces into real rumble! Everyday SATA this, SATA that! You dumn *****s! ZNBC SATA Nyong’o, SATA Nyong’ong’o “Stupid *****s” WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF BAMAMBALA!

    • dude, if someone continously acts like an i diot, in this case Sata, he WILL always draw attention and we WILL  always talk about him. Helps to pass the time till we get rid of him after 20th :) Imagine how boring it wud be if only HH and the rest were the only ones in opposition. Sata brings comedy and is a stress reliever, thats why we love him so much, but as far as driving a nation, the own has failed every driver’s test he has taken and he will continue to fail. This is not fiction my friend, it is FACT. :)) 

  12. Imwe ba Benge…..It is Sata who can not argue issues out by saying what he will do for the people of Zambia. Sata can never complete a sentence without Rupiah. It is like the Post, If there is no RB then there is no news. Up to now, what issues has PF raised other than the 90 days development while MMD is practically doing it?

  13. Legal fees are so high? How much will the lawyers get for the seven year trial of late FTJ or that has been taken care of by the $8m we heard about as owing to the late!

  14. # 7 you are such a pathetic ***** who does not understand a thing about currencies. I bet you are a street sweeper or garbage collector. I worked in London as an engineer after graduating with an hons degree and MSc from Sheffield University and the University of Nottingham respectively. I am now a Director in South Africa earning a lot more than you meagre salary and enjoying fantastic weather. Did I say salary—-sorry wages since you are paid hourly doing a job no British wants to do (prostitute may be). In three years time I will be returning to my beautiful Zambia and settle on a farm which I have already started developing thereby giving employment to several local people. I love my Kwacha and it is not a pathetic currenct. You pathetic moron.

    • After 7 years in the diaspora in SA, we’ve made enough milk to go and make the cheese in Zambia. I totally agree with you our country is so full of potential, we need young vibrant entrepreneurs to shake and change things like they are doing it in Nigeria and Ghana. Watch the space as Europe sinks further into recession the number of BRICS countries will grow and sqeeze the living daylights out of the west.

  15. We’re fast becoming a litigious society with a suit for every little infraction just like the Americans thanks to the likes of kabimba.That is lawsuit abuse.Mr kabimba here’s for you to fugure which one you are- the pessimist that complains about the wind,the optimist expects it to change and the realist adjusts his sails.

  16. Kabimba K6.5 billion debt in legal fees, The post owes Finance Bank over K20 billion, Sata owes Taiwanes, Lebanese and +++ over several trillion Kwacha, Mpombo owes the Bank over K2 billion, Bob Sichinga unmasked as a shameless bribe seeker, LUO bouncing checks of only K1million, the list goes on . ZAMBIANS PLEASE BE WARNED. It does not take a rocket scientists to figure out what this lot will do once entrsted with state coffers. VIVA RB, VIVA MMD

  17. At this day and age, anybody who prides in rubbing sholders with a white man has serious issues. Remember, there are those that have found themselves in the diaspora by accident, and because of the dreams and vissions they had before, they feel they have arrived. But the world has to go round even with he likes of Mushota’s calibre. Imagine having an MP of this calibre….I think serously Mushota is the ‘devil street’ type and brags just about anything.

  18. Just look at the picture above. Can someone tell me what the hell that ghost like potrait is for…behind Wynter maize? I find it scary!


    • Do you know Wynter Kabimba well? Google “Vulture Funds” and Zambia. This guy has sold the country before and what makes you think he will not do it again?

  20. Some of you commenting here are doing so insanely. How does one accuse another of planning to kill Zambians? There is wisdom in silence when you have nothing to say!

  21. Lawyers lawyers pulizzzi what costs did you incur to come up with this figure?? ……….maybe or unless we agree with Mushota that our currency is really worthless!!

  22. Oh please Mushota…grow up.  Poor girl, you have no sense about you.  Your aunt is a millionaire?..pwahahahahaha!

    Ba Wynter..why do you continue to embarrass yourself? Shame on you old man. Better luck next time..this time just pay!

    MMD can do anything but that does not mean they are right just because they are in power but things will channel in a way beyond thier benefit even if thy indended to benefit when doing such to others

  24. @ Mushota, i like the courage Mushota took,i dont care whatever job she is doing like she said paid evry hour suggests prostitution like others are alleging.despite being in Scotland she remembers her her with that greed PM who went to all soprts of universities and nw is RSA and has forgotten about his poor relativesd here, all he is talking about is bragging about his Rands and farm.Shame on you PM with your rands.

    • Your comment is really pathetic, the man said he is in RSA and working on a developmental project (Farm) that will bring employement to Zambians and you castigate him and praise a person who sends ZMK16m, YOU REALLY ARE DOCILE MAN. you think of filling your belly today and forget about tomorrow. YOU NEED TO GET THAT HANDOUT MENTALITY OUT OF YOUR HEAD.

  25. Come on guys, K6bn isnt small money, am not PF bt honestly hw does one arrive at that figure.Can lawyers explain how they arrive at such big figures, do lawyers have a guide book on fees ar they jst wake up and claim.I dont understand.

  26. Iwe chi Zela who told you that when one goes to live in diaspora then they have to look after all the clan? This is why they end up living kufima crowded estates. I lived in the States and you had to feel sorry for some Zambians the way they lived. They sacrifice their children to send money to a sister who is not married but has 5 children. How do you explain that? 

  27. please respect our current, it does’t matter aslong as people are still using. people they like conderming but no solution. please go back Zambia and advise them if you know economics.

  28. How is this news its only fair for the other party to pay costs if the Judge throws out a case…LT use common sense when you are selecting some of these stories!!

  29. mwefipumbu nimwemwe balesapota the rulling party MMD.Ba le posaika impiya shenu muletamba, bale kobaika ifitenge kumapo ya malaiti na tax payers money yenu muletamba. Remember you have got your own share in this country and do not alow any one to it on your behalf. If THIS YEARS ELECTION RUPIAH STEALS WE SHALL REMOVE HIM IN POWER. I DO NOT NEED THIEVES IN THIS COUNTRY. LET US SEE WHERE OUR COUNTRY IS GOING. IT SHALL BE THE SAME AS IN LIBYA…

  30. #32 katona; My boy, during my time, Zambia had one university and could not taken all of us who passed. I wasnt going to sit around like most of do these days and wait for another university to be built. I scouted for a scholarship based on my academic results and ended up in England for ducational pursuit only and not to get pounds and turn around and insult my native country. You dimwit.

  31. If MMD got their campaign materials on nkongole they can now pay in full in 7 days when kabimba makes payement. lol

  32. Why are lawyers being allowed to rip off Zambians? Their fees are too high. They operate here in Zambia, their fees must be regulated based on a rate derived from average salary levels of Zambians.

  33. MWANA WAKWITHU says: What kind of a lawyer is this man? I have always doubvted his competence to represent anyone, let alone PF, in a law suit.

  34. If Zambia can have 7.6bn $ debt forgiven, what about a 6.8bn ZMK for Kabimba? And we know that Zambian justice system has a “RubishBanda” factor; so who cares? Zambia yesu bonse, patali bane. If you think Gbagbo was right, so is Banda. Where is Gbagbo now? Banda will end up like him. Everything is flux on earth, nothing stays permanent and that is the natural law of justice. Today is “justice” tomorrow it will be “injustice”. If you doubt, ask late Chiluba’s family.

  35. #42 Zela. For your own information, I live with my family in RSA. You assume I have poor relatives in Zambia. Shame on your and your poor clan in Zambia. Yes I get mega rands in RSA and developing a farm in Zambia where I employ hard working Zambians instead of investing in a mansion in RSA sandton. That is what you should be doing you twit.

  36. Cont’ 57 …..Dora Siliya’s Ex-Husband Hits Back….”I Divorced Her Because of Bed-Wetting, Adulterly, Lack of Respect, Drunkenness” MMD Spokesperson, Dora Siliya’s ex-husband Chisha Folotiya has hit back over remarks Dora made that he was lazy in bed.
    Mr Folotiya, a Lusaka businessman and former Mondo Music CEO revealed and claimed in a press conference held in Lusaka that it is him who divorced Siliya and not the other way round.
    He cited the reasons for their divorce as rampant bed-wetting, adultery, lack of respect and her bad beer drinking habits (Drunkenness) she had.
    Mr Folotiya further disclosed that he is happily married to a beautiful wife and has lovely kids.

  37. Iwe ka PM bull colour ball bay. Wabutuka insala but ulesusha Mushota. Why did you have to beg for a scholarship? Why did chi no call pay for you the? Wencushi iwe. 

  38. Mushota…one look at your contribution with its grade 4 ENGRISH puts to rest the question of how a Zambian can say such things about her/his own land.

  39. Mushota, it is so shocking that you hate your country of origin so much! It seems you have absolutely nothing positive to say about Zambia. My advice: let go of the hate and anger; simply ignore what is going on there and focus on your comfortable life there in Scotland.

  40. Hahaaaa…don’t be too emotional guys….do you realise that after the 20th, we are back to what we do, or what we are?….all the emotions and insults must be put aside for now…we are all Zambians unless you are Mushota…pachite pake.

  41. # 60 you are obviously a very demented person who does not follow logic. PF cadre right?? you must be, going by your deranged mind.

  42. And why Iam I not suprised. Kabimba has been playing to the gallery trying to excite people. Now its time to pay. That aside lawyers exaggerate fees. I know they are high profile lawyers but K6.5 billion is too much money. You well know that Kabimba got excited with the donchi kubeba air but you cant squeeze your fellow lawyer like that. Anyway his party will pay for him.

  43. Mushota no.7, you are an *****! you and your spouse are just simple cleaners cleaning shit off old asses in London, or wherever you are hiding. As a Zambian living in Zambia, I can employ you and your spouse and pay you several times over what you earn in the UK just to lick my ass!

  44. Kabimba’s campaign strategy when they announced the election was weird. How do you start court cases when an election is around the corner? There is a great book by Steve Covey called first things first it emphasizes on the importance of prioritization.

  45. Ba mushota mulikapuba fye imwe if at all you exist.What is £84 ,000 even in zambia or even the Britain where you leave,they are people who earn more than youmy dear.
    People like you are people who have no sense of belonging or maybe when you were growing up ,you were not exposed to good life in zambia so you thing Britain is heaven.My dear people in zambia are exposed.I leave in the same Britain as you and I am proud to be zambia.
    Person with no sense atashe..Grow up

  46. I enjoy Mushota’s comments because she hits us ZAMBIANS where it matters and the truth hurts indeed!!! Thats why after 20/09/2011 we shall end up with another TIME WASTER PRESIDENT because of our INABILITY to choose a GOOD PRESIDENT!!!!

    cheers Mushota, keep reminding us of our shortcomings as ZAMBIANS…Sic

  47. I know Kabwe a lusaka l lawyer very broke and everybody knows that for now any thing to do with the MMD will fail until after they go out on 20 sept. PERIOD….MMD kuya bebele….

  48. Zambia  is on the mend. Don’t spoil the direction the country is going in by voting for Sata. Have a look at the latest world bank statistics…

  49. The figure is ridiculous! This figure sounds like tort settlement for Mongu victims. Zambian Law has gone to the dogs, if preliminary hearing can cost K6 billion how much can a trial cost? If you are poor, the law will never be on your side and the lawyer are becoming  more sleazy due to corruption in the Judicially. They are able to purchase verdicts and demand ludicrous fees and this can be seen from dodge acquittals and delay in cases. WE NEED TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM, THAT MEANS CHANGE IN GOVT.

  50. Ka Mushota, if you are CIMA accountant as you claim, then you should know how to convert currencies. The £2000 you are talking about is what most families earn in the UK per month, Learn to tell the truth. With your qualifications, find a good job which pays better especially in Africa. Opportunities are in the mother land.

  51. It is strange that a trained lawyersuch as Kabimba can meekly be ordained as a THALIBAN activist in the midist of the PF illiterates. The law will teach him a lesson to shake off his insanity. After 20th Sept all mischievious PF cadres will be leaking their wounds after Sata is finally retired from politics. The Zambians can travel without being harrassed by the panga-wielding PF Thalibans.

  52. Useless SIKOTA! You are just a broke lawyer. What can you tell the Zambian people. Listening to persons like you is the waste thing a normal person can do. Stupid fool!

  53. Does Kabimba have to lower his profession to that level all because of PF? Doesn’t he know that there is life after PF in his profession of law? Or maybe he knows that he has never been and will never be any good at law anyway. Sometimes we choose wrong professions in our lives, and realise too late that we are not made for it..

  54. I must say, this Mushota girl from Scotland is a complete *****!! If you are not proud of being Zambian just keep your month shut. Place your stupid comments in some Scottish newspaper instead of wasting space on Lusaka Times. I too was educated in the UK and USA and i have equally done the same useless jobs which pay 27 quid per hour. Kindly dont boast about you useless life and your minimum wage job. If you have nothing to contribute on the topic at hand, please keep quite!!!

  55. PF supporters that is why you are Kaponya’s if your do not understand issues why contribute that is your rallies are filled with insults, dressing dogs in materials campaigns, rituals (i.e) killing black chickens, at rallies, you do not inspire to vote for you, your leaders do not articulate issues at campaigns, so far I have not heard anythings of substance that your leaders have promised the voters if voted into office next week, all they do is Dora was inviting men to tough her buttocks, Kunda was not feeling that is why he failed to address a rally, some ballots papers were hidden somewhere by MMD, what people to hear is what you are god to do for them not how you are going to clobber us after winning, dreaming of how Sata will build you mansions in 90 days, what next Part of Fools

  56. Kabimba now you can see how stupidity has landed in the toilet, even your fellow lawyers are doubting your credibility all in the name of pleasing Master Satana, I am told that even your PF masters have distanced themselves from your quandary what next, K6.75 billion, out of this world, but I am told you were warned not to sue the might MMD, now see where your stubbornness has landed you, in Hell

  57. Mushota is just a prostitute in UK do not waste time listening from her as she is busy working in the brothels here. she is the most useless person I have seen. When she tired been washed by other people, she comes here to tell us things which are not so good, any way, she may change.!!

  58. But mushota Ba mushota.. A,a sexism Triassic unwise e chsungu cha buri.. Baloshoba.. Nakisha bloodless…classic posts

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