Ballot papers have this morning arrived in Shangombo District in Western Province ahead ofnext week Tuesday’s Presidential,parliamentary and Local government elections.
The vehicle carrying the ballot papers and whose registration number is ABF 3677 arrived at Shangombo district council at exactly 11:00hours.
The ballot papers were delivered by Electoral Commission of Zambia officers accompanied by three police officers.
They should be guarded jealously under key and lock because these are some of the the areas MMD have been ringing elections.
Look at that structures they’ve dumped the ballot papers, it’s not secure at all. 20 years of multi party politics and Shandombo still lags behind. Shame! I hope all the observers are in place
Looooooooooookkk at the placeee mwebantu. as observed even #2.
Is that the storage facility???? Oooweeeeeeeeee, God help us with our unprecedented development.
In Zambia we politicize every thing including,food,clothes and coffins!How many Zambians drive new cars?I mean brand new cars!where in shangombo would you put the ballot papers?Remember we are not in Ibex hill or Manda hill!I might not have a bed today but iam voting on tuesday coz iam not voting for a bed!Banda,sata or HH wont give me a bed.I just have work hard and harder.Democracy presents other economic opportunities which we must identify and utilise.We are masters of our destiny.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
My first shock was how a man was carrying these on his shoulders, then # 2 pointed out the chi building where the bags have been dumped.
RB and MMD must go. Let them go.
RB Nafuti,nafuti
RB Nafuti Nafuti. No one is going to rig these elections, MMD will win clean and clear.
PF has 27 000 monitors and I’m sure some are already in Shangombo, so no crying when you lose.
Shangombo is for RB, Mubika & their councillors, Bulozi is for mature leadership.
These panga fanatics of pf make my blood boil. The other day they were pouring scorn on the new hospital being built in Shang’ombo and today they have the nerve to start complaining about the buildings in this picture? You are very quick to point out negatives but when an attempt to remedy a problem is made, you make more noise just because RB is not Bemba. Because they know that they are losing, they have to find a way of justifying the violence they want to unleash on ordinary people by making unsubstantiated claims of rigging whether it be magic ink, how you fold the ballot paper, 600,000 pin just so that Satan can be imposed on the majority of Zambians who do not want to be led by him and his hate filled cohort of thieves and war mongers.
clearly,Security has to be looked at
we are still a poor nation and Rome was not built in 1 day besides that have you been to some poor parts of developed nations??? do not just condemn
Shangombo is not London where you are blogging from. DID YOU EXPECT THE BALLOTS TO CARRY THEMSELVES or to be carried on a trolley in the sandy Shangombo area? Satan, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and KK ignored Shamngombo all these years. At least RB is doing something about developing this area.
MMD buildings,this is development for sure.bakolwe imwe kamuleya. On tuesday you pack your rags. What kind of bricklayer did MMD use to build this ramshackle? He must be an MMD cadre.RUBB.ISH
I thought Sata was Local Government Minister in the Chiluba Administration,…. what did he build in Shang’ombo?
Ba Poor Finishers! (PF)
Surely those ballots will not be left in this shack overnight.
Bembas bye bye. Its time for other tribes as well. Viva RB.
people of mother zambia,go out on tuesday morning and vote for your preferred party .We do not want you people to start crying when the person you dont like win these elections on wednesday because you did not vote. Goodlucky to all contenders.There is always a winner and a losser in any game.
Taking the blank ballots to shangombo was smooth and incident free and on time let this be the same after voting. we dont want to hear of choppers airlifting them when the ballot papers went by road. we dont want vehicles conviniently getting stuck on the same road they used a week ago and yet the road in that one week has become even dryer than before because its not yet rain season