Thursday, October 24, 2024

Small Scale Farmers Network with a membership of 395,000 farmers endorse Rupiah Banda


President Rupiah Banda waves to the crowd after addressing a public rally at Maramba Stadium in Livingstone1
File:President Rupiah Banda waves to the crowd

The Zambia Small Scale Farmers Network (ZSSF) has endorsed President Rupiah Bwezani Banda in next Tuesday’s tripartite Elections.

The Network says it has resolved to vote for President Banda as a way of rewarding the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) administration for its positive agriculture policy.

Network Coordinator Boyd Liambai said this in a statement released to ZANIS in Mongu yesterday.

Mr. Liambai said ZSSF has attributed the country’s maize bumper harvest during the last two farming seasons to President Banda’s efforts to incorporate several farmers in the Farmer’s Input Support Programme (FISP).

The Network which has 395,000 farmers is busy working with 10 Provincial Sensitisation Committees to ensure that 985,000 famers under the FISP vote for President Banda in the September 20th elections.

Mr. Liambai stated that the Network is indebted to Mr. Banda’s working policies aimed at improving the agriculture sector by increasing the number of farmers on the FISP.

He added that this is why the Zambia Small Scale Farmers Network in Western Province will support his workable agriculture policies which have also helped improve farmer’s lives in the country.

He said the Network is happy that Government has allocated about K600, 000,000 to 80 women farmers clubs in Western Province under the Women Empowerment from the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services.

Mr. Liambai appealed to farmers countrywide to support the MMD government ‘s agriculture policies saying the opposition parties have no provision in their manifestos to support farmers.



  1. #3 Yes, Bemba tribalists, chicken slaughterers, demented priests, kaponyas, Dr Kaseba, MMD rejects and nepotism practitioners a.k.a Nkomeshya.

  2. PF Constitution is available for all to view on the pf website!
    SATA pledges to eradicate Capitalism, PF will be supreme organ in the country and only those loyal to PF will hold office (i.e. DPP, HIgh COurt Judges, Parastatal MD’s and the like)! Also PF will dictate how the country should run and everyone in the land will be answerable to PF disciplinary committee including Supreme Court Judges.

  3. This is the reason why there is “DONSHI KUBEBA”. How can someone make such a pronouncement that the organisation or group of people have resolved to vote a someone…. You people work up, U are making SATA win this election even with a bigger margin…. Your desperation has thrown this country in the hands of one Cobra…. Y preach about him at your rallies.. Even HH is doing the same… I was listen to his excellence yesterday from his Rally in Kitwe and was playing song “ati Kubeba”.. Even HH has a simillar song playing on the radio waves “ehe Kubeba”. Has Sata won the battle for him to set the pase?

  4. Yes I know, the poor community, the Miners, the Catholics and true Christians, Jerabos, the Lambas, half of Easterners, the Business Sector, entire Copperbelt, entire Luapula, entire Northern Province, entire Western Province, entire Lusaka Province, half of Central Province, three Chiefs in Southern province have all endorsed president Sata. The Watch Tower are also wsipering good things about Mr. Sata.

  5. #9 How can you say MMD is desperate when we are not the ones threatening innocent people with violence if we lose? MMD is already on record saying that they will concede defeat if they lose, whereas pf are sharpening their pangas in anticipation of a loss. A party that has from day one tried to derail the whole electoral process is pf and you have the audacity to claim that mmd is ‘desperate? Between RB and Sata who truly can be ‘desperate’, the one who is heading for a fourth defeat or the one who is facing a second victory? What is even galling for pf kaponyas is the fact that this statement is coming from W province which has obviously refused to enter the leaking mwamukolo.

  6. Bye bye sat a, you have fought your fight but it’s time to say good bye. We wish you all the best as you prepare your conceding speech. At least we thank you for making/putting up the pressure, making MMD Work

  7. I can’t wait for Satan to lose, this ***** needs to finally get the message that Zambians would never let him rule our beautiful country. 

  8. #11 LT is not for Movement for Mad…… Dealers it’s for PF Donchi Kubeba. Ba MMD bakabolala uno mwaka kuya bebele MMD means stealing from the poor

  9. these are people who have been collected by mmd trucks from all over the country.CHI RUPIA BANDA WHO HAS SOLD FINANCE BANK BECAUSE OF JEALOUS NEXT WEEK HE WILL FIND HIMSELF IN THE CELLS.

  10. Secret ballot, I don’t understand how one individual can speak for 395,00 people. These guys should learn to look at their own circumstances and how the policies of the government of the day affect them. I for one have still not been paid for my troubles for contributing to the bumper harvest. Don’t speak on behalf of people it’s a secret ballot therefore you don’t know how each individual will vote. We will only know the victor once the votes are counted and confirmed. May the best man/woman win

  11. ..mmm..good everyone..hope these greedy politicans won’t manage to twist people’s minds to resort to violence…we all know what happened in ivory coast…all i can say to everyone out there is “don’t get too excited.” whatever ur votes, only a few will benefit and nothing much will change in ur everyday ignore those calling for violence for selfish reasons. just remember u have a bed to go to now and u might not have one come next wise

  12. Prepare yourself for disappointment bamongu!politics is about numbers and outnumbering.If Mmd are thiefs then Sata,scot and the entire pf seniors are party of the rot!Be realistic and use your head than heart.Dont believe all the crap from sata.Sata might even get your house!just wait and’ll have no one to blame but your are chancers.Go back to 1990 and tell whether you had those things you have now!Be grateful for once…see,hear and use your head!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA. whether you had those things you have now!Be grateful for once…see,hear and use your head!GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  13. #22 shut up it’s you to use head.Where have you seen in world the gov using mobile hospitals to meet the needs of sick people?This is just one of the abnormals of your MMD.Be real my friend face the reality.If you don’t want to vote for PF atleast vote for Miyanda. Donchi Kubeba

  14. #9Towela ulimwaume,,, really this pipo they no nothing about political language. They have disclosed all the strength Sata has and zambians now knows that he is the only fish in the river. Pipo who are campaigning for PF in MMD are Dora Siliya, Chimba, Kunda, RB, W. Banda,,, this pipo should go back to school and learn political language. If you want to win a lady don`t talk bad things about your friend who has intereste in the same lady ukalusa

  15. Gents there will be free bear, when Micheal Sata is sworn as President of the Republic of Zambia.

    It will go like this; I Michael Chilufya Sata ……….. President of the Republic of Zambia. Then free bear in all outlets we wanna party for 3 days Don’t tell them, Dont kubeba!!!!

    Don’t tell them get all they give you even if you are an MMD MP you lose nothing it is don’t kubeba, EPELA mwamukolo! pabwato!!!

  16. The farmers who feed the nation have spoken not the larz corrupt Poor Finishers who wait for handouts in Lusaka and CB.These people know very well what they are talking about.Hard working ,honest people ,decent silent majority will give RB another 5 solid years come Tuesday .Viva MMD,Viva RB as for Satana its good bye in your boat bashikulu.

  17. Zambians need to be serious how can you endorse a corrupt RB? do they know how much they are going to suffer for the next 5 long years, if the last three years were so painifull how about his last five years,, he wil just be travelling he will even go to the moon , as you languish in poverty

  18. #33 William Banda has been cautioned by police. As I recall, it the pf leadership that has been encouraging its members to use violence and it was at a pf rally that the demented priest Bwalya strangled an unfortunate chicken. In contrast, MMD leadership has been preaching nothing but the need to preserve the peace we have enjoyed since our independence whereas pf has been issuing threats of violence including shamelessly parading panga wielding thugs on tv if they lose the election. In short, they want to use fear and intimidation to get the Zambian populace to vote for them as Nkomeshya has been doing in Chongwe because they have no ideas to sell besides the bankrupt ‘donchi kubeba’.

  19. Gullible empty heads, hows this organisation going to force all its members across the nation to vote RB? People who come up with such pigsh*t news have single digit IQ because even its executive members wont be forced to vote for candidates they dont want.

  20. The MMD reached it’s sell by date back in the 1990s. They wanted to get into power, and they id. They had no independent strategy on he mines, they completely bought into the notion that ‘Mr. Market knows best’ (mainly so they wouldn’t have to actually govern), and they have overstayed their time in office.

    It is the MMD that has no new ideas. Which is why ‘we must continue the legacy of (fill in the president)’ at every election. Or, how about ‘don’t experiment with new leadership’ – well that is the point of Democracy. When the old bunch are no longer inspired or working, you put in a new lot.

  21. We need a return to Demand Side Economics that put the people first, and turn away from Supply Side Economics (also called neoliberalism – privatisation, deregulation, and unrestricted markets for transnational corporations).

    Also, economic diversification and government decentralisation (democratisation) must be achieved. Diversification can be funded through a windfall tax on the mines. Decentralisation can be achieved by giving local councils greater acces to central government revenues, ensure that they are democratically elected and not appointed by central government.

    And if the PF doesn’t deliver on that, they will be turned out in 2016.

  22. Bloggers open your eyes. These are ghost voters to be used in rigging. MMD is ahead with 350,000 votes. Its a loss for PF the third time around lets figure out how to remove this thieving swine of a president

  23. They are not the only Zambians. Most Zambians have also Endorsed Sata. Will see where you will get your fertilizer and other agriculture requirements when Sata wins on Tuesday. Dochi Kubeba…

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