Sunday, March 9, 2025

Zambia risks experiencing unprecedented levels of lawlessness if Sata wins-Lusaka Lawyer


LUSAKA lawyer Hobday Kabwe says Zambia risks experiencing unprecedented levels of lawlessness in the unlikely event that Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata wins the September 20 elections.

In an interview on September 15, Mr Kabwe said Mr Sata and his followers have so far shown that they have no regard for the rule of law. He was reacting to Mr Sata’s threat to deal with citizens whom he considers to be corrupt if he is elected President.

Mr Sata was quoted in yesterday’s edition of The Post newspaper saying the country will see all the thieves on September 22, 2011.

“This statement attributed to a person who is aspiring to become Republican President makes very sad reading. He sounds like he has already secured convictions for these people and he is just waiting to sentence them,” Mr Kabwe said.

He said it is unfortunate that Mr Sata can use a political platform to threaten innocent citizens instead of delivering a message of hope for Zambians.
“It seems Mr Sata does not learn from the free legal advice we give him. There is no way he can call someone a ‘thief’ without reliable evidence and the law presumes everyone innocent until proven guilty,” Mr Kabwe said.

He warned Zambians to be cautious and ensure that they do not vote for Mr Sata to avoid putting someone with a dictatorial character into office.

He said the people have a perfect opportunity to assess the difference between Mr Sata and President Banda through the duo’s utterances.

“While President Banda has been consistent in focusing on delivering the message of hope to Zambians, Mr Sata’s statements are in most cases about lawlessness. What kind of a President will he make in an unlikely event that he wins the elections next week?” Mr Kabwe said.

He urged well-meaning Zambians to ensure that the economic and social gains the country has attained under President Banda are maintained by retaining the MMD in power.

Mr Kabwe said President Banda has clearly demonstrated his passion to develop all parts of the country without discrimination.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. This coon (Hobday Kabwe) is obviously schizophrenic. Why would a normal Human Being not want thieves to be exposed? The only reason I can think of is if he is a thief himself or part of a bandwagon of thieves. We are going to vote for Sata whether you like it or not.

  2. Hobday Kabwe what would you say about William Banda’s lawlessness? I think you are just paranoid and probably looking for a job. Be rational and be objective.

  3. Another one who has been givena brown envelope. How does he know they are innocent when they have not even been tried? Sata is only saying he will deal with them. If it is anything like LPM did then why is this dull lawyer worried then?

    Just do a Chiluba if you are not clean batata, the net will catch up!

  4. It is Rupiah who is lawless. He has been aiding mining companies to evade tax! Hobday is a dull lawyer. No wonder is firm is not doing fine. And what message of hope, apart from deception, has RB been delivering?

  5. It’s not about doing things on your own, you just have to let the courts do it’s job. Dictatorial bahaviour as ussual.

    • Yes like LPM did. Did Sata say he will be arresting these people,try them and take them to jail all by himself? Muletina tata? Mushipe! Too late now! Tic tok tic tok! Kuyabebele.



    Can all boarders be closed so that foreigners from Malawi, Tanzania and Congo are not paid to come and vote. Also can we have suspected foreigners with strange accent be questioned about simple Zambians things to see if really they are Zambians. Foreigners will not know much other than just carrying a Reg.


    Can all boarders be closed so that foreigners from Malawi, Tanzania and Congo are not paid to come and vote. Also can we have suspected foreigners with strange accent be questioned about simple Zambians things to see if really they are Zambians. Foreigners will not know much other than just carrying a Reg.

  8. You have the Right to Choose to be on the Right side of History by VOTING PF , PA BWATO

    Bye Bye MMD, Bye bye RB


    Can all boarders be closed so that foreigners from Malawi, Tanzania and Congo are not paid to come and vote. Also can we have suspected foreigners with strange accent be questioned about simple Zambians things to see if really they are Zambians. Foreigners will not know much other than just carrying a Reg.


    Chanda CHIMBA was last week seen in the evening packing his Katundu and silently driving them to friends and relatives. He might be preparing to run into exile.
    A sign MMD is not sure of tomorrow. Some sources are saying even Directors and Editors at DAILY and TIMES were seen clearing their Offices. AS Much, there’s confusion at ZESCO as managers try to distance themselves from ordering Power outage in Lusaka during PF meeting. Sources close to Kabonde were saying the man now looks confused. He does not know where to start from. Message from PF: Any police man who will be fired for doing his duty fairly will be reinstated and compensated for courage and at the same time the person who fired him will be FIRED. “Give and Take” The choice is yours.

  10. KACHEPA!!!

    Chanda CHIMBA was last week seen in the evening packing his Katundu and silently driving them to friends and relatives. He might be preparing to run into exile.
    A sign MMD is not sure of tomorrow. Some sources are saying even Directors and Editors at DAILY and TIMES were seen clearing their Offices. AS Much, there’s confusion at ZESCO as managers try to distance themselves from ordering Power outage in Lusaka during PF meeting. Sources close to Kabonde were saying the man now looks confused. He does not know where to start from. Message from PF: Any police man who will be fired for doing his duty fairly will be reinstated and compensated for courage and at the same time the person who fired him will be FIRED. “Give and Take” The choice is yours.

  11. It’s about time Zambians realised that they have the power and not our leaders. Believe you me if Sata were to win and there was lawlessness in the country people have the power to rebel. This cheap talk about Sata, this Sata that if if were to rule is total nonsense. Gone are the days when our leaders had absolute power. We the people will decide, we did it against KK there’s nothing stopping us from doing it to any leader who tries to bring in authoritarian rule. People will vote for who they think will lead the country for the better.  Change however, is very healthy for any democracy and it will do Zambia good. 

  12. You see him like this just give him respect and behave all will be fine ba lawyer unless you are on the other side of the law then problems for you

  13. Why are people so scared? If you are innocent you are innocent. If certain questions have to be answered they have to be answered. It is as simple as that. How can a lawyer claim people to be innocent when they have not even been tried? Infact we don`t even know what Sata knows they have done.

  14. #14 UMUTOMBOKO – you are typical PF supporter – no brains. The law of natural justice says that everybody is INNOCENT until proven guilty. Which planet are you on. The problem with PF supporters is that they all have never been to school. Or if they have been to school, they didn’t get any education – they were noise makers!

  15. Pf and its supporters are simply a bunch of vengeaful fools who are so simple minded such that they relish on rumours, insults and lies becuase sata is a deceptive serpent who shall never win a Zambian election. Viva RB

  16.  The likes of misinformed lawyers like kabwe who can’t get basics that LAW is in fact politics and is made my politicians in parliament or senates world over, brings into quetion Kabwe’s legal mind and justice if ever he has one….
     Isn’t it a shame?? The same Leaders who were enemies of the people by refusing to enact the BILL OF RIGHTS now they want the very people they cheated with the constitution to TRUST THEM-now begging for their VOTE, What nonsense!!
    WE NEED CHANGE,….CHANGE OF ATTITUDE giving our people Dignity and respect!!!! Vote out those leaders who refused us the CONSTITUTION and those who amended the ANTI-CORRUPTION ACT- They are bloody thieves!! No vote!!

  17. I can foresee a mass exodus after 20/09/11 should pf form govt. We are waiting to see. From the indications on the ground, think its a job done. MMD is gone.

  18. This guy hobday, is he not among those thieving lawyers who are demanding for 5.4billion in legal fees for a month’s job? Am sure he is scared shitless coz he is among the thieves that are going to be exposed after 20/9

  19. Lawliness will reign rampantly nation at large words from Mr Hobday Kabwe.
    If these words came from all the commentators so far on this article (bloggers above 1-16) I would have no cause to be worried. Mr Kabwe is a lawyer whose balance on his views can be questioned less over issues of rule of law. He has a point which non of the above have the capacity to comprehend. Mr Sata or Banda are not saints. However, Mr Sata has the propensity of dictatorship than the later with all his weaknesses.We all remember numerous acts Sata was engaged, demolishing houses, atempt to sell part of Zambia, threats to citizens and investors the list goes on. Do you ignore all this? @1-16.

  20. Hobday! Tuesday will be a hobday, certainly.

    PF are planning to win or reject the results….now thats schizophrenic. Can they not lose?

  21. President Sata was once Minister without portfolio, now he wants to be President with all portfolios… Minister of Health (because ‘my wife is a Consultant doctor’), Minister of Home Affairs (to depot all ‘non-Bembas), Minster of Justice (I am the law), Director of Public Prosecutions (I will deal with all the thieves), Inspector General of Police (I never had this job because Zambia got independence). What a President!

  22. Lawlessness will be inevitable if Sata became president, Can you imagine what Kaponyas will be doing in town? they will even be grabbing businesses from foreigners. The only good thing is that Satan will never Zambia

  23. #17..Kunta-Kinte.. i get the impression you claiming to be more educated..but if u read the article carefully u will realize mr sata only said he will expose thieves and did not pin point one person..atleast not yet… but one thing he is sure of including many Zambians is that our country resources have been abused..and we need to expose those people…check your brains dude

  24. If Sata wins, he will retire the Chief Justice and several Judges, Kabonde, and all service chiefs. Dr Matibini will rise. Membe will be Deputy Minister for Justice, Nchito will be Solicitor General, Kabimba will be Attorney General, Guy Scott Minister of Foreign Affairs and Given Lubinda, Lusaka Province Minister, Willie Nsanda, Copperbelt Minister, Christine Kaseba UTH boss, Inonge Wina Western Province Minister. There will be a new constitution in 90 days by a committe of hand picked citizens, approved by the President and voted by the Central committee.

  25. Mr Sata will rule by decree and not by law. Remember that ‘what he lacks in strtegic thinking, he makes up with populism and untruths.’

  26. There is alot of dirty swept under the carpet under RB’s rule. Its high time that firlthy carpet was removd and burt so that Sata sweeps clean the dirty! I for one want very, very much to know who gave MMD milions to waste on campaigns while our people are suffering on the pretext by the MMD that there is no money in govt confers! If its the mines, they should be made be punished and made accountable for this mischievious act!

  27. #17 Kunta Kinte. If you are going to claim to be learned, you should have read the article and read Umutomboko`s post. If you live in a glass house don`t throw stones! Why are you so bitter?

  28. Puzzling statement from a so-called lawyer. What does he define as lawlessness? The wish to have thieves and the corrupt account for their sins? Mr Hobday seems to live in a fantasy world right now, if he does not recognise the extent of lawlessness going on in Zambia. We have corruption everywhere including the President’s office. Ordinary Zambians are so poor that they have no choice but to accept having to pay just to get by. Look at the schools, so-called universities, Police, list endless. To get a n NRC you have to buy lunch for the worker, buy them talk time etc.. Where have you been living Mr. Hobday? Zambia has to move on! We need discipline as a nation, not bum admirers and their concubines. We need a new constitution to rid us of the riff ruff, and their hungers-on like you!

  29. I am very disappointed with the statement from this lawyer. I can assure you that exposing those that have vandalized and stolen from the country is not the same as handing down a sentence.
    If you are MMD just declare yourself so rather than hiding behind inconsequential legal jargons
    Even a non-legal mind has a better interpretation of Sata’s statement.

  30. Iwe ka kabwe are you sure you are a lawyer worth his name? From your thinking no one can doubt that you are a pure thief. Mr SATA did say thieves will be dealt with. Why are you concerned if you are not a thief? Are you telling Zambians that thieves should be left moving around with out being prosecuted for their wrongs? Your so called president not long ago he was threatening Her loyal highness for not supporting him because of his crookedness is that what you calling focussing on development? I think uli cipuba cabe we mbwa we.

  31. SATAn will be the first in the prosecution box.  He has to explain what he did with the K2 billion he and his cohorts stole from Parliament and he accompanied in a helicopter to Kabwe for distribution at the 2001 MMD Convention.  He has to explain to the ICC about the people who got cut in Chawama when he orchestrated violence.  This BUTCHER OF CHAWAMA has a lot of explaining before he bad mouthes anybody.  His kaponyas were welcoming Chiluba at the International Airport when Mwanawasa was prosecuting Chiluba.  And he could not even attend his funeral!

  32. Based on the reactions from Mr Kabwe’s comment against Sata, I conducted an opinion poll and found that Mr Kabwe has been rubbished and Sata endorsed. Sata’s approach on corruption scored 89% leaving 11% to be shared by others. So it shows people want a leader who will deal with corruption decisively .

  33. Look at the picture of the man PF want to be president of Zambia……Ha ha ha ha ha aha ha ha ha !.. He should Be president of baboons ! ha ha ha ha ha ha…..

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