Friday, March 7, 2025

Keep an eye on Sata


atrotic Front leader Michael Sata
Patrotic Front leader Michael Sata

FORMER Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Edward Mumbi has strongly condemned PF leader Michael Sata for deliberately trying to ignore the Electoral Code of Conduct and inciting his cadres to cause confusion by staying at polling stations after voting.

Mr Mumbi also challenged international election observers to keep a ?close eye on Mr Sata whom he said had continued to act in a manner which can plunge the county into turmoil. “International observers, especially Southern African Development Community observer mission, should take note of these statements from Mr Sata, which are deliberately calculated to incite party cadres to take matters of safeguarding the electoral process in their own hands,” Mr Mumbi said He said international observers should also take special note of Mr Sata’s failure to denounce violence, when President Rupiah? Banda has consistently spoken out against violence.

“Instead, Mr Sata and other PF leaders have consistently encouraged their party members to take the law in their own hands when they perceive or suspect something wrong. This is very dangerous because there are official agencies charged with protecting the interests of all players in the electoral process.” Mr Mumbi said it was wrong for Mr Sata to incite his cadres to commit an offence instead of encouraging them to abide by the electoral code of conduct which was clear on the requirements on the elections day.

He said Mr Sata’s instruction to PF cadres was a recipe for violence and was alarming and advised the youths against heeding the PF leader’s advice because he would not protect them when they fall foul of the law. He said it was criminal for Mr Sata to urge his cadres to camp at the polling stations, a situation which had never occurred before. Mr Mumbi said Mr Sata was once a government official who was supposed to be well versed with the requirements of the elections and it was shameful that he had chosen to now behave otherwise just because he was hungry to get to power.

“This is why I am urging the international election observers to keep a close eye on Mr Sata. This is the man who cries the loudest even where there is nothing to cry at and yet he himself is a renown law breaker who even chooses to break law deliberately,” he said. He urged all the Zambians to condemn Mr Sata’s irresponsible behaviour. Mr Mumbi said PF Vice President Guy Scott is also on record as ?claiming that officers in the intellifgence service were prepared to rig elections. “The intelligence service is a very sensitive institution and should be left out of politics. These statements are meant to undermine the credibility of the Electoral Commission of Zambia in the eyes of people. Scott should respect Zambians and let them make their own choice,” Mr Mumbi said.

And Iternational Fellowship of Christian Churches (IFCC) president Bishiop Simon Chihana has condemned calls by Mr Sata that people? should stay at polling stations after voting saying that would only stir up strife. “It is illegal to do that and it will only bring about confusion so we urge the people to go and vote after which they should return home,”Bishop Chihana said. He urged political aspirants to preach peace and ensure that they advise the electorates properly. IFCC vice president Jack Musumba echoed Bishop Chihana’s sentiments that Pastor T.B Joshua had refuted the rumour that he had prophesied?doom for Zambia.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. There is no need to stay at polling station after voting. Better go home then wait for the results! Let us respect ECZ and International observers.

  2. ***** Mumbi, and even the reporters and editors who allow such nonsense to published are all *****s. Why can’t Zambians be allowed to defend their votes? It’s MMD and ECZ who are stifling fair and free elections

  3. Was outside the country now am back to vote, and my vote is going to Mr sata. He is the majority’s wish and just maligned by the state media. Also have changed the source of my information. Have been swayed by a biased media. Thought that was gone after UNIP or is that the controlling guy has still UNIP mentality. No wonder vigilante William Banda is so free to curse, insult and even beat anyone of his choice.To hell with this men. Campaigning ended on sunday 06 hours but what is this?

    • Are you sure you want to give your vote to Sata? Have you read the PF constituition? They will be worse than UNIP was!!

      Honestly don’t vote for PF unless you want Zambia to become worse than it was under KK. Please read the constitution before making a choice. I ask you to do this as a fellow Zambian and person who cares for the well-being of the country.

  4. Sat a, this time around, if you want to incite violence we will face you head on’take the bull by horns’

    You have gone to the extreme and GRZ will face you, *****.

  5. If a sent you an article now over what W. Banda has done now are you going to publish it???? Or you will say its over with campaign??? We all know that MMD is a magician part that changes blood into water at the end of a desert…..  

  6. Sata’s child was writing exams. for two hours he wrote nothing. When the father asked why he couldn’t answer the questions he said “Not kubeba”.

  7. Mumbi, is a known discredited person politically….so who can believe you.
     No more campaigns, no more doubts….the die is cast…Lets Vote out leaders who cheated Zambians by not giving them or enacting a new constitution-BILL OF RIGHTS. Vote out leaders who amended the Anti-Corruption ACT, esp clause 37 so that they can steal -Bloody thieves!! Isn’t it a shame, the same leaders who cheated Zambians are now begging for VOTES from the very people they cheated?? Shame!! VOTE OUT leaders who killed our people and our relatives in mongu and those who killed our people in mazabuka, Vote THEM OUT,!! LET’S VOTE THEM OUT, OUT!!

  8. I would love to see Satan himself stay at his polling station all day. We shall see how long he wiil live in that situation . Surely, the youths ! You want to fight for Kabimba’s ministerial position, Sata’s Presidency? Or even die when the children of these pseudo politicians ,whose interest is only money they want to continue stealing , are in the peace of their father’s manshions ! Zambians !

    • You are right. you may wait to see the results but not gaurd because presidential results will be added in Lusaka with results from all other centres before annoucing the winner. What will be doing the nite at the polling station?

  9. It is clear that Mr Sata knows that he has lost the election even before a vote is cast. “Donchi Kubeba” concepts have failed to gather momentum and Mmembe knows that defeat is imminent for his preferred candidate – Micheal Sata.

  10. #13 Katomba. You sound very desperate. Calm down it`s not today it`s tomorrow. No one knows whether you will still have that job. The only sad thing is you have 95% chance of not having a job after tomorrow. But hey you still have that 5% man! Cheer up!

  11. indeed ..keep an eye on the cobra..he may just spit his venom on his people to turn violent..!vote against pf for inciting violence..

  12. registered PF observers can stay at the polling station – don’t try to twist Sata’s words to incite violence just so Rupiah “Gbagbo” Banda can stay in State House by force. ni pa bwato this time, sorry bwana

  13. Mumbi is just a dimwit, shallow thinking n brainless bootlicker and parrot who is trying 2 earn a living by kissing sum1’s behind!MMD are in the forefront of breaking the Electoral Code of Conduct and this a.s.s just keeps queit.4 the sake of peace n harmony, pliz cage Willaim Banda coz he is not Zambian. n fools like Mumbi should not be given space in any media

  14. This is a lesson to all opposition political parties 2016 they need to think of meaningful partnerships. Greed and lack of focus will cost them more. There is no need for 10 presidential candidates

    • Couldn’t agree more. These selfish opposition leaders will cost us the necessary change we needed. Now we have to wait for another 5 years. Really poor thinking. Look at Magande, Miyanda and many more, these should have just joined others to solidify the opposition.

  15. please ba sata mwalalusa nailya mutolele imilandileyenu taiweme.Thus why people say you are mad it is true. how do you want us to assemble on the polling station until 18:00hrs are you going to provide us food when you failed to give us money we campaigned for you. VIVA ni time cabe we are not camapaigning. very one should shout “time” not pakolonko

  16. It has always been the culture of zambian politics toand witness the counting of ballot papers after the polling station has been closed.However people do stay there as reported,but go there around 18:00 to hear the results of at that particular station, what has changed now?

  17. Yes! All voters please keep an eye on Mr Sata and the PF when you go to vote.

    Make sure you FOR VOTE PF and SATA!

    Vote PABWATO! Vote pa BOAT!

  18. wina azazitundila mailo…VIVA UPND VIVA HH…what a  gigantic Kanyama rally for HH in the once stronghold for PF…Tifilibwino fintu bane….

  19. Time will tell….time will tell….time alone long ……..will tell…..God knows who will rule Zambia and has already put measuers to ensure that we continue enjoying the peace that we have known. I want to remind Former Faza , walya that his life is not worth two lives of zambians.Let him urge his mother and brothers and sisters to be in front of the people like him ready to die to where ever they have prepared to die from….We won’t want to die just because he wants fame. I am not suffering. Abash tribalism, ABASH !


  21. Katomba mwana wandi shuwa nashako. No one is calling for violence. Let people decide in peace. Like I said, let people decide.

  22. The investigative wing of ZAMBIA need to identify a guy who calls himself “Office of the President” and get hold of him. His continued messages are extremely alarming to say the least…..

  23. RB sure wawina futi iyee imwe Mmembe alafwa iye na Kabimba oh naba bashikulu bene. BLESSED RETIREMENT MCS YOU HAVE REALLY BEEN A PROPER OPPOSITION LEADER,WE WILL MISS YOUR NONSENCE. Thursday RB second and final term.

  24. SATA has already lost man, some of you are in different countries when people living in zambia know SATA has missed an opportunity in 2008 election. These elections are too hard for him. Just waiting on wesdnesday.. Like in Lusaka now, every one knows that UPND will win kanyama, chawama, kafue and Chilanga. PF will win Mandevu, Lusaka central, Munali but these other seats is surplus to all parties. Get the truth on the ground not just writing from America without any proof. Campaigning has ended man. SATA no dought will win copperbelt but with reduced votes. He has a remote chance to win these elections. The fear for PF is that once sata loose, it is the end of him even you and me knows it. For UPND, they are building themselves well now and for the future..!!

  25. ECZ allows people to be 400m from polling stations. That is law. Why is Mumbi and other people creating fear over this. The ECZ themselves allows it. PF will be peaceful. It is MMD that can provoke the situation. We know rigging is being planned and we want non interference in the process. The PF will just stand guard and be alert. Thats all.


  27. Get Live Election Results direct to your mobile phone. Text PLOT 1 to 5757 to get Presidential Results and NAME OF CONSTITUENCY to 5757 to get Parliamentary Results

  28. PF winning all Lusaka Seats + Chilanga and Kafue.Kizito # 30 there is no way Sata can lose these elections. PF has made a lot of inroads into Eastern, Western and North Western. In Western they even have two local Govt seats un opposed. A thing that was unheard off a few years back. PF winning these elections. For UPND, they have failed at their top management to infuse in people that can win them presidency. Mazoka had Patrick Chisanga, Sakwiba Sikota, Bob Sichinga. He won the 2001 elections but dribbled. But HH look at his inner circle, who are they? pipo from Southern Province alone save for Kapita.

  29. It has always been the culture of zambian politics to witness the counting of ballot papers after the polling station has been closed.However people do not stay there as reported,but go there around 18:00 to hear the results at that particular station, what has changed now?

  30. I take it you have been looking then. The Post looks good today. Never thought people of Chipata could do that. Nce one!

    Times, Daily Mail, ZNBC have been looking good for MMD haven`t they?


  32. cant wait to see sata being kicked out of the zambian politics tommorw. we should retire him he is bring bad seeds on our youths..and the youths just remember sata’s children will be home while you wait at the polling stations with hunger..its not worth it…the police and security personel should hammer all people who want to cause violence with heavy artillery. so that they dont repeat that.

  33. I dont understand it where people in the compounds fight for loosing while those who where suppose to be voted for are at their homes enjoying good food and a cold drink vipuba busy kumenyana.they dont even know you and when you die they wont even come to your malilo.think twice guys and spare your lives.

  34. I don’t know why people with ‘ugly characteristics’ are popular sometimes….I really feel that voting is more than a right – it is more of a duty to me than just a right. i will vote wisely tomorrow and I know my presidential candidate is winning. I want to be part of the inning team. Nafuti nafuti……

  35. 48 little mama, good point.
    This is what happens when politicians drive the majority of its citizens into the land of illiteracy and poverty. If you look at SATA and RB, they have amassed wealth from government resources.
    I doubt if these two gentlemen even know what it means to apply and compete for a job..NADA..They were all appointed because they knew how to throw stones.
    I can not in my right frame of mind DIE for people who have sucked this country dry.
    When i look at SATA/RB i don’t see any difference. They are the same.
    On the other hand MUTATI/MILUPI/CHIPIMO/HH give HOPE…But since the marjority of ZAMBIANS are SATA/RB, ALL THE BEST TO THIS COUNTRY!!!!

  36. ba Mumbi imwe lyonse ni Sata this Sata that. Am politics must be issue based. talk about what u can do for pipo if u want to stand. If u r paid for discrediting him am sure by this wknd imwe ninshi shaputuka from ba MMd kaili they will not need u for a looooooooooooong time that is if they win or loose.

  37. Oh Ohh still campaigning?Mumbi chilubi Sana.He hsa to face the facts.
    One Zambia one Nation Abashi single party participatory democracy.Abash tribalism,Abash abash abash absh.Abaleya baleya

  38. My last campaign message, SAta RIP…..thank u for putting up a good opposition party, we will all remember u for that anyway.

  39. Strange, Edward Mumbi will always use ” former PF Sec. Gen. ” title and thats when he feels that he is making a point!!

  40. The last day of Mumbi’s job… Anyway these guys should stop campaigning ala! Where is Priscilla Isaacs to arrest them? Campaigns have stopped

  41. I totally agree with #30 Kizito that upnd is winning Kanyama, Chilanga, Chawama and Kafue with landslide. The fact is that PF has been crippled in Lusaka just like Copperbelt and Luapula. PF does not control any province so i always laugh at dreamers who think pf can win these election. Can any PF supporter tell me where pf will get votes to win an election. Stop cheating yourselves. Kizito you are the man !!!!

  42. You Edward Mumbi you have failed to look after your own children. your son who just graduated at Campus was been kept by his cousin. you a fool. so dont talk about your friends when you are just like them or wase than them. you are a foolish man. A man who can fail to look after his own children is a disgrace. i could have said more but i respect the woman you have the children with. *****

  43. we should have had some sweep-stakes for the bloggers on these elections…You are all so convinced that your respective parties will win (all with a landslide)… put your money where your mouth is

  44. Those intimidating people and advocating for violence must check their words and actions and own up after the 20th. Some of them will be heading into the hills to hide away from their words among the evil spirits. Why be so desperate about power…just shut up and continue taking your life saving medications.

  45. Polling Booths Confiscated:

    Concerned Lusaka residents have confiscated a set of polling booths discovered today under a tree in Long-acres area.

    The respective polling booths were discovered in the afternoon along Los Angels Boulevard, just opposite the European Union offices.

    After the discovery, one of the residents, John Banda informed Transparency International Zambia President Rueben Lifuka and then later informed the Electoral Commission of Zambia.

    At MuviTV

  46. conman singing its’ over over kwasila alooser sitizakaonana futi, RB ndiye mwine………’. Kabonde please close up all internet blogs at midnight and Zesco should switch off power at 18:00 to 06:28 hours today and tomorrow except in Ibex Hill where my mansion is located. we want to deal ruthlessly with these patriotic front morons. we want others to inaugurate the new mortuary at Lusaka General hospital while we fatten crocodiles with their bodies.

  47. If we cn spend time listening to Mumbi… it just shows you how much
    we have lost our values to the extent of William Banda having a slot on ZNBC

  48. A sensible leader should help guard against violence and not actually inciting it.Honestly ba Sata, what were you doing in Munali polling stations and asked your driver to brandish his pistol? Good thing is that the Police have arrested this joker of a driver. We want peace, VOTE RB and MMD for continued peace and dignity as a Zambian.

  49. To all those saying bad things about Sata sorry guys you go on saying bad things but the truth is that Sata is winning and No one will change that only God can but to bad God says this time is for PF… this time is for Peace and Freedom, for Perfect and Fruitful, for the People Of Faith… and that’s what PF is all about..

  50. Sata is winning this time around you foolish UPND cadres. I don’t know why most of you are so blind to facts. The next big opposition leader is Charles Milupi and I’m not speaking on trible grounds because it’s not in me.

  51. And always remember my words. HH will never rule this country. That foolish politician signed his own political death sentence when he accepted a bribe from the MMD to break the pact. He doesn’t have what it takes to be a great man like Sata. Milupi shows enough talent and charisma. So stop cheating yourselves that HH will one day be president of this country. Never.

  52. This Sata is a pure thug. Did you see how he insulted Mumbi and RB on national tv last evening? How can kambovas, loafers and thiefs want this character for president? He shall never be my president ever!

  53. Iwe chi Mumbi,it is *****s like you who can insight violence.You have no morals and values of your own,you disgrantled failed politician. Stay away from Mr Sata or will eat you alive. Infact you are surpoze to be helping the urgly failed farmer to pack his Malawi munkwala out of state house, that house belongs to Zaambians not Malawans.

  54. Iwe chi mwenda mbati,don’t call Zambians names because they surport ba Sata,he is the peoples choice cant you see *****.We don’t care if he will never be your president, then live Zambia because he will remain the peoples choice or just shut your judgemental dirty mouth, before it is shut for you.

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