Tuesday, July 2, 2024

William Banda beaten


MMD's William Banda (L)

Movement for multi party democracy MMD Lusaka province chairman William Banda is reported to have been beaten last night by unknown people.

According to information obtained, Mr. Banda is said to have gone to Chibolya Basic School to harass policemen who were manning the school.

Mr.Banda is said to have insulted the policemen that there were not doing their job in protecting the party in government.

As his team of party cadres were driving away, some unknown people dragged Mr. Banda out of the car and beat him.

It was at that point that Mr. Banda fired three gun shots, making his attackers scampering in all direction leaving the restless MMD Lusaka province chairman screening for help.

A few hours ago, Mr. William Banda was said to be admitted to the University teaching Hospital.

Some Police officers confirmed to QFM News on the incident.

And Deputy Commissioner of police Auxenxio Mbewe was last evening stoned by unruly MMD cadres as he led a unit of riot police to rescue electoral officers that were caught in the violence in John Leing.

Mbewe who spoke to journalists immediately after the rescue operation said the riotous behaviour is being spearheaded by young men who he said do not have anything to do.

he discosed that he was stoned on his forehead as well as his left leg as his unit apprehended 10 of the riotous.

he said his unit was reinforcing and heading back to John Leing to try and contain the situation in the area where tires are being burnt on the roads as youths continue to ran amok.

The Police Commissioner stated that it is only the Lusaka that is experiencing sporadic of violence.



  1. u reap what u sow u thug, carryin weapons when it was well aticulated by ur president that no one with weapons shall be allowed near pstations they shud hav buried u.

  2. Ooooh dear! You should have killed this *****! You should’ve have arrested him in the first place for insulting the police. Bravo to all the people who did justice were the police failed. So he moves with a pistol for what? Should be arrested for misusing the fire arm.

  3. William banda has tormented innocent people with impunity and the MMD leadership has always supported his acts of thuggery and violence while the police have decide to look elsewhere.
    I have no shred of sympathy running in my veins for one william banda for his atrocities against the people.
    I wish those who attacked him just killed him.

    • Stanyok. Muleya uno mwaka. Mwalemona kwati filya twaleikala tondolo ninshi kuti mwatudeelela mwe mbwa mwe. You’ve been the violent bastards. You can just talk rot on the net because you are anonymous, we mbushi we. Noko akanyo.

  4. This is the only violence i have enjoyed in my life.Banda should have been made blind I’m sure he would be more useful to zed as a blind man.I’m not PF I’m just a Zambian.sorry he does not behave like a Zambian.

  5. Those young people taking part in riots are said to have nothing to do.
    True .. MMD has only managed to create 500,00 jobs after 20years in power.
    Its govt responsibility to ensure that these young people have jobs to make them productive citizens and keep them away from such riotous behaviour.
    police, blame your rupiah govt

  6. PF is headed for victory people. It has grabbed all copperblet seats with a huge margin. My place is Wusakile MMD had 3,000 something and PF scored 20,000 what a shame to the rulling Party.

  7. It is good that even this senior police officer was stoned by the MMD youths. The police have tolerated MMD violence against opposition party members and against journalist. Now the MMD violence has come to roost on the police. So William Banda the Malawian MMD thug moves around with a pistol? No wonder the arrogance! The police must cage him.

  8. To those of you applauding this – shame on you!

    Violence is never the solution and to say that it was justified because Banda is a thug only puts you down on the same gutter level as him.


  10. Why didnt they strangle him? He is full of sh… in his head,well he deserves it… welldone guys. If the Police cant cage him them, mob justice is the best resort

  11. William,u reap wat u sow. you such a stupid arrogant old man en now time catches up with you. we are in power by the weekend and you should be out of the country by friday. wekakote whe!


  13. I thnk mr william banda u r old enough 2 cntrol yo self. Hav maners emfact we were supse 2 kil u u dog useless old man 2 getha wt yo prsdnt f**ck u

  14. thx to all those that took it upon themselves to manhandle thug. that was not violence but a due beating. kanyele kulukumgu afilwa ukubomba. do it agin. shame on sympathizers.

  15. Seems like it is becoming a habit for MMD cadres to be carrying guns.First it was that trigger happy doctor/cadre ,now it is this Malawian/cadre.

  16. As a christian nation let us learn from what God taught us.

    Jesus taught his disciples the prayer that includes the following words,”Forgive those who trespass against us”.Learn to forgive your friends when they wrong you.  

    • I expected one numbskull to say this. What the heck is Armageddon to you, peace! That is violence god has promised you, to be waged by ground commander Jesus!

  17. #60 LOL!!! No, please , no killing. But he had this day coming. I have been wondering why it actually took this long to discipline this loose canon Banda. This will probably check his behaviour and shut him up for a while. Everybody needs reminder that they can be beaten up if they don’t behave. It was important that he was shown that people can reach him and sort him out if he doesn’t behave. I actually think this was helpful even to him, even though it involved a bit of pain!

  18. Patrick Mwanawasa we told you. Now see how you’ve been hammered. hehehe Politics is not for faint hearted like you. Now you are history.

  19. On Election Results: it is still too close to call. I hear UPND is wreaking havoc in Western Province, taking most constituencies in Sesheke, Kaoma and Kalabo. PF has taken Mongu central. MMD not clear yet, although it is number 2 in all these constituencies won by PF and UPND and ADD (Milupi).

  20. In the end, this is going to be a game of Maths. I don’t think one single party will dominate. It is tight and very exciting. Whoever wins will have deserved it and will need congratulations from all of us. This is very exciting democracy!!

    • Kunta Kinte what of the roads you were mentioning and your MMD? You have now changed your focus…Good you seem neutralized now.. thats how life should be. SOON PF will be in Plot 1, we told YOU

  21. William Banda does not deserve sympathy for his own reaping of his harvest. He has planted violence and has reaped it! This is a lesson to all those who want to rule people with an iron fist, they will soon rebel and corner you and beat you like William Banda. By the way have you also heard that Mwata Kazembe run away from his palace yesterday, his own people found out that he wanted to cheat and broke into his palace forcing him to bolt! LOL!

  22. This thug William Banda should just have been slain! He has outlived his usefulness. Its a shame we muntu umukulu sure lyonse ati niwebo.

  23. Ba Lusaka I am disappointed.You catch a hyena that eats your animals on your farm and let it go with its soul and matter intact.You should at least have castrated the chap William Banda.Next time you catch him roast him alive.We dont need his type in Zambia and if President -elect Sata does not deport William Banda I will carry out a lone demonstration.:d

  24. sure sign the devil has taken hold in zambia. how have we sunk to such levels where almost everyone on this blog is advocating violence and killing?? do you people know the kind of anarchy that will be unleashed with just one crazy deed like this?
    i fear this will be the new culture in zambia…. killing to resolve differences

  25. Now that it seems true that PF has acooped Mongu Central seat, can someone tell me if it is possible for ADD led by Charles Milupi to win Kasama or Mansa central seat. Who then are the tribalists??? Someone answer me please. I have always stated that those who popularise tribal politics are the true tribalists themselves..

  26. I think the chaps who clobbered Banda were very merciful, they should have killd the Malawan lumpen, it would have provided a sweet grand finale to the sad MMD episode.

  27. In fact that fool William Banda was not even properly panel beaten. He was supposed to have his balls squeezed out to end his tyranny behaviour in Lusaka. Chabipanapakucicita hospitalize and worst medicine on that thug. Well done young men to put that animal in the cage.

  28. If the cobra goes through, it will be the darkest day for Zambia. We shall be taken back 100 years. Sata does not have the capacity to run this beautiful country. Just look at his behaviour yesterday. I can’t imagine GBM, Nsanda etc as cabinet ministers. Cry my beloved country, I am sure God wants us to taste what we have been craving for. Its such a shame, the whole world is laughing at us.

  29. As it turns out that was just one of Banda’s look alikes who was beaten, he is actually at the ECZ helping with monitoring polls. No injuries what so ever!

  30. UPND Wins
    1. Katuba,
    2. Sesheke,
    3. Kaoma central,
    4. Mazabuka,
    5. Monze,
    6. Choma,
    7. Kalomo,
    8. Namwala,
    9. Siavonga,
    10. Gweembe,
    11. Dundumwezi,
    12. Mapanza,
    13. Kalabo,
    14. Mulobezi,
    UPND is having 9.46% (This is for the total 148 parliamentary seats). Two seats are postponed

  31. MMD Wins
    1. Mkushi South,
    2. Petauke,
    3. Chipata Central,
    4. Chongwe,
    5. Kafulafuta,
    6. Mumbwa Central,
    7. Chavuma,
    8. Feira
    9. Masaiti,
    10. Mpongwe

    MMD is having 6.76% (This is for the total 148 parliamentary seats)

  32. PF Wins
    1. Kaputa,
    2. Bwacha,
    3. Kabwe Central,
    4. Mkushi North,
    5. Kapiri Mposhi,
    6. Nchanga,
    7. Kalulushi,
    8. Chimwemwe,
    9. Kanfinsa,
    10. Kwacha,
    11. Nkana,
    12. Wusakile,
    13. Luanshya,
    14. Roan,
    15. Kankoyo,
    16. Kantanshi,
    17. Mufulira,
    18. Bwana Mkubwa,
    19. Chifubu,
    20. Kabushi,
    21. Ndola Central,
    22. Chama North,
    23. Mpulungu,
    24. Nchelenge,
    25. Lumenzi,
    26. Kawambwa,
    27. Mwansabombwe,
    28. Chembe,
    29. Mansa Central,
    30. Mwense,
    31. Luapula Central,
    32. Kafue,
    33. Chawama ,
    34. Kabwata,
    35. Kanyama,
    36. Lusaka Central,
    37. Mandevu,
    38. Kasama Central,
    39. Mpika Central,
    40. Lunte,
    41. Mporokoso
    42. Livingstone,
    43. Kafue,
    44. Mongu Central,
    45. Nalolo,
    46. Chingola,
    47. Chiengi,

    PF is having 31.76% on MPs.

  33. #91,92,93 That’s very impressive Litunga keep on feeding us. Donchi Kubeba is working we are taking over……..lol. State house for a change.

  34. Whether you like it or not shit is shit and it will always smell. The stupidity we see in sata’s behavior will always show. But that is what Zambians wanted……

  35. The boys not only hammered banda but saved the life of the Police who fail to protect Zambians from Banda.In return commisioner who was not important was allowed to be by mmd thugs.

  36. If the results swing towards sata as things already seem, Banda should have bought a one wat ticket to malawi and Chanda Chimbwi should just dispear.


  38. So this ***** thought thinks Police are for MMD only? Nafulwa sana. They should have squeezed his nuts until they pop!

  39. #98 – show some respect, bwana. Sata is not shit (even though I don’t actually support him), and people who have voted for him are not stupid because they have seen something valuable in him which other people like me can’t see in him. But if I don’t support him, it still doesn’t make him shit, he still has my full respect – it’s just that I disagree with some of his policies in a very fundamental way. In my tribe they say if you publicly disrespect your parent, other people will laugh at the whole family including yourself. Let us respect our leaders, because we get respect from other countries that way.


  41. now how was he allowed to fire three shots ?this does not add up.This man deserves to be lynched.he was the little tyrant dictator in the bygone UNIP era.20 years later he resurfaces,maybe the saying”patience is a virtue”holds true

  42. this old thing brings hs home untammed manners in public.those pipo who beat hm shud gve me their accoint numbers so that i gve them beating allowances.but next they shud do better.u beat were he stores hs foolishness,and stupididy.job wel done guys.

  43. William Banda is cooked, just as I had indicated from earlier blogging, we deserve better Leadership and definately not this mediocre kind of Leadership we had in the past 3 years.

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