Monday, March 10, 2025

Latest ECZ results from 85 verified constituencies gives Sata a 42.9 % lead


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has announced latest presidential election results from 85 verified constituencies indicating that Patriotic Front (PF) presidential candidate, Michael Sata, is still leading with 639,787 votes, representing 42.9 per cent.

ZANIS reports that the latest results indicate that Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) candidate and incumbent President, Rupiah Banda is still in the second position with 542,362 votes or 36.41 per cent.

United Party for National Development (UPND) candidate Hakainde Hichilema still commands the third position after garnering 247,284 votes translating into 16.60 per cent.

ECZ Chairperson Irene Mambilima announced the latest standings at 12:35 hours at the national election results centre set up at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka.

Justice Mambilima said National Restoration Party (NAREP) candidate, Elias Chipimo Junior is in fourth position with 5,764 votes while Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) candidate Charles Milupi is fifth with 5,748 votes and United National Independence Party (UNIP) candidate Tilyenji Kaunda has 5,644 votes in the sixth position.

The rest are Forum for Democracy and Development’s (FDD) Edith Nawakwi with 3,602, National Movement for Progress (NMP) candidate Ng’andu Magande with 3,493 votes, Heritage Party’s Godfrey Miyanda is in the ninth position with 2,331 and Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) candidate, Fredrick Mutesa is at the rear with 1,269 votes.

She said the results from the 85 constituencies that have since been verified and released are out of the total results received from the 101 constituencies so far.

This means that election results from 49 constituencies are still being awaited.

From the results that have so far been released by the national elections centre, Mr. Sata is comfortably leading in Luapula, Northern and Copperbelt Provinces while Mr. Banda is commanding Central, Eastern and North western provinces.

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema has an upper hand in Southern Province, the region he hails from.

Results from most constituencies in Lusaka and Western Provinces are yet to be received and verified by ECZ.

On the publication of results, Justice Mambilima said National Assembly results are declared at constituency level by the Returning Officers while presidential results are announced at both constituency and at the national results centre after being verified.

“It is important to note that the Presidential election results have not yet been finalised and declared by the Returning Officer, who is the Chief Justice,” she said.

She has since forbidden the media and other stakeholders not to in any way declare any of the presidential candidates as a winner.

Meanwhile, the ECZ Chairperson said she was aware that there was a lot of anxiety among members of the public concerning the announcement of the winner of the presidential election.

She has therefore appealed for calm, patience and peace among Zambians especially that the 48 hours time frame which the ECZ and political parties agreed on to complete the whole process has not elapsed.

In a related development, Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde has warned of stern action against people that are engaging in riotous and violent activities to press for the release and declaration of presidential results.

Mr. Kabonde said the police will not allow anybody to injure any person, damage property or disturb public peace.

He was reacting to information that some people in Copperbelt province and other parts of the country are rioting over perceived delayed announcement of presidential election results by the ECZ.

The Police Chief said his officers will ensure that all those engaging into riots are brought to book even after the election period.

“No any meaningful government will protect law breakers. So we will ensure that all those found wanting are brought to book,” he said.

Mr. Kabonde also appealed to political party cadres to exercise patience saying the 48 hours time frame on which the ECZ and political party leaders agreed to release the election results is not yet over.



    • In another comment you said all strong hold for PF have been counted, now you are something else, I wonder why you are blind.

  1. African politics,very uninspiring. What example is the current political situation showing to the new generation hoping to go into politics.sad situation indeed…wat power can make pipo do….fyolad.

    • It is difficult to manipulate this time because of PVT. All the political parties including EU had access to the results as they were announced at polling stations. My sources tells me that RB has lost to MC by a big margin. He just don’t want to concede. As a matter of fact, he was advised by EU to concede but he refused!!



  4. napapata RB how can u put zim soldiers pa statehouse, ati u have kicked zed soldiers and cops coz u dont trust them ,, how can u fail to trust ur own people.. i pray for peace

    Very primitve indeed with those baseless utterences!!!
    Come what may as usual PF’s margin has started to decrease and HERB is catching up!!!By the time 100 constituences are done HERB will be ahead!!!

    • Are you blind? In the next count the verified results to be added will include Munali, Chawama, Mandevu, Kanyama, Ndola Central Nkushi North, Mafinga, Bahati all these belongs to the Mighty PF your rubish will trail by almost 150,000 after these additions then remain with 47 to be added as 2 are already differed due to deaths. Grow up! Where is your relative Senior fimo fimo Today? Nkhani yalula.


  7. 48HRS ENDED @6am,Results PLZ!!CRY MY BELOVED COUNTRY–Why the PANIC &black out Ba ECZ.Leaders who cheated Zambians by not giving them or enacting a new constitution-BILL OF RIGHTS,Vote them out and those who amended the Anti-Corruption Act clause 37 to steal -Bloody thieves!! Shame,the same leaders who cheated zambians are now begging for VOTES from the very people they cheated?Look at the ECZ blackmail..COUNTING 5mil votes to take two days?Thieves! If the director of ZESCO awards a big contract to his friend or to a company he controls ,that’s corruption!! why should the INCUMBENT,an interested party/ presidential candidate continue being president,controlling KEY institutions including the ECZ up to the election day?And you expect a fair result? THE CONSTITUTION NEEDS TO BE REPEALED

    • the snake is well known only in the already announced constituencies,ECZ is very intelligent,they start announcing the strong holds of the COBRA to set hem on an early cerebrations and letter,’nsansa ku chinjana’.Now because most SATANISTS re blind and tribal they consider only C/belt as Zambia they always cause trouble as if every one has voted for them.

  8. CB did a sucker punch by doubling the figures-mmd is a goner and it will never rise!! Those who depend on MMD for survival must be sobbing by now-sorry, what goes up must definately come down. Sata deserves it, he is a consistent fighter and it has paid.

  9. Hahahahahhahahahahahahaahhaha my tonga HH with his dance he has 16’% we told you to stay in the pact and u refused. This is it for UPND this party needs a new leader.

  10. I think ba Redcard you are new to election issues. How do they do it were you are? Before they even finish counting every state, the announce the winner using projected results. Obama just waited for California before they even counted or even closed polls in Oregon, Washington state. If They have counted Eastern Province and he failed to do a run away there, what is your projection when they include Lusaka? Why do you think the US ambassador is asking RB to concede? Math yama, not arithmetic, math with statistics in it. Simple

  11. Hey guyz. Let’s not celebrate too early. Remember, this is just 85 constituencies and Zambia is made up of 150 constituencies. Anything can happen. Do you recall what happened in 2006 and 2008? I foresee it happening again. RB might just end up carrying the day.

  12. Political risk analysts, who were divided on the final result, said a Sata defeat might trigger unrest although added that it was likely to be short-lived and have no impact on copper output or the wider economy.
    “If Sata loses a close election and rejects the outcome there will be some unrest in Lusaka and the Copper Belt but it will be contained and relatively short-lasting,” research firm Eurasia said.

  13. People seem to be forgetting that the presidential race is based on first past the post. If Sata is leading by less than 100000 votes with Lusaka and Western province to follow, i think RB will beat him past the post. Why do i say so, well all Lusaka votes Sata will lead with RB second, However where the tables will turn is western province where HH will lead, followed closely by RB and sata a very distand third and hence adding up all the votes RB ends with more votes by virtue of coming second in all votes and Sata coming second because of yoyoing from either first or Third. Those who watch formula 1 will tell you that if you can come second in all races you will beat the guys who has won more races but has moved from one to third and so on. Its a shame but i believe that is the result

  14. zambians you need a new ECZ to have free and fair election. out siders we have already seen that SATA has won but why your ECZ??????????????

  15. CB did a sucker punch by doubling the figures-mmd is a goner and it will never rise!! Those who depend on MMD for survival must be sobbing by now-sorry, what goes up must definately come down. Sata deserves it, he is a consistent fighter and it has paid.

  16. The damage has been done. The opposition has inflicted a gapping mortal would in the MMD body politic! In 1991 the MMD slogan was “the hour,” meaning the hour had come for UNIP and Kaunda to pack and go. It turned out that way. Kaunda and UNIP packed and went. This time around, MMD must heed their own message of “the hour” and pack and leave.

  17. We need CHANGE in this country. Mayo Mambilima please gives us results, Ulechita kwati tawapashile bwino ku sukulu ati ngawalusa ichita tatwakwangishe ifwe. Wilenga abakaile bafwilemo. Naiwi tawaikalebwino. Go PF MU OFFICE.

  18. Let Zambians remain calm and vigilant at this moment! In Africa opposition never wins, here in Kenya we celebrated in 2007 when Raila Odinga was leading the incumbent Mwai Kibaki by over one million votes only for Kibaki to rig last minute and “win”. Its never over until its over. Moreso now that delays are being reported. Same tactic was applied here in Kenya and it led to bloodshed!

    Robert (Kenya)

    • I agree I am Zambia but now am in Kenya on work tour, I left Zambia after voting and will be back home by Friday.
      Let us remain united and vigilant…. There is a difference being peaciful and docile….. It is a new world and politics of 1940 should be denounced!!!!! To progress at time we must be ready to die for the good course of our country.. This nonsence shud not be tolerated… We need a fair game like where Kenyans are now heading to with a very tramsparant governance system, independend electrol system aiming to apply more trends that reduce rigging chances by those of this black skinn that are bloody thirsty for power and greedy…..We are not cursed it our miond sets that we need to change in Africa!!!

  19. Africa twasebana!! [-(:( Why should we have a suden blackout and trully speaking, ECZ SYSTEM WAS HACKED? UBUFI. We know them. I ve failed to understand them. Time for MMD is over.

  20. People of Zambia, I have been saying that this year is ours as PF. And these people can just accept that. Being with FTJ Chiluba doesn’t matter in the past. What matters is the present and what people want now. Give us time and see what we can do also while in power. Don’t just judge us from the outside.Viva PF, go go go forward…….:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-

  21. This time we’re sailing. Banda should pack up his Katundu from Plot1. No need to play around with people’s mind. I am sure this time, Henry is vanadalizing switches and cables from State house.
    Wapya munzi.

  22. @Njombwinjo says
    Only God can kill the spirirt of a man,you may kill his physical body.I am here coz of stupid policies of Banda ,as a professional i shd be developng my country .If you benefited from Banda,the US Ambassador has just told him to accept defeat like KK,where is your grey matter .Why is it that every province there is protest,then who voted for Banda.How can a stupid Presddent in this era shut the media.Not even Gadaffi did that.PF HAS DONE ,GO HUNG URSELF


  24. People of Zambia, does anyone know the wereabouts of the MMD sycophants like seniour citizen and his assistants. Bamambala have gone undergrounds. And also, were is Andrew Jere the bootlicker to Dora Siliya?
    If seen please report them to the nearest Police Officer or do a citizen’s arrest.

  25. Finally Mabilima has exposed her true colors. She a disgrace to Zambia. In 2006 she delayed the elections for days and again?

    • These are some of the malicious damages you *****s want to dress us. You might be the ones who have been doing this, so please stop your idiocy

  26. Where is Nafuti Nafuti??Hhe is been very quite.Voka man! And where is Maestro Hhehehe…….?? These are some of the guys that were blogging nonsense. Mwaona..?? Wina azalila tyaala………..!!! Very soon there will bye elections in places like Keembe where Lt.Gen Shikipwasho has won and Petauke Dora “Ihure”Siliya’s area bcos these two will soon be attending court sessions to answer cases of corruptions and abuse of office. And am sure they will end up in jail.

  27. Now we know that we have SEVEN PROVINCES DONE…There is no way MMD is winning in Lusaka (William Banda start packing!)…Western Province after the death of their antic due to the arrest…plus the riots seen in the past (Mr Banda’s sons need to be worried)…MMD is officially finished…totally, like UNIP! But again MMD is full of UNIP fellows…Sata, start developing a new leader to take over your hard fought political battles, You are indeed the next President of Zambia…

  28. NO. 33, this is not Kenya, spare us by not commenting you have very little knowledge about. In our lovely Zambia, when the people decide not can stand in the way. In this case we have fired RB and company no kind of threats or intimidation will break us.

  29. pa bwwatooooooooooooo!!! Abana balala…..balala…!!! Viva Pf. H.E. Mr. M.C.Sata BSc political science(UK); BA History (UK); MBA Policing & Public Admin (UK); Student MA Integrated History(UK-Oxford)

  30. Further to my comment above, i think Sata and PF will curse their decision to get rid of HH and his party, because HH and his party it is becoming clear will be the king makers in this election.

  31. Sata has got enough manpower to take over from him. Persons like Wyinter Kabimba, Given Lubinda, Mile Sampa, Wilbur Simusa, Chishimba Kambwili , Emmanuel Cheenda etc. HH azaitaya mu 2021. We shall give Sata two terms to rule. How i pray that the young Alias Chipimo Jnr starts as a counsellor like Mulenga Chilufya Sata has started. Obama started at ward level in US and went up to senetor before becoming president. But HH wants to come from nowhere. From plundering privitazation resources to president. No way!!!

    • You appear to be related to Sata the way you are putting your points. Do not compare HH to Obama because those are different individuals. If you are comfortable in foreign country please continue dreaming. Zambia does not deserve to be led by old chaps like Sata and RB. We want younger well informed people.

  32. paa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! next week president Sata will be in state house.

    • If you are used to stealing, God cannot allow you to continue doing so. Your prediction were 100% wrong, 2011 tuleya ku state house. We are the ruling party. What God has given, no one can take away. No more thieves and such must be locked in cells and a farm must be created for them to learn how to earn good sweet with own sweat.

  33. We are now 111 seats – PF has 58 seats; MMD 32 seats; UPND 20 seats; Others 1 seat.
    37 seats remain (2 have been deferred).

  34. Where is the loud mouthed MMD caders today? You used to call us kaponyas now i think the kaponyas have carried the day. Power to the people. Ah!

    • You are really a jackal, what is interesting you now or has changed your name from kaponya ??? Talala wait for the last  whistle. You are playing with Man U.

    • You are really a jackal what has changed ? Why are you no longer a kaponya? Talala wait for the final whistle you are playing Man U.

  35. Western province, ha ha ha! This is my Barotseland ka, we are more Zambians than some damn Malawans who ordered police to shoot at our children and Kunda even had the guts to defend those stinking crimes in parliament. Now here we come, to decide on who the winner is and from what I can see, winangu azalila misozi paka paka. Like we say, yomumwi wasi shungumanela sikapani sa ndwafulu-tuna kusi cikimeka sa myoko! I do not see this being Sata who promised to restore our agreement, the victim has a hell of a big nose. Uyoyange Sata!

    • Nakushwela makeke minange. Sata yena mane ukaminga kaufela  kuyo fepa litau mwa kafue national park.mubemba a talime bulozi? Lukunye ni mukwakwa wa sisheke senanga kona fo kafelela,kalabo ona ki mbamba.Luitolezi !!!

  36. the fall is very imminent! you have sqandered our resources wee muntu! i thought you would do better but alas! mmd needs mutati for president!

  37. There is reason to celebrate, we have all the results obtained from the from all the constituences and have been communicated to all including the american embassy. elyo DORA alapwa nga engine ya Tata bus.

  38. Zambians need to open there eyes. If we elect wrong people to lead our country, we will end up not developed. These wrong politicians dont took think about our country`s development. So far Zambia is one of the most poor country in the world, why? Too much corruption. Please politicians develop our counrty, its rich. Stop developing your own families, dont be selfish, help the civilians to educate them and create jobs.


    • Ine mwine you mangani and masebo can not be appointed ministers because they have lost their seats This is according to the current constistition. Sorry Mangani and Masebo you took the voters for granted.

  40. The latest results from Zambia’s electoral commission show opposition leader Michael Sata leading incumbent President Rupiah Banda 43 to 36 percent, with results in from slightly more than half of Zambia’s voting districts.

    But the count has been going slower than expected, and observers predict the commission will not meet a self-imposed Thursday deadline for the final results.

    Tensions were heightened on Wednesday when Zambia’s High Court banned three independent media organizations from publishing speculative reports on the elections’ outcome. The injunction came after The Post newspaper ran a headline that read “Sata Heads for Victory.”


    MMD cant see because it is at dawn. A new day is coming very soon. All MMDS will kiss DUST as RB said. Were are you now MMD Cadres. I want to see which Cadres has strong bores to stand up again. Bashikapuba is now the most silent. Dora the prostitute will now be free for all. Those bums you advertised will now be used.
    RB’s wife is now going back to he Bedroom she talked about to receive injections from an angry man. Ohh Goodbye MMD fipuba

  42. In the game of soccer, once you miss 3 penalties out of 5 and the other team scores the first three, then the game is automatically over. It is exactly the same with Ba Rupie, Sata has already scored beyond what ba Rupie can ever score no matter what happens. If you are to make a good analysis of the voting pattern, you will find that ba RB has no stronghold he can surely rely on as things stand now. The margin between the two is very big and for sure Sata will not come out with zero in the remaining constituencies. As such RB is chasing the wind

  43. Can’t understand these chaps(kaponyas), even when a win seems to be in sight for them, they still burn a market. Hope Sata will still have enough ammunition to contain them. Or else Zambia might just see unrulines rise exponentially……especially if he fails to put money in their pockects within 90 days!

  44. Ahead of the poll, Sata accused the electoral commission of planning to rig the outcome using pre-marked ballots. The electoral commission has denied that allegation.

    European Union election observers said Thursday that the elections were “generally well administered,” but unequal access to resources meant there was not a “level playing field” for campaigning.

    Specifically, observers criticized state-owned media for failing to meet “even their minimal obligations as public service media,” saying state news programming lacked balance in its coverage of the campaign.

  45. What is Chanda Chimba doing right now? His donkey mentally is no more. Who has the last laugh? SATA.

    Soon Chanda Chimba will be the new Kadansa but in his case he will have a plate to collect donations for his survival. The boy made a very big blunder. Lack of foresight. Now they will even grab the camera by the creditors. He will cry that alikwata ishamo. Tell him that “teshamo, kutumpa”.

  46. The results will not be complete to day till tomorrow around this time and believe me you anything can happen.we get one update after 7 hours like someone taking antibiotics.

    We need to change so many things pa zed.

    • You are talking.. If they are planning nonsense.. We rise against stupid acts and what can the few do to a million angry Mob!!!
      We shud not accept someone fooling us this time around..!!!Lets not be docil be ready to die for Mother Zambia if it means so.. If we leave this thing of rigging to continue believe u me it will spark later in years to come!!

  47. If Michael Chilufya Sata is declared winner, Zambia will have truly confirmed its democracy. It will be a model amongst democratic countries such as neighbouring Tanzania, Botswana which have never rigged elections. Sata’s persistence and determination to rule this country is a sound illustration of his love for mother Zambia. He deserves it and he will have earned it without corrupt practices and political philandering. God bless the ultimate winner Michael Sata, and may you start to groom Sylvia Masebo to take over you, in the event of any natural tragedy or the end of your term. Zambia is ready for its first female president in the ten years. Congratulations to you Mr Sata for challenging and unseating MMD, the movement of mediocre and degeneration. Uyooye!

  48. Hey MMD cadres, I have a consolation for you. Since the counting is done in Eastern Province and Banda is still wallowing, probably we should wait for the tenth province called ECZ. They might deliver for your man. And Zambians will get you this time. We told you. Where is Senior Citizen, Bootlicker, Capitalist who has no capital to show for, VJ Rigger, and that fool called pf government? Tears are flowing. We told you and you thought you will intimidate the masses. No jobs guys. Start packing those embassy jobs have been taken by “KAPONYAS” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Who has the last laugh? “Kaponyas.”

  49. ECZ could not maintain there web site it was too transparent. Now we can not see figures so we can do math. I will be coming to look for job there,I can smell some vacancies.

    Go HH go,careful Nawakwi is improving,you will soon register a plot at embassy park too uuuhh say 2016. It’s not too long a wait but do not pray for bye election. Why are we waiting for lsk? Are the roads too bad in the capital like in lukulu?

    Come on guys be cool the stupiid revolution is for the Arab world no blood for a single Zambian should be shed unless William Banda and William alone,that is if he still has the pistol and refuses to go back to chigwalalu in Malawi.

  50. Its just simple to understand why Sata is perceived to have won this elections. Out of 9 provinces Sata is leading in 4 provinces with big margine CB, Lusaka, Luapula, Northern and he has done well in eastern and western provinces where people did not expect him to do better. So according to results he has 6 provinces leading with big numbers out of 9 provinces, so what does that mean?

  51. Zambia has a very small population and it’s really sad for ECZ to take 48Hrs to announcing the results for only 5m plus pipo. Imagine if it were China, India, USA, Nigeria etc, then they can need the whole year. Any way Mambilima should know that she is a mother and we expect her to behave as one. We need no KenyaZIm in our motherland Zambia please. Abash rigging as God almighty is in conrol.


  53. I feel sorry for Thandiwe. I know she saw how her friend was manhandled in Ivory Coast. She must tell her sugar dad that it is either they leave or she will leave him. She is too young to suffer the Gbogbo Trauma. Banda must not make Zambia a police state just for the sake of his crimes and corruption. People have spoken and he should listen. If he is not careful, he will be castrated while he is watching. Any blood shed in Zambia should be blamed on the MMD and Banda in particular. Oh, and his cronies here on LT.

  54. My guess is that MMD will finally win because the way things are going it is not very clear. This will really be sad for Mother Zambia. We came this far not to be cheated. God bless Zambia!

  55. Let us fight for a better Zambia. Why build too many schools when employment opportunities are not there. Where are we going to take too many graduates???

    Constitution failed us, Zamtel sale Saga, Finance Bank sale unexplained. And MMD want to cling to power no matter what it takes. My humble request to the God I save, may the blood and sufferin for our Zambian during and after this election be put on the heads of all found to be trouble ingnitors e.g. UGP, ECZ and all MMD members. In Jesus name Amen.

  56. Kalos2121, it looks like your time is running out. Feel good while you can anway but i suspect you will be crying by midnight.

  57. What is the work of the EU observers. The election malpractice being seen are not even captured. What are they here to observe.? They must look at all that is happening

  58. # 104, midnight eh? Why midnight? Because people will be asleep on to wake up with Zimbabwe soldiers surrounding their cities? My time is running out? Whose time is running in? MMD? You will gnash your teeth, but it wont change the people’s votes. Soon China will be demanding their money back from MMD for the T/Shirts, Chitenges, Beer, Bicycles and those brown envelopes. You will recall this day my friend. My friend, uhh? Well who cares, after all you a fellow Zambian only with a different ideology.


  60. In Zambia though they say that our elections are free and fair, ithink this is the time for those claiming all such claims to stand and resent their fairnes, thiieves you hbave troubled us even our fathers died because of the selfish leadersip practised within one zambia.If ba KK STANDS I CAN PUT MY VOTE ON HIM.Mwe bantu mulekeni ko Sata atekeko naeena,MMD PLEASE WE LOST MANY RELATIVES BEIN KILLED BY FOREINERS WHILE WE ADJORN THOSE CASSES. Go to Japan and kill a Japanes or Chines olo chabe pa Botswana upaye muntu wabo uwwone ngati bazakuleka” awe mwandi Rupia yenda pamene bakalibe kkutusiliza machocholi.

  61. Donchi kubeba bafikala pabwato ni zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plot 1 is for HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT MICHAEL CHILUFYA SATA .HERE THIS RB YOU ARE HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:d PABWATO HERE WE COME U ASS!

  62. Latest: PF 994,090 (44.4%) MMD 808,596 (36.11) out of 116 constituencies. Ala uno mwaka waba Sata. Mampi couldn’t do the magic. Her songs wont sell. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  63. This is not correct verification by ECZ. There is no transparency in all this process and MMD will again rig the elections. This is very bad for the nation. The way results are being cooked, all in favour of RB now.

  64. I am playing the song Donchi Kubeba. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I feel like a rabbit. Those who said Sata will be retired, where are you. Are you the ones being retired?

  65. Sata will be sworn in tomorrow. HH will miss the chance to be VP. Very capable but heavily blinded by his friends in UPND. Sadly HH was played by MMD using his insiders like Kalusa. I feel sorry for this very good man. HH. Next time HH, have some vision. You are still young, but you need very good advisers. Politics is about numbers, not regions, or tribes. Look at Banda, he walked away with one province.

  66. Robert Ojwang you say there was bloodshed in Kenya when faced with the same situation then bloodshed shall there be in Zambia if they rig the results as it seems. No more talk of peaceful Nation as these *****s do not know the meaning of peace nor does it exist in their dictionary. So its up in arms comrades. Period!!!!!!!!!!!!

  67. Kalos2121, Tell them! I visited the Zambian High Commission in Kensington, London this morning to assess the mood there. I spotted one very gloomy face looking very disoriented and I thought may be he senses that his job is nearly gone. May the Lord liberate Zambia from these corrupt plunderers.

  68. It is so sad that some Presidential candidates have fewer votes than even losing MPs but we still give them a voice! Atase!

  69. As in diaspora waiting until the last vote is counted.Please everyone just be patient.There is no need to panic,the best man will win as the people have spoken.Acuusations of rigging are

    unfounded and baseless,Let us all act maturely and wait for the ECZ to do it’s job properly.

  70. Where is Chanda Chimbwi? In the past three years we have seen the following…RP Capital, Chansa Kabwela case and nurses strike that lasted 37 days, Chiluba Acquital, Task Force disbanded, Removal of public abuse fimofimo, campaign sweets, Bill Boards with smiling RB, K1.74trillion paid by mines in taxes billboards, your govt at work billboards, some of the longest adverts on znbc….Rupiah mupilipili alileta na hospital pa kapili he he he. Abash billboards….. Ka Chiluba wish the dead “could look back.” luapula is all but gone to PF.

  71. Ba ZimaNdola muletekanya! Chalo chesu bonse. We are coming back from exile should things become better there. So stop vandalism and looting.

  72. Am sure ba Sata you remember your promises to reduce on wat will happen to finance bank? Get it back it belongs to Zambians together with ZAMTEL

  73. let see how zambia can see if ecz can do what it say corruption is a cankerworm that has eaten into the fabric of our society at every level hope there is no dubious dealings done but the right scheduled procedure let us be free of this and move on

  74. i’m outside Zambia, i’m desperately looking for the latest results, i don’t find any on the net, will somebody give me some news? Please!

  75. Ati SATA will never rule Zambia. Bafikala where are you? Senior citizen Chikala, MMD Chief Bootliker Chikala, ZWD,UPND Bafikala. Ubwaato Bwaauka. Dontchii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. Education is the only route to development in Zambia. Knowledge is the fatal weapon of developed counties. Aim higher Zambia! Look at the credentials of other word leaders. The USA has a president educated at Harvard university.The prime minister of. Britain was educated at Oxford. Aim higher Zambia. A cleaner may not need a Bsc, but the it must be prerequisite, for the man or woman in the highest office in the land. Bsc or even better with Masters as a minimum. Aim higher Zambia.

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